various cleanups

Signed-off-by: Ivailo Monev <>
This commit is contained in:
Ivailo Monev 2016-07-22 04:25:03 +00:00
parent 2059c781c6
commit 0c5a261b6e
4 changed files with 143 additions and 166 deletions

View file

@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
\value ActionRemoved An action has been removed (QActionEvent).
\value ActivationChange A widget's top-level window activation state has changed.
\value ApplicationActivate The application has been made available to the user.
\value ApplicationActivated This enum has been deprecated. Use ApplicationActivate instead.
\value ApplicationDeactivate The application has been suspended, and is unavailable to the user.
\value ApplicationFontChange The default application font has changed.
\value ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange The default application layout direction has changed.
@ -169,7 +168,6 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
\value NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease A mouse button release occurred outside the client area.
\value NonClientAreaMouseMove A mouse move occurred outside the client area.
\value MacSizeChange The user changed his widget sizes (Mac OS X only).
\value MenubarUpdated The window's menu bar has been updated.
\value MetaCall An asynchronous method invocation via QMetaObject::invokeMethod().
\value ModifiedChange Widgets modification state has been changed.
\value MouseButtonDblClick Mouse press again (QMouseEvent).

View file

@ -86,194 +86,184 @@ public:
Close = 19, // request to close widget
Quit = 20, // request to quit application
ParentChange = 21, // widget has been reparented
ParentAboutToChange = 131, // sent just before the parent change is done
ThreadChange = 22, // object has changed threads
ParentAboutToChange = 22, // sent just before the parent change is done
ThreadChange = 23, // object has changed threads
WindowActivate = 24, // window was activated
WindowDeactivate = 25, // window was deactivated
ShowToParent = 26, // widget is shown to parent
HideToParent = 27, // widget is hidden to parent
Wheel = 31, // wheel event
WindowTitleChange = 33, // window title changed
WindowIconChange = 34, // icon changed
ApplicationWindowIconChange = 35, // application icon changed
ApplicationFontChange = 36, // application font changed
ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange = 37, // application layout direction changed
ApplicationPaletteChange = 38, // application palette changed
PaletteChange = 39, // widget palette changed
Clipboard = 40, // internal clipboard event
Speech = 42, // reserved for speech input
MetaCall = 43, // meta call event
SockAct = 50, // socket activation
WinEventAct = 132, // win event activation
DeferredDelete = 52, // deferred delete event
DragEnter = 60, // drag moves into widget
DragMove = 61, // drag moves in widget
DragLeave = 62, // drag leaves or is cancelled
Drop = 63, // actual drop
DragResponse = 64, // drag accepted/rejected
ChildAdded = 68, // new child widget
ChildPolished = 69, // polished child widget
ChildRemoved = 71, // deleted child widget
ShowWindowRequest = 73, // widget's window should be mapped
PolishRequest = 74, // widget should be polished
Polish = 75, // widget is polished
LayoutRequest = 76, // widget should be relayouted
UpdateRequest = 77, // widget should be repainted
UpdateLater = 78, // request update() later
Wheel = 28, // wheel event
WindowTitleChange = 29, // window title changed
WindowIconChange = 30, // icon changed
ApplicationWindowIconChange = 31, // application icon changed
ApplicationFontChange = 32, // application font changed
ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange = 33, // application layout direction changed
ApplicationPaletteChange = 34, // application palette changed
PaletteChange = 35, // widget palette changed
Clipboard = 36, // internal clipboard event
Speech = 37, // reserved for speech input
MetaCall = 38, // meta call event
SockAct = 39, // socket activation
WinEventAct = 40, // win event activation
DeferredDelete = 41, // deferred delete event
DragEnter = 42, // drag moves into widget
DragMove = 43, // drag moves in widget
DragLeave = 44, // drag leaves or is cancelled
Drop = 45, // actual drop
DragResponse = 46, // drag accepted/rejected
ChildAdded = 47, // new child widget
ChildPolished = 48, // polished child widget
ChildRemoved = 49, // deleted child widget
ShowWindowRequest = 50, // widget's window should be mapped
PolishRequest = 51, // widget should be polished
Polish = 52, // widget is polished
LayoutRequest = 53, // widget should be relayouted
UpdateRequest = 54, // widget should be repainted
UpdateLater = 55, // request update() later
EmbeddingControl = 79, // ActiveX embedding
ActivateControl = 80, // ActiveX activation
DeactivateControl = 81, // ActiveX deactivation
ContextMenu = 82, // context popup menu
InputMethod = 83, // input method
AccessibilityPrepare = 86, // accessibility information is requested
TabletMove = 87, // Wacom tablet event
LocaleChange = 88, // the system locale changed
LanguageChange = 89, // the application language changed
LayoutDirectionChange = 90, // the layout direction changed
Style = 91, // internal style event
TabletPress = 92, // tablet press
TabletRelease = 93, // tablet release
OkRequest = 94, // CE (Ok) button pressed
HelpRequest = 95, // CE (?) button pressed
EmbeddingControl = 56, // ActiveX embedding
ActivateControl = 57, // ActiveX activation
DeactivateControl = 58, // ActiveX deactivation
ContextMenu = 59, // context popup menu
InputMethod = 60, // input method
AccessibilityPrepare = 61, // accessibility information is requested
TabletMove = 62, // Wacom tablet event
LocaleChange = 63, // the system locale changed
LanguageChange = 64, // the application language changed
LayoutDirectionChange = 65, // the layout direction changed
Style = 66, // internal style event
TabletPress = 67, // tablet press
TabletRelease = 68, // tablet release
OkRequest = 69, // CE (Ok) button pressed
HelpRequest = 70, // CE (?) button pressed
IconDrag = 96, // proxy icon dragged
IconDrag = 71, // proxy icon dragged
FontChange = 97, // font has changed
EnabledChange = 98, // enabled state has changed
ActivationChange = 99, // window activation has changed
StyleChange = 100, // style has changed
IconTextChange = 101, // icon text has changed
ModifiedChange = 102, // modified state has changed
MouseTrackingChange = 109, // mouse tracking state has changed
FontChange = 72, // font has changed
EnabledChange = 73, // enabled state has changed
ActivationChange = 74, // window activation has changed
StyleChange = 75, // style has changed
IconTextChange = 76, // icon text has changed
ModifiedChange = 77, // modified state has changed
MouseTrackingChange = 78, // mouse tracking state has changed
WindowBlocked = 103, // window is about to be blocked modally
WindowUnblocked = 104, // windows modal blocking has ended
WindowStateChange = 105,
WindowBlocked = 79, // window is about to be blocked modally
WindowUnblocked = 80, // windows modal blocking has ended
WindowStateChange = 81,
ToolTip = 110,
WhatsThis = 111,
StatusTip = 112,
ToolTip = 82,
WhatsThis = 83,
StatusTip = 84,
ActionChanged = 113,
ActionAdded = 114,
ActionRemoved = 115,
ActionChanged = 85,
ActionAdded = 86,
ActionRemoved = 87,
FileOpen = 116, // file open request
FileOpen = 88, // file open request
Shortcut = 117, // shortcut triggered
ShortcutOverride = 51, // shortcut override request
Shortcut = 89, // shortcut triggered
ShortcutOverride = 90, // shortcut override request
WhatsThisClicked = 118,
WhatsThisClicked = 91,
ToolBarChange = 120, // toolbar visibility toggled
ToolBarChange = 92, // toolbar visibility toggled
ApplicationActivate = 121, // application has been changed to active
ApplicationActivated = ApplicationActivate, // deprecated
ApplicationDeactivate = 122, // application has been changed to inactive
ApplicationDeactivated = ApplicationDeactivate, // deprecated
ApplicationActivate = 93, // application has been changed to active
ApplicationDeactivate = 94, // application has been changed to inactive
QueryWhatsThis = 123, // query what's this widget help
EnterWhatsThisMode = 124,
LeaveWhatsThisMode = 125,
QueryWhatsThis = 95, // query what's this widget help
EnterWhatsThisMode = 96,
LeaveWhatsThisMode = 97,
ZOrderChange = 126, // child widget has had its z-order changed
ZOrderChange = 98, // child widget has had its z-order changed
HoverEnter = 127, // mouse cursor enters a hover widget
HoverLeave = 128, // mouse cursor leaves a hover widget
HoverMove = 129, // mouse cursor move inside a hover widget
HoverEnter = 99, // mouse cursor enters a hover widget
HoverLeave = 100, // mouse cursor leaves a hover widget
HoverMove = 101, // mouse cursor move inside a hover widget
AccessibilityHelp = 119, // accessibility help text request
AccessibilityDescription = 130, // accessibility description text request
// last event id used = 132
AccessibilityHelp = 102, // accessibility help text request
AccessibilityDescription = 103, // accessibility description text request
EnterEditFocus = 150, // enter edit mode in keypad navigation (Defined only with QT_KEYPAD_NAVIGATION)
LeaveEditFocus = 151, // leave edit mode in keypad navigation (Defined only with QT_KEYPAD_NAVIGATION)
EnterEditFocus = 104, // enter edit mode in keypad navigation (Defined only with QT_KEYPAD_NAVIGATION)
LeaveEditFocus = 105, // leave edit mode in keypad navigation (Defined only with QT_KEYPAD_NAVIGATION)
AcceptDropsChange = 152,
AcceptDropsChange = 106,
MenubarUpdated = 153, // Support event for Q3MainWindow, which needs to
// knwow when QMenubar is updated.
ZeroTimerEvent = 107, // Used for Windows Zero timer events
ZeroTimerEvent = 154, // Used for Windows Zero timer events
GraphicsSceneMouseMove = 108, // GraphicsView
GraphicsSceneMousePress = 109,
GraphicsSceneMouseRelease = 110,
GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick = 111,
GraphicsSceneContextMenu = 112,
GraphicsSceneHoverEnter = 113,
GraphicsSceneHoverMove = 114,
GraphicsSceneHoverLeave = 115,
GraphicsSceneHelp = 116,
GraphicsSceneDragEnter = 117,
GraphicsSceneDragMove = 118,
GraphicsSceneDragLeave = 119,
GraphicsSceneDrop = 120,
GraphicsSceneWheel = 121,
GraphicsSceneMouseMove = 155, // GraphicsView
GraphicsSceneMousePress = 156,
GraphicsSceneMouseRelease = 157,
GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick = 158,
GraphicsSceneContextMenu = 159,
GraphicsSceneHoverEnter = 160,
GraphicsSceneHoverMove = 161,
GraphicsSceneHoverLeave = 162,
GraphicsSceneHelp = 163,
GraphicsSceneDragEnter = 164,
GraphicsSceneDragMove = 165,
GraphicsSceneDragLeave = 166,
GraphicsSceneDrop = 167,
GraphicsSceneWheel = 168,
KeyboardLayoutChange = 122, // keyboard layout changed
KeyboardLayoutChange = 169, // keyboard layout changed
DynamicPropertyChange = 123, // A dynamic property was changed through setProperty/property
DynamicPropertyChange = 170, // A dynamic property was changed through setProperty/property
TabletEnterProximity = 124,
TabletLeaveProximity = 125,
TabletEnterProximity = 171,
TabletLeaveProximity = 172,
NonClientAreaMouseMove = 126,
NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress = 127,
NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease = 128,
NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick = 129,
NonClientAreaMouseMove = 173,
NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress = 174,
NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease = 175,
NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick = 176,
MacSizeChange = 130, // when the Qt::WA_Mac{Normal,Small,Mini}Size changes
MacSizeChange = 177, // when the Qt::WA_Mac{Normal,Small,Mini}Size changes
ContentsRectChange = 131, // sent by QWidget::setContentsMargins (internal)
ContentsRectChange = 178, // sent by QWidget::setContentsMargins (internal)
MacGLWindowChange = 132, // Internal! the window of the GLWidget has changed
MacGLWindowChange = 179, // Internal! the window of the GLWidget has changed
FutureCallOut = 133,
FutureCallOut = 180,
GraphicsSceneResize = 134,
GraphicsSceneMove = 135,
GraphicsSceneResize = 181,
GraphicsSceneMove = 182,
CursorChange = 136,
ToolTipChange = 137,
CursorChange = 183,
ToolTipChange = 184,
NetworkReplyUpdated = 138, // Internal for QNetworkReply
NetworkReplyUpdated = 185, // Internal for QNetworkReply
GrabMouse = 139,
UngrabMouse = 140,
GrabKeyboard = 141,
UngrabKeyboard = 142,
MacGLClearDrawable = 143, // Internal Cocoa, the window has changed, so we must clear
GrabMouse = 186,
UngrabMouse = 187,
GrabKeyboard = 188,
UngrabKeyboard = 189,
MacGLClearDrawable = 191, // Internal Cocoa, the window has changed, so we must clear
StateMachineSignal = 144,
StateMachineWrapped = 145,
StateMachineSignal = 192,
StateMachineWrapped = 193,
TouchBegin = 194,
TouchUpdate = 195,
TouchEnd = 196,
TouchBegin = 146,
TouchUpdate = 147,
TouchEnd = 148,
NativeGesture = 197, // Internal for platform gesture support
NativeGesture = 149, // Internal for platform gesture support
RequestSoftwareInputPanel = 199,
CloseSoftwareInputPanel = 200,
RequestSoftwareInputPanel = 150,
CloseSoftwareInputPanel = 151,
UpdateSoftKeys = 201, // Internal for compressing soft key updates
UpdateSoftKeys = 152, // Internal for compressing soft key updates
WinIdChange = 203,
WinIdChange = 153,
Gesture = 198,
GestureOverride = 202,
Gesture = 154,
GestureOverride = 155,
PlatformPanel = 212,
// 512 reserved for Qt Jambi's MetaCall event
// 513 reserved for Qt Jambi's DeleteOnMainThread event
PlatformPanel = 156,
User = 1000, // first user event id
MaxUser = 65535 // last user event id
@ -281,7 +271,7 @@ public:
QEvent(Type type);
virtual ~QEvent();
inline Type type() const { return static_cast<Type>(t); }
inline Type type() const { return t; }
inline bool spontaneous() const { return spont; }
inline void setAccepted(bool accepted) { m_accept = accepted; }
@ -294,13 +284,12 @@ public:
QEventPrivate *d;
ushort t;
Type t;
ushort posted : 1;
ushort spont : 1;
ushort m_accept : 1;
ushort reserved : 13;
bool posted : 1;
bool spont : 1;
bool m_accept : 1;
friend class QCoreApplication;
friend class QCoreApplicationPrivate;

View file

@ -51,20 +51,6 @@
Returns true if the \a widget can be added to the \a layout;
otherwise returns false.
static bool checkWidget(QLayout *layout, QWidget *widget)
if (!widget) {
qWarning("QLayout: Cannot add null widget to %s/%s", layout->metaObject()->className(),
return false;
return true;
struct QBoxLayoutItem
QBoxLayoutItem(QLayoutItem *it, int stretch_ = 0)
@ -974,8 +960,12 @@ void QBoxLayout::insertWidget(int index, QWidget *widget, int stretch,
Qt::Alignment alignment)
if (!checkWidget(this, widget))
// check if the widget can be added to the layout
if (!widget) {
qWarning("QLayout: Cannot add null widget to %s/%s", metaObject()->className(),
if (index < 0) // append
index = d->list.count();

View file

@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ bool QShortcutMap::tryShortcutEvent(QObject *o, QKeyEvent *e)
bool wasAccepted = e->isAccepted();
bool wasSpontaneous = e->spont;
if (d->currentState == QKeySequence::NoMatch) {
ushort orgType = e->t;
QEvent::Type orgType = e->t;
e->t = QEvent::ShortcutOverride;
QApplication::sendEvent(o, e);