make the changes in one shot

This commit is contained in:
Ivailo Monev 2015-03-01 04:40:50 +00:00
parent dcc731d37a
commit b468e87b0c

View file

@ -20,23 +20,18 @@ def fwrite(sfile, content):
for sroot, ldirs, lfiles in os.walk(directory):
for sfile in lfiles:
if not sfile.endswith(('.h', '.hh', '.hpp', '.c', '.cc', '.cpp')):
sfull = os.path.join(sroot, sfile)
smatch = re.findall('(\n#include (?:"|<)(.*/)?(.*).moc(?:"|>))', fread(sfull))
if smatch and not re.findall('Q_OBJECT', fread(sfull)):
print('Adjusting moc inclusion of', sfull)
fwrite(sfull, fread(sfull).replace(smatch[0][0], \
'\n#include "%smoc_%s.cpp"' % (smatch[0][1], smatch[0][2])))
if sfile.endswith(('.h', '.hh', '.hpp', '.c', '.cc', '.cpp')):
smatch = re.findall('(\n#include (?:"|<)(.*/)?(.*).moc(?:"|>))', fread(sfull))
if smatch and not re.findall('Q_OBJECT', fread(sfull)):
print('Adjusting moc inclusion of', sfull)
fwrite(sfull, fread(sfull).replace(smatch[0][0], \
'\n#include "%smoc_%s.cpp"' % (smatch[0][1], smatch[0][2])))
for sroot, ldirs, lfiles in os.walk(directory):
for sfile in lfiles:
if not sfile.endswith('CMakeLists.txt'):
sfull = os.path.join(sroot, sfile)
smatch = re.findall('(automoc4_add_library)', fread(sfull))
if smatch:
print('Adjusting automoc4_add_library of', sfull)
fwrite(sfull, fread(sfull).replace('\nautomoc4_add_library', '\nadd_library'))
elif sfile.endswith('CMakeLists.txt'):
smatch = re.findall('(automoc4_add_library)', fread(sfull))
if smatch:
print('Adjusting automoc4_add_library of', sfull)
fwrite(sfull, fread(sfull).replace('\nautomoc4_add_library', '\nadd_library'))
# TODO: cmake_minimum_required
# TODO: cmake_minimum_required, 2.8.6