2015-12-10 05:06:13 +02:00
import sys, os, re
headersdir = os.getcwd()
component = sys.argv[1]
keyword = sys.argv[2]
mapoutput = '%s/include/%s_map.h' % (headersdir, component)
mapdata = '#ifndef %s_MAP_H\n#define %s_MAP_H\n\n' % (component, component)
def exportscan(sdir):
dirmap = ''
for sroot, sdir, lfiles in os.walk(sdir):
for sfile in lfiles:
if not sfile.endswith('.h'):
sfull = '%s/%s' % (sroot, sfile)
with open(sfull, 'rb') as f:
scontent = f.read()
scontent = scontent.decode('utf-8')
for match in re.findall('class (?:%s) (\w+)' % keyword, scontent):
dirmap += 'QT_CLASS_LIB(%s, %s, %s)\n' % (match, component, sfile)
return dirmap
mapdata += exportscan('%s/include/%s' % (headersdir, component))
mapdata += exportscan('%s/privateinclude/%s' % (headersdir, component))
mapdata += '\n#endif\n'
sys.stderr.write('-- Writing: %s\n' % os.path.basename(mapoutput))
with open(mapoutput, 'wb') as f:
2015-12-19 20:21:22 +02:00
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
f.write(bytes(mapdata, 'utf-8'))