2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
2021-02-05 06:13:36 +02:00
** Copyright (C) 2016 Ivailo Monev
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
** This file is part of the test suite of the Katie Toolkit.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <QtCore/QBuffer>
2022-01-29 05:25:38 +02:00
#include <QList>
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
#include <QtCore/qendian.h>
#include <QtGui/QtGui>
#include <QtSvg/QtSvg>
#define SVGFILE "tests2.svg"
class tst_QDataStream : public QObject
virtual ~tst_QDataStream();
void stream_data(int noOfElements);
public slots:
void init();
void cleanup();
private slots:
void getSetCheck();
void stream_bool_data();
void stream_bool();
void stream_QBitArray_data();
void stream_QBitArray();
void stream_QBrush_data();
void stream_QBrush();
void stream_QColor_data();
void stream_QColor();
void stream_QByteArray_data();
void stream_QByteArray();
void stream_QCursor_data();
void stream_QCursor();
void stream_QDate_data();
void stream_QDate();
void stream_QTime_data();
void stream_QTime();
void stream_QDateTime_data();
void stream_QDateTime();
void stream_QFont_data();
void stream_QFont();
void stream_QImage_data();
void stream_QImage();
void stream_QPalette_data();
void stream_QPalette();
void stream_QPen_data();
void stream_QPen();
void stream_QPixmap_data();
void stream_QPixmap();
void stream_QPoint_data();
void stream_QPoint();
void stream_QRect_data();
void stream_QRect();
void stream_QPolygon_data();
void stream_QPolygon();
void stream_QRegion_data();
void stream_QRegion();
void stream_QSize_data();
void stream_QSize();
void stream_QString_data();
void stream_QString();
void stream_QRegExp_data();
void stream_QRegExp();
void stream_Map_data();
void stream_Map();
void stream_Hash_data();
void stream_Hash();
void stream_qint64_data();
void stream_qint64();
void stream_QIcon_data();
void stream_QIcon();
void stream_QEasingCurve_data();
void stream_QEasingCurve();
void stream_atEnd_data();
void stream_atEnd();
void stream_writeError();
void stream_QByteArray2();
void skipRawData_data();
void skipRawData();
void status_qint8_data();
void status_qint8();
void status_qint16_data();
void status_qint16();
void status_qint32_data();
void status_qint32();
void status_qint64_data();
void status_qint64();
void status_float_data();
void status_float();
void status_double_data();
void status_double();
void status_charptr_QByteArray_data();
void status_charptr_QByteArray();
void status_QString_data();
void status_QString();
void status_QBitArray_data();
void status_QBitArray();
void status_QHash_QMap();
2022-01-29 05:25:38 +02:00
void status_QList_QVector();
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
void streamToAndFromQByteArray();
void streamRealDataTypes();
void floatingPointPrecision();
void floatingPointNaN();
void writebool(QDataStream *s);
void writeQBitArray(QDataStream *s);
void writeQBrush(QDataStream *s);
void writeQColor(QDataStream *s);
void writeQByteArray(QDataStream *s);
void writeQCursor(QDataStream *s);
void writeQDate(QDataStream *s);
void writeQTime(QDataStream *s);
void writeQDateTime(QDataStream *s);
void writeQFont(QDataStream *s);
void writeQImage(QDataStream *s);
void writeQPalette(QDataStream *s);
void writeQPen(QDataStream *s);
void writeQPixmap(QDataStream *s);
void writeQPoint(QDataStream *s);
void writeQRect(QDataStream *s);
void writeQPolygon(QDataStream *s);
void writeQRegion(QDataStream *s);
void writeQSize(QDataStream *s);
void writeQString(QDataStream* dev);
void writeQRegExp(QDataStream* dev);
void writeMap(QDataStream* dev);
void writeHash(QDataStream* dev);
void writeqint64(QDataStream *s);
void writeQIcon(QDataStream *s);
void writeQEasingCurve(QDataStream *s);
void readbool(QDataStream *s);
void readQBitArray(QDataStream *s);
void readQBrush(QDataStream *s);
void readQColor(QDataStream *s);
void readQByteArray(QDataStream *s);
void readQCursor(QDataStream *s);
void readQDate(QDataStream *s);
void readQTime(QDataStream *s);
void readQDateTime(QDataStream *s);
void readQFont(QDataStream *s);
void readQImage(QDataStream *s);
void readQPalette(QDataStream *s);
void readQPen(QDataStream *s);
void readQPixmap(QDataStream *s);
void readQPoint(QDataStream *s);
void readQRect(QDataStream *s);
void readQPolygon(QDataStream *s);
void readQRegion(QDataStream *s);
void readQSize(QDataStream *s);
void readQString(QDataStream *s);
void readQRegExp(QDataStream *s);
void readMap(QDataStream *s);
void readHash(QDataStream *s);
void readqint64(QDataStream *s);
void readQIcon(QDataStream *s);
void readQEasingCurve(QDataStream *s);
QString svgFile;
// Testing get/set functions
void tst_QDataStream::getSetCheck()
QDataStream obj1;
// QIODevice * QDataStream::device()
// void QDataStream::setDevice(QIODevice *)
QFile *var1 = new QFile;
QCOMPARE((QIODevice *)var1, (QIODevice *)obj1.device());
obj1.setDevice((QIODevice *)0);
QCOMPARE((QIODevice *)0, (QIODevice *)obj1.device());
delete var1;
// Status QDataStream::status()
// void QDataStream::setStatus(Status)
QCOMPARE(QDataStream::Ok, obj1.status());
QCOMPARE(QDataStream::ReadPastEnd, obj1.status());
QCOMPARE(QDataStream::ReadCorruptData, obj1.status());
svgFile = QLatin1String(SRCDIR SVGFILE);
void tst_QDataStream::init()
void tst_QDataStream::cleanup()
static int dataIndex(const QString &tag)
int pos = tag.lastIndexOf("_");
if (pos >= 0) {
int ret = 0;
QString count = tag.mid(pos + 1);
bool ok;
ret = count.toInt(&ok);
if (ok)
return ret;
return -1;
static const char * const devices[] = {
In this testcase i follow a different approach than usual: I don't use the full power of
QtTestTable and QtTestData. This is done deliberately because QtTestData uses a QDataStream
itself to handle its data. So it would be a bit inapropriate to fully rely on QtTestData in this
I do use QString in QtTestData because this is thouroughly tested in the selftest.
void tst_QDataStream::stream_data(int noOfElements)
for (int d=0; devices[d] != 0; d++) {
2022-10-30 22:30:09 +02:00
QString device = devices[d];
for (int b=0; b<2; b++) {
QString byte_order = b == 0 ? "BigEndian" : "LittleEndian";
QString tag = device + "_" + byte_order;
for (int e=0; e<noOfElements; e++) {
QTest::newRow(qPrintable(tag + QString("_%1").arg(e))) << device << QString(byte_order);
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
2022-10-20 20:17:55 +03:00
static const QString open_png = QFile::decodeName(SRCDIR "/open.png");
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
QFETCH(QString, device); \
if (device == "bytearray") { \
2022-10-30 22:30:09 +02:00
QByteArray ba; \
QDataStream sout(&ba, QIODevice::WriteOnly); \
write##TYPE(&sout); \
QDataStream sin(&ba, QIODevice::ReadOnly); \
read##TYPE(&sin); \
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
} else if (device == "file") { \
2022-10-30 22:30:09 +02:00
QString fileName = "qdatastream.out"; \
QFile fOut(fileName); \
QVERIFY(fOut.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)); \
QDataStream sout(&fOut); \
write##TYPE(&sout); \
fOut.close(); \
QFile fIn(fileName); \
QVERIFY(fIn.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)); \
QDataStream sin(&fIn); \
read##TYPE(&sin); \
fIn.close(); \
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
} else if (device == "buffer") { \
2022-10-30 22:30:09 +02:00
QByteArray ba(10000, '\0'); \
QBuffer bOut(&ba); \
bOut.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); \
QDataStream sout(&bOut); \
write##TYPE(&sout); \
bOut.close(); \
QBuffer bIn(&ba); \
bIn.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); \
QDataStream sin(&bIn); \
read##TYPE(&sin); \
bIn.close(); \
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
// ************************************
static QString QStringData(int index)
switch (index)
2022-10-30 22:30:09 +02:00
case 0: return QString();
case 1: return QString("");
case 2: return QString("A");
case 3: return QString("ABCDE FGHI");
case 4: return QString("This is a long string");
case 5: return QString("And again a string with a \nCRLF");
case 6: return QString("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRESTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ~`!@#$%^&*()_-+={[}]|\\:;\"'<,>.?/");
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
return QString("foo");
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QString_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QString()
void tst_QDataStream::writeQString(QDataStream* s)
QString test(QStringData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s << test;
*s << QString("Her er det noe tekst");
*s << test;
*s << QString();
*s << test;
*s << QString("");
*s << test;
*s << QString("nonempty");
*s << test;
void tst_QDataStream::readQString(QDataStream *s)
QString S;
QString test(QStringData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s >> S;
QCOMPARE(S, test);
*s >> S;
QCOMPARE(S, QString("Her er det noe tekst"));
*s >> S;
QCOMPARE(S, test);
*s >> S;
*s >> S;
QCOMPARE(S, test);
*s >> S;
*s >> S;
QCOMPARE(S, test);
*s >> S;
QCOMPARE(S, QString("nonempty"));
*s >> S;
QCOMPARE(S, test);
// ************************************
static QRegExp QRegExpData(int index)
switch (index)
case 0: return QRegExp();
case 1: return QRegExp("");
case 2: return QRegExp("A", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
case 3: return QRegExp("ABCDE FGHI", Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard);
case 4: return QRegExp("This is a long string", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::FixedString);
case 5: return QRegExp("And again a string with a \nCRLF", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::RegExp);
case 6: {
QRegExp rx("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRESTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ~`!@#$%^&*()_-+={[}]|\\:;\"'<,>.?/");
return rx;
return QRegExp("foo");
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QRegExp_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QRegExp()
void tst_QDataStream::writeQRegExp(QDataStream* s)
QRegExp test(QRegExpData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s << test;
*s << QString("Her er det noe tekst");
*s << test;
*s << QString("nonempty");
*s << test;
*s << QVariant(test);
void tst_QDataStream::readQRegExp(QDataStream *s)
QRegExp R;
QString S;
QVariant V;
QRegExp test(QRegExpData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s >> R;
QCOMPARE(R, test);
*s >> S;
QCOMPARE(S, QString("Her er det noe tekst"));
*s >> R;
QCOMPARE(R, test);
*s >> S;
QCOMPARE(S, QString("nonempty"));
*s >> R;
QCOMPARE(R, test);
*s >> V;
QVERIFY(V.type() == QVariant::RegExp);
QCOMPARE(V.toRegExp(), test);
// ************************************
typedef QMap<int, QString> Map;
static Map MapData(int index)
Map map;
switch (index)
case 0:
case 1:
map.insert(1, "a");
map.insert(2, "bbb");
map.insert(3, "cccccc");
case 2:
map.insert(1, "a");
map.insert(2, "one");
map.insertMulti(2, "two");
map.insertMulti(2, "three");
map.insert(3, "cccccc");
return map;
#define MAX_MAP_DATA 3
void tst_QDataStream::stream_Map_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_Map()
void tst_QDataStream::writeMap(QDataStream* s)
Map test(MapData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s << test;
*s << test;
void tst_QDataStream::readMap(QDataStream *s)
Map S;
Map test(MapData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s >> S;
QCOMPARE(S, test);
*s >> S;
QCOMPARE(S, test);
// ************************************
typedef QHash<int, QString> Hash;
static Hash HashData(int index)
Hash map;
switch (index)
case 0:
case 1:
map.insert(1, "a");
map.insert(2, "bbb");
map.insert(3, "cccccc");
case 2:
map.insert(1, "a");
map.insert(2, "one");
map.insertMulti(2, "two");
map.insertMulti(2, "three");
map.insert(3, "cccccc");
return map;
#define MAX_HASH_DATA 3
void tst_QDataStream::stream_Hash_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_Hash()
void tst_QDataStream::writeHash(QDataStream* s)
Hash test(HashData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s << test;
*s << test;
void tst_QDataStream::readHash(QDataStream *s)
Hash S;
Hash test(HashData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s >> S;
QCOMPARE(S, test);
*s >> S;
QCOMPARE(S, test);
// ************************************
static QEasingCurve QEasingCurveData(int index)
QEasingCurve easing;
switch (index) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
return easing;
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QEasingCurve_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QEasingCurve()
void tst_QDataStream::writeQEasingCurve(QDataStream* s)
QEasingCurve test(QEasingCurveData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s << test;
void tst_QDataStream::readQEasingCurve(QDataStream *s)
QEasingCurve S;
QEasingCurve expected(QEasingCurveData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s >> S;
QCOMPARE(S, expected);
// ************************************
// contains some quint64 testing as well
#define MAX_qint64_DATA 4
static qint64 qint64Data(int index)
switch (index) {
case 0: return qint64(0);
case 1: return qint64(1);
case 2: return qint64(-1);
case 3: return qint64(1) << 40;
case MAX_qint64_DATA: return -(qint64(1) << 40);
return -1;
void tst_QDataStream::stream_qint64_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_qint64()
void tst_QDataStream::writeqint64(QDataStream* s)
qint64 test = qint64Data(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag()));
*s << test;
*s << int(1);
*s << (quint64)test;
void tst_QDataStream::readqint64(QDataStream *s)
qint64 test = qint64Data(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag()));
qint64 i64;
quint64 ui64;
int i;
*s >> i64;
QCOMPARE(i64, test);
*s >> i;
QCOMPARE(i, int(1));
*s >> ui64;
QCOMPARE(ui64, (quint64)test);
// ************************************
static bool boolData(int index)
switch (index)
case 0: return true;
case 1: return false;
case 2: return bool(2);
case 3: return bool(-1);
case 4: return bool(127);
return false;
void tst_QDataStream::stream_bool_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_bool()
void tst_QDataStream::writebool(QDataStream *s)
bool d1 = boolData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag()));
*s << d1;
void tst_QDataStream::readbool(QDataStream *s)
bool expected = boolData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag()));
bool d1;
*s >> d1;
QVERIFY(d1 == expected);
// ************************************
static void QBitArrayData(QBitArray *b, int index)
QString filler = "";
switch (index)
case 0: filler = ""; break;
case 1: filler = ""; break;
case 2: filler = "0"; break;
case 3: filler = "1"; break;
case 4: filler = "0000"; break;
case 5: filler = "0001"; break;
case 6: filler = "0010"; break;
case 7: filler = "0100"; break;
case 8: filler = "1000"; break;
case 9: filler = "1111"; break;
case 10: filler = "00000000"; break;
case 11: filler = "00000001"; break;
case 12: filler = "11111111"; break;
case 13: filler = "000000001"; break;
case 14: filler = "000000000001"; break;
case 15: filler = "0000000000000001"; break;
case 16: filler = "0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101"; break;
case 17: filler = "1010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010"; break;
case 18: filler = "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"; break;
b->fill(0); // reset all bits to zero
for (int i = 0; i < filler.length(); ++i) {
if (filler.at(i) == '1')
b->setBit(i, true);
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QBitArray_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QBitArray()
void tst_QDataStream::writeQBitArray(QDataStream *s)
QBitArray d1;
QBitArrayData(&d1, dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag()));
*s << d1;
void tst_QDataStream::readQBitArray(QDataStream *s)
QBitArray expected;
QBitArrayData(&expected, dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag()));
QBitArray d1;
*s >> d1;
QVERIFY(d1 == expected);
// ************************************
static QBrush qBrushData(int index)
switch (index)
case 0: return QBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
case 1: return QBrush(Qt::SolidPattern);
case 2: return QBrush(Qt::Dense7Pattern);
case 3: return QBrush(Qt::red, Qt::NoBrush);
case 4: return QBrush(Qt::green, Qt::SolidPattern);
case 5: return QBrush(Qt::blue, Qt::Dense7Pattern);
case 6: {
2022-10-20 20:17:55 +03:00
QPixmap pm(open_png);
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
QBrush custom(Qt::black, pm);
return custom;
case 7:
2021-01-30 19:11:17 +02:00
QLinearGradient gradient(QPointF(2.718, 3.142), QPointF(3.1337, 42));
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
gradient.setColorAt(0.2, Qt::red);
gradient.setColorAt(0.6, Qt::transparent);
gradient.setColorAt(0.8, Qt::blue);
return QBrush(gradient);
return QBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QBrush_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QBrush()
if (QString(QTest::currentDataTag()).endsWith("6"))
QSKIP("Custom brushes don't seem to be supported with QDataStream", SkipSingle);
void tst_QDataStream::writeQBrush(QDataStream *s)
QBrush brush = qBrushData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag()));
*s << brush;
void tst_QDataStream::readQBrush(QDataStream *s)
QBrush d2;
*s >> d2;
QBrush brush = qBrushData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag()));
QVERIFY(d2 == brush);
// ************************************
static QColor QColorData(int index)
switch (index)
case 0: return QColor(Qt::color0);
case 1: return QColor(Qt::lightGray);
case 2: return QColor(Qt::blue);
case 3: return QColor(Qt::darkRed);
case 4: return QColor(Qt::darkBlue);
case 5: return QColor(Qt::darkMagenta);
case 6: return QColor(Qt::transparent);
case 7: return QColor("lightsteelblue");
return QColor(0,0,0);
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QColor_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QColor()
void tst_QDataStream::writeQColor(QDataStream *s)
QColor d3(QColorData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s << d3;
void tst_QDataStream::readQColor(QDataStream *s)
QColor test(QColorData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
QColor d3;
*s >> d3;
QVERIFY(d3 == test);
// ************************************
static QByteArray qByteArrayData(int index)
switch (index)
case 0: return QByteArray();
case 1: return QByteArray("");
case 2: return QByteArray("foo");
case 3: return QByteArray("foo bar");
case 4: return QByteArray("two\nlines");
case 5: return QByteArray("ABCDEFG");
case 6: return QByteArray("baec zxv 123"); // kept for nostalgic reasons
case 7: return QByteArray("jbc;UBC;jd clhdbcahd vcbd vgdv dhvb laifv kadf jkhfbvljd khd lhvjh ");
return QByteArray("foo");
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QByteArray_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QByteArray()
void tst_QDataStream::writeQByteArray(QDataStream *s)
QByteArray d4(qByteArrayData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s << d4;
void tst_QDataStream::readQByteArray(QDataStream *s)
QByteArray test(qByteArrayData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
QByteArray d4;
*s >> d4;
QCOMPARE(d4, test);
// ************************************
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
static QCursor qCursorData(int index)
switch (index)
case 0: return QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
case 1: return QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor);
case 2: return QCursor(Qt::BitmapCursor);
case 3: return QCursor(Qt::BlankCursor);
case 4: return QCursor(Qt::BlankCursor);
2022-10-20 20:17:55 +03:00
case 5: return QCursor(QPixmap(open_png), 1, 1);
case 6: { QPixmap pm(open_png); return QCursor(QBitmap(pm), pm.mask(), 3, 4); }
case 7: return QCursor(QPixmap(open_png), -1, 5);
case 8: return QCursor(QPixmap(open_png), 5, -1);
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
return QCursor();
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QCursor_data()
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QCursor()
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
void tst_QDataStream::writeQCursor(QDataStream *s)
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
QCursor d5(qCursorData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s << d5;
void tst_QDataStream::readQCursor(QDataStream *s)
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
QCursor test(qCursorData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
QCursor d5;
*s >> d5;
QVERIFY(d5.shape() == test.shape()); //## lacks operator==
QVERIFY(d5.hotSpot() == test.hotSpot());
QVERIFY((d5.bitmap() != 0 && test.bitmap() != 0) || (d5.bitmap() == 0 && test.bitmap() == 0));
if (d5.bitmap() != 0)
QVERIFY(d5.bitmap()->toImage() == test.bitmap()->toImage());
QVERIFY((d5.mask() != 0 && test.mask() != 0) || (d5.mask() == 0 && test.mask() == 0));
if (d5.mask() != 0)
QVERIFY(d5.mask()->toImage() == test.mask()->toImage());
// ************************************
static QDate qDateData(int index)
switch (index)
case 0: return QDate(1752, 9, 14); // the first valid date
case 1: return QDate(1900, 1, 1);
case 2: return QDate(1976, 4, 5);
case 3: return QDate(1960, 5, 27);
case 4: return QDate(1999, 12, 31); // w2k effects?
case 5: return QDate(2000, 1, 1);
case 6: return QDate(2050, 1, 1);// test some values far in the future too
case 7: return QDate(3001, 12, 31);
case 8: return QDate(4002, 1, 1);
case 9: return QDate(4003, 12, 31);
case 10: return QDate(5004, 1, 1);
case 11: return QDate(5005, 12, 31);
case 12: return QDate(6006, 1, 1);
case 13: return QDate(6007, 12, 31);
case 14: return QDate(7008, 1, 1);
case 15: return QDate(7009, 12, 31);
return QDate();
#define MAX_QDATE_DATA 16
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QDate_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QDate()
void tst_QDataStream::writeQDate(QDataStream *s)
QDate d6(qDateData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s << d6;
void tst_QDataStream::readQDate(QDataStream *s)
QDate test(qDateData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
QDate d6;
*s >> d6;
QVERIFY(d6 == test);
// ************************************
static QTime qTimeData(int index)
switch (index)
case 0 : return QTime(0, 0, 0, 0);
case 1 : return QTime(0, 0, 0, 1);
case 2 : return QTime(0, 0, 0, 99);
case 3 : return QTime(0, 0, 0, 100);
case 4 : return QTime(0, 0, 0, 999);
case 5 : return QTime(0, 0, 1, 0);
case 6 : return QTime(0, 0, 1, 1);
case 7 : return QTime(0, 0, 1, 99);
case 8 : return QTime(0, 0, 1, 100);
case 9 : return QTime(0, 0, 1, 999);
case 10: return QTime(0, 0, 59, 0);
case 11: return QTime(0, 0, 59, 1);
case 12: return QTime(0, 0, 59, 99);
case 13: return QTime(0, 0, 59, 100);
case 14: return QTime(0, 0, 59, 999);
case 15: return QTime(0, 59, 0, 0);
case 16: return QTime(0, 59, 0, 1);
case 17: return QTime(0, 59, 0, 99);
case 18: return QTime(0, 59, 0, 100);
case 19: return QTime(0, 59, 0, 999);
case 20: return QTime(0, 59, 1, 0);
case 21: return QTime(0, 59, 1, 1);
case 22: return QTime(0, 59, 1, 99);
case 23: return QTime(0, 59, 1, 100);
case 24: return QTime(0, 59, 1, 999);
case 25: return QTime(0, 59, 59, 0);
case 26: return QTime(0, 59, 59, 1);
case 27: return QTime(0, 59, 59, 99);
case 28: return QTime(0, 59, 59, 100);
case 29: return QTime(0, 59, 59, 999);
case 30: return QTime(23, 0, 0, 0);
case 31: return QTime(23, 0, 0, 1);
case 32: return QTime(23, 0, 0, 99);
case 33: return QTime(23, 0, 0, 100);
case 34: return QTime(23, 0, 0, 999);
case 35: return QTime(23, 0, 1, 0);
case 36: return QTime(23, 0, 1, 1);
case 37: return QTime(23, 0, 1, 99);
case 38: return QTime(23, 0, 1, 100);
case 39: return QTime(23, 0, 1, 999);
case 40: return QTime(23, 0, 59, 0);
case 41: return QTime(23, 0, 59, 1);
case 42: return QTime(23, 0, 59, 99);
case 43: return QTime(23, 0, 59, 100);
case 44: return QTime(23, 0, 59, 999);
case 45: return QTime(23, 59, 0, 0);
case 46: return QTime(23, 59, 0, 1);
case 47: return QTime(23, 59, 0, 99);
case 48: return QTime(23, 59, 0, 100);
case 49: return QTime(23, 59, 0, 999);
case 50: return QTime(23, 59, 1, 0);
case 51: return QTime(23, 59, 1, 1);
case 52: return QTime(23, 59, 1, 99);
case 53: return QTime(23, 59, 1, 100);
case 54: return QTime(23, 59, 1, 999);
case 55: return QTime(23, 59, 59, 0);
case 56: return QTime(23, 59, 59, 1);
case 57: return QTime(23, 59, 59, 99);
case 58: return QTime(23, 59, 59, 100);
case 59: return QTime(23, 59, 59, 999);
return QTime(0, 0, 0);
#define MAX_QTIME_DATA 60
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QTime_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QTime()
void tst_QDataStream::writeQTime(QDataStream *s)
QTime d7 = qTimeData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag()));
*s << d7;
void tst_QDataStream::readQTime(QDataStream *s)
QTime test = qTimeData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag()));
QTime d7;
*s >> d7;
QVERIFY(d7 == test);
// ************************************
static QDateTime qDateTimeData(int index)
switch (index)
case 0: return QDateTime(QDate(1900, 1, 1), QTime(0,0,0,0));
case 1: return QDateTime(QDate(1900, 1, 2), QTime(1,1,1,1));
case 2: return QDateTime(QDate(1900, 1, 3), QTime(12,0,0,0));
case 3: return QDateTime(QDate(1900, 1, 4), QTime(23,59,59,999));
case 4: return QDateTime(QDate(1999, 1, 1), QTime(0,0,0,0));
case 5: return QDateTime(QDate(1999, 1, 2), QTime(1,1,1,1));
case 6: return QDateTime(QDate(1999, 1, 3), QTime(12,0,0,0));
case 7: return QDateTime(QDate(1999, 1, 4), QTime(23,59,59,999));
case 8: return QDateTime(QDate(2000, 1, 1), QTime(0,0,0,0));
case 9: return QDateTime(QDate(2000, 1, 2), QTime(1,1,1,1));
case 10: return QDateTime(QDate(2000, 1, 3), QTime(12,0,0,0));
case 11: return QDateTime(QDate(2000, 1, 4), QTime(23,59,59,999));
case 12: return QDateTime(QDate(2000, 12, 31), QTime(0,0,0,0));
case 13: return QDateTime(QDate(2000, 12, 31), QTime(1,1,1,1));
case 14: return QDateTime(QDate(2000, 12, 31), QTime(12,0,0,0));
case 15: return QDateTime(QDate(2000, 12, 31), QTime(23,59,59,999));
return QDateTime(QDate(1900, 1, 1), QTime(0,0,0));
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QDateTime_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QDateTime()
void tst_QDataStream::writeQDateTime(QDataStream *s)
QDateTime dt(qDateTimeData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s << dt;
void tst_QDataStream::readQDateTime(QDataStream *s)
QDateTime test(qDateTimeData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
QDateTime d8;
*s >> d8;
QVERIFY(d8 == test);
// ************************************
static QFont qFontData(int index)
2022-01-10 10:04:17 +02:00
switch (index) {
case 0: {
QFont f(QFont::lastResortFamily(), 10, QFont::Normal, false);
return f;
case 1: {
QFont f(QFont::lastResortFamily(), 10, QFont::Bold, false);
return f;
case 2: {
QFont f(QFont::lastResortFamily(), 10, QFont::Light, false);
return f;
case 3: {
QFont f(QFont::lastResortFamily(), 10, QFont::DemiBold, false);
return f;
case 4: {
QFont f(QFont::lastResortFamily(), 10, QFont::Black, false);
return f;
case 5: {
QFont f(QFont::lastResortFamily(), 10, QFont::Normal, true);
return f;
case 6: {
QFont f(QFont::lastResortFamily(), 10, QFont::Bold, true);
return f;
case 7: {
QFont f(QFont::lastResortFamily(), 10, QFont::Bold, true);
return f;
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
2022-01-10 10:04:17 +02:00
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
2022-01-10 10:04:17 +02:00
#define MAX_QFONT_DATA 8
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QFont_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QFont()
void tst_QDataStream::writeQFont(QDataStream *s)
QFont d9(qFontData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s << d9;
void tst_QDataStream::readQFont(QDataStream *s)
QFont test(qFontData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
QFont d9;
*s >> d9;
// maybe a bit overkill ...
QCOMPARE(d9.family(), test.family());
QCOMPARE(d9.pointSize(), test.pointSize());
QCOMPARE(d9.pixelSize(), test.pixelSize());
QCOMPARE(d9.weight(), test.weight());
QCOMPARE(d9.bold(), test.bold());
QCOMPARE(d9.italic(), test.italic());
QCOMPARE(d9.underline(), test.underline());
QCOMPARE(d9.overline(), test.overline());
QCOMPARE(d9.strikeOut(), test.strikeOut());
QCOMPARE(d9.fixedPitch(), test.fixedPitch());
QCOMPARE(d9.toString(), test.toString());
QCOMPARE(d9, test);
// ************************************
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QImage_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QImage()
void tst_QDataStream::writeQImage(QDataStream *s)
2022-10-20 20:17:55 +03:00
QImage d12(open_png);
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
//debug("Orig alpha: %i", (int)d12.hasAlphaBuffer());
*s << d12;
void tst_QDataStream::readQImage(QDataStream *s)
2022-10-20 20:17:55 +03:00
QImage ref(open_png);
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
QImage d12;
*s >> d12;
QVERIFY(d12 == ref);
// do some extra neurotic tests
QVERIFY(d12.size() == ref.size());
QVERIFY(d12.isNull() == ref.isNull());
QVERIFY(d12.width() == ref.width());
QVERIFY(d12.height() == ref.height());
QVERIFY(d12.depth() == ref.depth());
2021-12-22 10:38:29 +02:00
QVERIFY(d12.colorTable() == ref.colorTable());
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
QVERIFY(d12.hasAlphaChannel() == ref.hasAlphaChannel());
// qDebug("Alpha: %i %i", (int)d12.hasAlphaBuffer(), ref.hasAlphaBuffer());
// qDebug("Feil %i %i: %x != %x", 3, 0, d12.pixel(3, 0), ref.pixel(3, 0));
// ################ Bug : ref and orig has ff in alpha; readback has 0
// ### (Was like this in 1.44 as well)
// for(int i = 0; i < d12.height(); i++)
// for(int j = 0; j < d12.width(); j++)
// if (d12.pixel(j, i) != ref.pixel(j, i))
// qDebug("Feil %i %i", j, i);
// ************************************
static QPalette qPaletteData(int index)
switch (index)
case 0: return QPalette(Qt::green);
case 1: return QPalette(Qt::cyan, Qt::blue);
case 2: return QPalette(Qt::red, Qt::yellow);
return QPalette(Qt::black);
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QPalette_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QPalette()
void tst_QDataStream::writeQPalette(QDataStream *s)
QPalette d13(qPaletteData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s << d13;
void tst_QDataStream::readQPalette(QDataStream *s)
QPalette test(qPaletteData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
QPalette d13;
*s >> d13;
QVERIFY(d13 == test);
// ************************************
static QPen qPenData(int index)
switch (index)
case 0: {
QPen p(Qt::blue, 0, Qt::NoPen);
return p;
case 1: {
QPen p(Qt::red, 1, Qt::SolidLine);
return p;
case 2: {
QPen p(Qt::red, 4, Qt::DashDotDotLine);
return p;
case 3: {
QPen p(Qt::blue, 12, Qt::NoPen);
return p;
case 4: {
QPen p(Qt::red, 99, Qt::SolidLine);
return p;
case 5: {
QPen p(Qt::red, 255, Qt::DashDotLine);
return p;
case 6: {
QPen p(Qt::red, 256, Qt::DashDotLine);
return p;
case 7: {
QPen p(Qt::red, 0.25, Qt::DashDotLine);
return p;
return QPen();
#define MAX_QPEN_DATA 8
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QPen_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QPen()
data6 fails because the width is clipped to a byte (max 255) in the datastream.
This limitation is not documented.
void tst_QDataStream::writeQPen(QDataStream *s)
QPen d15(qPenData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s << d15;
void tst_QDataStream::readQPen(QDataStream *s)
QPen origPen(qPenData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
QPen d15;
*s >> d15;
QCOMPARE(d15.style(), origPen.style());
QCOMPARE(d15.width(), origPen.width());
QCOMPARE(d15.color(), origPen.color());
QVERIFY(d15.capStyle() == origPen.capStyle());
QVERIFY(d15.joinStyle() == origPen.joinStyle());
QVERIFY(d15 == origPen);
// ************************************
// pixmap testing is currently limited to one pixmap only.
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QPixmap_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QPixmap()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QIcon_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QIcon()
void tst_QDataStream::writeQPixmap(QDataStream *s)
2022-10-20 20:17:55 +03:00
QPixmap d16(open_png);
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
*s << d16;
void tst_QDataStream::readQPixmap(QDataStream *s)
2022-10-20 20:17:55 +03:00
QPixmap pm(open_png);
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
QPixmap d16;
*s >> d16;
QVERIFY(!d16.isNull() && !pm.isNull());
QVERIFY(d16.width() == pm.width());
QVERIFY(d16.height() == pm.height());
QVERIFY(d16.size() == pm.size());
QVERIFY(d16.rect() == pm.rect());
QVERIFY(d16.depth() == pm.depth());
void tst_QDataStream::writeQIcon(QDataStream *s)
2022-10-20 20:17:55 +03:00
QPixmap pm(open_png);
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
QIcon d16(pm);
*s << d16;
QIcon svg(svgFile);
*s << svg;
void tst_QDataStream::readQIcon(QDataStream *s)
2022-10-20 20:17:55 +03:00
QPixmap pm(open_png);
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
QIcon icon(pm);
QIcon d16;
*s >> d16;
QVERIFY(!d16.isNull() && !icon.isNull());
QCOMPARE(d16.pixmap(100), pm);
QIcon svg;
*s >> svg;
QImage image(200, 200, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
QPainter p(&image);
p.drawPixmap(0, 0, svg.pixmap(200, 200));
QIcon svg2(svgFile);
QImage image2(200, 200, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
p.drawPixmap(0, 0, svg2.pixmap(200, 200));
QCOMPARE(image, image2);
// ************************************
QPoint qPointData(int index)
switch (index)
case 0: return QPoint(0, 0);
case 1: return QPoint(-1, 0);
case 2: return QPoint(0, -1);
case 3: return QPoint(1, 0);
case 4: return QPoint(0, 1);
case 5: return QPoint(-1, -1);
case 6: return QPoint(1, 1);
case 7: return QPoint(255, 255);
case 8: return QPoint(256, 256);
case 9: return QPoint(-254, -254);
case 10: return QPoint(-255, -255);
return QPoint();
#define MAX_QPOINT_DATA 11
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QPoint_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QPoint()
void tst_QDataStream::writeQPoint(QDataStream *s)
QPoint d17(qPointData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s << d17;
QPointF d17f = d17;
*s << d17f;
void tst_QDataStream::readQPoint(QDataStream *s)
QPoint ref(qPointData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
QPoint d17;
*s >> d17;
QVERIFY(d17 == ref);
QPointF d17f;
*s >> d17f;
QVERIFY(d17f == QPointF(ref));
// ************************************
static QRect qRectData(int index)
switch (index)
case 0: return QRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
case 1: return QRect(1, 1, 1, 1);
case 2: return QRect(1, 2, 3, 4);
case 3: return QRect(-1, -1, -1, -1);
case 4: return QRect(-1, -2, -3, -4);
case 5: return QRect(255, -5, 256, -6);
case 6: return QRect(-7, 255, -8, 256);
case 7: return QRect(9, -255, 10, -255);
case 8: return QRect(-255, 11, -255, 12);
case 9: return QRect(256, 512, 1024, 2048);
case 10: return QRect(-256, -512, -1024, -2048);
return QRect();
#define MAX_QRECT_DATA 11
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QRect_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QRect()
void tst_QDataStream::writeQRect(QDataStream *s)
QRect d18(qRectData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s << d18;
QRectF d18f(d18);
*s << d18f;
void tst_QDataStream::readQRect(QDataStream *s)
QRect ref(qRectData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
QRect d18;
*s >> d18;
QVERIFY(d18 == ref);
QRectF d18f;
*s >> d18f;
QVERIFY(d18f == QRectF(ref));
// ************************************
static QPolygon qPolygonData(int index)
QPoint p0(0, 0);
QPoint p1(1, 1);
QPoint p2(-1, -1);
QPoint p3(1, -1);
QPoint p4(-1, 1);
QPoint p5(0, 255);
QPoint p6(0, 256);
QPoint p7(0, 1024);
QPoint p8(255, 0);
QPoint p9(256, 0);
QPoint p10(1024, 0);
QPoint p11(345, 678);
QPoint p12(23456, 99999);
QPoint p13(-99998, -34567);
QPoint p14(45678, -99999);
switch (index)
case 0: return QPolygon(0);
case 1: {
QPolygon p(1);
p.setPoint(0, p0);
return p;
case 2: {
QPolygon p(1);
p.setPoint(0, p5);
return p;
case 3: {
QPolygon p(1);
p.setPoint(0, p12);
return p;
case 4: {
QPolygon p(3);
p.setPoint(0, p1);
p.setPoint(1, p10);
p.setPoint(2, p13);
return p;
case 5: {
QPolygon p(6);
p.setPoint(0, p2);
p.setPoint(1, p11);
p.setPoint(2, p14);
return p;
case 6: {
QPolygon p(15);
p.setPoint(0, p0);
p.setPoint(1, p1);
p.setPoint(2, p2);
p.setPoint(3, p3);
p.setPoint(4, p4);
p.setPoint(5, p5);
p.setPoint(6, p6);
p.setPoint(7, p7);
p.setPoint(8, p8);
p.setPoint(9, p9);
p.setPoint(10, p10);
p.setPoint(11, p11);
p.setPoint(12, p12);
p.setPoint(13, p13);
p.setPoint(14, p14);
return p;
return QRect();
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QPolygon_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QPolygon()
void tst_QDataStream::writeQPolygon(QDataStream *s)
QPolygon d19(qPolygonData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s << d19;
QPolygonF d19f(d19);
*s << d19f;
void tst_QDataStream::readQPolygon(QDataStream *s)
QPolygon ref(qPolygonData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
QPolygon d19;
*s >> d19;
QVERIFY(d19 == ref);
QPolygonF d19f;
*s >> d19f;
QVERIFY(d19f == QPolygonF(ref));
// ************************************
static QRegion qRegionData(int index)
switch (index)
case 0: return QRegion(0, 0, 0, 0, QRegion::Rectangle);
case 1: {
QRegion r(1, 2, 300, 400, QRegion::Rectangle);
if (r != QRegion(1, 2, 300, 400, QRegion::Rectangle))
qDebug("Error creating a region");
return r;
case 2: return QRegion(100, 100, 1024, 768, QRegion::Rectangle);
case 3: return QRegion(-100, -100, 1024, 1024, QRegion::Rectangle);
case 4: return QRegion(100, -100, 2048, 4096, QRegion::Rectangle);
case 5: return QRegion(-100, 100, 4096, 2048, QRegion::Rectangle);
case 6: return QRegion(0, 0, 0, 0, QRegion::Ellipse);
// all our Unix platforms use X regions.
case 7: return QRegion(1, 2, 300, 400, QRegion::Ellipse);
case 8: return QRegion(100, 100, 1024, 768, QRegion::Ellipse);
case 9: return QRegion(-100, -100, 1024, 1024, QRegion::Ellipse);
case 10: return QRegion(100, -100, 2048, 4096, QRegion::Ellipse);
case 11: return QRegion(-100, 100, 4096, 2048, QRegion::Ellipse);
// simplest X11 case that fails:
case 12: return QRegion(0, 0, 3, 3, QRegion::Ellipse);
return QRegion();
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QRegion_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QRegion()
void tst_QDataStream::writeQRegion(QDataStream *s)
QRegion r(qRegionData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s << r;
void tst_QDataStream::readQRegion(QDataStream *s)
QRegion ref(qRegionData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
QRegion r;
*s >> r;
QVERIFY(r == ref);
// ************************************
static QSize qSizeData(int index)
switch (index)
case 0: return QSize(0, 0);
case 1: return QSize(-1, 0);
case 2: return QSize(0, -1);
case 3: return QSize(1, 0);
case 4: return QSize(0, 1);
case 5: return QSize(-1, -1);
case 6: return QSize(1, 1);
case 7: return QSize(255, 255);
case 8: return QSize(256, 256);
case 9: return QSize(-254, -254);
case 10: return QSize(-255, -255);
return QSize();
#define MAX_QSIZE_DATA 11
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QSize_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QSize()
void tst_QDataStream::writeQSize(QDataStream *s)
QSize d21(qSizeData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
*s << d21;
QSizeF d21f(d21);
*s << d21f;
void tst_QDataStream::readQSize(QDataStream *s)
QSize ref(qSizeData(dataIndex(QTest::currentDataTag())));
QSize d21;
*s >> d21;
QVERIFY(d21 == ref);
QSizeF d21f;
*s >> d21f;
QVERIFY(d21f == QSizeF(ref));
// *********************** atEnd ******************************
void tst_QDataStream::stream_atEnd_data()
void tst_QDataStream::stream_atEnd()
QFETCH(QString, device);
if (device == "bytearray") {
QByteArray ba;
QDataStream sout(&ba, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
QDataStream sin(&ba, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
} else if (device == "file") {
QString fileName = "qdatastream.out";
QFile fOut(fileName);
QDataStream sout(&fOut);
QFile fIn(fileName);
QDataStream sin(&fIn);
} else if (device == "buffer") {
QByteArray ba(0);
QBuffer bOut(&ba);
QDataStream sout(&bOut);
QBuffer bIn(&ba);
QDataStream sin(&bIn);
// Do the same test again, but this time with an initial size for the bytearray.
QByteArray ba(10000, '\0');
QBuffer bOut(&ba);
bOut.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate);
QDataStream sout(&bOut);
QBuffer bIn(&ba);
QDataStream sin(&bIn);
class FakeBuffer : public QBuffer
qint64 writeData(const char *c, qint64 i) { return m_lock ? 0 : QBuffer::writeData(c, i); }
FakeBuffer(bool locked = false) : m_lock(locked) {}
void setLocked(bool locked) { m_lock = locked; }
bool m_lock;
#define TEST_WRITE_ERROR(op) \
{ \
FakeBuffer fb(false); \
QVERIFY(fb.open(QBuffer::ReadWrite)); \
QDataStream fs(&fb); \
fs.writeRawData("hello", 5); \
/* first write some initial content */ \
QCOMPARE(fs.status(), QDataStream::Ok); \
QCOMPARE(fb.data(), QByteArray("hello")); \
/* then test that writing can cause an error */ \
fb.setLocked(true); \
fs op; \
QCOMPARE(fs.status(), QDataStream::WriteFailed); \
QCOMPARE(fb.data(), QByteArray("hello")); \
/* finally test that writing after an error doesn't change the stream any more */ \
fb.setLocked(false); \
fs op; \
QCOMPARE(fs.status(), QDataStream::WriteFailed); \
QCOMPARE(fb.data(), QByteArray("hello")); \
void tst_QDataStream::stream_writeError()
TEST_WRITE_ERROR(<< (qint8)1)
TEST_WRITE_ERROR(<< (quint8)1)
TEST_WRITE_ERROR(<< (qint16)1)
TEST_WRITE_ERROR(<< (quint16)1)
TEST_WRITE_ERROR(<< (qint32)1)
TEST_WRITE_ERROR(<< (quint32)1)
TEST_WRITE_ERROR(<< (qint64)1)
TEST_WRITE_ERROR(<< (quint64)1)
TEST_WRITE_ERROR(<< "hello")
TEST_WRITE_ERROR(<< (float)1.0)
TEST_WRITE_ERROR(<< (double)1.0)
TEST_WRITE_ERROR(.writeRawData("test", 4))
void tst_QDataStream::stream_QByteArray2()
QByteArray ba;
QDataStream s(&ba, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
s << QByteArray("hallo");
s << QByteArray("");
s << QByteArray();
QDataStream s(&ba, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
QByteArray res;
s >> res;
QCOMPARE(res, QByteArray("hallo"));
s >> res;
QCOMPARE(res, QByteArray(""));
s >> res;
QCOMPARE(res, QByteArray());
class SequentialBuffer : public QBuffer
SequentialBuffer(QByteArray *data) : QBuffer(data) { offset = 0; }
bool isSequential() const { return true; }
bool seek(qint64 pos) { offset = pos; return QBuffer::seek(pos); }
qint64 pos() const { return qint64(offset); }
qint64 readData(char *data, qint64 maxSize)
qint64 ret = QBuffer::readData(data, maxSize);
offset += ret;
return ret;
int offset;
void tst_QDataStream::skipRawData_data()
QByteArray bigData;
bigData.fill('a', 20000);
bigData[10001] = 'x';
QTest::newRow("1") << QString("sequential") << QByteArray("abcdefghij") << 3 << 6 << 6 << 'j';
QTest::newRow("2") << QString("random-access") << QByteArray("abcdefghij") << 3 << 6 << 6 << 'j';
QTest::newRow("3") << QString("sequential") << bigData << 1 << 10000 << 10000 << 'x';
QTest::newRow("4") << QString("random-access") << bigData << 1 << 10000 << 10000 << 'x';
QTest::newRow("5") << QString("sequential") << bigData << 1 << 20000 << 19999 << '\0';
QTest::newRow("6") << QString("random-access") << bigData << 1 << 20000 << 19999 << '\0';
void tst_QDataStream::skipRawData()
QFETCH(QString, deviceType);
QFETCH(QByteArray, data);
QFETCH(int, read);
QFETCH(int, skip);
QFETCH(int, skipped);
QFETCH(char, expect);
qint8 dummy;
QIODevice *dev = 0;
if (deviceType == "sequential") {
dev = new SequentialBuffer(&data);
} else if (deviceType == "random-access") {
dev = new QBuffer(&data);
QDataStream in(dev);
for (int i = 0; i < read; ++i)
in >> dummy;
QCOMPARE(in.skipRawData(skip), skipped);
in >> dummy;
QCOMPARE((char)dummy, expect);
delete dev;
#define TEST_qint(T, UT) \
void tst_QDataStream::status_##T() \
{ \
QFETCH(QByteArray, bigEndianData); \
QFETCH(QByteArray, littleEndianData); \
QFETCH(int, expectedStatus); \
QFETCH(qint64, expectedValue); \
{ \
QDataStream stream(&bigEndianData, QIODevice::ReadOnly); \
2022-10-31 02:53:34 +02:00
stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::BigEndian); \
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
T i; \
stream >> i; \
QCOMPARE((int) stream.status(), expectedStatus); \
QCOMPARE(i, (T) expectedValue); \
} \
{ \
QDataStream stream(&bigEndianData, QIODevice::ReadOnly); \
2022-10-31 02:53:34 +02:00
stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::BigEndian); \
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
UT i; \
stream >> i; \
QCOMPARE((int) stream.status(), expectedStatus); \
QCOMPARE((T) i, (T) expectedValue); \
} \
{ \
QDataStream stream(&littleEndianData, QIODevice::ReadOnly); \
stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); \
T i; \
stream >> i; \
QCOMPARE((int) stream.status(), expectedStatus); \
QCOMPARE(i, (T) expectedValue); \
} \
{ \
QDataStream stream(&littleEndianData, QIODevice::ReadOnly); \
stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); \
UT i; \
stream >> i; \
QCOMPARE((int) stream.status(), expectedStatus); \
QCOMPARE((T) i, (T) expectedValue); \
} \
#define TEST_FLOAT(T) \
void tst_QDataStream::status_##T() \
{ \
QFETCH(QByteArray, bigEndianData); \
QFETCH(QByteArray, littleEndianData); \
QFETCH(int, expectedStatus); \
QFETCH(double, expectedValue); \
QDataStream::FloatingPointPrecision prec = sizeof(T) == sizeof(double) ? QDataStream::DoublePrecision : QDataStream::SinglePrecision; \
{ \
QDataStream stream(&bigEndianData, QIODevice::ReadOnly); \
2022-10-31 02:53:34 +02:00
stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::BigEndian); \
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
stream.setFloatingPointPrecision(prec); \
T i; \
stream >> i; \
QCOMPARE((int) stream.status(), expectedStatus); \
QCOMPARE((float) i, (float) expectedValue); \
} \
{ \
QDataStream stream(&littleEndianData, QIODevice::ReadOnly); \
stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); \
stream.setFloatingPointPrecision(prec); \
T i; \
stream >> i; \
QCOMPARE((int) stream.status(), expectedStatus); \
QCOMPARE((float) i, (float) expectedValue); \
} \
void tst_QDataStream::status_qint8_data()
// ok
QTest::newRow("0") << QByteArray(1, '\x0') << QByteArray(1, '\x0') << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(0);
QTest::newRow("-1") << QByteArray(1, '\xff') << QByteArray(1, '\xff') << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(-1);
QTest::newRow("1") << QByteArray(1, '\x01') << QByteArray(1, '\x01') << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(1);
QTest::newRow("37") << QByteArray(1, '\x25') << QByteArray(1, '\x25') << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(37);
QTest::newRow("37j") << QByteArray("\x25j") << QByteArray("\x25j") << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(37);
// past end
QTest::newRow("empty") << QByteArray() << QByteArray() << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << qint64(0);
TEST_qint(qint8, quint8)
void tst_QDataStream::status_qint16_data()
// ok
QTest::newRow("0") << QByteArray(2, '\x0') << QByteArray(2, '\x0') << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(0);
QTest::newRow("-1") << QByteArray("\xff\xff", 2) << QByteArray("\xff\xff", 2) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(-1);
QTest::newRow("1") << QByteArray("\x00\x01", 2) << QByteArray("\x01\x00", 2) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(1);
QTest::newRow("37") << QByteArray("\x00\x25", 2) << QByteArray("\x25\x00", 2) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(37);
QTest::newRow("37j") << QByteArray("\x00\x25j", 3) << QByteArray("\x25\x00j", 3) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(37);
QTest::newRow("0x1234") << QByteArray("\x12\x34", 2) << QByteArray("\x34\x12", 2) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(0x1234);
// past end
QTest::newRow("empty") << QByteArray() << QByteArray() << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << qint64(0);
QTest::newRow("end 1") << QByteArray("", 1) << QByteArray("", 1) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << qint64(0);
QTest::newRow("end 2") << QByteArray("\x25", 1) << QByteArray("\x25", 1) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << qint64(0);
TEST_qint(qint16, quint16)
void tst_QDataStream::status_qint32_data()
// ok
QTest::newRow("0") << QByteArray(4, '\x0') << QByteArray(4, '\x0') << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(0);
QTest::newRow("-1") << QByteArray("\xff\xff\xff\xff", 4) << QByteArray("\xff\xff\xff\xff", 4) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(-1);
QTest::newRow("1") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4) << QByteArray("\x01\x00\x00\x00", 4) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(1);
QTest::newRow("37") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x25", 4) << QByteArray("\x25\x00\x00\x00", 4) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(37);
QTest::newRow("37j") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x25j", 5) << QByteArray("\x25\x00\x00\x00j", 5) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(37);
QTest::newRow("0x12345678") << QByteArray("\x12\x34\x56\x78", 4) << QByteArray("\x78\x56\x34\x12", 4) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(0x12345678);
// past end
QTest::newRow("empty") << QByteArray() << QByteArray() << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << qint64(0);
QTest::newRow("end 1") << QByteArray("", 1) << QByteArray("", 1) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << qint64(0);
QTest::newRow("end 2") << QByteArray("\x25", 1) << QByteArray("\x25", 1) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << qint64(0);
QTest::newRow("end 3") << QByteArray("11", 2) << QByteArray("11", 2) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << qint64(0);
QTest::newRow("end 4") << QByteArray("111", 3) << QByteArray("111", 3) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << qint64(0);
TEST_qint(qint32, quint32)
void tst_QDataStream::status_qint64_data()
// ok
QTest::newRow("0") << QByteArray(8, '\x0') << QByteArray(8, '\x0') << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(0);
QTest::newRow("-1") << QByteArray("\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff", 8) << QByteArray("\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff", 8) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(-1);
QTest::newRow("1") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01", 8) << QByteArray("\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 8) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(1);
QTest::newRow("37") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x25", 8) << QByteArray("\x25\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 8) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(37);
QTest::newRow("37j") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x25j", 9) << QByteArray("\x25\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00j", 9) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << qint64(37);
QTest::newRow("0x123456789ABCDEF0") << QByteArray("\x12\x34\x56\x78\x9a\xbc\xde\xf0", 8) << QByteArray("\xf0\xde\xbc\x9a\x78\x56\x34\x12", 8) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << (qint64)Q_INT64_C(0x123456789ABCDEF0);
// past end
QTest::newRow("empty") << QByteArray() << QByteArray() << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << qint64(0);
QTest::newRow("end 1") << QByteArray("", 1) << QByteArray("", 1) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << qint64(0);
QTest::newRow("end 2") << QByteArray("\x25", 1) << QByteArray("\x25", 1) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << qint64(0);
QTest::newRow("end 3") << QByteArray("11", 2) << QByteArray("11", 2) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << qint64(0);
QTest::newRow("end 4") << QByteArray("111", 3) << QByteArray("111", 3) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << qint64(0);
QTest::newRow("end 5") << QByteArray("1111", 4) << QByteArray("1111", 4) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << qint64(0);
QTest::newRow("end 6") << QByteArray("11111", 5) << QByteArray("11111", 5) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << qint64(0);
QTest::newRow("end 7") << QByteArray("111111", 6) << QByteArray("111111", 6) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << qint64(0);
QTest::newRow("end 8") << QByteArray("1111111", 7) << QByteArray("1111111", 7) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << qint64(0);
TEST_qint(qint64, quint64)
void tst_QDataStream::status_float_data()
// ok
QTest::newRow("0") << QByteArray(4, '\0') << QByteArray(4, '\0') << (int) QDataStream::Ok << (double) 0.0;
QTest::newRow("-1") << QByteArray("\xbf\x80\x00\x00", 4) << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x80\xbf", 4) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << (double) -1;
QTest::newRow("1") << QByteArray("\x3f\x80\x00\x00", 4) << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x80\x3f", 4) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << (double) 1;
QTest::newRow("37") << QByteArray("\x42\x14\x00\x00", 4) << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x14\x42", 4) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << (double) 37;
QTest::newRow("37j") << QByteArray("\x42\x14\x00\x00j", 5) << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x14\x42j", 5) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << (double) 37;
QTest::newRow("3.14") << QByteArray("\x40\x48\xf5\xc3", 4) << QByteArray("\xc3\xf5\x48\x40", 4) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << (double) 3.14;
// past end
QTest::newRow("empty") << QByteArray() << QByteArray() << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << double(0);
QTest::newRow("end 1") << QByteArray("", 1) << QByteArray("", 1) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << double(0);
QTest::newRow("end 2") << QByteArray("\x25", 1) << QByteArray("\x25", 1) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << double(0);
QTest::newRow("end 3") << QByteArray("11", 2) << QByteArray("11", 2) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << double(0);
QTest::newRow("end 4") << QByteArray("111", 3) << QByteArray("111", 3) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << double(0);
void tst_QDataStream::status_double_data()
// ok
QTest::newRow("0") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 8) << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 8) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << (double) 0;
QTest::newRow("-1") << QByteArray("\xbf\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 8) << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xbf", 8) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << (double) -1;
QTest::newRow("1") << QByteArray("\x3f\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 8) << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0\x3f", 8) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << (double) 1;
QTest::newRow("37") << QByteArray("\x40\x42\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 8) << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x42\x40", 8) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << (double) 37;
QTest::newRow("37j") << QByteArray("\x40\x42\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00j", 9) << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x42\x40j", 9) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << (double) 37;
QTest::newRow("3.14") << QByteArray("\x40\x09\x1e\xb8\x60\x00\x00\x00", 8) << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x60\xb8\x1e\x09\x40", 8) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << (double) 3.14;
QTest::newRow("1234.5678") << QByteArray("\x40\x93\x4a\x45\x6d\x5c\xfa\xad", 8) << QByteArray("\xad\xfa\x5c\x6d\x45\x4a\x93\x40", 8) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << (double) 1234.5678;
// past end
QTest::newRow("empty") << QByteArray() << QByteArray() << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << double(0);
QTest::newRow("end 1") << QByteArray("", 1) << QByteArray("", 1) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << double(0);
QTest::newRow("end 2") << QByteArray("\x25", 1) << QByteArray("\x25", 1) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << double(0);
QTest::newRow("end 3") << QByteArray("11", 2) << QByteArray("11", 2) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << double(0);
QTest::newRow("end 4") << QByteArray("111", 3) << QByteArray("111", 3) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << double(0);
QTest::newRow("end 5") << QByteArray("1111", 4) << QByteArray("1111", 4) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << double(0);
QTest::newRow("end 6") << QByteArray("11111", 5) << QByteArray("11111", 5) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << double(0);
QTest::newRow("end 7") << QByteArray("111111", 6) << QByteArray("111111", 6) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << double(0);
QTest::newRow("end 8") << QByteArray("1111111", 7) << QByteArray("1111111", 7) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << double(0);
void tst_QDataStream::status_charptr_QByteArray_data()
QByteArray oneMbMinus1(1024 * 1024 - 1, '\0');
for (int i = 0; i < oneMbMinus1.size(); ++i)
oneMbMinus1[i] = 0x1 | (8 * ((uchar)i / 9));
QByteArray threeMbMinus1 = oneMbMinus1 + 'j' + oneMbMinus1 + 'k' + oneMbMinus1;
// ok
QTest::newRow("size 0") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x00", 4) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("size 1") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x01j", 5) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << QByteArray("j");
QTest::newRow("size 2") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x02jk", 6) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << QByteArray("jk");
QTest::newRow("size 3") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x03jkl", 7) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << QByteArray("jkl");
QTest::newRow("size 4") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x04jklm", 8) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << QByteArray("jklm");
QTest::newRow("size 4j") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x04jklmj", 8) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << QByteArray("jklm");
QTest::newRow("size 1MB-1") << QByteArray("\x00\x0f\xff\xff", 4) + oneMbMinus1 + QByteArray("j") << (int) QDataStream::Ok << oneMbMinus1;
QTest::newRow("size 1MB") << QByteArray("\x00\x10\x00\x00", 4) + oneMbMinus1 + QByteArray("jkl") << (int) QDataStream::Ok << oneMbMinus1 + "j";
QTest::newRow("size 1MB+1") << QByteArray("\x00\x10\x00\x01", 4) + oneMbMinus1 + QByteArray("jkl") << (int) QDataStream::Ok << oneMbMinus1 + "jk";
QTest::newRow("size 3MB-1") << QByteArray("\x00\x2f\xff\xff", 4) + threeMbMinus1 + QByteArray("j") << (int) QDataStream::Ok << threeMbMinus1;
QTest::newRow("size 3MB") << QByteArray("\x00\x30\x00\x00", 4) + threeMbMinus1 + QByteArray("jkl") << (int) QDataStream::Ok << threeMbMinus1 + "j";
QTest::newRow("size 3MB+1") << QByteArray("\x00\x30\x00\x01", 4) + threeMbMinus1 + QByteArray("jkl") << (int) QDataStream::Ok << threeMbMinus1 + "jk";
// past end
QTest::newRow("empty") << QByteArray() << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("trunclen 1") << QByteArray("x") << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("trunclen 2") << QByteArray("xx") << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("trunclen 3") << QByteArray("xxx") << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("truncdata 1") << QByteArray("xxxx") << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("truncdata 2") << QByteArray("xxxxyyyy") << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("badsize 1") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("badsize 2") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x02j", 5) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("badsize 3") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x03jk", 6) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("badsize 4") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x04jkl", 7) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("badsize 1MB") << QByteArray("\x00\x10\x00\x00", 4) + oneMbMinus1 << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("badsize 1MB+1") << QByteArray("\x00\x10\x00\x01", 4) + oneMbMinus1 + QByteArray("j") << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("badsize 3MB") << QByteArray("\x00\x30\x00\x00", 4) + threeMbMinus1 << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("badsize 3MB+1") << QByteArray("\x00\x30\x00\x01", 4) + threeMbMinus1 + QByteArray("j") << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("size -1") << QByteArray("\xff\xff\xff\xff", 4) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("size -2") << QByteArray("\xff\xff\xff\xfe", 4) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QByteArray();
void tst_QDataStream::status_charptr_QByteArray()
QFETCH(QByteArray, data);
QFETCH(int, expectedStatus);
QFETCH(QByteArray, expectedString);
QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
char *buf;
stream >> buf;
QCOMPARE((int)qstrlen(buf), expectedString.size());
QCOMPARE(QByteArray(buf), expectedString);
QCOMPARE(int(stream.status()), expectedStatus);
delete [] buf;
QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
char *buf;
uint len;
stream.readBytes(buf, len);
QCOMPARE((int)len, expectedString.size());
QCOMPARE(QByteArray(buf, len), expectedString);
QCOMPARE(int(stream.status()), expectedStatus);
delete [] buf;
QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
QByteArray buf;
stream >> buf;
if (data.startsWith("\xff\xff\xff\xff")) {
// QByteArray, unlike 'char *', supports the null/empty distinction
} else {
QCOMPARE(buf.size(), expectedString.size());
QCOMPARE(buf, expectedString);
QCOMPARE(int(stream.status()), expectedStatus);
static QByteArray qstring2qbytearray(const QString &str)
QByteArray ba(str.size() * 2 , '\0');
for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) {
// BigEndian
ba[2 * i] = str[i].row();
ba[2 * i + 1] = str[i].cell();
return ba;
void tst_QDataStream::status_QString_data()
QString oneMbMinus1;
oneMbMinus1.resize(1024 * 1024 - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < oneMbMinus1.size(); ++i)
oneMbMinus1[i] = 0x1 | (8 * ((uchar)i / 9));
QString threeMbMinus1 = oneMbMinus1 + QChar('j') + oneMbMinus1 + QChar('k') + oneMbMinus1;
QByteArray threeMbMinus1Data = qstring2qbytearray(threeMbMinus1);
QByteArray oneMbMinus1Data = qstring2qbytearray(oneMbMinus1);
// ok
QTest::newRow("size 0") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x00", 4) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << QString();
QTest::newRow("size 1") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00j", 6) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << QString("j");
QTest::newRow("size 2") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00j\x00k", 8) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << QString("jk");
QTest::newRow("size 3") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00j\x00k\x00l", 10) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << QString("jkl");
QTest::newRow("size 4") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00j\x00k\x00l\x00m", 12) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << QString("jklm");
QTest::newRow("size 4j") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00j\x00k\x00l\x00mjj", 14) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << QString("jklm");
QTest::newRow("size 1MB-1") << QByteArray("\x00\x1f\xff\xfe", 4) + oneMbMinus1Data + QByteArray("jj") << (int) QDataStream::Ok << oneMbMinus1;
QTest::newRow("size 1MB") << QByteArray("\x00\x20\x00\x00", 4) + oneMbMinus1Data + QByteArray("\x00j\x00k\x00l", 6) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << oneMbMinus1 + "j";
QTest::newRow("size 1MB+1") << QByteArray("\x00\x20\x00\x02", 4) + oneMbMinus1Data + QByteArray("\x00j\x00k\x00l", 6) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << oneMbMinus1 + "jk";
QTest::newRow("size 3MB-1") << QByteArray("\x00\x5f\xff\xfe", 4) + threeMbMinus1Data + QByteArray("jj") << (int) QDataStream::Ok << threeMbMinus1;
QTest::newRow("size 3MB") << QByteArray("\x00\x60\x00\x00", 4) + threeMbMinus1Data + QByteArray("\x00j\x00k\x00l", 6) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << threeMbMinus1 + "j";
QTest::newRow("size 3MB+1") << QByteArray("\x00\x60\x00\x02", 4) + threeMbMinus1Data + QByteArray("\x00j\x00k\x00l", 6) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << threeMbMinus1 + "jk";
// past end
QTest::newRow("empty") << QByteArray() << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QString();
QTest::newRow("trunclen 1") << QByteArray("x") << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QString();
QTest::newRow("trunclen 2") << QByteArray("xx") << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QString();
QTest::newRow("trunclen 3") << QByteArray("xxx") << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QString();
QTest::newRow("truncdata 1") << QByteArray("xxxx") << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QString();
QTest::newRow("truncdata 2") << QByteArray("xxxxyyyy") << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QString();
QTest::newRow("badsize 1") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x02", 4) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QString();
QTest::newRow("badsize 2") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x04jj", 6) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QString();
QTest::newRow("badsize 3") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x06jjkk", 8) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QString();
QTest::newRow("badsize 4") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x08jjkkll", 10) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QString();
QTest::newRow("badsize 1MB") << QByteArray("\x00\x20\x00\x00", 4) + oneMbMinus1Data << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QString();
QTest::newRow("badsize 1MB+1") << QByteArray("\x00\x20\x00\x02", 4) + oneMbMinus1Data + QByteArray("j") << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QString();
QTest::newRow("badsize 3MB") << QByteArray("\x00\x60\x00\x00", 4) + threeMbMinus1Data << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QString();
QTest::newRow("badsize 3MB+1") << QByteArray("\x00\x60\x00\x02", 4) + threeMbMinus1Data + QByteArray("j") << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QString();
QTest::newRow("size -2") << QByteArray("\xff\xff\xff\xfe", 4) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QString();
QTest::newRow("size MAX") << QByteArray("\x7f\xff\xff\xfe", 4) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QString();
// corrupt data
QTest::newRow("corrupt1") << QByteArray("yyyy") << (int) QDataStream::ReadCorruptData << QString();
QTest::newRow("size -3") << QByteArray("\xff\xff\xff\xfd", 4) << (int) QDataStream::ReadCorruptData << QString();
void tst_QDataStream::status_QString()
QFETCH(QByteArray, data);
QFETCH(int, expectedStatus);
QFETCH(QString, expectedString);
QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
QString str;
stream >> str;
QCOMPARE(str.size(), expectedString.size());
QCOMPARE(str, expectedString);
QCOMPARE(int(stream.status()), expectedStatus);
static QBitArray bitarray(const QString &str)
QBitArray array(str.size());
for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i)
array[i] = (str[i] != '0');
return array;
void tst_QDataStream::status_QBitArray_data()
// ok
QTest::newRow("size 0") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x00", 4) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("size 1a") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00", 5) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << bitarray("0");
QTest::newRow("size 1b") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01", 5) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << bitarray("1");
QTest::newRow("size 2") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x02\x03", 5) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << bitarray("11");
QTest::newRow("size 3") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x03\x07", 5) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << bitarray("111");
QTest::newRow("size 4") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x04\x0f", 5) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << bitarray("1111");
QTest::newRow("size 5") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x05\x1f", 5) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << bitarray("11111");
QTest::newRow("size 6") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x06\x3f", 5) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << bitarray("111111");
QTest::newRow("size 7a") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x07\x7f", 5) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << bitarray("1111111");
QTest::newRow("size 7b") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x07\x7e", 5) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << bitarray("0111111");
QTest::newRow("size 7c") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00", 5) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << bitarray("0000000");
QTest::newRow("size 7d") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x07\x39", 5) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << bitarray("1001110");
QTest::newRow("size 8") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x08\xff", 5) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << bitarray("11111111");
QTest::newRow("size 9") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x09\xff\x01", 6) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << bitarray("111111111");
QTest::newRow("size 15") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x0f\xff\x7f", 6) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << bitarray("111111111111111");
QTest::newRow("size 16") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x10\xff\xff", 6) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << bitarray("1111111111111111");
QTest::newRow("size 17") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x11\xff\xff\x01", 7) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << bitarray("11111111111111111");
QTest::newRow("size 32") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x20\xff\xff\xff\xff", 8) << (int) QDataStream::Ok << bitarray("11111111111111111111111111111111");
// past end
QTest::newRow("empty") << QByteArray() << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("badsize 0a") << QByteArray("\x00", 1) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("badsize 0a") << QByteArray("\x00\x00", 2) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("badsize 0a") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00", 3) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("badsize 1") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("badsize 2") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x02", 4) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("badsize 3") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x03", 4) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("badsize 7") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x04", 4) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("size 8") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x08", 4) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("size 9") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x09\xff", 5) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("size 15") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x0f\xff", 5) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("size 16") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x10\xff", 5) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("size 17") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x11\xff\xff", 6) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("size 32") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x20\xff\xff\xff", 7) << (int) QDataStream::ReadPastEnd << QBitArray();
// corrupt data
QTest::newRow("junk 1a") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02", 5) << (int) QDataStream::ReadCorruptData << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("junk 1b") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x01\x04", 5) << (int) QDataStream::ReadCorruptData << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("junk 1c") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x01\x08", 5) << (int) QDataStream::ReadCorruptData << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("junk 1d") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x01\x10", 5) << (int) QDataStream::ReadCorruptData << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("junk 1e") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x01\x20", 5) << (int) QDataStream::ReadCorruptData << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("junk 1f") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x01\x40", 5) << (int) QDataStream::ReadCorruptData << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("junk 1g") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x01\x80", 5) << (int) QDataStream::ReadCorruptData << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("junk 2") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x02\x04", 5) << (int) QDataStream::ReadCorruptData << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("junk 3") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x03\x08", 5) << (int) QDataStream::ReadCorruptData << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("junk 4") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x04\x10", 5) << (int) QDataStream::ReadCorruptData << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("junk 5") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x05\x20", 5) << (int) QDataStream::ReadCorruptData << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("junk 6") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x06\x40", 5) << (int) QDataStream::ReadCorruptData << QBitArray();
QTest::newRow("junk 7") << QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x07\x80", 5) << (int) QDataStream::ReadCorruptData << QBitArray();
void tst_QDataStream::status_QBitArray()
QFETCH(QByteArray, data);
QFETCH(int, expectedStatus);
QFETCH(QBitArray, expectedString);
QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
QBitArray str;
stream >> str;
QCOMPARE(int(stream.status()), expectedStatus);
QCOMPARE(str.size(), expectedString.size());
QCOMPARE(str, expectedString);
#define MAP_TEST(byteArray, expectedStatus, expectedHash) \
{ \
QByteArray ba = byteArray; \
QDataStream stream(&ba, QIODevice::ReadOnly); \
stream >> hash; \
QCOMPARE((int)stream.status(), (int)expectedStatus); \
QCOMPARE(hash.size(), expectedHash.size()); \
QCOMPARE(hash, expectedHash); \
} \
{ \
QByteArray ba = byteArray; \
StringMap expectedMap; \
StringHash::const_iterator it = expectedHash.constBegin(); \
for (; it != expectedHash.constEnd(); ++it) \
expectedMap.insert(it.key(), it.value()); \
QDataStream stream(&ba, QIODevice::ReadOnly); \
stream >> map; \
QCOMPARE((int)stream.status(), (int)expectedStatus); \
QCOMPARE(map.size(), expectedMap.size()); \
QCOMPARE(map, expectedMap); \
void tst_QDataStream::status_QHash_QMap()
typedef QHash<QString, QString> StringHash;
typedef QMap<QString, QString> StringMap;
StringHash hash;
StringMap map;
StringHash hash1;
hash1.insert("", "");
StringHash hash2;
hash2.insert("J", "K");
hash2.insert("L", "MN");
// ok
MAP_TEST(QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x00", 4), QDataStream::Ok, StringHash());
MAP_TEST(QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 12), QDataStream::Ok, hash1);
"\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00L\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00M\x00N", 30), QDataStream::Ok, hash2);
// past end
MAP_TEST(QByteArray(), QDataStream::ReadPastEnd, StringHash());
MAP_TEST(QByteArray("\x00", 1), QDataStream::ReadPastEnd, StringHash());
MAP_TEST(QByteArray("\x00\x00", 2), QDataStream::ReadPastEnd, StringHash());
MAP_TEST(QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00", 3), QDataStream::ReadPastEnd, StringHash());
MAP_TEST(QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4), QDataStream::ReadPastEnd, StringHash());
for (int i = 4; i < 12; ++i) {
MAP_TEST(QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", i), QDataStream::ReadPastEnd, StringHash());
// corrupt data
MAP_TEST(QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01", 8), QDataStream::ReadCorruptData, StringHash());
"\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00L\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00M\x00N", 30), QDataStream::ReadCorruptData, StringHash());
#define LIST_TEST(byteArray, expectedStatus, expectedList) \
{ \
QByteArray ba = byteArray; \
QDataStream stream(&ba, QIODevice::ReadOnly); \
stream >> list; \
QCOMPARE((int)stream.status(), (int)expectedStatus); \
QCOMPARE(list.size(), expectedList.size()); \
QCOMPARE(list, expectedList); \
} \
{ \
Vector expectedVector; \
for (int i = 0; i < expectedList.count(); ++i) \
expectedVector << expectedList.at(i); \
QByteArray ba = byteArray; \
QDataStream stream(&ba, QIODevice::ReadOnly); \
stream >> vector; \
QCOMPARE((int)stream.status(), (int)expectedStatus); \
QCOMPARE(vector.size(), expectedVector.size()); \
QCOMPARE(vector, expectedVector); \
2022-01-29 05:25:38 +02:00
void tst_QDataStream::status_QList_QVector()
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
typedef QList<QString> List;
typedef QVector<QString> Vector;
List list;
Vector vector;
LIST_TEST(QByteArray(), QDataStream::ReadPastEnd, List());
LIST_TEST(QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x00", 4), QDataStream::Ok, List());
void tst_QDataStream::streamToAndFromQByteArray()
QByteArray data;
QDataStream in(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
QDataStream out(&data, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
quint32 x = 0xdeadbeef;
quint32 y;
in << x;
out >> y;
void tst_QDataStream::streamRealDataTypes()
// Generate QPicture from SVG.
QSvgRenderer renderer(svgFile);
QImage picture(renderer.defaultSize(), QImage::Format_ARGB32);
QPainter painter(&picture);
// Generate path
QPainterPath path;
path.lineTo(10, 0);
path.cubicTo(0, 0, 10, 10, 20, 20);
path.arcTo(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
path.quadTo(1, 2, 3, 4);
QColor color(64, 64, 64);
QRadialGradient radialGradient(5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
QBrush radialBrush(radialGradient);
QFile file("datastream.tmp");
// Generate data
QDataStream stream(&file);
stream << qreal(0) << qreal(1.0) << qreal(1.1) << qreal(3.14) << qreal(-3.14) << qreal(-1);
stream << QPointF(3, 5) << QRectF(-1, -2, 3, 4) << (QPolygonF() << QPointF(0, 0) << QPointF(1, 2));
stream << QMatrix().rotate(90).scale(2, 2);
stream << path;
stream << picture;
stream << QTextLength(QTextLength::VariableLength, 1.5);
stream << color;
2021-12-18 18:11:00 +02:00
stream << radialBrush;
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
stream << QPen(QBrush(Qt::red), 1.5);
QPointF point;
QRectF rect;
QPolygonF polygon;
QMatrix matrix;
QPainterPath p;
QImage pict;
QTextLength textLength;
QColor col;
QBrush rGrad;
QPen pen;
QDataStream stream(&file);
qreal a, b, c, d, e, f;
stream >> a;
QCOMPARE(a, qreal(0));
stream >> b;
QCOMPARE(b, qreal(1.0));
stream >> c;
QCOMPARE(c, qreal(1.1));
stream >> d;
QCOMPARE(d, qreal(3.14));
stream >> e;
QCOMPARE(e, qreal(-3.14));
stream >> f;
QCOMPARE(f, qreal(-1));
stream >> point;
QCOMPARE(point, QPointF(3, 5));
stream >> rect;
QCOMPARE(rect, QRectF(-1, -2, 3, 4));
stream >> polygon;
QCOMPARE((QVector<QPointF> &)polygon, (QPolygonF() << QPointF(0, 0) << QPointF(1, 2)));
stream >> matrix;
QCOMPARE(matrix, QMatrix().rotate(90).scale(2, 2));
stream >> p;
QCOMPARE(p, path);
stream >> pict;
QByteArray pictA, pictB;
QBuffer bufA, bufB;
QCOMPARE(pictA, pictB);
stream >> textLength;
QCOMPARE(textLength, QTextLength(QTextLength::VariableLength, 1.5));
stream >> col;
QCOMPARE(col, color);
stream >> rGrad;
QCOMPARE(rGrad.style(), radialBrush.style());
QCOMPARE(rGrad.matrix(), radialBrush.matrix());
QCOMPARE(rGrad.gradient()->type(), radialBrush.gradient()->type());
QCOMPARE(rGrad.gradient()->stops(), radialBrush.gradient()->stops());
QCOMPARE(rGrad.gradient()->spread(), radialBrush.gradient()->spread());
QCOMPARE(((QRadialGradient *)rGrad.gradient())->center(), ((QRadialGradient *)radialBrush.gradient())->center());
QCOMPARE(((QRadialGradient *)rGrad.gradient())->focalPoint(), ((QRadialGradient *)radialBrush.gradient())->focalPoint());
QCOMPARE(((QRadialGradient *)rGrad.gradient())->radius(), ((QRadialGradient *)radialBrush.gradient())->radius());
2021-12-18 18:11:00 +02:00
// TODO: QLinearGradient test
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
stream >> pen;
QCOMPARE(pen.widthF(), qreal(1.5));
QCOMPARE(stream.status(), QDataStream::Ok);
void tst_QDataStream::floatingPointNaN()
2021-08-06 23:57:53 +03:00
QDataStream::ByteOrder bo = QDataStream::LittleEndian;
QDataStream::ByteOrder bo = QDataStream::BigEndian;
2021-01-29 17:23:10 +02:00
// Test and verify that values that become (s)nan's after swapping endianness
// don't change in the process.
QByteArray ba;
union {
float f;
quint32 i;
} xs[2];
xs[0].i = qbswap<quint32>(0xff800001);
xs[1].i = qbswap<quint32>(0x7f800001);
QDataStream stream(&ba, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
stream << xs[0].f;
stream << xs[1].f;
QDataStream stream(ba);
float fr = 0.0f;
stream >> fr;
QCOMPARE(fr, xs[0].f);
stream >> fr;
QCOMPARE(fr, xs[1].f);
void tst_QDataStream::floatingPointPrecision()
QByteArray ba;
QDataStream stream(&ba, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
QCOMPARE(QDataStream::DoublePrecision, stream.floatingPointPrecision());
float f = 123.0f;
stream << f;
QCOMPARE(ba.size(), int(sizeof(double)));
double d = 234.0;
stream << d;
QCOMPARE(ba.size(), int(sizeof(double)*2));
f = 123.0f;
stream << f;
QCOMPARE(ba.size(), int(sizeof(double)*2 + sizeof(float)));
d = 234.0;
stream << d;
QCOMPARE(ba.size(), int(sizeof(double)*2 + sizeof(float)*2));
QDataStream stream(ba);
float f = 0.0f;
stream >> f;
QCOMPARE(123.0f, f);
double d = 0.0;
stream >> d;
QCOMPARE(234.0, d);
f = 0.0f;
stream >> f;
QCOMPARE(123.0f, f);
d = 0.0;
stream >> d;
QCOMPARE(234.0, d);
#include "moc_tst_qdatastream.cpp"