
180 lines
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Raw Normal View History

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#include "qkde_p.h"
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
#include <QtCore/QSettings>
#include "QtGui/qstylefactory.h"
#include "qt_x11_p.h"
#if defined(Q_WS_X11)
/*! \internal
Gets the current KDE home path
like "/home/troll/.kde"
QString QKde::kdeHome()
static QString kdeHomePath;
if (kdeHomePath.isEmpty()) {
kdeHomePath = QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("KDEHOME"));
if (kdeHomePath.isEmpty()) {
QDir homeDir(QDir::homePath());
QString kdeConfDir(QLatin1String("/.kde"));
if (4 == X11->desktopVersion && homeDir.exists(QLatin1String(".kde4")))
kdeConfDir = QLatin1String("/.kde4");
kdeHomePath = QDir::homePath() + kdeConfDir;
return kdeHomePath;
Reads the color from the config, and store it in the palette with the given color role if found
static bool kdeColor(QPalette *pal, QPalette::ColorRole role, const QSettings &kdeSettings, const QString &kde4Key, const QString &kde3Key = QString())
QVariant variant = kdeSettings.value(kde4Key);
if (!variant.isValid())
QVariant variant = kdeSettings.value(kde3Key);
if (variant.isValid()) {
QStringList values = variant.toStringList();
if (values.size() == 3) {
int r = values[0].toInt();
int g = values[1].toInt();
int b = values[2].toInt();
pal->setBrush(role, QColor(r, g, b));
return true;
return false;
Returns the KDE palette
QPalette QKde::kdePalette()
const QSettings theKdeSettings(QKde::kdeHome() +
QLatin1String("/share/config/kdeglobals"), QSettings::IniFormat);
QPalette pal;
// Setup KDE palette
kdeColor(&pal, QPalette::Button, theKdeSettings, QLatin1String("Colors:Button/BackgroundNormal"), QLatin1String("buttonBackground"));
kdeColor(&pal, QPalette::Window, theKdeSettings, QLatin1String("Colors:Window/BackgroundNormal"), QLatin1String("background"));
kdeColor(&pal, QPalette::Text, theKdeSettings, QLatin1String("Colors:View/ForegroundNormal"), QLatin1String("foreground"));
kdeColor(&pal, QPalette::WindowText, theKdeSettings, QLatin1String("Colors:Window/ForegroundNormal"), QLatin1String("windowForeground"));
kdeColor(&pal, QPalette::Base, theKdeSettings, QLatin1String("Colors:View/BackgroundNormal"), QLatin1String("windowBackground"));
kdeColor(&pal, QPalette::Highlight, theKdeSettings, QLatin1String("Colors:Selection/BackgroundNormal"), QLatin1String("selectBackground"));
kdeColor(&pal, QPalette::HighlightedText, theKdeSettings, QLatin1String("Colors:Selection/ForegroundNormal"), QLatin1String("selectForeground"));
kdeColor(&pal, QPalette::AlternateBase, theKdeSettings, QLatin1String("Colors:View/BackgroundAlternate"), QLatin1String("alternateBackground"));
kdeColor(&pal, QPalette::ButtonText, theKdeSettings, QLatin1String("Colors:Button/ForegroundNormal"), QLatin1String("buttonForeground"));
kdeColor(&pal, QPalette::Link, theKdeSettings, QLatin1String("Colors:View/ForegroundLink"), QLatin1String("linkColor"));
kdeColor(&pal, QPalette::LinkVisited, theKdeSettings, QLatin1String("Colors:View/ForegroundVisited"), QLatin1String("visitedLinkColor"));
//## TODO tooltip color
return pal;
Returns the name of the QStyle to use.
(read from the kde config if needed)
QString QKde::kdeStyle()
if (X11->desktopVersion >= 4) {
QSettings kdeSettings(QKde::kdeHome() + QLatin1String("/share/config/kdeglobals"), QSettings::IniFormat);
QString style = kdeSettings.value(QLatin1String("widgetStyle"), QLatin1String("Oxygen")).toString();
QStringList availableStyles = QStyleFactory::keys();
if(availableStyles.contains(style, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
return style;
if (X11->use_xrender)
return QLatin1String("plastique");
return QLatin1String("windows");
int QKde::kdeToolButtonStyle()
QSettings settings(QKde::kdeHome() + QLatin1String("/share/config/kdeglobals"),
settings.beginGroup(QLatin1String("Toolbar style"));
QString toolbarStyle = settings.value(QLatin1String("ToolButtonStyle"), QLatin1String("TextBesideIcon")).toString();
if (toolbarStyle == QLatin1String("TextBesideIcon"))
return Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon;
else if (toolbarStyle == QLatin1String("TextOnly"))
return Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly;
else if (toolbarStyle == QLatin1String("TextUnderIcon"))
return Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon;
return Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon;
int QKde::kdeToolBarIconSize()
static int iconSize = -1;
if (iconSize == -1) {
QSettings settings(QKde::kdeHome() + QLatin1String("/share/config/kdeglobals"),
iconSize = settings.value(QLatin1String("Size")).toInt();
return iconSize;
#endif //Q_WS_X11