mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 18:32:47 +00:00
import extractattr and extractrc from KDE dev scripts repo
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 630 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright (c) 2004 Richard Evans <rich@ridas.com>
# License: LGPL 2.0
sub usage
warn <<"EOF";
extractattr [flags] filenames
This script extracts element attributes from designer (.ui) and XMLGIU (.rc) files
and writes on standard output (usually redirected to rc.cpp) the equivalent
i18n() calls so that xgettext can parse them.
--attr=spec : Specify the attribute to be extracted. The specification
consists of the following comma separated arguments:
The context is optional and overrides the name set by
--context below. Repeat the flag to specify multiple
--attr=Title,data --attr=Description,data,Stencils
--context=name : Give i18n calls a context name: i18nc("name", ...)
--lines : Include source line numbers in comments (deprecated, it is switched on by default now)
--help|? : Display this summary
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
# Add options here as necessary - perldoc Getopt::Long for details on GetOptions
GetOptions ( "attr=s" => \my @opt_attr,
"context=s" => \my $opt_context,
"lines" => \my $opt_lines,
"help|?" => \&usage );
unless ( @ARGV )
warn "No filename specified";
unless ( @opt_attr )
warn "No attributes specified";
# Program start proper - NB $. is the current line number
my $code =<<'EOF';
our $file_name;
for $file_name ( @ARGV )
my $fh;
unless ( open $fh, "<", $file_name )
warn "Failed to open: '$file_name': $!";
while ( <$fh> )
last if $. == 1 and $_ !~ /^(?:<!DOCTYPE|<\?xml)/;
$code .= build_code(@opt_attr) . <<'EOF';
close $fh or warn "Failed to close: '$file_name': $!";
# warn "CODE TO EVAL:\n$code\n";
eval $code or die;
sub build_code
my $code = "\n";
my %seen;
for ( @_ )
my ($element, $attribute, $context) = ((split /,/), "", "", "");
length $element or die "Missing element in --attr=$_";
length $attribute or die "Missing attribute in --attr=$_";
if ( $seen{$element . '<' . $attribute}++ )
warn "Skipping duplicate flag --attr=$_ (element/attribute pair has already been specified)";
$code .= " /<" . quotemeta($element) . qq| [^>]*?| .
quotemeta($attribute) . qq|="([^"]+)"/ and write_i18n('| . $context . qq|', \$1, "| . $element . "\",\"" . $attribute . qq|");\n|;
return "$code\n";
sub write_i18n
my ($context, $text, $tag, $attr) = @_;
our $file_name;
unless ( $text )
print "// Skipped empty message at $file_name line $.\n";
$text =~ s/</</g;
$text =~ s/>/>/g;
$text =~ s/'/\'/g;
$text =~ s/"/\"/g;
$text =~ s/&/&/g;
# Escape characters exactly like uic does it
# (As extractrc needs it, we follow the same rule to avoid to be different.)
$text =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; # escape \
$text =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; # escape "
$text =~ s/\r//g; # remove CR (Carriage Return)
$text =~ s/\n/\\n\"\n\"/g; # escape LF (Line Feed). uic also change the code line at a LF, we do not do that.
$context ||= $opt_context;
(my $norm_fname = $file_name) =~ s/^\.\///;
print "//i18n: tag $tag attribute $attr\n";
print "//i18n: file: $norm_fname:$.\n";
if ( $context )
print qq|i18nc("$context","$text");\n|;
print qq|i18n("$text");\n|;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
#! /usr/bin/env perl
### TODO: other copyrights, license?
# Copyright (c) 2004 Richard Evans <rich@ridas.com>
sub usage
warn <<"EOF";
extractrc [flags] filenames
This script extracts messages from designer (.ui) and XMLGUI (.rc) files and
writes on standard output (usually redirected to rc.cpp) the equivalent
i18n() calls so that xgettext can parse them.
--tag=name : Also extract the tag name(s). Repeat the flag to specify
multiple names: --tag=tag_one --tag=tag_two
--tag-group=group : Use a group of tags - uses 'default' if omitted.
Valid groups are: @{[TAG_GROUPS()]}
--context=name : Give i18n calls a context name: i18nc("name", ...)
--lines : Include source line numbers in comments (deprecated, it is switched on by default now)
--cstart=chars : Start of to-EOL style comments in output, defaults to //
--language=lang : Create i18n calls appropriate for KDE bindings
in the given language. Currently known languages:
C++ (default), Python
--ignore-no-input : Do not warn if there were no filenames specified
--help|? : Display this summary
--no-unescape-xml : Don't do xml unescaping
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
use constant TAG_GROUP =>
default => "[tT][eE][xX][tT]|title|string|whatsthis|tooltip|label",
koffice => "Example|GroupName|Text|Comment|Syntax|TypeName",
none => "",
use constant TAG_GROUPS => join ", ", map "'$_'", sort keys %{&TAG_GROUP};
# Specification to extract nice element-context for strings.
use constant ECTX_SPEC =>
# Data structure: extension => {tag => [ctxlevel, [attribute, ...]], ...}
# Order of attributes determines their order in the extracted comment.
"ui" => {
"widget" => [10, ["class", "name"]],
"item" => [15, []],
"property" => [20, ["name"]],
"attribute" => [20, ["name"]],
"rc" => {
"Menu" => [10, ["name"]],
"ToolBar" => [10, ["name"]],
"kcfg" => {
"group" => [10, ["name"]],
"entry" => [20, ["name"]],
"whatsthis" => [30, []],
"tooltip" => [30, []],
"label" => [30, []],
# Specification to exclude strings by trailing section of element-context.
use constant ECTX_EXCLUDE =>
# Data structure: [[tag, attribute, attrvalue], [...]]
# Empty ("") attribute means all elements with given tag,
# empty attrvalue means element with given tag and attribute of any value.
[["widget", "class", "KFontComboBox"], ["item", "", ""], ["property", "", ""]],
[["widget", "class", "KPushButton"], ["attribute", "name", "buttonGroup"]],
[["widget", "class", "QRadioButton"], ["attribute", "name", "buttonGroup"]],
[["widget", "class", "QToolButton"], ["attribute", "name", "buttonGroup"]],
[["widget", "class", "QCheckBox"], ["attribute", "name", "buttonGroup"]],
[["widget", "class", "QPushButton"], ["attribute", "name", "buttonGroup"]],
[["widget", "class", "KTimeZoneWidget"], ["property", "name", "text"]],
# The parts between the tags of the extensions will be copied verbatim
# Same data structure as in ECTX_EXCLUDE, but per extension.
"kcfg" => [["code", "", ""], ["default", "code", "true"],
["min", "code", "true"], ["max", "code", "true"]],
# Add attribute lists as hashes, for membership checks.
for my $ext ( keys %{&ECTX_SPEC} ) {
for my $tag ( keys %{ECTX_SPEC->{$ext}} ) {
my $arr = ECTX_SPEC->{$ext}{$tag}[1];
ECTX_SPEC->{$ext}{$tag}[2] = {map {$_ => 1} @{$arr}};
# Add options here as necessary - perldoc Getopt::Long for details on GetOptions
GetOptions ( "tag=s" => \my @opt_extra_tags,
"tag-group=s" => \my $opt_tag_group,
"context=s" => \my $opt_context, # I18N context
"lines" => \my $opt_lines,
"cstart=s" => \my $opt_cstart,
"language=s" => \my $opt_language,
"ignore-no-input" => \my $opt_ignore_no_input,
"no-unescape-xml" => \my $opt_no_unescape_xml,
"help|?" => \&usage );
unless( @ARGV )
warn "No filename specified" unless $opt_ignore_no_input;
$opt_tag_group ||= "default";
die "Unknown tag group: '$opt_tag_group', should be one of " . TAG_GROUPS
unless exists TAG_GROUP->{$opt_tag_group};
my $tags = TAG_GROUP->{$opt_tag_group};
my $extra_tags = join "", map "|" . quotemeta, @opt_extra_tags;
my $text_string = qr/($tags$extra_tags)( [^>]*)?>/; # Precompile regexp
my $cstart = $opt_cstart; # no default, selected by language if not given
my $language = $opt_language || "C++";
my $ectx_known_exts = join "|", keys %{&ECTX_SPEC};
# Unescape basic XML entities.
sub unescape_xml ($) {
my $text = shift;
if (not $opt_no_unescape_xml) {
$text =~ s/</</g;
$text =~ s/>/>/g;
$text =~ s/&/&/g;
$text =~ s/"/"/g;
return $text;
# Convert uic to C escaping.
sub escape_uic_to_c ($) {
my $text = shift;
$text = unescape_xml($text);
$text =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; # escape \
$text =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; # escape "
$text =~ s/\r//g; # remove CR (Carriage Return)
$text =~ s/\n/\\n\"\n\"/g; # escape LF (Line Feed). uic also change the code line at a LF, we do not do that.
return $text;
sub dummy_call_infix {
my ($cstart, $stend, $ctxt, $text, @cmnts) = @_;
for my $cmnt (@cmnts) {
print qq|$cstart $cmnt\n|;
if (defined $text) {
$text = escape_uic_to_c($text);
if (defined $ctxt) {
$ctxt = escape_uic_to_c($ctxt);
print qq|i18nc("$ctxt", "$text")$stend\n|;
} else {
print qq|i18n("$text")$stend\n|;
my %dummy_calls = (
"C++" => sub {
dummy_call_infix($cstart || "//", ";", @_);
"Python" => sub {
dummy_call_infix($cstart || "#", "", @_);
die "unknown language '$language'" if not defined $dummy_calls{$language};
my $dummy_call = $dummy_calls{$language};
# Program start proper - NB $. is the current line number
for my $file_name ( @ARGV )
my $fh;
unless ( open $fh, "<", $file_name )
# warn "Failed to open: '$file_name': $!";
# Ready element-context extraction.
my $ectx_ext;
my $ectx_string;
if ( $file_name =~ /\.($ectx_known_exts)(\.(in|cmake))?$/ ) {
$ectx_ext = $1;
my $ectx_tag_gr = join "|", keys %{ECTX_SPEC->{$ectx_ext}};
$ectx_string = qr/($ectx_tag_gr)( [^>]*)?>/; # precompile regexp
my $string = "";
my $origstring = "";
my $in_text = 0;
my $start_line_no = 0;
my $in_skipped_prop = 0;
my $tag = "";
my $attr = "";
my $context = "";
my $notr = "";
# Element-context data: [[level, tag, [[attribute, value], ...]], ...]
# such that subarrays are ordered increasing by level.
my @ectx = ();
# All comments to pending dummy call.
my @comments = ();
while ( <$fh> )
if ( $. == 1 and $_ !~ /^(?:<!DOCTYPE|<\?xml|<!--|<ui version=)/ )
print STDERR "Warning: $file_name does not have a recognised first line and texts won't be extracted\n";
$string .= "\n" . $_;
$origstring = $string;
# 'database', 'associations', 'populationText' and 'styleSheet' properties contain strings that shouldn't be translated
if ( $in_skipped_prop == 0 and $string =~ /<property name=\"(?:database|associations|populationText|styleSheet)\"/ )
$in_skipped_prop = 1;
elsif ( $in_skipped_prop and $string =~ /<\/property/ )
$string = "";
$in_skipped_prop = 0;
$context = $opt_context unless $in_text;
$notr = "" unless $in_text;
unless ( $in_skipped_prop or $in_text )
# Check if this line contains context-worthy element.
if ( $ectx_ext
and ( ($tag, $attr) = $string =~ /<$ectx_string/ ) # no /o here
and exists ECTX_SPEC->{$ectx_ext}{$tag} )
my @atts;
for my $ectx_att ( @{ECTX_SPEC->{$ectx_ext}{$tag}[1]} )
if ( $attr and $attr =~ /\b$ectx_att\s*=\s*(["'])([^"']*?)\1/ )
my $aval = $2;
push @atts, [$ectx_att, $aval];
# Kill all tags in element-context with level higer or equal to this,
# and add it to the end.
my $clevel = ECTX_SPEC->{$ectx_ext}{$tag}[0];
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @ectx; ++$i )
if ( $clevel <= $ectx[$i][0] )
@ectx = @ectx[0 .. ($i - 1)];
push @ectx, [$clevel, $tag, [@atts]];
if ( ($tag, $attr) = $string =~ /<$text_string/o )
my ($attr_comment) = $attr =~ /\bcomment=\"([^\"]*)\"/ if $attr;
$context = $attr_comment if $attr_comment;
my ($attr_context) = $attr =~ /\bcontext=\"([^\"]*)\"/ if $attr;
$context = $attr_context if $attr_context;
# It is unlikely that both attributes 'context' and 'comment'
# will be present, but if so happens, 'context' has priority.
my ($attr_extracomment) = $attr =~ /\bextracomment=\"([^\"]*)\"/ if $attr;
push @comments, "i18n: $attr_extracomment" if $attr_extracomment;
my ($attr_notr) = $attr =~ /\bnotr=\"([^\"]*)\"/ if $attr;
$notr = $attr_notr if $attr_notr;
my $nongreedystring = $string;
$string =~ s/^.*<$text_string//so;
$nongreedystring =~ s/^.*?<$text_string//so;
if ($string cmp $nongreedystring)
print STDERR "Warning: Line $origstring in file $file_name has more than one tag to extract on the same line, that is not supported by extractrc\n";
if ( not $attr or $attr !~ /\/ *$/ )
$in_text = 1;
$start_line_no = $.;
@comments = ();
$string = "";
next unless $in_text;
next unless $string =~ /<\/$text_string/o;
my $text = $string;
$text =~ s/<\/$text_string.*$//o;
if ( $text cmp "" )
# See if the string should be excluded by trailing element-context.
my $exclude_by_ectx = 0;
my @rev_ectx = reverse @ectx;
for my $ectx_tail (@{&ECTX_EXCLUDE})
my @rev_ectx_tail = reverse @{$ectx_tail};
my $i = 0;
$exclude_by_ectx = (@rev_ectx > 0 and @rev_ectx_tail > 0);
while ($i < @rev_ectx and $i < @rev_ectx_tail)
my ($tag, $attr, $aval) = @{$rev_ectx_tail[$i]};
$exclude_by_ectx = (not $tag or ($tag eq $rev_ectx[$i][1]));
if ($exclude_by_ectx and $attr)
$exclude_by_ectx = 0;
for my $ectx_attr_aval (@{$rev_ectx[$i][2]})
if ($attr eq $ectx_attr_aval->[0])
$exclude_by_ectx = $aval ? $aval eq $ectx_attr_aval->[1] : 1;
last if not $exclude_by_ectx;
last if $exclude_by_ectx;
if (($context and $context eq "KDE::DoNotExtract") or ($notr eq "true"))
push @comments, "Manually excluded message at $file_name line $.";
elsif ( $exclude_by_ectx )
push @comments, "Automatically excluded message at $file_name line $.";
(my $norm_fname = $file_name) =~ s/^\.\///;
push @comments, "i18n: file: $norm_fname:$.";
if ( @ectx ) {
# Format element-context.
my @tag_gr;
for my $tgr (reverse @ectx)
my @attr_gr;
for my $agr ( @{$tgr->[2]} )
#push @attr_gr, "$agr->[0]=$agr->[1]";
push @attr_gr, "$agr->[1]"; # no real nead for attribute name
my $attr = join(", ", @attr_gr);
push @tag_gr, "$tgr->[1] ($attr)" if $attr;
push @tag_gr, "$tgr->[1]" if not $attr;
my $ectx_str = join ", ", @tag_gr;
push @comments, "i18n: ectx: $ectx_str";
push @comments, "xgettext: no-c-format" if $text =~ /%/o;
$dummy_call->($context, $text, @comments);
@comments = ();
push @comments, "Skipped empty message at $file_name line $.";
$string =~ s/^.*<\/$text_string//o;
$in_text = 0;
# Text can be multiline in .ui files (possibly), but we warn about it in XMLGUI .rc files.
warn "there is <text> floating in: '$file_name'" if $. != $start_line_no and $file_name =~ /\.rc$/i;
close $fh or warn "Failed to close: '$file_name': $!";
die "parsing error in $file_name" if $in_text;
if ($ectx_ext && exists $EXTENSION_VERBATIM_TAGS{$ectx_ext})
unless ( open $fh, "<", $file_name )
# warn "Failed to open: '$file_name': $!";
while ( <$fh> )
$string .= "\n" . $_;
for my $elspec (@{ $EXTENSION_VERBATIM_TAGS{$ectx_ext} })
my ($tag, $attr, $aval) = @{$elspec};
my $rx;
if ($attr and $aval) {
$rx = qr/<$tag[^<]*$attr=["']$aval["'][^<]*>(.*)<\/$tag>/s
} elsif ($attr) {
$rx = qr/<$tag[^<]*$attr=[^<]*>(.*)<\/$tag>/s
} else {
$rx = qr/<$tag>(.*)<\/$tag>/s
if ($string =~ $rx)
# Add comment before any line that has an i18n substring in it.
my @matched = split /\n/, $1;
my $mlno = $.;
(my $norm_fname = $file_name) =~ s/^\.\///;
for my $mline (@matched) {
# Assume verbatim code is in language given by --language.
# Therefore format only comment, and write code line as-is.
if ($mline =~ /i18n/) {
$dummy_call->(undef, undef, ("i18n: file: $norm_fname:$mlno"));
$mline = unescape_xml($mline);
print "$mline\n";
$string = "";
close $fh or warn "Failed to close: '$file_name': $!";
Add table
Reference in a new issue