# https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/porters-handbook/ PORTNAME = katie DISTVERSION = 4.12.0.d20201231 CATEGORIES = devel x11 net MAINTAINER = xakepa10@gmail.com COMMENT = C++ toolkit derived from the Qt 4.8 framework LICENSE = BSD3CLAUSE LGPL21+ LICENSE_COMB = multi MASTER_SITES = https://osdn.net/projects/kde/news/ DISTFILES = rss DIST_SUBDIR = ${PORTNAME} WRKSRC = ${WRKDIR}/katie.git USES = compiler:c++11-lang pkgconfig cmake xorg desktop-file-utils USE_XORG = x11 xinerama xrandr xrender xfixes xcursor xext sm ice USE_LDCONFIG = yes USE_GETTEXT_TOOLS = build run RUN_DEPENDS = xdg-open:devel/xdg-utils \ ${LOCALBASE}/share/fonts/freefont-ttf/FreeSans.ttf:x11-fonts/freefont-ttf LIB_DEPENDS = libdeflate.so:archivers/libdeflate libicuuc.so:devel/icu \ libicui18n.so:devel/icu libjansson.so:devel/jansson \ libpng.so:graphics/png libfreetype.so:print/freetype2 \ libfontconfig.so:x11-fonts/fontconfig libdbus-1.so:devel/dbus \ libcups.so:print/cups CMAKE_ARGS = -DKATIE_TOOLS_SUFFIX="-katie" -Wno-dev OPTIONS_DEFINE = NLS OPTIONS_SUB = yes NLS_DESC = Build translator and translations NLS_USES = gettext-tools NLS_CMAKE_ON = -DWITH_GETTEXTPO=TRUE NLS_CMAKE_OFF = -DWITH_GETTEXTPO=FALSE do-extract: @rm -vrf ${WRKSRC} @git clone --depth=1 git://git.osdn.net/gitroot/kde/Katie.git ${WRKSRC} .include