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** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit.
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** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
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** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
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#include "qpf2.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <private/qfontengine_p.h>
#include <QFile>
#include <qendian.h>
#include "../../src/gui/text/qpfutil.cpp"
int QPF::debugVerbosity = 0;
// ### copied from qfontdatabase.cpp
// see the Unicode subset bitfields in the MSDN docs
static int requiredUnicodeBits[QFontDatabase::WritingSystemsCount][2] = {
// Any,
{ 127, 127 },
// Latin,
{ 0, 127 },
// Greek,
{ 7, 127 },
// Cyrillic,
{ 9, 127 },
// Armenian,
{ 10, 127 },
// Hebrew,
{ 11, 127 },
// Arabic,
{ 13, 127 },
// Syriac,
{ 71, 127 },
{ 72, 127 },
{ 15, 127 },
{ 16, 127 },
{ 17, 127 },
{ 18, 127 },
{ 19, 127 },
{ 20, 127 },
{ 21, 127 },
{ 22, 127 },
{ 23, 127 },
{ 73, 127 },
{ 24, 127 },
{ 25, 127 },
{ 70, 127 },
{ 74, 127 },
// Georgian,
{ 26, 127 },
// Khmer,
{ 80, 127 },
// SimplifiedChinese,
{ 126, 127 },
// TraditionalChinese,
{ 126, 127 },
// Japanese,
{ 126, 127 },
// Korean,
{ 56, 127 },
// Vietnamese,
{ 0, 127 }, // same as latin1
// Other,
{ 126, 127 }
#define SimplifiedChineseCsbBit 18
#define TraditionalChineseCsbBit 20
#define JapaneseCsbBit 17
#define KoreanCsbBit 21
static QList<QFontDatabase::WritingSystem> determineWritingSystemsFromTrueTypeBits(quint32 unicodeRange[4], quint32 codePageRange[2])
QList<QFontDatabase::WritingSystem> writingSystems;
bool hasScript = false;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < QFontDatabase::WritingSystemsCount; i++) {
int bit = requiredUnicodeBits[i][0];
int index = bit/32;
int flag = 1 << (bit&31);
if (bit != 126 && unicodeRange[index] & flag) {
bit = requiredUnicodeBits[i][1];
index = bit/32;
flag = 1 << (bit&31);
if (bit == 127 || unicodeRange[index] & flag) {
hasScript = true;
// qDebug("font %s: index=%d, flag=%8x supports script %d", familyName.latin1(), index, flag, i);
if(codePageRange[0] & (1 << SimplifiedChineseCsbBit)) {
hasScript = true;
//qDebug("font %s supports Simplified Chinese", familyName.latin1());
if(codePageRange[0] & (1 << TraditionalChineseCsbBit)) {
hasScript = true;
//qDebug("font %s supports Traditional Chinese", familyName.latin1());
if(codePageRange[0] & (1 << JapaneseCsbBit)) {
hasScript = true;
//qDebug("font %s supports Japanese", familyName.latin1());
if(codePageRange[0] & (1 << KoreanCsbBit)) {
hasScript = true;
//qDebug("font %s supports Korean", familyName.latin1());
if (!hasScript)
return writingSystems;
static QByteArray getWritingSystems(QFontEngine *fontEngine)
QByteArray os2Table = fontEngine->getSfntTable(MAKE_TAG('O', 'S', '/', '2'));
if (os2Table.isEmpty())
return QByteArray();
const uchar *data = reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(os2Table.constData());
quint32 unicodeRange[4] = {
qFromBigEndian<quint32>(data + 42),
qFromBigEndian<quint32>(data + 46),
qFromBigEndian<quint32>(data + 50),
qFromBigEndian<quint32>(data + 54)
quint32 codePageRange[2] = { qFromBigEndian<quint32>(data + 78), qFromBigEndian<quint32>(data + 82) };
QList<QFontDatabase::WritingSystem> systems = determineWritingSystemsFromTrueTypeBits(unicodeRange, codePageRange);
QByteArray bitField((QFontDatabase::WritingSystemsCount + 7) / 8, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < systems.count(); ++i) {
int bitPos = systems.at(i);
bitField[bitPos / 8] = bitField.at(bitPos / 8) | (1 << (bitPos % 8));
return bitField;
static QString stringify(const QByteArray &bits)
QString result;
for (int i = 0; i < bits.count(); ++i) {
uchar currentByte = bits.at(i);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
if (currentByte & 1)
result += '1';
result += '0';
currentByte >>= 1;
return result;
static void dumpWritingSystems(const QByteArray &bits)
QStringList writingSystems;
QString bitString = stringify(bits);
for (int i = 0; i < qMin(int(QFontDatabase::WritingSystemsCount), bitString.length()); ++i) {
if (bitString.at(i) == QLatin1Char('1'))
writingSystems << QFontDatabase::writingSystemName(QFontDatabase::WritingSystem(i));
qDebug() << "Supported writing systems:" << writingSystems;
static const char *headerTagNames[QFontEngineQPF::NumTags] = {
QString QPF::fileNameForFont(const QFont &f)
QString fileName = f.family().toLower() + "_" + QString::number(f.pixelSize())
+ "_" + QString::number(f.weight())
+ (f.italic() ? "_italic" : "")
+ ".qpf2";
fileName.replace(QLatin1Char(' '), QLatin1Char('_'));
return fileName;
QByteArray QPF::generate(const QFont &font, int options, const QList<CharacterRange> &ranges, QString *originalFontFile)
QTextEngine engine("Test", font);
QFontEngine *fontEngine = engine.fontEngine(engine.layoutData->items[0]);
if (fontEngine->type() == QFontEngine::Multi)
fontEngine = static_cast<QFontEngineMulti *>(fontEngine)->engine(0);
if (originalFontFile)
*originalFontFile = QFile::decodeName(fontEngine->faceId().filename);
return generate(fontEngine, options, ranges);
QByteArray QPF::generate(QFontEngine *fontEngine, int options, const QList<CharacterRange> &ranges)
QPF font;
font.options = options;
if (options & IncludeCMap)
font.addGlyphs(fontEngine, ranges);
return font.qpf;
void QPF::addHeader(QFontEngine *fontEngine)
QFontEngineQPF::Header *header = reinterpret_cast<QFontEngineQPF::Header *>(addBytes(sizeof(QFontEngineQPF::Header)));
header->magic[0] = 'Q';
header->magic[1] = 'P';
header->magic[2] = 'F';
header->magic[3] = '2';
if (options & RenderGlyphs)
header->lock = 0xffffffff;
header->lock = 0;
header->majorVersion = QFontEngineQPF::CurrentMajorVersion;
header->minorVersion = QFontEngineQPF::CurrentMinorVersion;
header->dataSize = 0;
int oldSize = qpf.size();
addTaggedString(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_FontName, fontEngine->fontDef.family.toUtf8());
QFontEngine::FaceId face = fontEngine->faceId();
addTaggedString(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_FileName, face.filename);
addTaggedUInt32(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_FileIndex, face.index);
const QByteArray head = fontEngine->getSfntTable(MAKE_TAG('h', 'e', 'a', 'd'));
const quint32 revision = qFromBigEndian<quint32>(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(head.constData()) + 4);
addTaggedUInt32(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_FontRevision, revision);
addTaggedQFixed(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_Ascent, fontEngine->ascent());
addTaggedQFixed(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_Descent, fontEngine->descent());
addTaggedQFixed(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_Leading, fontEngine->leading());
addTaggedQFixed(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_XHeight, fontEngine->xHeight());
addTaggedQFixed(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_AverageCharWidth, fontEngine->averageCharWidth());
addTaggedQFixed(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_MaxCharWidth, QFixed::fromReal(fontEngine->maxCharWidth()));
addTaggedQFixed(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_LineThickness, fontEngine->lineThickness());
addTaggedQFixed(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_MinLeftBearing, QFixed::fromReal(fontEngine->minLeftBearing()));
addTaggedQFixed(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_MinRightBearing, QFixed::fromReal(fontEngine->minRightBearing()));
addTaggedQFixed(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_UnderlinePosition, fontEngine->underlinePosition());
addTaggedUInt8(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_PixelSize, fontEngine->fontDef.pixelSize);
addTaggedUInt8(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_Weight, fontEngine->fontDef.weight);
addTaggedUInt8(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_Style, fontEngine->fontDef.style);
QByteArray writingSystemBitField = getWritingSystems(fontEngine);
if (!writingSystemBitField.isEmpty())
addTaggedString(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_WritingSystems, writingSystemBitField);
addTaggedUInt8(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_GlyphFormat, QFontEngineQPF::AlphamapGlyphs);
addTaggedString(QFontEngineQPF::Tag_EndOfHeader, QByteArray());
header = reinterpret_cast<QFontEngineQPF::Header *>(qpf.data());
header->dataSize = qToBigEndian<quint16>(qpf.size() - oldSize);
static uchar *appendBytes(QByteArray &array, int size)
int oldSize = array.size();
array.resize(array.size() + size);
return reinterpret_cast<uchar *>(array.data() + oldSize);
#define APPEND(type, value) \
qToBigEndian<type>(value, appendBytes(cmap, sizeof(type)))
struct CMapSegment
int start; // codepoints
int end;
int startGlyphIndex;
static QByteArray generateTrueTypeCMap(QFontEngine *fe)
QByteArray cmap;
const int glyphCount = fe->glyphCount();
if (!glyphCount)
return cmap;
// cmap header
APPEND(quint16, 0); // table version number
APPEND(quint16, 1); // number of tables
// encoding record
APPEND(quint16, 3); // platform-id
APPEND(quint16, 10); // encoding-id (ucs-4)
const int cmapOffset = cmap.size() + sizeof(quint32);
APPEND(quint32, cmapOffset); // offset to sub-table
APPEND(quint16, 4); // subtable format
const int cmapTableLengthOffset = cmap.size();
APPEND(quint16, 0); // length in bytes, will fill in later
APPEND(quint16, 0); // language field
QList<CMapSegment> segments;
CMapSegment currentSegment;
currentSegment.start = 0xffff;
currentSegment.end = 0;
currentSegment.startGlyphIndex = 0;
quint32 previousGlyphIndex = 0xfffffffe;
bool inSegment = false;
QGlyphLayoutArray<10> layout;
for (uint uc = 0; uc < 0x10000; ++uc) {
QChar ch(uc);
int nglyphs = 10;
bool validGlyph = fe->stringToCMap(&ch, 1, &layout, &nglyphs, /*flags*/ 0)
&& nglyphs == 1 && layout.glyphs[0];
// leaving a segment?
if (inSegment && (!validGlyph || layout.glyphs[0] != previousGlyphIndex + 1)) {
Q_ASSERT(currentSegment.start != 0xffff);
// store the current segment
currentSegment.end = uc - 1;
currentSegment.start = 0xffff;
inSegment = false;
// entering a new segment?
if (validGlyph && (!inSegment || layout.glyphs[0] != previousGlyphIndex + 1)) {
currentSegment.start = uc;
currentSegment.startGlyphIndex = layout.glyphs[0];
inSegment = true;
if (validGlyph)
previousGlyphIndex = layout.glyphs[0];
previousGlyphIndex = 0xfffffffe;
currentSegment.start = 0xffff;
currentSegment.end = 0xffff;
currentSegment.startGlyphIndex = 0;
if (QPF::debugVerbosity > 3)
qDebug() << "segments:" << segments.count();
const quint16 entrySelector = int(log2(segments.count()));
const quint16 searchRange = 2 * (1 << entrySelector);
const quint16 rangeShift = segments.count() * 2 - searchRange;
if (QPF::debugVerbosity > 3)
qDebug() << "entrySelector" << entrySelector << "searchRange" << searchRange
<< "rangeShift" << rangeShift;
APPEND(quint16, segments.count() * 2); // segCountX2
APPEND(quint16, searchRange);
APPEND(quint16, entrySelector);
APPEND(quint16, rangeShift);
// end character codes
for (int i = 0; i < segments.count(); ++i)
APPEND(quint16, segments.at(i).end);
APPEND(quint16, 0); // pad
// start character codes
for (int i = 0; i < segments.count(); ++i)
APPEND(quint16, segments.at(i).start);
// id deltas
for (int i = 0; i < segments.count(); ++i)
APPEND(quint16, segments.at(i).startGlyphIndex - segments.at(i).start);
// id range offsets
for (int i = 0; i < segments.count(); ++i)
APPEND(quint16, 0);
uchar *lengthPtr = reinterpret_cast<uchar *>(cmap.data()) + cmapTableLengthOffset;
qToBigEndian<quint16>(cmap.size() - cmapOffset, lengthPtr);
return cmap;
void QPF::addCMap(QFontEngine *fontEngine)
QByteArray cmapTable = fontEngine->getSfntTable(MAKE_TAG('c', 'm', 'a', 'p'));
if (cmapTable.isEmpty())
cmapTable = generateTrueTypeCMap(fontEngine);
addBlock(QFontEngineQPF::CMapBlock, cmapTable);
void QPF::addGlyphs(QFontEngine *fe, const QList<CharacterRange> &ranges)
const quint16 glyphCount = fe->glyphCount();
QByteArray gmap;
gmap.resize(glyphCount * sizeof(quint32));
//qDebug() << "glyphCount" << glyphCount;
QByteArray glyphs;
if (options & RenderGlyphs) {
// this is only a rough estimation
* (sizeof(QFontEngineQPF::Glyph)
+ qRound(fe->maxCharWidth() * (fe->ascent() + fe->descent()).toReal())));
QGlyphLayoutArray<10> layout;
foreach (CharacterRange range, ranges) {
if (debugVerbosity > 2)
qDebug() << "rendering range from" << range.start << "to" << range.end;
for (uint uc = range.start; uc <= range.end; ++uc) {
QChar ch(uc);
int nglyphs = 10;
if (!fe->stringToCMap(&ch, 1, &layout, &nglyphs, /*flags*/ 0))
if (nglyphs != 1)
const quint32 glyphIndex = layout.glyphs[0];
if (!glyphIndex)
Q_ASSERT(glyphIndex < glyphCount);
QImage img = fe->alphaMapForGlyph(glyphIndex).convertToFormat(QImage::Format_Indexed8);
glyph_metrics_t metrics = fe->boundingBox(glyphIndex);
const quint32 oldSize = glyphs.size();
glyphs.resize(glyphs.size() + sizeof(QFontEngineQPF::Glyph) + img.byteCount());
uchar *data = reinterpret_cast<uchar *>(glyphs.data() + oldSize);
uchar *gmapPtr = reinterpret_cast<uchar *>(gmap.data() + glyphIndex * sizeof(quint32));
qToBigEndian(oldSize, gmapPtr);
QFontEngineQPF::Glyph *glyph = reinterpret_cast<QFontEngineQPF::Glyph *>(data);
glyph->width = img.width();
glyph->height = img.height();
glyph->bytesPerLine = img.bytesPerLine();
glyph->x = qRound(metrics.x);
glyph->y = qRound(metrics.y);
glyph->advance = qRound(metrics.xoff);
data += sizeof(QFontEngineQPF::Glyph);
if (debugVerbosity && uc >= 'A' && uc <= 'z' || debugVerbosity > 1) {
qDebug() << "adding glyph with index" << glyphIndex << " uc =" << char(uc) << ":\n"
<< " glyph->x =" << glyph->x << "rounded from" << metrics.x << "\n"
<< " glyph->y =" << glyph->y << "rounded from" << metrics.y << "\n"
<< " width =" << glyph->width << "height =" << glyph->height
<< " advance =" << glyph->advance << "rounded from" << metrics.xoff
memcpy(data, img.bits(), img.byteCount());
addBlock(QFontEngineQPF::GMapBlock, gmap);
addBlock(QFontEngineQPF::GlyphBlock, glyphs);
void QPF::addBlock(QFontEngineQPF::BlockTag tag, const QByteArray &blockData)
addUInt16(0); // padding
const int padSize = ((blockData.size() + 3) / 4) * 4 - blockData.size();
addUInt32(blockData.size() + padSize);
for (int i = 0; i < padSize; ++i)
#define ADD_TAGGED_DATA(tag, qtype, type, value) \
addUInt16(tag); \
addUInt16(sizeof(qtype)); \
void QPF::addTaggedString(QFontEngineQPF::HeaderTag tag, const QByteArray &string)
void QPF::addTaggedQFixed(QFontEngineQPF::HeaderTag tag, QFixed value)
ADD_TAGGED_DATA(tag, quint32, UInt32, value.value());
void QPF::addTaggedUInt8(QFontEngineQPF::HeaderTag tag, quint8 value)
ADD_TAGGED_DATA(tag, quint8, UInt8, value);
void QPF::addTaggedInt8(QFontEngineQPF::HeaderTag tag, qint8 value)
ADD_TAGGED_DATA(tag, qint8, Int8, value);
void QPF::addTaggedUInt16(QFontEngineQPF::HeaderTag tag, quint16 value)
ADD_TAGGED_DATA(tag, quint16, UInt16, value);
void QPF::addTaggedUInt32(QFontEngineQPF::HeaderTag tag, quint32 value)
ADD_TAGGED_DATA(tag, quint32, UInt32, value);
void QPF::dump(const QByteArray &qpf)
QPF font;
font.qpf = qpf;
const uchar *data = reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(qpf.constData());
const uchar *endPtr = reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(qpf.constData() + qpf.size());
data = font.dumpHeader(data);
const quint32 *gmap = 0;
quint32 glyphCount = 0;
while (data < endPtr) {
const QFontEngineQPF::Block *block = reinterpret_cast<const QFontEngineQPF::Block *>(data);
quint32 tag = qFromBigEndian(block->tag);
quint32 blockSize = qFromBigEndian(block->dataSize);
qDebug() << "Block: Tag =" << qFromBigEndian(block->tag) << "; Size =" << blockSize << "; Offset =" << hex << data - reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(qpf.constData());
data += sizeof(QFontEngineQPF::Block);
if (debugVerbosity) {
if (tag == QFontEngineQPF::GMapBlock) {
gmap = reinterpret_cast<const quint32 *>(data);
glyphCount = blockSize / 4;
font.dumpGMapBlock(gmap, glyphCount);
} else if (tag == QFontEngineQPF::GlyphBlock
&& gmap && debugVerbosity > 1) {
font.dumpGlyphBlock(gmap, glyphCount, data, data + blockSize);
data += blockSize;
const uchar *QPF::dumpHeader(const uchar *data)
const QFontEngineQPF::Header *header = reinterpret_cast<const QFontEngineQPF::Header *>(data);
qDebug() << "Header:";
qDebug() << "magic ="
<< header->magic[0]
<< header->magic[1]
<< header->magic[2]
<< header->magic[3];
qDebug() << "lock =" << qFromBigEndian(header->lock);
qDebug() << "majorVersion =" << header->majorVersion;
qDebug() << "minorVersion =" << header->minorVersion;
qDebug() << "dataSize =" << qFromBigEndian(header->dataSize);
data += sizeof(QFontEngineQPF::Header);
const uchar *endPtr = data + qFromBigEndian(header->dataSize);
while (data && data < endPtr) {
data = dumpHeaderTag(data);
return endPtr;
const uchar *QPF::dumpHeaderTag(const uchar *data)
const QFontEngineQPF::Tag *tagPtr = reinterpret_cast<const QFontEngineQPF::Tag *>(data);
quint16 tag = qFromBigEndian(tagPtr->tag);
quint16 size = qFromBigEndian(tagPtr->size);
qDebug() << "Tag =" << tag << headerTagNames[tag];
qDebug() << "Size =" << size;
if (tag == QFontEngineQPF::Tag_EndOfHeader)
return 0;
data += sizeof(QFontEngineQPF::Tag);
Q_ASSERT(tag < QFontEngineQPF::NumTags);
switch (tagTypes[tag]) {
case QFontEngineQPF::StringType:
qDebug() << "Payload =" << QString::fromUtf8(QByteArray(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(data), size));
case QFontEngineQPF::FixedType:
Q_ASSERT(size == sizeof(quint32));
qDebug() << "Payload =" << QFixed::fromFixed(qFromBigEndian<quint32>(data)).toReal();
case QFontEngineQPF::UInt8Type:
Q_ASSERT(size == sizeof(quint8));
qDebug() << "Payload =" << *data;
case QFontEngineQPF::UInt32Type:
Q_ASSERT(size == sizeof(quint32));
qDebug() << "Payload =" << qFromBigEndian<quint32>(data);
case QFontEngineQPF::BitFieldType: {
QByteArray bits(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(data), size);
qDebug() << "Payload =" << stringify(bits);
if (QPF::debugVerbosity > 2 && tag == QFontEngineQPF::Tag_WritingSystems)
} break;
data += size;
return data;
void QPF::dumpGMapBlock(const quint32 *gmap, int glyphCount)
qDebug() << "glyphCount =" << glyphCount;
int renderedGlyphs = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i) {
if (gmap[i] != 0xffffffff) {
const quint32 glyphPos = qFromBigEndian(gmap[i]);
qDebug("gmap[%d] = 0x%x / %u", i, glyphPos, glyphPos);
qDebug() << "Glyphs rendered:" << renderedGlyphs << "; Glyphs missing from the font:" << glyphCount - renderedGlyphs;
void QPF::dumpGlyphBlock(const quint32 *gmap, int glyphCount, const uchar *data, const uchar *endPtr)
// glyphPos -> glyphIndex
QMap<quint32, quint32> reverseGlyphMap;
for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i) {
if (gmap[i] == 0xffffffff)
const quint32 glyphPos = qFromBigEndian(gmap[i]);
reverseGlyphMap[glyphPos] = i;
const uchar *glyphBlockBegin = data;
while (data < endPtr) {
const QFontEngineQPF::Glyph *g = reinterpret_cast<const QFontEngineQPF::Glyph *>(data);
const quint64 glyphOffset = data - glyphBlockBegin;
const quint32 glyphIndex = reverseGlyphMap.value(glyphOffset, 0xffffffff);
if (glyphIndex == 0xffffffff)
qDebug() << "############: Glyph present in glyph block is not listed in glyph map!";
qDebug("glyph at offset 0x%x glyphIndex = %u", quint32(glyphOffset), glyphIndex);
qDebug() << " width =" << g->width << "height =" << g->height << "x =" << g->x << "y =" << g->y;
qDebug() << " advance =" << g->advance << "bytesPerLine =" << g->bytesPerLine;
data += sizeof(*g);
if (glyphIndex == 0xffffffff || debugVerbosity > 4) {
dumpGlyph(data, g);
data += g->height * g->bytesPerLine;
void QPF::dumpGlyph(const uchar *data, const QFontEngineQPF::Glyph *glyph)
fprintf(stderr, "---- glyph data:\n");
const char *alphas = " .o#";
for (int y = 0; y < glyph->height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < glyph->width; ++x) {
const uchar value = data[y * glyph->bytesPerLine + x];
fprintf(stderr, "%c", alphas[value >> 6]);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "----\n");