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** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
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#include <QtCore/qdir.h>
#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
#include <QtGui/qdialog.h>
class QModelIndex;
class QItemSelection;
struct QFileDialogArgs;
class QFileIconProvider;
class QFileDialogPrivate;
class QAbstractItemDelegate;
class QAbstractProxyModel;
class QUrl;
class Q_GUI_EXPORT QFileDialog : public QDialog
Q_ENUMS(ViewMode FileMode AcceptMode Option)
Q_PROPERTY(ViewMode viewMode READ viewMode WRITE setViewMode)
Q_PROPERTY(FileMode fileMode READ fileMode WRITE setFileMode)
Q_PROPERTY(AcceptMode acceptMode READ acceptMode WRITE setAcceptMode)
Q_PROPERTY(bool readOnly READ isReadOnly WRITE setReadOnly DESIGNABLE false)
Q_PROPERTY(bool confirmOverwrite READ confirmOverwrite WRITE setConfirmOverwrite DESIGNABLE false)
Q_PROPERTY(QString defaultSuffix READ defaultSuffix WRITE setDefaultSuffix)
Q_PROPERTY(bool nameFilterDetailsVisible READ isNameFilterDetailsVisible
WRITE setNameFilterDetailsVisible DESIGNABLE false)
Q_PROPERTY(Options options READ options WRITE setOptions)
enum ViewMode { Detail, List };
enum FileMode { AnyFile, ExistingFile, Directory, ExistingFiles, DirectoryOnly };
enum AcceptMode { AcceptOpen, AcceptSave };
enum DialogLabel { LookIn, FileName, FileType, Accept, Reject };
// ### Rename to FileDialogOption and FileDialogOptions for Qt 5.0
enum Option
ShowDirsOnly = 0x00000001,
DontConfirmOverwrite = 0x00000002,
DontUseSheet = 0x00000004,
ReadOnly = 0x00000008,
HideNameFilterDetails = 0x00000010,
DontUseCustomDirectoryIcons = 0x00000020
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Options, Option)
QFileDialog(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f);
explicit QFileDialog(QWidget *parent = Q_NULLPTR,
const QString &caption = QString(),
const QString &directory = QString(),
const QString &filter = QString());
void setDirectory(const QString &directory);
inline void setDirectory(const QDir &directory);
QDir directory() const;
void selectFile(const QString &filename);
QStringList selectedFiles() const;
void setNameFilterDetailsVisible(bool enabled);
bool isNameFilterDetailsVisible() const;
void setNameFilter(const QString &filter);
void setNameFilters(const QStringList &filters);
QStringList nameFilters() const;
void selectNameFilter(const QString &filter);
QString selectedNameFilter() const;
QDir::Filters filter() const;
void setFilter(QDir::Filters filters);
void setViewMode(ViewMode mode);
ViewMode viewMode() const;
void setFileMode(FileMode mode);
FileMode fileMode() const;
void setAcceptMode(AcceptMode mode);
AcceptMode acceptMode() const;
void setReadOnly(bool enabled);
bool isReadOnly() const;
void setSidebarUrls(const QList<QUrl> &urls);
QList<QUrl> sidebarUrls() const;
QByteArray saveState() const;
bool restoreState(const QByteArray &state);
void setConfirmOverwrite(bool enabled);
bool confirmOverwrite() const;
void setDefaultSuffix(const QString &suffix);
QString defaultSuffix() const;
void setHistory(const QStringList &paths);
QStringList history() const;
void setItemDelegate(QAbstractItemDelegate *delegate);
QAbstractItemDelegate *itemDelegate() const;
void setIconProvider(QFileIconProvider *provider);
QFileIconProvider *iconProvider() const;
void setLabelText(DialogLabel label, const QString &text);
QString labelText(DialogLabel label) const;
void setProxyModel(QAbstractProxyModel *model);
QAbstractProxyModel *proxyModel() const;
void setOption(Option option, bool on = true);
bool testOption(Option option) const;
void setOptions(Options options);
Options options() const;
void open() { QDialog::open(); }
using QDialog::open;
void open(QObject *receiver, const char *member);
void setVisible(bool visible);
void fileSelected(const QString &file);
void filesSelected(const QStringList &files);
void currentChanged(const QString &path);
void directoryEntered(const QString &directory);
void filterSelected(const QString &filter);
static QString getOpenFileName(QWidget *parent = Q_NULLPTR,
const QString &caption = QString(),
const QString &dir = QString(),
const QString &filter = QString(),
QString *selectedFilter = 0,
Options options = 0);
static QString getSaveFileName(QWidget *parent = Q_NULLPTR,
const QString &caption = QString(),
const QString &dir = QString(),
const QString &filter = QString(),
QString *selectedFilter = 0,
Options options = 0);
static QString getExistingDirectory(QWidget *parent = Q_NULLPTR,
const QString &caption = QString(),
const QString &dir = QString(),
Options options = ShowDirsOnly);
static QStringList getOpenFileNames(QWidget *parent = Q_NULLPTR,
const QString &caption = QString(),
const QString &dir = QString(),
const QString &filter = QString(),
QString *selectedFilter = 0,
Options options = 0);
QFileDialog(const QFileDialogArgs &args);
void done(int result);
void accept();
void changeEvent(QEvent *e);
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_pathChanged(const QString &))
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_navigateBackward())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_navigateForward())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_navigateToParent())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_createDirectory())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_showListView())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_showDetailsView())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_showContextMenu(const QPoint &))
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_renameCurrent())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_deleteCurrent())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_showHidden())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_updateOkButton())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_currentChanged(const QModelIndex &index))
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_enterDirectory(const QModelIndex &index))
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_goToDirectory(const QString &path))
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_useNameFilter(int index))
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_selectionChanged())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_goToUrl(const QUrl &url))
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_goHome())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_showHeader(QAction *))
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_autoCompleteFileName(const QString &text))
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_rowsInserted(const QModelIndex & parent))
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_fileRenamed(const QString &path,
const QString oldName, const QString newName))
inline void QFileDialog::setDirectory(const QDir &adirectory)
{ setDirectory(adirectory.absolutePath()); }