mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 10:22:55 +00:00
remove now redundant locale database utility
Signed-off-by: Ivailo Monev <xakepa10@laimg.moc>
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 0 additions and 3453 deletions
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
How To update CLDR Data in Qt4.8
Please follow the steps below if you want to update CLDR data in Qt4.8
- Generate new qlocale data:
wget -c http://unicode.org/Public/cldr/2.0.1/core.zip
bsdtar -xf core.zip
./cldr2qlocalexml.py common/main > data.xml
./qlocalexml2cpp.py data.xml ../..
rm -rf common data.xml core.zip
- Add autotests if needed
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
local_database is used to generate qlocale data from the Common Locale Data
Repository (The database for localized names like date formats, country names,
@ -1,829 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
## Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
## This file is part of the test suite of the Katie Toolkit.
## Commercial License Usage
## Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
## accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
## Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
## a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
## and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
## information use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us.
## GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
## General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
## Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
## LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
## following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
## requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and
## http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
## As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
## rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
## version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
## GNU General Public License Usage
## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
## General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
## Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
## packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
## ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
## met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
import os
import sys
import enumdata
import xpathlite
from xpathlite import DraftResolution
from dateconverter import convert_date
import re
findEntry = xpathlite.findEntry
findEntryInFile = xpathlite._findEntryInFile
findTagsInFile = xpathlite.findTagsInFile
def parse_number_format(patterns, data):
# this is a very limited parsing of the number format for currency only.
def skip_repeating_pattern(x):
p = x.replace('0', '#').replace(',', '').replace('.', '')
seen = False
result = ''
for c in p:
if c == '#':
if seen:
seen = True
seen = False
result = result + c
return result
patterns = patterns.split(';')
result = []
for pattern in patterns:
pattern = skip_repeating_pattern(pattern)
pattern = pattern.replace('#', "%1")
# according to http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Number_Format_Patterns
# there can be doubled or trippled currency sign, however none of the
# locales use that.
pattern = pattern.replace(u'\xa4', "%2")
pattern = pattern.replace("''", "###").replace("'", '').replace("###", "'")
pattern = pattern.replace('-', data['minus'])
pattern = pattern.replace('+', data['plus'])
return result
def parse_list_pattern_part_format(pattern):
# this is a very limited parsing of the format for list pattern part only.
result = ""
result = pattern.replace("{0}", "%1")
result = result.replace("{1}", "%2")
result = result.replace("{2}", "%3")
return result
def ordStr(c):
if len(c) == 1:
return str(ord(c))
return "##########"
# the following functions are supposed to fix the problem with QLocale
# returning a character instead of strings for QLocale::exponential()
# and others. So we fallback to default values in these cases.
def fixOrdStrExp(c):
if len(c) == 1:
return str(ord(c))
return str(ord('e'))
def fixOrdStrPercent(c):
if len(c) == 1:
return str(ord(c))
return str(ord('%'))
def fixOrdStrList(c):
if len(c) == 1:
return str(ord(c))
return str(ord(';'))
def generateLocaleInfo(path):
(dir_name, file_name) = os.path.split(path)
if not path.endswith(".xml"):
return {}
language_code = findEntryInFile(path, "identity/language", attribute="type")[0]
if language_code == 'root':
# just skip it
return {}
country_code = findEntryInFile(path, "identity/territory", attribute="type")[0]
script_code = findEntryInFile(path, "identity/script", attribute="type")[0]
variant_code = findEntryInFile(path, "identity/variant", attribute="type")[0]
# we should handle fully qualified names with the territory
if not country_code:
return {}
# we do not support variants
# ### actually there is only one locale with variant: en_US_POSIX
# does anybody care about it at all?
if variant_code:
return {}
language_id = enumdata.languageCodeToId(language_code)
if language_id == -1:
sys.stderr.write("unknown language code \"" + language_code + "\"\n")
return {}
language = enumdata.language_list[language_id][0]
script_id = enumdata.scriptCodeToId(script_code)
if script_code == -1:
sys.stderr.write("unknown script code \"" + script_code + "\"\n")
return {}
script = "AnyScript"
if script_id != -1:
script = enumdata.script_list[script_id][0]
country_id = enumdata.countryCodeToId(country_code)
country = ""
if country_id != -1:
country = enumdata.country_list[country_id][0]
if country == "":
sys.stderr.write("unknown country code \"" + country_code + "\"\n")
return {}
# So we say we accept only those values that have "contributed" or
# "approved" resolution. see http://www.unicode.org/cldr/process.html
# But we only respect the resolution for new datas for backward
# compatibility.
draft = DraftResolution.contributed
result = {}
result['language'] = language
result['script'] = script
result['country'] = country
result['language_code'] = language_code
result['country_code'] = country_code
result['script_code'] = script_code
result['variant_code'] = variant_code
result['language_id'] = language_id
result['script_id'] = script_id
result['country_id'] = country_id
supplementalPath = dir_name + "/../supplemental/supplementalData.xml"
currencies = findTagsInFile(supplementalPath, "currencyData/region[iso3166=%s]"%country_code);
result['currencyIsoCode'] = ''
result['currencyDigits'] = 2
result['currencyRounding'] = 1
if currencies:
for e in currencies:
if e[0] == 'currency':
tender = True
t = filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'tender', e[1])
if t and t[0][1] == 'false':
tender = False;
if tender and not filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'to', e[1]):
result['currencyIsoCode'] = filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'iso4217', e[1])[0][1]
if result['currencyIsoCode']:
t = findTagsInFile(supplementalPath, "currencyData/fractions/info[iso4217=%s]"%result['currencyIsoCode']);
if t and t[0][0] == 'info':
result['currencyDigits'] = int(filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'digits', t[0][1])[0][1])
result['currencyRounding'] = int(filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'rounding', t[0][1])[0][1])
numbering_system = None
numbering_system = findEntry(path, "numbers/defaultNumberingSystem")
def findEntryDef(path, xpath, value=''):
return findEntry(path, xpath)
except xpathlite.Error:
return value
def get_number_in_system(path, xpath, numbering_system):
if numbering_system:
return findEntry(path, xpath + "[numberSystem=" + numbering_system + "]")
except xpathlite.Error:
# in CLDR 1.9 number system was refactored for numbers (but not for currency)
# so if previous findEntry doesn't work we should try this:
return findEntry(path, xpath.replace("/symbols/", "/symbols[numberSystem=" + numbering_system + "]/"))
except xpathlite.Error:
# fallback to default
return findEntry(path, xpath)
result['decimal'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/decimal", numbering_system)
result['group'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/group", numbering_system)
result['list'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/list", numbering_system)
result['percent'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/percentSign", numbering_system)
numbering_systems = {}
for ns in findTagsInFile(cldr_dir + "/../supplemental/numberingSystems.xml", "numberingSystems"):
tmp = {}
id = ""
for data in ns[1:][0]: # ns looks like this: [u'numberingSystem', [(u'digits', u'0123456789'), (u'type', u'numeric'), (u'id', u'latn')]]
tmp[data[0]] = data[1]
if data[0] == u"id":
id = data[1]
numbering_systems[id] = tmp
result['zero'] = numbering_systems[numbering_system][u"digits"][0]
except e:
sys.stderr.write("Native zero detection problem:\n" + str(e) + "\n")
result['zero'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/nativeZeroDigit", numbering_system)
result['minus'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/minusSign", numbering_system)
result['plus'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/plusSign", numbering_system)
result['exp'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/exponential", numbering_system).lower()
result['quotationStart'] = findEntry(path, "delimiters/quotationStart")
result['quotationEnd'] = findEntry(path, "delimiters/quotationEnd")
result['alternateQuotationStart'] = findEntry(path, "delimiters/alternateQuotationStart")
result['alternateQuotationEnd'] = findEntry(path, "delimiters/alternateQuotationEnd")
result['listPatternPartStart'] = parse_list_pattern_part_format(findEntry(path, "listPatterns/listPattern/listPatternPart[start]"))
result['listPatternPartMiddle'] = parse_list_pattern_part_format(findEntry(path, "listPatterns/listPattern/listPatternPart[middle]"))
result['listPatternPartEnd'] = parse_list_pattern_part_format(findEntry(path, "listPatterns/listPattern/listPatternPart[end]"))
result['listPatternPartTwo'] = parse_list_pattern_part_format(findEntry(path, "listPatterns/listPattern/listPatternPart[2]"))
result['am'] = findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/dayPeriods/dayPeriodContext[format]/dayPeriodWidth[wide]/dayPeriod[am]", draft)
result['pm'] = findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/dayPeriods/dayPeriodContext[format]/dayPeriodWidth[wide]/dayPeriod[pm]", draft)
result['longDateFormat'] = convert_date(findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/dateFormats/dateFormatLength[full]/dateFormat/pattern"))
result['shortDateFormat'] = convert_date(findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/dateFormats/dateFormatLength[short]/dateFormat/pattern"))
result['longTimeFormat'] = convert_date(findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/timeFormats/timeFormatLength[full]/timeFormat/pattern"))
result['shortTimeFormat'] = convert_date(findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/timeFormats/timeFormatLength[short]/timeFormat/pattern"))
endonym = None
if country_code and script_code:
endonym = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/languages/language[type=%s_%s_%s]" % (language_code, script_code, country_code))
if not endonym and script_code:
endonym = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/languages/language[type=%s_%s]" % (language_code, script_code))
if not endonym and country_code:
endonym = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/languages/language[type=%s_%s]" % (language_code, country_code))
if not endonym:
endonym = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/languages/language[type=%s]" % (language_code))
result['language_endonym'] = endonym
result['country_endonym'] = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/territories/territory[type=%s]" % (country_code))
currency_format = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/currencyFormats/currencyFormatLength/currencyFormat/pattern", numbering_system)
currency_format = parse_number_format(currency_format, result)
result['currencyFormat'] = currency_format[0]
result['currencyNegativeFormat'] = ''
if len(currency_format) > 1:
result['currencyNegativeFormat'] = currency_format[1]
result['currencySymbol'] = ''
result['currencyDisplayName'] = ''
if result['currencyIsoCode']:
result['currencySymbol'] = findEntryDef(path, "numbers/currencies/currency[%s]/symbol" % result['currencyIsoCode'])
display_name_path = "numbers/currencies/currency[%s]/displayName" % result['currencyIsoCode']
result['currencyDisplayName'] \
= findEntryDef(path, display_name_path) + ";" \
+ findEntryDef(path, display_name_path + "[count=zero]") + ";" \
+ findEntryDef(path, display_name_path + "[count=one]") + ";" \
+ findEntryDef(path, display_name_path + "[count=two]") + ";" \
+ findEntryDef(path, display_name_path + "[count=few]") + ";" \
+ findEntryDef(path, display_name_path + "[count=many]") + ";" \
+ findEntryDef(path, display_name_path + "[count=other]") + ";"
standalone_long_month_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/months/monthContext[stand-alone]/monthWidth[wide]/month"
result['standaloneLongMonths'] \
= findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[1]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[2]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[3]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[4]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[5]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[6]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[7]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[8]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[9]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[10]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[11]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[12]") + ";"
standalone_short_month_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/months/monthContext[stand-alone]/monthWidth[abbreviated]/month"
result['standaloneShortMonths'] \
= findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[1]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[2]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[3]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[4]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[5]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[6]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[7]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[8]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[9]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[10]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[11]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[12]") + ";"
standalone_narrow_month_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/months/monthContext[stand-alone]/monthWidth[narrow]/month"
result['standaloneNarrowMonths'] \
= findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[1]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[2]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[3]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[4]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[5]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[6]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[7]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[8]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[9]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[10]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[11]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[12]") + ";"
long_month_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/months/monthContext[format]/monthWidth[wide]/month"
result['longMonths'] \
= findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[1]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[2]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[3]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[4]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[5]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[6]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[7]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[8]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[9]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[10]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[11]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[12]") + ";"
short_month_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/months/monthContext[format]/monthWidth[abbreviated]/month"
result['shortMonths'] \
= findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[1]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[2]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[3]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[4]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[5]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[6]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[7]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[8]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[9]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[10]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[11]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[12]") + ";"
narrow_month_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/months/monthContext[format]/monthWidth[narrow]/month"
result['narrowMonths'] \
= findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[1]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[2]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[3]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[4]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[5]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[6]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[7]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[8]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[9]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[10]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[11]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[12]") + ";"
long_day_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/days/dayContext[format]/dayWidth[wide]/day"
result['longDays'] \
= findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[sun]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[mon]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[tue]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[wed]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[thu]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[fri]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[sat]") + ";"
short_day_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/days/dayContext[format]/dayWidth[abbreviated]/day"
result['shortDays'] \
= findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[sun]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[mon]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[tue]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[wed]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[thu]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[fri]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[sat]") + ";"
narrow_day_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/days/dayContext[format]/dayWidth[narrow]/day"
result['narrowDays'] \
= findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[sun]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[mon]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[tue]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[wed]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[thu]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[fri]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[sat]") + ";"
standalone_long_day_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/days/dayContext[stand-alone]/dayWidth[wide]/day"
result['standaloneLongDays'] \
= findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[sun]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[mon]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[tue]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[wed]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[thu]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[fri]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[sat]") + ";"
standalone_short_day_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/days/dayContext[stand-alone]/dayWidth[abbreviated]/day"
result['standaloneShortDays'] \
= findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[sun]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[mon]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[tue]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[wed]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[thu]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[fri]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[sat]") + ";"
standalone_narrow_day_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/days/dayContext[stand-alone]/dayWidth[narrow]/day"
result['standaloneNarrowDays'] \
= findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[sun]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[mon]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[tue]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[wed]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[thu]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[fri]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[sat]") + ";"
return result
def addEscapes(s):
result = ''
for c in s:
n = ord(c)
if n < 128:
result += c
result += "\\x"
result += "%02x" % (n)
return result
def unicodeStr(s):
utf8 = s.encode('utf-8')
return "<size>" + str(len(utf8)) + "</size><data>" + addEscapes(utf8) + "</data>"
def usage():
print "Usage: cldr2qlocalexml.py <path-to-cldr-main>"
def integrateWeekData(filePath):
if not filePath.endswith(".xml"):
return {}
monFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=mon]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
tueFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=tue]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
wedFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=wed]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
thuFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=thu]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
friFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=fri]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
satFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=sat]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
sunFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=sun]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
monWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=mon]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
tueWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=tue]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
wedWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=wed]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
thuWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=thu]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
friWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=fri]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
satWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=sat]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
sunWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=sun]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
monWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=mon]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
tueWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=tue]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
wedWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=wed]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
thuWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=thu]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
friWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=fri]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
satWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=sat]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
sunWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=sun]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
firstDayByCountryCode = {}
for countryCode in monFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "mon"
for countryCode in tueFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "tue"
for countryCode in wedFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "wed"
for countryCode in thuFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "thu"
for countryCode in friFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "fri"
for countryCode in satFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "sat"
for countryCode in sunFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "sun"
weekendStartByCountryCode = {}
for countryCode in monWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "mon"
for countryCode in tueWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "tue"
for countryCode in wedWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "wed"
for countryCode in thuWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "thu"
for countryCode in friWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "fri"
for countryCode in satWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "sat"
for countryCode in sunWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "sun"
weekendEndByCountryCode = {}
for countryCode in monWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "mon"
for countryCode in tueWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "tue"
for countryCode in wedWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "wed"
for countryCode in thuWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "thu"
for countryCode in friWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "fri"
for countryCode in satWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "sat"
for countryCode in sunWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "sun"
for (key,locale) in locale_database.iteritems():
countryCode = locale['country_code']
if countryCode in firstDayByCountryCode:
locale_database[key]['firstDayOfWeek'] = firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode]
locale_database[key]['firstDayOfWeek'] = firstDayByCountryCode["001"]
if countryCode in weekendStartByCountryCode:
locale_database[key]['weekendStart'] = weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode]
locale_database[key]['weekendStart'] = weekendStartByCountryCode["001"]
if countryCode in weekendEndByCountryCode:
locale_database[key]['weekendEnd'] = weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode]
locale_database[key]['weekendEnd'] = weekendEndByCountryCode["001"]
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
cldr_dir = sys.argv[1]
if not os.path.isdir(cldr_dir):
cldr_files = os.listdir(cldr_dir)
locale_database = {}
for file in cldr_files:
l = generateLocaleInfo(cldr_dir + "/" + file)
if not l:
sys.stderr.write("skipping file \"" + file + "\"\n")
locale_database[(l['language_id'], l['script_id'], l['country_id'], l['variant_code'])] = l
locale_keys = locale_database.keys()
cldr_version = 'unknown'
ldml = open(cldr_dir+"/../dtd/ldml.dtd", "r")
for line in ldml:
if 'version cldrVersion CDATA #FIXED' in line:
cldr_version = line.split('"')[1]
print "<localeDatabase>"
print " <version>" + cldr_version + "</version>"
print " <languageList>"
for id in enumdata.language_list:
l = enumdata.language_list[id]
print " <language>"
print " <name>" + l[0] + "</name>"
print " <id>" + str(id) + "</id>"
print " <code>" + l[1] + "</code>"
print " </language>"
print " </languageList>"
print " <scriptList>"
for id in enumdata.script_list:
l = enumdata.script_list[id]
print " <script>"
print " <name>" + l[0] + "</name>"
print " <id>" + str(id) + "</id>"
print " <code>" + l[1] + "</code>"
print " </script>"
print " </scriptList>"
print " <countryList>"
for id in enumdata.country_list:
l = enumdata.country_list[id]
print " <country>"
print " <name>" + l[0] + "</name>"
print " <id>" + str(id) + "</id>"
print " <code>" + l[1] + "</code>"
print " </country>"
print " </countryList>"
print \
" <defaultCountryList>\n\
print " <localeList>"
print \
" <locale>\n\
<listPatternPartStart>%1, %2</listPatternPartStart>\n\
<listPatternPartMiddle>%1, %2</listPatternPartMiddle>\n\
<listPatternPartEnd>%1, %2</listPatternPartEnd>\n\
<listPatternPartTwo>%1, %2</listPatternPartTwo>\n\
<longDateFormat>EEEE, d MMMM yyyy</longDateFormat>\n\
<shortDateFormat>d MMM yyyy</shortDateFormat>\n\
<longTimeFormat>HH:mm:ss z</longTimeFormat>\n\
for key in locale_keys:
l = locale_database[key]
print " <locale>"
print " <language>" + l['language'] + "</language>"
print " <languageEndonym>" + l['language_endonym'].encode('utf-8') + "</languageEndonym>"
print " <script>" + l['script'] + "</script>"
print " <country>" + l['country'] + "</country>"
print " <countryEndonym>" + l['country_endonym'].encode('utf-8') + "</countryEndonym>"
print " <languagecode>" + l['language_code'] + "</languagecode>"
print " <scriptcode>" + l['script_code'] + "</scriptcode>"
print " <countrycode>" + l['country_code'] + "</countrycode>"
print " <decimal>" + ordStr(l['decimal']) + "</decimal>"
print " <group>" + ordStr(l['group']) + "</group>"
print " <list>" + fixOrdStrList(l['list']) + "</list>"
print " <percent>" + fixOrdStrPercent(l['percent']) + "</percent>"
print " <zero>" + ordStr(l['zero']) + "</zero>"
print " <minus>" + ordStr(l['minus']) + "</minus>"
print " <plus>" + ordStr(l['plus']) + "</plus>"
print " <exp>" + fixOrdStrExp(l['exp']) + "</exp>"
print " <quotationStart>" + l['quotationStart'].encode('utf-8') + "</quotationStart>"
print " <quotationEnd>" + l['quotationEnd'].encode('utf-8') + "</quotationEnd>"
print " <alternateQuotationStart>" + l['alternateQuotationStart'].encode('utf-8') + "</alternateQuotationStart>"
print " <alternateQuotationEnd>" + l['alternateQuotationEnd'].encode('utf-8') + "</alternateQuotationEnd>"
print " <listPatternPartStart>" + l['listPatternPartStart'].encode('utf-8') + "</listPatternPartStart>"
print " <listPatternPartMiddle>" + l['listPatternPartMiddle'].encode('utf-8') + "</listPatternPartMiddle>"
print " <listPatternPartEnd>" + l['listPatternPartEnd'].encode('utf-8') + "</listPatternPartEnd>"
print " <listPatternPartTwo>" + l['listPatternPartTwo'].encode('utf-8') + "</listPatternPartTwo>"
print " <am>" + l['am'].encode('utf-8') + "</am>"
print " <pm>" + l['pm'].encode('utf-8') + "</pm>"
print " <firstDayOfWeek>" + l['firstDayOfWeek'].encode('utf-8') + "</firstDayOfWeek>"
print " <weekendStart>" + l['weekendStart'].encode('utf-8') + "</weekendStart>"
print " <weekendEnd>" + l['weekendEnd'].encode('utf-8') + "</weekendEnd>"
print " <longDateFormat>" + l['longDateFormat'].encode('utf-8') + "</longDateFormat>"
print " <shortDateFormat>" + l['shortDateFormat'].encode('utf-8') + "</shortDateFormat>"
print " <longTimeFormat>" + l['longTimeFormat'].encode('utf-8') + "</longTimeFormat>"
print " <shortTimeFormat>" + l['shortTimeFormat'].encode('utf-8') + "</shortTimeFormat>"
print " <standaloneLongMonths>" + l['standaloneLongMonths'].encode('utf-8') + "</standaloneLongMonths>"
print " <standaloneShortMonths>"+ l['standaloneShortMonths'].encode('utf-8') + "</standaloneShortMonths>"
print " <standaloneNarrowMonths>"+ l['standaloneNarrowMonths'].encode('utf-8') + "</standaloneNarrowMonths>"
print " <longMonths>" + l['longMonths'].encode('utf-8') + "</longMonths>"
print " <shortMonths>" + l['shortMonths'].encode('utf-8') + "</shortMonths>"
print " <narrowMonths>" + l['narrowMonths'].encode('utf-8') + "</narrowMonths>"
print " <longDays>" + l['longDays'].encode('utf-8') + "</longDays>"
print " <shortDays>" + l['shortDays'].encode('utf-8') + "</shortDays>"
print " <narrowDays>" + l['narrowDays'].encode('utf-8') + "</narrowDays>"
print " <standaloneLongDays>" + l['standaloneLongDays'].encode('utf-8') + "</standaloneLongDays>"
print " <standaloneShortDays>" + l['standaloneShortDays'].encode('utf-8') + "</standaloneShortDays>"
print " <standaloneNarrowDays>" + l['standaloneNarrowDays'].encode('utf-8') + "</standaloneNarrowDays>"
print " <currencyIsoCode>" + l['currencyIsoCode'].encode('utf-8') + "</currencyIsoCode>"
print " <currencySymbol>" + l['currencySymbol'].encode('utf-8') + "</currencySymbol>"
print " <currencyDisplayName>" + l['currencyDisplayName'].encode('utf-8') + "</currencyDisplayName>"
print " <currencyDigits>" + str(l['currencyDigits']) + "</currencyDigits>"
print " <currencyRounding>" + str(l['currencyRounding']) + "</currencyRounding>"
print " <currencyFormat>" + l['currencyFormat'].encode('utf-8') + "</currencyFormat>"
print " <currencyNegativeFormat>" + l['currencyNegativeFormat'].encode('utf-8') + "</currencyNegativeFormat>"
print " </locale>"
print " </localeList>"
print "</localeDatabase>"
@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
## Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
## This file is part of the test suite of the Katie Toolkit.
## Commercial License Usage
## Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
## accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
## Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
## a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
## and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
## information use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us.
## GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
## General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
## Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
## LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
## following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
## requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and
## http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
## As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
## rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
## version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
## GNU General Public License Usage
## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
## General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
## Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
## packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
## ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
## met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
import re
def _convert_pattern(pattern):
# patterns from http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Date_Format_Patterns
qt_regexps = {
r"yyy{3,}" : "yyyy", # more that three digits hence convert to four-digit year
r"L" : "M", # stand-alone month names. not supported.
r"g{1,}": "", # modified julian day. not supported.
r"S{1,}" : "", # fractional seconds. not supported.
r"A{1,}" : "" # milliseconds in day. not supported.
qt_patterns = {
"G" : "", "GG" : "", "GGG" : "", "GGGG" : "", "GGGGG" : "", # Era. not supported.
"y" : "yyyy", # four-digit year without leading zeroes
"Q" : "", "QQ" : "", "QQQ" : "", "QQQQ" : "", # quarter. not supported.
"q" : "", "qq" : "", "qqq" : "", "qqqq" : "", # quarter. not supported.
"MMMMM" : "MMM", # narrow month name.
"LLLLL" : "MMM", # stand-alone narrow month name.
"l" : "", # special symbol for chinese leap month. not supported.
"w" : "", "W" : "", # week of year/month. not supported.
"D" : "", "DD" : "", "DDD" : "", # day of year. not supported.
"F" : "", # day of week in month. not supported.
"E" : "ddd", "EE" : "ddd", "EEE" : "ddd", "EEEEE" : "ddd", "EEEE" : "dddd", # day of week
"e" : "ddd", "ee" : "ddd", "eee" : "ddd", "eeeee" : "ddd", "eeee" : "dddd", # local day of week
"c" : "ddd", "cc" : "ddd", "ccc" : "ddd", "ccccc" : "ddd", "cccc" : "dddd", # stand-alone local day of week
"a" : "AP", # AM/PM
"K" : "h", # Hour 0-11
"k" : "H", # Hour 1-24
"j" : "", # special reserved symbol.
"z" : "t", "zz" : "t", "zzz" : "t", "zzzz" : "t", # timezone
"Z" : "t", "ZZ" : "t", "ZZZ" : "t", "ZZZZ" : "t", # timezone
"v" : "t", "vv" : "t", "vvv" : "t", "vvvv" : "t", # timezone
"V" : "t", "VV" : "t", "VVV" : "t", "VVVV" : "t" # timezone
if qt_patterns.has_key(pattern):
return qt_patterns[pattern]
for r,v in qt_regexps.items():
pattern = re.sub(r, v, pattern)
return pattern
def convert_date(input):
result = ""
patterns = "GyYuQqMLlwWdDFgEecahHKkjmsSAzZvV"
last = ""
inquote = 0
chars_to_strip = " -"
for c in input:
if c == "'":
inquote = inquote + 1
if inquote % 2 == 0:
if c in patterns:
if not last:
last = c
if c in last:
last += c
# pattern changed
converted = _convert_pattern(last)
result += converted
if not converted:
result = result.rstrip(chars_to_strip)
last = c
if last:
# pattern ended
converted = _convert_pattern(last)
result += converted
if not converted:
result = result.rstrip(chars_to_strip)
last = ""
result += c
if last:
converted = _convert_pattern(last)
result += converted
if not converted:
result = result.rstrip(chars_to_strip)
return result.lstrip(chars_to_strip)
@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
## Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
## This file is part of the test suite of the Katie Toolkit.
## Commercial License Usage
## Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
## accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
## Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
## a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
## and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
## information use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us.
## GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
## General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
## Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
## LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
## following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
## requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and
## http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
## As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
## rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
## version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
## GNU General Public License Usage
## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
## General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
## Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
## packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
## ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
## met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# language_list and country_list reflect the current values of enums in qlocale.h
# If new xml language files are available in CLDR, these languages and countries
# need to be *appended* to this list.
language_list = {
0 : [ "AnyLanguage", " " ],
1 : [ "C", " " ],
2 : [ "Abkhazian", "ab" ],
3 : [ "Afan", "om" ],
4 : [ "Afar", "aa" ],
5 : [ "Afrikaans", "af" ],
6 : [ "Albanian", "sq" ],
7 : [ "Amharic", "am" ],
8 : [ "Arabic", "ar" ],
9 : [ "Armenian", "hy" ],
10 : [ "Assamese", "as" ],
11 : [ "Aymara", "ay" ],
12 : [ "Azerbaijani", "az" ],
13 : [ "Bashkir", "ba" ],
14 : [ "Basque", "eu" ],
15 : [ "Bengali", "bn" ],
16 : [ "Bhutani", "dz" ],
17 : [ "Bihari", "bh" ],
18 : [ "Bislama", "bi" ],
19 : [ "Breton", "br" ],
20 : [ "Bulgarian", "bg" ],
21 : [ "Burmese", "my" ],
22 : [ "Byelorussian", "be" ],
23 : [ "Cambodian", "km" ],
24 : [ "Catalan", "ca" ],
25 : [ "Chinese", "zh" ],
26 : [ "Corsican", "co" ],
27 : [ "Croatian", "hr" ],
28 : [ "Czech", "cs" ],
29 : [ "Danish", "da" ],
30 : [ "Dutch", "nl" ],
31 : [ "English", "en" ],
32 : [ "Esperanto", "eo" ],
33 : [ "Estonian", "et" ],
34 : [ "Faroese", "fo" ],
35 : [ "Fiji", "fj" ],
36 : [ "Finnish", "fi" ],
37 : [ "French", "fr" ],
38 : [ "Frisian", "fy" ],
39 : [ "Gaelic", "gd" ],
40 : [ "Galician", "gl" ],
41 : [ "Georgian", "ka" ],
42 : [ "German", "de" ],
43 : [ "Greek", "el" ],
44 : [ "Greenlandic", "kl" ],
45 : [ "Guarani", "gn" ],
46 : [ "Gujarati", "gu" ],
47 : [ "Hausa", "ha" ],
48 : [ "Hebrew", "he" ],
49 : [ "Hindi", "hi" ],
50 : [ "Hungarian", "hu" ],
51 : [ "Icelandic", "is" ],
52 : [ "Indonesian", "id" ],
53 : [ "Interlingua", "ia" ],
54 : [ "Interlingue", "ie" ],
55 : [ "Inuktitut", "iu" ],
56 : [ "Inupiak", "ik" ],
57 : [ "Irish", "ga" ],
58 : [ "Italian", "it" ],
59 : [ "Japanese", "ja" ],
60 : [ "Javanese", "jv" ],
61 : [ "Kannada", "kn" ],
62 : [ "Kashmiri", "ks" ],
63 : [ "Kazakh", "kk" ],
64 : [ "Kinyarwanda", "rw" ],
65 : [ "Kirghiz", "ky" ],
66 : [ "Korean", "ko" ],
67 : [ "Kurdish", "ku" ],
68 : [ "Rundi", "rn" ],
69 : [ "Laothian", "lo" ],
70 : [ "Latin", "la" ],
71 : [ "Latvian", "lv" ],
72 : [ "Lingala", "ln" ],
73 : [ "Lithuanian", "lt" ],
74 : [ "Macedonian", "mk" ],
75 : [ "Malagasy", "mg" ],
76 : [ "Malay", "ms" ],
77 : [ "Malayalam", "ml" ],
78 : [ "Maltese", "mt" ],
79 : [ "Maori", "mi" ],
80 : [ "Marathi", "mr" ],
81 : [ "Moldavian", "mo" ], # deprecated (alias to "ro_MD")
82 : [ "Mongolian", "mn" ],
83 : [ "Nauru", "na" ],
84 : [ "Nepali", "ne" ],
85 : [ "Norwegian", "nb" ],
86 : [ "Occitan", "oc" ],
87 : [ "Oriya", "or" ],
88 : [ "Pashto", "ps" ],
89 : [ "Persian", "fa" ],
90 : [ "Polish", "pl" ],
91 : [ "Portuguese", "pt" ],
92 : [ "Punjabi", "pa" ],
93 : [ "Quechua", "qu" ],
94 : [ "RhaetoRomance", "rm" ],
95 : [ "Romanian", "ro" ],
96 : [ "Russian", "ru" ],
97 : [ "Samoan", "sm" ],
98 : [ "Sangho", "sg" ],
99 : [ "Sanskrit", "sa" ],
100 : [ "Serbian", "sr" ],
101 : [ "SerboCroatian", "sh" ], # legacy (alias to "sr_Latn")
102 : [ "Sesotho", "st" ],
103 : [ "Setswana", "tn" ],
104 : [ "Shona", "sn" ],
105 : [ "Sindhi", "sd" ],
106 : [ "Singhalese", "si" ],
107 : [ "Siswati", "ss" ],
108 : [ "Slovak", "sk" ],
109 : [ "Slovenian", "sl" ],
110 : [ "Somali", "so" ],
111 : [ "Spanish", "es" ],
112 : [ "Sundanese", "su" ],
113 : [ "Swahili", "sw" ],
114 : [ "Swedish", "sv" ],
115 : [ "Tagalog", "tl" ], # legacy (alias to "fil")
116 : [ "Tajik", "tg" ],
117 : [ "Tamil", "ta" ],
118 : [ "Tatar", "tt" ],
119 : [ "Telugu", "te" ],
120 : [ "Thai", "th" ],
121 : [ "Tibetan", "bo" ],
122 : [ "Tigrinya", "ti" ],
123 : [ "Tonga", "to" ],
124 : [ "Tsonga", "ts" ],
125 : [ "Turkish", "tr" ],
126 : [ "Turkmen", "tk" ],
127 : [ "Twi", "tw" ], # should be an alias to Akan
128 : [ "Uigur", "ug" ],
129 : [ "Ukrainian", "uk" ],
130 : [ "Urdu", "ur" ],
131 : [ "Uzbek", "uz" ],
132 : [ "Vietnamese", "vi" ],
133 : [ "Volapuk", "vo" ],
134 : [ "Welsh", "cy" ],
135 : [ "Wolof", "wo" ],
136 : [ "Xhosa", "xh" ],
137 : [ "Yiddish", "yi" ],
138 : [ "Yoruba", "yo" ],
139 : [ "Zhuang", "za" ],
140 : [ "Zulu", "zu" ],
141 : [ "Nynorsk", "nn" ],
142 : [ "Bosnian", "bs" ],
143 : [ "Divehi", "dv" ],
144 : [ "Manx", "gv" ],
145 : [ "Cornish", "kw" ],
146 : [ "Akan", "ak" ],
147 : [ "Konkani", "kok" ],
148 : [ "Ga", "gaa" ],
149 : [ "Igbo", "ig" ],
150 : [ "Kamba", "kam" ],
151 : [ "Syriac", "syr" ],
152 : [ "Blin", "byn" ],
153 : [ "Geez", "gez" ],
154 : [ "Koro", "kfo" ],
155 : [ "Sidamo", "sid" ],
156 : [ "Atsam", "cch" ],
157 : [ "Tigre", "tig" ],
158 : [ "Jju", "kaj" ],
159 : [ "Friulian", "fur" ],
160 : [ "Venda", "ve" ],
161 : [ "Ewe", "ee" ],
162 : [ "Walamo", "wal" ],
163 : [ "Hawaiian", "haw" ],
164 : [ "Tyap", "kcg" ],
165 : [ "Chewa", "ny" ],
166 : [ "Filipino", "fil" ],
167 : [ "Swiss German", "gsw" ],
168 : [ "Sichuan Yi", "ii" ],
169 : [ "Kpelle", "kpe" ],
170 : [ "Low German", "nds" ],
171 : [ "South Ndebele", "nr" ],
172 : [ "Northern Sotho", "nso" ],
173 : [ "Northern Sami", "se" ],
174 : [ "Taroko", "trv" ],
175 : [ "Gusii", "guz" ],
176 : [ "Taita", "dav" ],
177 : [ "Fulah", "ff" ],
178 : [ "Kikuyu", "ki" ],
179 : [ "Samburu", "saq" ],
180 : [ "Sena", "seh" ],
181 : [ "North Ndebele", "nd" ],
182 : [ "Rombo", "rof" ],
183 : [ "Tachelhit", "shi" ],
184 : [ "Kabyle", "kab" ],
185 : [ "Nyankole", "nyn" ],
186 : [ "Bena", "bez" ],
187 : [ "Vunjo", "vun" ],
188 : [ "Bambara", "bm" ],
189 : [ "Embu", "ebu" ],
190 : [ "Cherokee", "chr" ],
191 : [ "Morisyen", "mfe" ],
192 : [ "Makonde", "kde" ],
193 : [ "Langi", "lag" ],
194 : [ "Ganda", "lg" ],
195 : [ "Bemba", "bem" ],
196 : [ "Kabuverdianu", "kea" ],
197 : [ "Meru", "mer" ],
198 : [ "Kalenjin", "kln" ],
199 : [ "Nama", "naq" ],
200 : [ "Machame", "jmc" ],
201 : [ "Colognian", "ksh" ],
202 : [ "Masai", "mas" ],
203 : [ "Soga", "xog" ],
204 : [ "Luyia", "luy" ],
205 : [ "Asu", "asa" ],
206 : [ "Teso", "teo" ],
207 : [ "Saho", "ssy" ],
208 : [ "Koyra Chiini", "khq" ],
209 : [ "Rwa", "rwk" ],
210 : [ "Luo", "luo" ],
211 : [ "Chiga", "cgg" ],
212 : [ "Central Morocco Tamazight", "tzm" ],
213 : [ "Koyraboro Senni", "ses" ],
214 : [ "Shambala", "ksb" ],
215 : [ "Bodo", "brx" ],
216 : [ "Aghem", "agq" ],
217 : [ "Basaa", "bas" ],
218 : [ "Zarma", "dje" ],
219 : [ "Duala", "dua" ],
220 : [ "JolaFonyi", "dyo" ],
221 : [ "Ewondo", "ewo" ],
222 : [ "Bafia", "ksf" ],
223 : [ "LubaKatanga", "lu" ],
224 : [ "MakhuwaMeetto", "mgh" ],
225 : [ "Mundang", "mua" ],
226 : [ "Kwasio", "nmg" ],
227 : [ "Nuer", "nus" ],
228 : [ "Sakha", "sah" ],
229 : [ "Sangu", "sbp" ],
230 : [ "Congo Swahili", "swc" ],
231 : [ "Tasawaq", "twq" ],
232 : [ "Vai", "vai" ],
233 : [ "Walser", "wae" ],
234 : [ "Yangben", "yav" ]
country_list = {
0 : [ "AnyCountry", " " ],
1 : [ "Afghanistan", "AF" ],
2 : [ "Albania", "AL" ],
3 : [ "Algeria", "DZ" ],
4 : [ "AmericanSamoa", "AS" ],
5 : [ "Andorra", "AD" ],
6 : [ "Angola", "AO" ],
7 : [ "Anguilla", "AI" ],
8 : [ "Antarctica", "AQ" ],
9 : [ "AntiguaAndBarbuda", "AG" ],
10 : [ "Argentina", "AR" ],
11 : [ "Armenia", "AM" ],
12 : [ "Aruba", "AW" ],
13 : [ "Australia", "AU" ],
14 : [ "Austria", "AT" ],
15 : [ "Azerbaijan", "AZ" ],
16 : [ "Bahamas", "BS" ],
17 : [ "Bahrain", "BH" ],
18 : [ "Bangladesh", "BD" ],
19 : [ "Barbados", "BB" ],
20 : [ "Belarus", "BY" ],
21 : [ "Belgium", "BE" ],
22 : [ "Belize", "BZ" ],
23 : [ "Benin", "BJ" ],
24 : [ "Bermuda", "BM" ],
25 : [ "Bhutan", "BT" ],
26 : [ "Bolivia", "BO" ],
27 : [ "BosniaAndHerzegowina", "BA" ],
28 : [ "Botswana", "BW" ],
29 : [ "BouvetIsland", "BV" ],
30 : [ "Brazil", "BR" ],
31 : [ "BritishIndianOceanTerritory", "IO" ],
32 : [ "BruneiDarussalam", "BN" ],
33 : [ "Bulgaria", "BG" ],
34 : [ "BurkinaFaso", "BF" ],
35 : [ "Burundi", "BI" ],
36 : [ "Cambodia", "KH" ],
37 : [ "Cameroon", "CM" ],
38 : [ "Canada", "CA" ],
39 : [ "CapeVerde", "CV" ],
40 : [ "CaymanIslands", "KY" ],
41 : [ "CentralAfricanRepublic", "CF" ],
42 : [ "Chad", "TD" ],
43 : [ "Chile", "CL" ],
44 : [ "China", "CN" ],
45 : [ "ChristmasIsland", "CX" ],
46 : [ "CocosIslands", "CC" ],
47 : [ "Colombia", "CO" ],
48 : [ "Comoros", "KM" ],
49 : [ "DemocraticRepublicOfCongo", "CD" ],
50 : [ "PeoplesRepublicOfCongo", "CG" ],
51 : [ "CookIslands", "CK" ],
52 : [ "CostaRica", "CR" ],
53 : [ "IvoryCoast", "CI" ],
54 : [ "Croatia", "HR" ],
55 : [ "Cuba", "CU" ],
56 : [ "Cyprus", "CY" ],
57 : [ "CzechRepublic", "CZ" ],
58 : [ "Denmark", "DK" ],
59 : [ "Djibouti", "DJ" ],
60 : [ "Dominica", "DM" ],
61 : [ "DominicanRepublic", "DO" ],
62 : [ "EastTimor", "TL" ],
63 : [ "Ecuador", "EC" ],
64 : [ "Egypt", "EG" ],
65 : [ "ElSalvador", "SV" ],
66 : [ "EquatorialGuinea", "GQ" ],
67 : [ "Eritrea", "ER" ],
68 : [ "Estonia", "EE" ],
69 : [ "Ethiopia", "ET" ],
70 : [ "FalklandIslands", "FK" ],
71 : [ "FaroeIslands", "FO" ],
72 : [ "Fiji", "FJ" ],
73 : [ "Finland", "FI" ],
74 : [ "France", "FR" ],
75 : [ "MetropolitanFrance", "FX" ],
76 : [ "FrenchGuiana", "GF" ],
77 : [ "FrenchPolynesia", "PF" ],
78 : [ "FrenchSouthernTerritories", "TF" ],
79 : [ "Gabon", "GA" ],
80 : [ "Gambia", "GM" ],
81 : [ "Georgia", "GE" ],
82 : [ "Germany", "DE" ],
83 : [ "Ghana", "GH" ],
84 : [ "Gibraltar", "GI" ],
85 : [ "Greece", "GR" ],
86 : [ "Greenland", "GL" ],
87 : [ "Grenada", "GD" ],
88 : [ "Guadeloupe", "GP" ],
89 : [ "Guam", "GU" ],
90 : [ "Guatemala", "GT" ],
91 : [ "Guinea", "GN" ],
92 : [ "GuineaBissau", "GW" ],
93 : [ "Guyana", "GY" ],
94 : [ "Haiti", "HT" ],
95 : [ "HeardAndMcDonaldIslands", "HM" ],
96 : [ "Honduras", "HN" ],
97 : [ "HongKong", "HK" ],
98 : [ "Hungary", "HU" ],
99 : [ "Iceland", "IS" ],
100 : [ "India", "IN" ],
101 : [ "Indonesia", "ID" ],
102 : [ "Iran", "IR" ],
103 : [ "Iraq", "IQ" ],
104 : [ "Ireland", "IE" ],
105 : [ "Israel", "IL" ],
106 : [ "Italy", "IT" ],
107 : [ "Jamaica", "JM" ],
108 : [ "Japan", "JP" ],
109 : [ "Jordan", "JO" ],
110 : [ "Kazakhstan", "KZ" ],
111 : [ "Kenya", "KE" ],
112 : [ "Kiribati", "KI" ],
113 : [ "DemocraticRepublicOfKorea", "KP" ],
114 : [ "RepublicOfKorea", "KR" ],
115 : [ "Kuwait", "KW" ],
116 : [ "Kyrgyzstan", "KG" ],
117 : [ "Lao", "LA" ],
118 : [ "Latvia", "LV" ],
119 : [ "Lebanon", "LB" ],
120 : [ "Lesotho", "LS" ],
121 : [ "Liberia", "LR" ],
122 : [ "LibyanArabJamahiriya", "LY" ],
123 : [ "Liechtenstein", "LI" ],
124 : [ "Lithuania", "LT" ],
125 : [ "Luxembourg", "LU" ],
126 : [ "Macau", "MO" ],
127 : [ "Macedonia", "MK" ],
128 : [ "Madagascar", "MG" ],
129 : [ "Malawi", "MW" ],
130 : [ "Malaysia", "MY" ],
131 : [ "Maldives", "MV" ],
132 : [ "Mali", "ML" ],
133 : [ "Malta", "MT" ],
134 : [ "MarshallIslands", "MH" ],
135 : [ "Martinique", "MQ" ],
136 : [ "Mauritania", "MR" ],
137 : [ "Mauritius", "MU" ],
138 : [ "Mayotte", "YT" ],
139 : [ "Mexico", "MX" ],
140 : [ "Micronesia", "FM" ],
141 : [ "Moldova", "MD" ],
142 : [ "Monaco", "MC" ],
143 : [ "Mongolia", "MN" ],
144 : [ "Montserrat", "MS" ],
145 : [ "Morocco", "MA" ],
146 : [ "Mozambique", "MZ" ],
147 : [ "Myanmar", "MM" ],
148 : [ "Namibia", "NA" ],
149 : [ "Nauru", "NR" ],
150 : [ "Nepal", "NP" ],
151 : [ "Netherlands", "NL" ],
152 : [ "NetherlandsAntilles", "AN" ],
153 : [ "NewCaledonia", "NC" ],
154 : [ "NewZealand", "NZ" ],
155 : [ "Nicaragua", "NI" ],
156 : [ "Niger", "NE" ],
157 : [ "Nigeria", "NG" ],
158 : [ "Niue", "NU" ],
159 : [ "NorfolkIsland", "NF" ],
160 : [ "NorthernMarianaIslands", "MP" ],
161 : [ "Norway", "NO" ],
162 : [ "Oman", "OM" ],
163 : [ "Pakistan", "PK" ],
164 : [ "Palau", "PW" ],
165 : [ "PalestinianTerritory", "PS" ],
166 : [ "Panama", "PA" ],
167 : [ "PapuaNewGuinea", "PG" ],
168 : [ "Paraguay", "PY" ],
169 : [ "Peru", "PE" ],
170 : [ "Philippines", "PH" ],
171 : [ "Pitcairn", "PN" ],
172 : [ "Poland", "PL" ],
173 : [ "Portugal", "PT" ],
174 : [ "PuertoRico", "PR" ],
175 : [ "Qatar", "QA" ],
176 : [ "Reunion", "RE" ],
177 : [ "Romania", "RO" ],
178 : [ "RussianFederation", "RU" ],
179 : [ "Rwanda", "RW" ],
180 : [ "SaintKittsAndNevis", "KN" ],
181 : [ "StLucia", "LC" ],
182 : [ "StVincentAndTheGrenadines", "VC" ],
183 : [ "Samoa", "WS" ],
184 : [ "SanMarino", "SM" ],
185 : [ "SaoTomeAndPrincipe", "ST" ],
186 : [ "SaudiArabia", "SA" ],
187 : [ "Senegal", "SN" ],
188 : [ "Seychelles", "SC" ],
189 : [ "SierraLeone", "SL" ],
190 : [ "Singapore", "SG" ],
191 : [ "Slovakia", "SK" ],
192 : [ "Slovenia", "SI" ],
193 : [ "SolomonIslands", "SB" ],
194 : [ "Somalia", "SO" ],
195 : [ "SouthAfrica", "ZA" ],
196 : [ "SouthGeorgiaAndTheSouthSandwichIslands", "GS" ],
197 : [ "Spain", "ES" ],
198 : [ "SriLanka", "LK" ],
199 : [ "StHelena", "SH" ],
200 : [ "StPierreAndMiquelon", "PM" ],
201 : [ "Sudan", "SD" ],
202 : [ "Suriname", "SR" ],
203 : [ "SvalbardAndJanMayenIslands", "SJ" ],
204 : [ "Swaziland", "SZ" ],
205 : [ "Sweden", "SE" ],
206 : [ "Switzerland", "CH" ],
207 : [ "SyrianArabRepublic", "SY" ],
208 : [ "Taiwan", "TW" ],
209 : [ "Tajikistan", "TJ" ],
210 : [ "Tanzania", "TZ" ],
211 : [ "Thailand", "TH" ],
212 : [ "Togo", "TG" ],
213 : [ "Tokelau", "TK" ],
214 : [ "Tonga", "TO" ],
215 : [ "TrinidadAndTobago", "TT" ],
216 : [ "Tunisia", "TN" ],
217 : [ "Turkey", "TR" ],
218 : [ "Turkmenistan", "TM" ],
219 : [ "TurksAndCaicosIslands", "TC" ],
220 : [ "Tuvalu", "TV" ],
221 : [ "Uganda", "UG" ],
222 : [ "Ukraine", "UA" ],
223 : [ "UnitedArabEmirates", "AE" ],
224 : [ "UnitedKingdom", "GB" ],
225 : [ "UnitedStates", "US" ],
226 : [ "UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands", "UM" ],
227 : [ "Uruguay", "UY" ],
228 : [ "Uzbekistan", "UZ" ],
229 : [ "Vanuatu", "VU" ],
230 : [ "VaticanCityState", "VA" ],
231 : [ "Venezuela", "VE" ],
232 : [ "VietNam", "VN" ],
233 : [ "BritishVirginIslands", "VG" ],
234 : [ "USVirginIslands", "VI" ],
235 : [ "WallisAndFutunaIslands", "WF" ],
236 : [ "WesternSahara", "EH" ],
237 : [ "Yemen", "YE" ],
238 : [ "Yugoslavia", "YU" ],
239 : [ "Zambia", "ZM" ],
240 : [ "Zimbabwe", "ZW" ],
241 : [ "SerbiaAndMontenegro", "CS" ],
242 : [ "Montenegro", "ME" ],
243 : [ "Serbia", "RS" ],
244 : [ "Saint Barthelemy", "BL" ],
245 : [ "Saint Martin", "MF" ],
246 : [ "LatinAmericaAndTheCaribbean", "419" ]
script_list = {
0 : [ "AnyScript", "" ],
1 : [ "Arabic", "Arab" ],
2 : [ "Cyrillic", "Cyrl" ],
3 : [ "Deseret", "Dsrt" ],
4 : [ "Gurmukhi", "Guru" ],
5 : [ "Simplified Han", "Hans" ],
6 : [ "Traditional Han", "Hant" ],
7 : [ "Latin", "Latn" ],
8 : [ "Mongolian", "Mong" ],
9 : [ "Tifinagh", "Tfng" ]
def countryCodeToId(code):
for country_id in country_list:
if country_list[country_id][1] == code:
return country_id
return -1
def languageCodeToId(code):
for language_id in language_list:
if language_list[language_id][1] == code:
return language_id
return -1
def scriptCodeToId(code):
for script_id in script_list:
if script_list[script_id][1] == code:
return script_id
return -1
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
h the hour without a leading zero (0 to 23 or 1 to 12 if AM/PM display)
hh the hour with a leading zero (00 to 23 or 01 to 12 if AM/PM display)
H the hour without a leading zero (0 to 23, even with AM/PM display)
HH the hour with a leading zero (00 to 23, even with AM/PM display)
z the milliseconds without leading zeroes (0 to 999)
zzz the milliseconds with leading zeroes (000 to 999)
AP or A interpret as an AM/PM time. AP must be either "AM" or "PM"
ap or a Interpret as an AM/PM time. ap must be either "am" or "pm"
t time zone
@ -1,880 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
## Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
## This file is part of the test suite of the Katie Toolkit.
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## accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
## Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
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## GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
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## General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
## Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
## LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
## following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
## requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and
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## GNU General Public License Usage
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import os
import sys
import tempfile
import datetime
import xml.dom.minidom
class Error:
def __init__(self, msg):
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
return self.msg
def check_static_char_array_length(name, array):
# some compilers like VC6 doesn't allow static arrays more than 64K bytes size.
size = reduce(lambda x, y: x+len(escapedString(y)), array, 0)
if size > 65535:
print "\n\n\n#error Array %s is too long! " % name
sys.stderr.write("\n\n\nERROR: the content of the array '%s' is too long: %d > 65535 " % (name, size))
def wrap_list(lst):
def split(lst, size):
for i in range(len(lst)/size+1):
yield lst[i*size:(i+1)*size]
return ",\n".join(map(lambda x: ", ".join(x), split(lst, 20)))
def firstChildElt(parent, name):
child = parent.firstChild
while child:
if child.nodeType == parent.ELEMENT_NODE \
and (not name or child.nodeName == name):
return child
child = child.nextSibling
return False
def nextSiblingElt(sibling, name):
sib = sibling.nextSibling
while sib:
if sib.nodeType == sibling.ELEMENT_NODE \
and (not name or sib.nodeName == name):
return sib
sib = sib.nextSibling
return False
def eltText(elt):
result = ""
child = elt.firstChild
while child:
if child.nodeType == elt.TEXT_NODE:
if result:
result += " "
result += child.nodeValue
child = child.nextSibling
return result
def loadLanguageMap(doc):
result = {}
language_list_elt = firstChildElt(doc.documentElement, "languageList")
language_elt = firstChildElt(language_list_elt, "language")
while language_elt:
language_id = int(eltText(firstChildElt(language_elt, "id")))
language_name = eltText(firstChildElt(language_elt, "name"))
language_code = eltText(firstChildElt(language_elt, "code"))
result[language_id] = (language_name, language_code)
language_elt = nextSiblingElt(language_elt, "language")
return result
def loadScriptMap(doc):
result = {}
script_list_elt = firstChildElt(doc.documentElement, "scriptList")
script_elt = firstChildElt(script_list_elt, "script")
while script_elt:
script_id = int(eltText(firstChildElt(script_elt, "id")))
script_name = eltText(firstChildElt(script_elt, "name"))
script_code = eltText(firstChildElt(script_elt, "code"))
result[script_id] = (script_name, script_code)
script_elt = nextSiblingElt(script_elt, "script")
return result
def loadCountryMap(doc):
result = {}
country_list_elt = firstChildElt(doc.documentElement, "countryList")
country_elt = firstChildElt(country_list_elt, "country")
while country_elt:
country_id = int(eltText(firstChildElt(country_elt, "id")))
country_name = eltText(firstChildElt(country_elt, "name"))
country_code = eltText(firstChildElt(country_elt, "code"))
result[country_id] = (country_name, country_code)
country_elt = nextSiblingElt(country_elt, "country")
return result
def loadDefaultMap(doc):
result = {}
list_elt = firstChildElt(doc.documentElement, "defaultCountryList")
elt = firstChildElt(list_elt, "defaultCountry")
while elt:
country = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "country"));
language = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "language"));
result[language] = country;
elt = nextSiblingElt(elt, "defaultCountry");
return result
def fixedScriptName(name, dupes):
name = name.replace(" ", "")
if name[-6:] != "Script":
name = name + "Script";
if name in dupes:
sys.stderr.write("\n\n\nERROR: The script name '%s' is messy" % name)
return name
def fixedCountryName(name, dupes):
if name in dupes:
return name.replace(" ", "") + "Country"
return name.replace(" ", "")
def fixedLanguageName(name, dupes):
if name in dupes:
return name.replace(" ", "") + "Language"
return name.replace(" ", "")
def findDupes(country_map, language_map):
country_set = set([ v[0] for a, v in country_map.iteritems() ])
language_set = set([ v[0] for a, v in language_map.iteritems() ])
return country_set & language_set
def languageNameToId(name, language_map):
for key in language_map.keys():
if language_map[key][0] == name:
return key
return -1
def scriptNameToId(name, script_map):
for key in script_map.keys():
if script_map[key][0] == name:
return key
return -1
def countryNameToId(name, country_map):
for key in country_map.keys():
if country_map[key][0] == name:
return key
return -1
def convertFormat(format):
result = ""
i = 0
while i < len(format):
if format[i] == "'":
result += "'"
i += 1
while i < len(format) and format[i] != "'":
result += format[i]
i += 1
if i < len(format):
result += "'"
i += 1
s = format[i:]
if s.startswith("EEEE"):
result += "dddd"
i += 4
elif s.startswith("EEE"):
result += "ddd"
i += 3
elif s.startswith("a"):
result += "AP"
i += 1
elif s.startswith("z"):
result += "t"
i += 1
elif s.startswith("v"):
i += 1
result += format[i]
i += 1
return result
def convertToQtDayOfWeek(firstDay):
qtDayOfWeek = {"mon":1, "tue":2, "wed":3, "thu":4, "fri":5, "sat":6, "sun":7}
return qtDayOfWeek[firstDay]
def assertSingleChar(string):
assert len(string) == 1, "This string is not allowed to be longer than 1 character"
return string
class Locale:
def __init__(self, elt):
self.language = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "language"))
self.languageEndonym = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "languageEndonym"))
self.script = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "script"))
self.country = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "country"))
self.countryEndonym = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "countryEndonym"))
self.decimal = int(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "decimal")))
self.group = int(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "group")))
self.listDelim = int(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "list")))
self.percent = int(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "percent")))
self.zero = int(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "zero")))
self.minus = int(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "minus")))
self.plus = int(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "plus")))
self.exp = int(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "exp")))
self.quotationStart = ord(assertSingleChar(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "quotationStart"))))
self.quotationEnd = ord(assertSingleChar(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "quotationEnd"))))
self.alternateQuotationStart = ord(assertSingleChar(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "alternateQuotationStart"))))
self.alternateQuotationEnd = ord(assertSingleChar(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "alternateQuotationEnd"))))
self.listPatternPartStart = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "listPatternPartStart"))
self.listPatternPartMiddle = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "listPatternPartMiddle"))
self.listPatternPartEnd = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "listPatternPartEnd"))
self.listPatternPartTwo = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "listPatternPartTwo"))
self.am = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "am"))
self.pm = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "pm"))
self.firstDayOfWeek = convertToQtDayOfWeek(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "firstDayOfWeek")))
self.weekendStart = convertToQtDayOfWeek(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "weekendStart")))
self.weekendEnd = convertToQtDayOfWeek(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "weekendEnd")))
self.longDateFormat = convertFormat(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "longDateFormat")))
self.shortDateFormat = convertFormat(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "shortDateFormat")))
self.longTimeFormat = convertFormat(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "longTimeFormat")))
self.shortTimeFormat = convertFormat(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "shortTimeFormat")))
self.standaloneLongMonths = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "standaloneLongMonths"))
self.standaloneShortMonths = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "standaloneShortMonths"))
self.standaloneNarrowMonths = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "standaloneNarrowMonths"))
self.longMonths = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "longMonths"))
self.shortMonths = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "shortMonths"))
self.narrowMonths = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "narrowMonths"))
self.standaloneLongDays = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "standaloneLongDays"))
self.standaloneShortDays = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "standaloneShortDays"))
self.standaloneNarrowDays = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "standaloneNarrowDays"))
self.longDays = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "longDays"))
self.shortDays = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "shortDays"))
self.narrowDays = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "narrowDays"))
self.currencyIsoCode = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "currencyIsoCode"))
self.currencySymbol = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "currencySymbol"))
self.currencyDisplayName = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "currencyDisplayName"))
self.currencyDigits = int(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "currencyDigits")))
self.currencyRounding = int(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "currencyRounding")))
self.currencyFormat = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "currencyFormat"))
self.currencyNegativeFormat = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "currencyNegativeFormat"))
def loadLocaleMap(doc, language_map, script_map, country_map):
result = {}
locale_list_elt = firstChildElt(doc.documentElement, "localeList")
locale_elt = firstChildElt(locale_list_elt, "locale")
while locale_elt:
locale = Locale(locale_elt)
language_id = languageNameToId(locale.language, language_map)
if language_id == -1:
sys.stderr.write("Cannot find a language id for '%s'\n" % locale.language)
script_id = scriptNameToId(locale.script, script_map)
if script_id == -1:
sys.stderr.write("Cannot find a script id for '%s'\n" % locale.script)
country_id = countryNameToId(locale.country, country_map)
if country_id == -1:
sys.stderr.write("Cannot find a country id for '%s'\n" % locale.country)
result[(language_id, script_id, country_id)] = locale
locale_elt = nextSiblingElt(locale_elt, "locale")
return result
def compareLocaleKeys(key1, key2):
if key1 == key2:
return 0
if key1[0] == key2[0]:
l1 = compareLocaleKeys.locale_map[key1]
l2 = compareLocaleKeys.locale_map[key2]
if l1.language in compareLocaleKeys.default_map:
default = compareLocaleKeys.default_map[l1.language]
if l1.country == default and key1[1] == 0:
return -1
if l2.country == default and key2[1] == 0:
return 1
if key1[1] != key2[1]:
return key1[1] - key2[1]
return key1[0] - key2[0]
return key1[2] - key2[2]
def languageCount(language_id, locale_map):
result = 0
for key in locale_map.keys():
if key[0] == language_id:
result += 1
return result
def unicode2hex(s):
lst = []
for x in s:
v = ord(x)
if v > 0xFFFF:
# make a surrogate pair
# copied from qchar.h
high = (v >> 10) + 0xd7c0
low = (v % 0x400 + 0xdc00)
return lst
class StringDataToken:
def __init__(self, index, length):
if index > 0xFFFF or length > 0xFFFF:
raise Error("Position exceeds ushort range: %d,%d " % (index, length))
self.index = index
self.length = length
def __str__(self):
return " %d,%d " % (self.index, self.length)
class StringData:
def __init__(self):
self.data = []
self.hash = {}
def append(self, s):
if s in self.hash:
return self.hash[s]
lst = unicode2hex(s)
index = len(self.data)
if index > 65535:
print "\n\n\n#error Data index is too big!"
sys.stderr.write ("\n\n\nERROR: index exceeds the uint16 range! index = %d\n" % index)
size = len(lst)
if size >= 65535:
print "\n\n\n#error Data is too big!"
sys.stderr.write ("\n\n\nERROR: data size exceeds the uint16 range! size = %d\n" % size)
token = None
token = StringDataToken(index, size)
except Error as e:
sys.stderr.write("\n\n\nERROR: %s: on data '%s'" % (e, s))
self.hash[s] = token
self.data += lst
return token
def escapedString(s):
result = ""
i = 0
while i < len(s):
if s[i] == '"':
result += '\\"'
i += 1
result += s[i]
i += 1
s = result
line = ""
need_escape = False
result = ""
for c in s:
if ord(c) < 128 and (not need_escape or ord(c.lower()) < ord('a') or ord(c.lower()) > ord('f')):
line += c
need_escape = False
line += "\\x%02x" % (ord(c))
need_escape = True
if len(line) > 80:
result = result + "\n" + "\"" + line + "\""
line = ""
line += "\\0"
result = result + "\n" + "\"" + line + "\""
if result[0] == "\n":
result = result[1:]
return result
def printEscapedString(s):
print escapedString(s);
def currencyIsoCodeData(s):
if s:
return ",".join(map(lambda x: str(ord(x)), s))
return "0,0,0"
def usage():
print "Usage: qlocalexml2cpp.py <path-to-locale.xml> <path-to-qt-src-tree>"
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
localexml = sys.argv[1]
qtsrcdir = sys.argv[2]
if not os.path.exists(qtsrcdir) or not os.path.exists(qtsrcdir):
if not os.path.isfile(qtsrcdir + "/src/core/tools/qlocale_data_p.h"):
if not os.path.isfile(qtsrcdir + "/src/core/tools/qlocale.h"):
if not os.path.isfile(qtsrcdir + "/src/core/tools/qlocale.qdoc"):
(data_temp_file, data_temp_file_path) = tempfile.mkstemp("qlocale_data_p", dir=qtsrcdir)
data_temp_file = os.fdopen(data_temp_file, "w")
qlocaledata_file = open(qtsrcdir + "/src/core/tools/qlocale_data_p.h", "r")
s = qlocaledata_file.readline()
while s and s != GENERATED_BLOCK_START:
s = qlocaledata_file.readline()
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(localexml)
language_map = loadLanguageMap(doc)
script_map = loadScriptMap(doc)
country_map = loadCountryMap(doc)
default_map = loadDefaultMap(doc)
locale_map = loadLocaleMap(doc, language_map, script_map, country_map)
dupes = findDupes(language_map, country_map)
cldr_version = eltText(firstChildElt(doc.documentElement, "version"))
This part of the file was generated on %s from the\n\
Common Locale Data Repository v%s\n\
Do not change it, instead edit CLDR data and regenerate this file using\n\
cldr2qlocalexml.py and qlocalexml2cpp.py.\n\
" % (str(datetime.date.today()), cldr_version) )
# Locale index
data_temp_file.write("static const quint16 locale_index[] = {\n")
index = 0
for key in language_map.keys():
i = 0
count = languageCount(key, locale_map)
if count > 0:
i = index
index += count
data_temp_file.write("%6d, // %s\n" % (i, language_map[key][0]))
data_temp_file.write(" 0 // trailing 0\n")
list_pattern_part_data = StringData()
date_format_data = StringData()
time_format_data = StringData()
months_data = StringData()
standalone_months_data = StringData()
days_data = StringData()
am_data = StringData()
pm_data = StringData()
currency_symbol_data = StringData()
currency_display_name_data = StringData()
currency_format_data = StringData()
endonyms_data = StringData()
# Locale data
data_temp_file.write("static const QLocalePrivate locale_data[] = {\n")
data_temp_file.write("// lang script terr dec group list prcnt zero minus plus exp quotStart quotEnd altQuotStart altQuotEnd lpStart lpMid lpEnd lpTwo sDtFmt lDtFmt sTmFmt lTmFmt ssMonth slMonth sMonth lMonth sDays lDays am,len pm,len\n")
locale_keys = locale_map.keys()
compareLocaleKeys.default_map = default_map
compareLocaleKeys.locale_map = locale_map
for key in locale_keys:
l = locale_map[key]
data_temp_file.write(" { %6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s, {%s}, %s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d }, // %s/%s/%s\n" \
% (key[0], key[1], key[2],
data_temp_file.write(" { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, {0,0,0}, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0,0 } // trailing 0s\n")
# List patterns data
#check_static_char_array_length("list_pattern_part", list_pattern_part_data.data)
data_temp_file.write("static const ushort list_pattern_part_data[] = {\n")
# Date format data
#check_static_char_array_length("date_format", date_format_data.data)
data_temp_file.write("static const ushort date_format_data[] = {\n")
# Time format data
#check_static_char_array_length("time_format", time_format_data.data)
data_temp_file.write("static const ushort time_format_data[] = {\n")
# Months data
#check_static_char_array_length("months", months_data.data)
data_temp_file.write("static const ushort months_data[] = {\n")
# Standalone months data
#check_static_char_array_length("standalone_months", standalone_months_data.data)
data_temp_file.write("static const ushort standalone_months_data[] = {\n")
# Days data
#check_static_char_array_length("days", days_data.data)
data_temp_file.write("static const ushort days_data[] = {\n")
# AM data
#check_static_char_array_length("am", am_data.data)
data_temp_file.write("static const ushort am_data[] = {\n")
# PM data
#check_static_char_array_length("pm", am_data.data)
data_temp_file.write("static const ushort pm_data[] = {\n")
# Currency symbol data
#check_static_char_array_length("currency_symbol", currency_symbol_data.data)
data_temp_file.write("static const ushort currency_symbol_data[] = {\n")
# Currency display name data
#check_static_char_array_length("currency_display_name", currency_display_name_data.data)
data_temp_file.write("static const ushort currency_display_name_data[] = {\n")
# Currency format data
#check_static_char_array_length("currency_format", currency_format_data.data)
data_temp_file.write("static const ushort currency_format_data[] = {\n")
# Endonyms data
#check_static_char_array_length("endonyms", endonyms_data.data)
data_temp_file.write("static const ushort endonyms_data[] = {\n")
# Language name list
data_temp_file.write("static const char language_name_list[] =\n")
for key in language_map.keys():
if key == 0:
data_temp_file.write("\"" + language_map[key][0] + "\\0\"\n")
# Language name index
data_temp_file.write("static const quint16 language_name_index[] = {\n")
data_temp_file.write(" 0, // AnyLanguage\n")
index = 8
for key in language_map.keys():
if key == 0:
language = language_map[key][0]
data_temp_file.write("%6d, // %s\n" % (index, language))
index += len(language) + 1
# Script name list
data_temp_file.write("static const char script_name_list[] =\n")
for key in script_map.keys():
if key == 0:
data_temp_file.write("\"" + script_map[key][0] + "\\0\"\n")
# Script name index
data_temp_file.write("static const quint16 script_name_index[] = {\n")
data_temp_file.write(" 0, // AnyScript\n")
index = 8
for key in script_map.keys():
if key == 0:
script = script_map[key][0]
data_temp_file.write("%6d, // %s\n" % (index, script))
index += len(script) + 1
# Country name list
data_temp_file.write("static const char country_name_list[] =\n")
for key in country_map.keys():
if key == 0:
data_temp_file.write("\"" + country_map[key][0] + "\\0\"\n")
# Country name index
data_temp_file.write("static const quint16 country_name_index[] = {\n")
data_temp_file.write(" 0, // AnyCountry\n")
index = 8
for key in country_map.keys():
if key == 0:
country = country_map[key][0]
data_temp_file.write("%6d, // %s\n" % (index, country))
index += len(country) + 1
# Language code list
data_temp_file.write("static const unsigned char language_code_list[] =\n")
for key in language_map.keys():
code = language_map[key][1]
if len(code) == 2:
code += r"\0"
data_temp_file.write("\"%2s\" // %s\n" % (code, language_map[key][0]))
# Script code list
data_temp_file.write("static const unsigned char script_code_list[] =\n")
for key in script_map.keys():
code = script_map[key][1]
for i in range(4 - len(code)):
code += "\\0"
data_temp_file.write("\"%2s\" // %s\n" % (code, script_map[key][0]))
# Country code list
data_temp_file.write("static const unsigned char country_code_list[] =\n")
for key in country_map.keys():
code = country_map[key][1]
if len(code) == 2:
code += "\\0"
data_temp_file.write("\"%2s\" // %s\n" % (code, country_map[key][0]))
s = qlocaledata_file.readline()
# skip until end of the block
while s and s != GENERATED_BLOCK_END:
s = qlocaledata_file.readline()
s = qlocaledata_file.readline()
while s:
s = qlocaledata_file.readline()
os.remove(qtsrcdir + "/src/core/tools/qlocale_data_p.h")
os.rename(data_temp_file_path, qtsrcdir + "/src/core/tools/qlocale_data_p.h")
# qlocale.h
(qlocaleh_temp_file, qlocaleh_temp_file_path) = tempfile.mkstemp("qlocale.h", dir=qtsrcdir)
qlocaleh_temp_file = os.fdopen(qlocaleh_temp_file, "w")
qlocaleh_file = open(qtsrcdir + "/src/core/tools/qlocale.h", "r")
s = qlocaleh_file.readline()
while s and s != GENERATED_BLOCK_START:
s = qlocaleh_file.readline()
qlocaleh_temp_file.write("// see qlocale_data_p.h for more info on generated data\n")
# Language enum
qlocaleh_temp_file.write(" enum Language {\n")
language = ""
for key in language_map.keys():
language = fixedLanguageName(language_map[key][0], dupes)
qlocaleh_temp_file.write(" " + language + " = " + str(key) + ",\n")
# special cases for norwegian. we really need to make it right at some point.
qlocaleh_temp_file.write(" NorwegianBokmal = Norwegian,\n")
qlocaleh_temp_file.write(" NorwegianNynorsk = Nynorsk,\n")
qlocaleh_temp_file.write(" Kurundi = Rundi,\n")
qlocaleh_temp_file.write(" LastLanguage = " + language + "\n")
qlocaleh_temp_file.write(" };\n")
# Script enum
qlocaleh_temp_file.write(" enum Script {\n")
script = ""
for key in script_map.keys():
script = fixedScriptName(script_map[key][0], dupes)
qlocaleh_temp_file.write(" " + script + " = " + str(key) + ",\n")
qlocaleh_temp_file.write(" SimplifiedChineseScript = SimplifiedHanScript,\n")
qlocaleh_temp_file.write(" TraditionalChineseScript = TraditionalHanScript,\n")
qlocaleh_temp_file.write(" LastScript = " + script + "\n")
qlocaleh_temp_file.write(" };\n")
# Country enum
qlocaleh_temp_file.write(" enum Country {\n")
country = ""
for key in country_map.keys():
country = fixedCountryName(country_map[key][0], dupes)
qlocaleh_temp_file.write(" " + country + " = " + str(key) + ",\n")
qlocaleh_temp_file.write(" LastCountry = " + country + "\n")
qlocaleh_temp_file.write(" };\n")
s = qlocaleh_file.readline()
# skip until end of the block
while s and s != GENERATED_BLOCK_END:
s = qlocaleh_file.readline()
s = qlocaleh_file.readline()
while s:
s = qlocaleh_file.readline()
os.remove(qtsrcdir + "/src/core/tools/qlocale.h")
os.rename(qlocaleh_temp_file_path, qtsrcdir + "/src/core/tools/qlocale.h")
# qlocale.qdoc
(qlocaleqdoc_temp_file, qlocaleqdoc_temp_file_path) = tempfile.mkstemp("qlocale.qdoc", dir=qtsrcdir)
qlocaleqdoc_temp_file = os.fdopen(qlocaleqdoc_temp_file, "w")
qlocaleqdoc_file = open(qtsrcdir + "/src/core/tools/qlocale.qdoc", "r")
s = qlocaleqdoc_file.readline()
DOCSTRING=" QLocale's data is based on Common Locale Data Repository "
while s:
if DOCSTRING in s:
qlocaleqdoc_temp_file.write(DOCSTRING + "v" + cldr_version + ".\n")
s = qlocaleqdoc_file.readline()
os.remove(qtsrcdir + "/src/core/tools/qlocale.qdoc")
os.rename(qlocaleqdoc_temp_file_path, qtsrcdir + "/src/core/tools/qlocale.qdoc")
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION FATAL_ERROR)
project(testlocales CXX)
find_package(Katie REQUIRED)
add_executable(testlocales ${testlocales_SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(testlocales ${KATIE_GUI_LIBRARIES})
@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Ivailo Monev
** This file is part of the utils of the Katie Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
** information use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us.
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** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
#include "localemodel.h"
#include <QLocale>
#include <QDate>
#include <qdebug.h>
static const int g_model_cols = 6;
struct LocaleListItem
int language;
int country;
const LocaleListItem g_locale_list[] = {
{ 1, 0 }, // C/AnyCountry
{ 3, 69 }, // Afan/Ethiopia
{ 3, 111 }, // Afan/Kenya
{ 4, 59 }, // Afar/Djibouti
{ 4, 67 }, // Afar/Eritrea
{ 4, 69 }, // Afar/Ethiopia
{ 5, 195 }, // Afrikaans/SouthAfrica
{ 5, 148 }, // Afrikaans/Namibia
{ 6, 2 }, // Albanian/Albania
{ 7, 69 }, // Amharic/Ethiopia
{ 8, 186 }, // Arabic/SaudiArabia
{ 8, 3 }, // Arabic/Algeria
{ 8, 17 }, // Arabic/Bahrain
{ 8, 64 }, // Arabic/Egypt
{ 8, 103 }, // Arabic/Iraq
{ 8, 109 }, // Arabic/Jordan
{ 8, 115 }, // Arabic/Kuwait
{ 8, 119 }, // Arabic/Lebanon
{ 8, 122 }, // Arabic/LibyanArabJamahiriya
{ 8, 145 }, // Arabic/Morocco
{ 8, 162 }, // Arabic/Oman
{ 8, 175 }, // Arabic/Qatar
{ 8, 201 }, // Arabic/Sudan
{ 8, 207 }, // Arabic/SyrianArabRepublic
{ 8, 216 }, // Arabic/Tunisia
{ 8, 223 }, // Arabic/UnitedArabEmirates
{ 8, 237 }, // Arabic/Yemen
{ 9, 11 }, // Armenian/Armenia
{ 10, 100 }, // Assamese/India
{ 12, 15 }, // Azerbaijani/Azerbaijan
{ 14, 197 }, // Basque/Spain
{ 15, 18 }, // Bengali/Bangladesh
{ 15, 100 }, // Bengali/India
{ 16, 25 }, // Bhutani/Bhutan
{ 20, 33 }, // Bulgarian/Bulgaria
{ 22, 20 }, // Byelorussian/Belarus
{ 23, 36 }, // Cambodian/Cambodia
{ 24, 197 }, // Catalan/Spain
{ 25, 44 }, // Chinese/China
{ 25, 97 }, // Chinese/HongKong
{ 25, 126 }, // Chinese/Macau
{ 25, 190 }, // Chinese/Singapore
{ 25, 208 }, // Chinese/Taiwan
{ 27, 54 }, // Croatian/Croatia
{ 28, 57 }, // Czech/CzechRepublic
{ 29, 58 }, // Danish/Denmark
{ 30, 151 }, // Dutch/Netherlands
{ 30, 21 }, // Dutch/Belgium
{ 31, 225 }, // English/UnitedStates
{ 31, 4 }, // English/AmericanSamoa
{ 31, 13 }, // English/Australia
{ 31, 21 }, // English/Belgium
{ 31, 22 }, // English/Belize
{ 31, 28 }, // English/Botswana
{ 31, 38 }, // English/Canada
{ 31, 89 }, // English/Guam
{ 31, 97 }, // English/HongKong
{ 31, 100 }, // English/India
{ 31, 104 }, // English/Ireland
{ 31, 107 }, // English/Jamaica
{ 31, 133 }, // English/Malta
{ 31, 134 }, // English/MarshallIslands
{ 31, 148 }, // English/Namibia
{ 31, 154 }, // English/NewZealand
{ 31, 160 }, // English/NorthernMarianaIslands
{ 31, 163 }, // English/Pakistan
{ 31, 170 }, // English/Philippines
{ 31, 190 }, // English/Singapore
{ 31, 195 }, // English/SouthAfrica
{ 31, 215 }, // English/TrinidadAndTobago
{ 31, 224 }, // English/UnitedKingdom
{ 31, 226 }, // English/UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands
{ 31, 234 }, // English/USVirginIslands
{ 31, 240 }, // English/Zimbabwe
{ 33, 68 }, // Estonian/Estonia
{ 34, 71 }, // Faroese/FaroeIslands
{ 36, 73 }, // Finnish/Finland
{ 37, 74 }, // French/France
{ 37, 21 }, // French/Belgium
{ 37, 38 }, // French/Canada
{ 37, 125 }, // French/Luxembourg
{ 37, 142 }, // French/Monaco
{ 37, 206 }, // French/Switzerland
{ 40, 197 }, // Galician/Spain
{ 41, 81 }, // Georgian/Georgia
{ 42, 82 }, // German/Germany
{ 42, 14 }, // German/Austria
{ 42, 21 }, // German/Belgium
{ 42, 123 }, // German/Liechtenstein
{ 42, 125 }, // German/Luxembourg
{ 42, 206 }, // German/Switzerland
{ 43, 85 }, // Greek/Greece
{ 43, 56 }, // Greek/Cyprus
{ 44, 86 }, // Greenlandic/Greenland
{ 46, 100 }, // Gujarati/India
{ 47, 83 }, // Hausa/Ghana
{ 47, 156 }, // Hausa/Niger
{ 47, 157 }, // Hausa/Nigeria
{ 48, 105 }, // Hebrew/Israel
{ 49, 100 }, // Hindi/India
{ 50, 98 }, // Hungarian/Hungary
{ 51, 99 }, // Icelandic/Iceland
{ 52, 101 }, // Indonesian/Indonesia
{ 57, 104 }, // Irish/Ireland
{ 58, 106 }, // Italian/Italy
{ 58, 206 }, // Italian/Switzerland
{ 59, 108 }, // Japanese/Japan
{ 61, 100 }, // Kannada/India
{ 63, 110 }, // Kazakh/Kazakhstan
{ 64, 179 }, // Kinyarwanda/Rwanda
{ 65, 116 }, // Kirghiz/Kyrgyzstan
{ 66, 114 }, // Korean/RepublicOfKorea
{ 67, 102 }, // Kurdish/Iran
{ 67, 103 }, // Kurdish/Iraq
{ 67, 207 }, // Kurdish/SyrianArabRepublic
{ 67, 217 }, // Kurdish/Turkey
{ 69, 117 }, // Laothian/Lao
{ 71, 118 }, // Latvian/Latvia
{ 72, 49 }, // Lingala/DemocraticRepublicOfCongo
{ 72, 50 }, // Lingala/PeoplesRepublicOfCongo
{ 73, 124 }, // Lithuanian/Lithuania
{ 74, 127 }, // Macedonian/Macedonia
{ 76, 130 }, // Malay/Malaysia
{ 76, 32 }, // Malay/BruneiDarussalam
{ 77, 100 }, // Malayalam/India
{ 78, 133 }, // Maltese/Malta
{ 80, 100 }, // Marathi/India
{ 82, 143 }, // Mongolian/Mongolia
{ 84, 150 }, // Nepali/Nepal
{ 85, 161 }, // Norwegian/Norway
{ 87, 100 }, // Oriya/India
{ 88, 1 }, // Pashto/Afghanistan
{ 89, 102 }, // Persian/Iran
{ 89, 1 }, // Persian/Afghanistan
{ 90, 172 }, // Polish/Poland
{ 91, 173 }, // Portuguese/Portugal
{ 91, 30 }, // Portuguese/Brazil
{ 92, 100 }, // Punjabi/India
{ 92, 163 }, // Punjabi/Pakistan
{ 95, 177 }, // Romanian/Romania
{ 96, 178 }, // Russian/RussianFederation
{ 96, 222 }, // Russian/Ukraine
{ 99, 100 }, // Sanskrit/India
{ 100, 241 }, // Serbian/SerbiaAndMontenegro
{ 100, 27 }, // Serbian/BosniaAndHerzegowina
{ 100, 238 }, // Serbian/Yugoslavia
{ 101, 241 }, // SerboCroatian/SerbiaAndMontenegro
{ 101, 27 }, // SerboCroatian/BosniaAndHerzegowina
{ 101, 238 }, // SerboCroatian/Yugoslavia
{ 102, 195 }, // Sesotho/SouthAfrica
{ 103, 195 }, // Setswana/SouthAfrica
{ 107, 195 }, // Siswati/SouthAfrica
{ 108, 191 }, // Slovak/Slovakia
{ 109, 192 }, // Slovenian/Slovenia
{ 110, 194 }, // Somali/Somalia
{ 110, 59 }, // Somali/Djibouti
{ 110, 69 }, // Somali/Ethiopia
{ 110, 111 }, // Somali/Kenya
{ 111, 197 }, // Spanish/Spain
{ 111, 10 }, // Spanish/Argentina
{ 111, 26 }, // Spanish/Bolivia
{ 111, 43 }, // Spanish/Chile
{ 111, 47 }, // Spanish/Colombia
{ 111, 52 }, // Spanish/CostaRica
{ 111, 61 }, // Spanish/DominicanRepublic
{ 111, 63 }, // Spanish/Ecuador
{ 111, 65 }, // Spanish/ElSalvador
{ 111, 90 }, // Spanish/Guatemala
{ 111, 96 }, // Spanish/Honduras
{ 111, 139 }, // Spanish/Mexico
{ 111, 155 }, // Spanish/Nicaragua
{ 111, 166 }, // Spanish/Panama
{ 111, 168 }, // Spanish/Paraguay
{ 111, 169 }, // Spanish/Peru
{ 111, 174 }, // Spanish/PuertoRico
{ 111, 225 }, // Spanish/UnitedStates
{ 111, 227 }, // Spanish/Uruguay
{ 111, 231 }, // Spanish/Venezuela
{ 113, 111 }, // Swahili/Kenya
{ 113, 210 }, // Swahili/Tanzania
{ 114, 205 }, // Swedish/Sweden
{ 114, 73 }, // Swedish/Finland
{ 116, 209 }, // Tajik/Tajikistan
{ 117, 100 }, // Tamil/India
{ 118, 178 }, // Tatar/RussianFederation
{ 119, 100 }, // Telugu/India
{ 120, 211 }, // Thai/Thailand
{ 122, 67 }, // Tigrinya/Eritrea
{ 122, 69 }, // Tigrinya/Ethiopia
{ 124, 195 }, // Tsonga/SouthAfrica
{ 125, 217 }, // Turkish/Turkey
{ 129, 222 }, // Ukrainian/Ukraine
{ 130, 100 }, // Urdu/India
{ 130, 163 }, // Urdu/Pakistan
{ 131, 228 }, // Uzbek/Uzbekistan
{ 131, 1 }, // Uzbek/Afghanistan
{ 132, 232 }, // Vietnamese/VietNam
{ 134, 224 }, // Welsh/UnitedKingdom
{ 136, 195 }, // Xhosa/SouthAfrica
{ 138, 157 }, // Yoruba/Nigeria
{ 140, 195 }, // Zulu/SouthAfrica
{ 141, 161 }, // Nynorsk/Norway
{ 142, 27 }, // Bosnian/BosniaAndHerzegowina
{ 143, 131 }, // Divehi/Maldives
{ 144, 224 }, // Manx/UnitedKingdom
{ 145, 224 }, // Cornish/UnitedKingdom
{ 146, 83 }, // Akan/Ghana
{ 147, 100 }, // Konkani/India
{ 148, 83 }, // Ga/Ghana
{ 149, 157 }, // Igbo/Nigeria
{ 150, 111 }, // Kamba/Kenya
{ 151, 207 }, // Syriac/SyrianArabRepublic
{ 152, 67 }, // Blin/Eritrea
{ 153, 67 }, // Geez/Eritrea
{ 153, 69 }, // Geez/Ethiopia
{ 154, 157 }, // Koro/Nigeria
{ 155, 69 }, // Sidamo/Ethiopia
{ 156, 157 }, // Atsam/Nigeria
{ 157, 67 }, // Tigre/Eritrea
{ 158, 157 }, // Jju/Nigeria
{ 159, 106 }, // Friulian/Italy
{ 160, 195 }, // Venda/SouthAfrica
{ 161, 83 }, // Ewe/Ghana
{ 161, 212 }, // Ewe/Togo
{ 163, 225 }, // Hawaiian/UnitedStates
{ 164, 157 }, // Tyap/Nigeria
{ 165, 129 }, // Chewa/Malawi
static const int g_locale_list_count = sizeof(g_locale_list)/sizeof(g_locale_list[0]);
LocaleModel::LocaleModel(QObject *parent)
: QAbstractItemModel(parent)
QVariant LocaleModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
if (!index.isValid()
|| role != Qt::DisplayRole && role != Qt::EditRole && role != Qt::ToolTipRole
|| index.column() >= g_model_cols
|| index.row() >= g_locale_list_count + 2)
return QVariant();
QVariant data;
if (index.column() < g_model_cols - 1)
data = m_data_list.at(index.column());
if (index.row() == 0) {
if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
return QVariant();
switch (index.column()) {
case 0:
return data.toDouble();
case 1:
return data.toDate();
case 2:
return data.toDate();
case 3:
return data.toTime();
case 4:
return data.toTime();
case 5:
return QVariant();
} else {
QLocale locale;
if (index.row() == 1) {
locale = QLocale::system();
} else {
LocaleListItem item = g_locale_list[index.row() - 2];
locale = QLocale((QLocale::Language)item.language, (QLocale::Country)item.country);
switch (index.column()) {
case 0:
if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
return QVariant();
return locale.toString(data.toDouble());
case 1:
if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
return locale.dateFormat(QLocale::LongFormat);
return locale.toString(data.toDate(), QLocale::LongFormat);
case 2:
if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
return locale.dateFormat(QLocale::ShortFormat);
return locale.toString(data.toDate(), QLocale::ShortFormat);
case 3:
if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
return locale.timeFormat(QLocale::LongFormat);
return locale.toString(data.toTime(), QLocale::LongFormat);
case 4:
if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
return locale.timeFormat(QLocale::ShortFormat);
return locale.toString(data.toTime(), QLocale::ShortFormat);
case 5:
if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
return QVariant();
return locale.name();
return QVariant();
QVariant LocaleModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
if (role != Qt::DisplayRole)
return QVariant();
if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal) {
switch (section) {
case 0:
return QLatin1String("Double");
case 1:
return QLatin1String("Long Date");
case 2:
return QLatin1String("Short Date");
case 3:
return QLatin1String("Long Time");
case 4:
return QLatin1String("Short Time");
case 5:
return QLatin1String("Name");
} else {
if (section >= g_locale_list_count + 2)
return QVariant();
if (section == 0) {
return QLatin1String("Input");
} else if (section == 1) {
return QLatin1String("System");
} else {
LocaleListItem item = g_locale_list[section - 2];
return QLocale::languageToString((QLocale::Language)item.language)
+ QLatin1Char('/')
+ QLocale::countryToString((QLocale::Country)item.country);
return QVariant();
QModelIndex LocaleModel::index(int row, int column,
const QModelIndex &parent) const
if (parent.isValid()
|| row >= g_locale_list_count + 2
|| column >= g_model_cols)
return QModelIndex();
return createIndex(row, column);
QModelIndex LocaleModel::parent(const QModelIndex&) const
return QModelIndex();
int LocaleModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex&) const
return g_model_cols;
int LocaleModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
if (parent.isValid())
return 0;
return g_locale_list_count + 2;
Qt::ItemFlags LocaleModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
if (!index.isValid())
return 0;
if (index.row() == 0 && index.column() == g_model_cols - 1)
return 0;
if (index.row() == 0)
return Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
return Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
bool LocaleModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)
if (!index.isValid()
|| index.row() != 0
|| index.column() >= g_model_cols - 1
|| role != Qt::EditRole
|| m_data_list.at(index.column()).type() != value.type())
return false;
m_data_list[index.column()] = value;
emit dataChanged(createIndex(1, index.column()),
createIndex(g_locale_list_count, index.column()));
return true;
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Ivailo Monev
** This file is part of the utils of the Katie Toolkit.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and
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** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
#include <QAbstractItemModel>
#include <QList>
#include <QVariant>
class LocaleModel : public QAbstractItemModel
LocaleModel(QObject *parent = 0);
virtual int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const;
virtual QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
virtual QModelIndex index(int row, int column,
const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const;
virtual QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &index) const;
virtual int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const;
virtual QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation,
int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const;
virtual Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const;
virtual bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value,
int role = Qt::EditRole);
QList<QVariant> m_data_list;
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Ivailo Monev
** This file is part of the utils of the Katie Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
** information use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
#include <QTableView>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QItemDelegate>
#include <QItemEditorFactory>
#include <QDoubleSpinBox>
#include "localewidget.h"
#include "localemodel.h"
class DoubleEditorCreator : public QItemEditorCreatorBase
QWidget *createWidget(QWidget *parent) const {
QDoubleSpinBox *w = new QDoubleSpinBox(parent);
w->setRange(-10000.0, 10000.0);
return w;
virtual QByteArray valuePropertyName() const {
return QByteArray("value");
class EditorFactory : public QItemEditorFactory
EditorFactory() {
static DoubleEditorCreator double_editor_creator;
registerEditor(QVariant::Double, &double_editor_creator);
LocaleWidget::LocaleWidget(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
m_model = new LocaleModel(this);
m_view = new QTableView(this);
QItemDelegate *delegate = qobject_cast<QItemDelegate*>(m_view->itemDelegate());
Q_ASSERT(delegate != 0);
static EditorFactory editor_factory;
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Ivailo Monev
** This file is part of the utils of the Katie Toolkit.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
#include <QWidget>
#include <QTableView>
class LocaleModel;
class LocaleWidget : public QWidget
LocaleWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);
LocaleModel *m_model;
QTableView *m_view;
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Ivailo Monev
** This file is part of the utils of the Katie Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
** information use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
#include <QApplication>
#include "localewidget.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
LocaleWidget wgt;
return app.exec();
@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
## Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
## This file is part of the test suite of the Katie Toolkit.
## Commercial License Usage
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## a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
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## met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
import sys
import os
import xml.dom.minidom
doc_cache = {}
class DraftResolution:
# See http://www.unicode.org/cldr/process.html for description
unconfirmed = 'unconfirmed'
provisional = 'provisional'
contributed = 'contributed'
approved = 'approved'
_values = { unconfirmed : 1, provisional : 2, contributed : 3, approved : 4 }
def __init__(self, resolution):
self.resolution = resolution
def toInt(self):
return DraftResolution._values[self.resolution]
class Error:
def __init__(self, msg):
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
return self.msg
def findChild(parent, tag_name, arg_name=None, arg_value=None, draft=None):
for node in parent.childNodes:
if node.nodeType != node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if node.nodeName != tag_name:
if arg_value:
if not node.attributes.has_key(arg_name):
if node.attributes[arg_name].nodeValue != arg_value:
if draft:
if not node.attributes.has_key('draft'):
# if draft is not specified then it's approved
return node
value = node.attributes['draft'].nodeValue
value = DraftResolution(value).toInt()
exemplar = DraftResolution(draft).toInt()
if exemplar > value:
return node
return False
def findTagsInFile(file, path):
doc = False
if doc_cache.has_key(file):
doc = doc_cache[file]
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(file)
doc_cache[file] = doc
elt = doc.documentElement
tag_spec_list = path.split("/")
last_entry = None
for i in range(len(tag_spec_list)):
tag_spec = tag_spec_list[i]
tag_name = tag_spec
arg_name = 'type'
arg_value = ''
left_bracket = tag_spec.find('[')
if left_bracket != -1:
tag_name = tag_spec[:left_bracket]
arg_value = tag_spec[left_bracket+1:-1].split("=")
if len(arg_value) == 2:
arg_name = arg_value[0]
arg_value = arg_value[1]
arg_value = arg_value[0]
elt = findChild(elt, tag_name, arg_name, arg_value)
if not elt:
return None
ret = []
if elt.childNodes:
for node in elt.childNodes:
if node.attributes:
element = [node.nodeName, None]
element[1] = node.attributes.items()
if elt.attributes:
element = [elt.nodeName, None]
element[1] = elt.attributes.items()
return ret
def _findEntryInFile(file, path, draft=None, attribute=None):
doc = False
if doc_cache.has_key(file):
doc = doc_cache[file]
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(file)
doc_cache[file] = doc
elt = doc.documentElement
tag_spec_list = path.split("/")
last_entry = None
for i in range(len(tag_spec_list)):
tag_spec = tag_spec_list[i]
tag_name = tag_spec
arg_name = 'type'
arg_value = ''
left_bracket = tag_spec.find('[')
if left_bracket != -1:
tag_name = tag_spec[:left_bracket]
arg_value = tag_spec[left_bracket+1:-1].split("=")
if len(arg_value) == 2:
arg_name = arg_value[0]
arg_value = arg_value[1]
arg_value = arg_value[0]
alias = findChild(elt, 'alias')
if alias and alias.attributes['source'].nodeValue == 'locale':
path = alias.attributes['path'].nodeValue
aliaspath = tag_spec_list[:i] + path.split("/")
def resolve(x, y):
if y == '..':
return x[:-1]
return x + [y]
# resolve all dot-dot parts of the path
aliaspath = reduce(resolve, aliaspath, [])
# remove attribute specification that our xpathlite doesnt support
aliaspath = map(lambda x: x.replace("@type=", "").replace("'", ""), aliaspath)
# append the remaining path
aliaspath = aliaspath + tag_spec_list[i:]
aliaspath = "/".join(aliaspath)
# "locale" aliases are special - we need to start lookup from scratch
return (None, aliaspath)
elt = findChild(elt, tag_name, arg_name, arg_value, draft)
if not elt:
return ("", None)
if attribute is not None:
if elt.attributes.has_key(attribute):
return (elt.attributes[attribute].nodeValue, None)
return (None, None)
return (elt.firstChild.nodeValue, None)
return (None, None)
def findAlias(file):
if not doc_cache.has_key(file):
return False
doc = doc_cache[file]
alias_elt = findChild(doc.documentElement, "alias")
if not alias_elt:
return False
if not alias_elt.attributes.has_key('source'):
return False
return alias_elt.attributes['source'].nodeValue
parent_locales = {}
def _fixedLookupChain(dirname, name):
# see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Parent_Locales
if not parent_locales:
for ns in findTagsInFile(dirname + "/../supplemental/supplementalData.xml", "parentLocales"):
tmp = {}
parent_locale = ""
for data in ns[1:][0]: # ns looks like this: [u'parentLocale', [(u'parent', u'root'), (u'locales', u'az_Cyrl bs_Cyrl en_Dsrt ..')]]
tmp[data[0]] = data[1]
if data[0] == u"parent":
parent_locale = data[1]
parent_locales[parent_locale] = tmp[u"locales"].split(" ")
items = name.split("_")
# split locale name into items and iterate through them from back to front
# example: az_Latn_AZ => [az_Latn_AZ, az_Latn, az]
items = list(reversed(map(lambda x: "_".join(items[:x+1]), range(len(items)))))
for i in range(len(items)):
item = items[i]
for parent_locale in parent_locales.keys():
for locale in parent_locales[parent_locale]:
if item == locale:
if parent_locale == u"root":
items = items[:i+1]
items = items[:i+1] + parent_locale.split() + items[i+1:]
return items
return items
def _findEntry(base, path, draft=None, attribute=None):
file = base
if base.endswith(".xml"):
filename = base
base = base[:-4]
file = base + ".xml"
(dirname, filename) = os.path.split(base)
items = _fixedLookupChain(dirname, filename)
for item in items:
file = dirname + "/" + item + ".xml"
if os.path.isfile(file):
alias = findAlias(file)
if alias:
# if alias is found we should follow it and stop processing current file
# see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Common_Elements
aliasfile = os.path.dirname(file) + "/" + alias + ".xml"
if not os.path.isfile(aliasfile):
raise Error("findEntry: fatal error: found an alias '%s' to '%s', but the alias file couldnt be found" % (filename, alias))
# found an alias, recurse into parsing it
result = _findEntry(aliasfile, path, draft, attribute)
return result
(result, aliaspath) = _findEntryInFile(file, path, draft, attribute)
if aliaspath:
# start lookup again because of the alias source="locale"
return _findEntry(base, aliaspath, draft, attribute)
if result:
return result
return None
def findEntry(base, path, draft=None, attribute=None):
file = base
if base.endswith(".xml"):
file = base
base = base[:-4]
file = base + ".xml"
(dirname, filename) = os.path.split(base)
result = None
while path:
result = _findEntry(base, path, draft, attribute)
if result:
return result
(result, aliaspath) = _findEntryInFile(dirname + "/root.xml", path, draft, attribute)
if result:
return result
if not aliaspath:
raise Error("findEntry: fatal error: %s: can not find key %s" % (filename, path))
path = aliaspath
return result
Add table
Reference in a new issue