2015-12-10 05:06:13 +02:00
** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
** This file is part of the Qt Designer of the Qt Toolkit.
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** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
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** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
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// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists for the convenience
// of Qt Designer. This header
// file may change from version to version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include "shared_global_p.h"
#include "qdesigner_propertysheet_p.h"
class QStackedWidget;
class QWidget;
class QAction;
class QMenu;
class QToolButton;
namespace qdesigner_internal {
class PromotionTaskMenu;
// Event filter to be installed on a QStackedWidget in preview mode.
// Create two buttons to switch pages.
class QDESIGNER_SHARED_EXPORT QStackedWidgetPreviewEventFilter : public QObject
explicit QStackedWidgetPreviewEventFilter(QStackedWidget *parent);
// Install helper on QStackedWidget
static void install(QStackedWidget *stackedWidget);
bool eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event);
void setButtonToolTipEnabled(bool v) { m_buttonToolTipEnabled = v; }
bool buttonToolTipEnabled() const { return m_buttonToolTipEnabled; }
public slots:
void updateButtons();
void prevPage();
void nextPage();
QStackedWidget *stackedWidget() const { return m_stackedWidget; }
virtual void gotoPage(int page);
void updateButtonToolTip(QObject *o);
bool m_buttonToolTipEnabled;
QStackedWidget *m_stackedWidget;
QToolButton *m_prev;
QToolButton *m_next;
// Event filter to be installed on a QStackedWidget in editing mode.
// In addition to the browse buttons, handles context menu and everything
class QDESIGNER_SHARED_EXPORT QStackedWidgetEventFilter : public QStackedWidgetPreviewEventFilter
explicit QStackedWidgetEventFilter(QStackedWidget *parent);
// Install helper on QStackedWidget
static void install(QStackedWidget *stackedWidget);
static QStackedWidgetEventFilter *eventFilterOf(const QStackedWidget *stackedWidget);
// Convenience to add a menu on a tackedWidget
static QMenu *addStackedWidgetContextMenuActions(const QStackedWidget *stackedWidget, QMenu *popup);
// Add context menu and return page submenu or 0.
QMenu *addContextMenuActions(QMenu *popup);
private slots:
void removeCurrentPage();
void addPage();
void addPageAfter();
void changeOrder();
virtual void gotoPage(int page);
QAction *m_actionPreviousPage;
QAction *m_actionNextPage;
QAction *m_actionDeletePage;
QAction *m_actionInsertPage;
QAction *m_actionInsertPageAfter;
QAction *m_actionChangePageOrder;
qdesigner_internal::PromotionTaskMenu* m_pagePromotionTaskMenu;
// PropertySheet to handle the "currentPageName" property
class QDESIGNER_SHARED_EXPORT QStackedWidgetPropertySheet : public QDesignerPropertySheet {
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explicit QStackedWidgetPropertySheet(QStackedWidget *object, QObject *parent = Q_NULLPTR);
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virtual void setProperty(int index, const QVariant &value);
virtual QVariant property(int index) const;
virtual bool reset(int index);
virtual bool isEnabled(int index) const;
// Check whether the property is to be saved. Returns false for the page
// properties (as the property sheet has no concept of 'stored')
static bool checkProperty(const QString &propertyName);
QStackedWidget *m_stackedWidget;
typedef QDesignerPropertySheetFactory<QStackedWidget, QStackedWidgetPropertySheet> QStackedWidgetPropertySheetFactory;