#! /usr/bin/env perl # # Copyright (c) 2004 Richard Evans # # License: LGPL 2.0 # sub usage { warn <<"EOF"; extractattr [flags] filenames This script extracts element attributes from designer (.ui) and XMLGIU (.rc) files and writes on standard output (usually redirected to rc.cpp) the equivalent i18n() calls so that xgettext can parse them. --attr=spec : Specify the attribute to be extracted. The specification consists of the following comma separated arguments: Element,attribute[,context] The context is optional and overrides the name set by --context below. Repeat the flag to specify multiple attributes: --attr=Title,data --attr=Description,data,Stencils --context=name : Give i18n calls a context name: i18nc("name", ...) --lines : Include source line numbers in comments (deprecated, it is switched on by default now) --help|? : Display this summary EOF exit; } ########################################################################################### use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; ########################################################################################### # Add options here as necessary - perldoc Getopt::Long for details on GetOptions GetOptions ( "attr=s" => \my @opt_attr, "context=s" => \my $opt_context, "lines" => \my $opt_lines, "help|?" => \&usage ); unless ( @ARGV ) { warn "No filename specified"; exit; } unless ( @opt_attr ) { warn "No attributes specified"; exit; } ########################################################################################### # Program start proper - NB $. is the current line number my $code =<<'EOF'; our $file_name; for $file_name ( @ARGV ) { my $fh; unless ( open $fh, "<", $file_name ) { warn "Failed to open: '$file_name': $!"; next; } while ( <$fh> ) { last if $. == 1 and $_ !~ /^(?:]*?| . quotemeta($attribute) . qq|="([^"]+)"/ and write_i18n('| . $context . qq|', \$1, "| . $element . "\",\"" . $attribute . qq|");\n|; } return "$code\n"; } sub write_i18n { my ($context, $text, $tag, $attr) = @_; our $file_name; unless ( $text ) { print "// Skipped empty message at $file_name line $.\n"; return; } $text =~ s/<//g; $text =~ s/'/\'/g; $text =~ s/"/\"/g; $text =~ s/&/&/g; # Escape characters exactly like uic does it # (As extractrc needs it, we follow the same rule to avoid to be different.) $text =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; # escape \ $text =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; # escape " $text =~ s/\r//g; # remove CR (Carriage Return) $text =~ s/\n/\\n\"\n\"/g; # escape LF (Line Feed). uic also change the code line at a LF, we do not do that. $context ||= $opt_context; (my $norm_fname = $file_name) =~ s/^\.\///; print "//i18n: tag $tag attribute $attr\n"; print "//i18n: file: $norm_fname:$.\n"; if ( $context ) { print qq|i18nc("$context","$text");\n|; } else { print qq|i18n("$text");\n|; } }