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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Copyright 2003 Duke University
import rpm
import types
import gzip
import os
import sys
import locale
import signal
import rpm5utils.transaction
def rpmOutToStr(arg):
if type(arg) != types.StringType:
# and arg is not None:
arg = str(arg)
return arg
def compareEVR((e1, v1, r1), (e2, v2, r2)):
# return 1: a is newer than b
# 0: a and b are the same version
# -1: b is newer than a
if e1 is None:
e1 = '0'
e1 = str(e1)
if v1 is None:
v1 = '0'
v1 = str(v1)
if r1 is None:
r1 = '0'
r1 = str(r1)
if e2 is None:
e2 = '0'
e2 = str(e2)
if v2 is None:
v2 = '0'
v2 = str(v2)
if r2 is None:
r2 = '0'
r2 = str(r2)
#~ print '%s, %s, %s vs %s, %s, %s' % (e1, v1, r1, e2, v2, r2)
rc = rpm.labelCompare((e1, v1, r1), (e2, v2, r2))
#~ print '%s, %s, %s vs %s, %s, %s = %s' % (e1, v1, r1, e2, v2, r2, rc)
return rc
def compareDEVR((d1, e1, v1, r1), (d2, e2, v2, r2)):
# return 1: a is newer than b
# 0: a and b are the same version
# -1: b is newer than a
if d1 is None:
d1 = '0'
if d2 is None:
d2 = '0'
if d1 > d2:
return 1
if d1 < d2:
return -1
rc = compareEVR((e1, v1, r1), (e2, v2, r2))
return rc
def compareVerOnly(v1, v2):
"""compare version strings only using rpm vercmp"""
return compareEVR(('', v1, ''), ('', v2, ''))
def checkSig(ts, package):
"""Takes a transaction set and a package, check it's sigs,
return 0 if they are all fine
return 1 if the gpg key can't be found
return 2 if the header is in someway damaged
return 3 if the key is not trusted
return 4 if the pkg is not gpg or pgp signed"""
value = 0
currentflags = ts.setVSFlags(0)
fdno = os.open(package, os.O_RDONLY)
hdr = ts.hdrFromFdno(fdno)
except rpm.error, e:
if str(e) == "public key not availaiable":
value = 1
if str(e) == "public key not available":
value = 1
if str(e) == "public key not trusted":
value = 3
if str(e) == "error reading package header":
value = 2
error, siginfo = getSigInfo(hdr)
if error == 101:
del hdr
value = 4
del hdr
except OSError, e: # if we're not opened, don't scream about it
ts.setVSFlags(currentflags) # put things back like they were before
return value
def getSigInfo(hdr):
"""checks signature from an hdr hand back signature information and/or
an error code"""
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C')
string = '%|DSAHEADER?{%{DSAHEADER:pgpsig}}:{%|RSAHEADER?{%{RSAHEADER:pgpsig}}:{%|SIGGPG?{%{SIGGPG:pgpsig}}:{%|SIGPGP?{%{SIGPGP:pgpsig}}:{(none)}|}|}|}|'
siginfo = hdr.sprintf(string)
if siginfo != '(none)':
error = 0
sigtype, sigdate, sigid = siginfo.split(',')
error = 101
sigtype = 'MD5'
sigdate = 'None'
sigid = 'None'
infotuple = (sigtype, sigdate, sigid)
return error, infotuple
def pkgTupleFromHeader(hdr):
"""return a pkgtuple (n, a, e, v, r) from a hdr object, converts
None epoch to 0, as well."""
name = hdr['name']
# RPMTAG_SOURCEPACKAGE: RPMTAG_SOURCERPM is not necessarily there for
# e.g. gpg-pubkeys imported with older rpm versions
# http://lists.baseurl.org/pipermail/yum/2009-January/022275.html
arch = hdr['arch']
arch = 'src'
ver = hdr['version']
rel = hdr['release']
epoch = hdr['epoch']
if epoch is None:
epoch = '0'
pkgtuple = (name, arch, epoch, ver, rel)
return pkgtuple
def pkgDistTupleFromHeader(hdr):
"""the same as above, but appends DistEpoch to the tuple"""
(n,a,e,v,r) = pkgTupleFromHeader(hdr)
d = hdr['distepoch']
if d is None:
d = '0'
pkgtuple = (n,a,e,v,r,d)
return pkgtuple
def rangeCheck(reqtuple, pkgtuple):
"""returns true if the package epoch-ver-rel satisfy the range
requested in the reqtuple:
ex: foo >= 2.1-1"""
# we only ever get here if we have a versioned prco
# nameonly shouldn't ever raise it
#(reqn, reqf, (reqe, reqv, reqr)) = reqtuple
(n, a, e, v, r) = pkgtuple
return rangeCompare(reqtuple, (n, rpm.RPMSENSE_EQUAL, (e, v, r)))
def rangeCompare(reqtuple, provtuple):
"""returns true if provtuple satisfies reqtuple"""
(reqn, reqf, (reqe, reqv, reqr)) = reqtuple
(n, f, (e, v, r)) = provtuple
if reqn != n:
return 0
# unversioned satisfies everything
if not f or not reqf:
return 1
# and you thought we were done having fun
# if the requested release is left out then we have
# to remove release from the package prco to make sure the match
# is a success - ie: if the request is EQ foo 1:3.0.0 and we have
# foo 1:3.0.0-15 then we have to drop the 15 so we can match
if reqr is None:
r = None
if reqe is None:
e = None
if reqv is None: # just for the record if ver is None then we're going to segfault
v = None
# if we just require foo-version, then foo-version-* will match
if r is None:
reqr = None
rc = compareEVR((e, v, r), (reqe, reqv, reqr))
# does not match unless
if rc >= 1:
if (reqf & rpm.RPMSENSE_GREATER) or (reqf & rpm.RPMSENSE_EQUAL):
return 1
if rc == 0:
if (reqf & rpm.RPMSENSE_EQUAL):
return 1
if rc <= -1:
if (reqf & rpm.RPMSENSE_LESS) or (reqf & rpm.RPMSENSE_EQUAL):
return 1
return 0
# Title: Remove duplicates from a sequence
# Submitter: Tim Peters
# From: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/52560
def unique(s):
"""Return a list of the elements in s, but without duplicates.
For example, unique([1,2,3,1,2,3]) is some permutation of [1,2,3],
unique("abcabc") some permutation of ["a", "b", "c"], and
unique(([1, 2], [2, 3], [1, 2])) some permutation of
[[2, 3], [1, 2]].
For best speed, all sequence elements should be hashable. Then
unique() will usually work in linear time.
If not possible, the sequence elements should enjoy a total
ordering, and if list(s).sort() doesn't raise TypeError it's
assumed that they do enjoy a total ordering. Then unique() will
usually work in O(N*log2(N)) time.
If that's not possible either, the sequence elements must support
equality-testing. Then unique() will usually work in quadratic
n = len(s)
if n == 0:
return []
# Try using a dict first, as that's the fastest and will usually
# work. If it doesn't work, it will usually fail quickly, so it
# usually doesn't cost much to *try* it. It requires that all the
# sequence elements be hashable, and support equality comparison.
u = {}
for x in s:
u[x] = 1
except TypeError:
del u # move on to the next method
return u.keys()
# We can't hash all the elements. Second fastest is to sort,
# which brings the equal elements together; then duplicates are
# easy to weed out in a single pass.
# NOTE: Python's list.sort() was designed to be efficient in the
# presence of many duplicate elements. This isn't true of all
# sort functions in all languages or libraries, so this approach
# is more effective in Python than it may be elsewhere.
t = list(s)
except TypeError:
del t # move on to the next method
assert n > 0
last = t[0]
lasti = i = 1
while i < n:
if t[i] != last:
t[lasti] = last = t[i]
lasti += 1
i += 1
return t[:lasti]
# Brute force is all that's left.
u = []
for x in s:
if x not in u:
return u
def splitFilename(filename):
Pass in a standard style rpm fullname
Return a name, version, release, epoch, arch, e.g.::
foo-1.0-1.i386.rpm returns foo, 1.0, 1, i386
1:bar-9-123a.ia64.rpm returns bar, 9, 123a, 1, ia64
if filename[-4:] == '.rpm':
filename = filename[:-4]
archIndex = filename.rfind('.')
arch = filename[archIndex+1:]
relIndex = filename[:archIndex].rfind('-')
rel = filename[relIndex+1:archIndex]
verIndex = filename[:relIndex].rfind('-')
ver = filename[verIndex+1:relIndex]
epochIndex = filename.find(':')
if epochIndex == -1:
epoch = ''
epoch = filename[:epochIndex]
name = filename[epochIndex + 1:verIndex]
return name, ver, rel, epoch, arch
def rpm2cpio(fdno, out=sys.stdout, bufsize=2048):
"""Performs roughly the equivalent of rpm2cpio(8).
Reads the package from fdno, and dumps the cpio payload to out,
using bufsize as the buffer size."""
ts = rpm5utils.transaction.initReadOnlyTransaction()
hdr = ts.hdrFromFdno(fdno)
del ts
compr = hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_PAYLOADCOMPRESSOR] or 'gzip'
#if compr == 'bzip2':
# TODO: someone implement me!
if compr != 'gzip':
raise rpm5utils.Rpm5UtilsError, \
'Unsupported payload compressor: "%s"' % compr
f = gzip.GzipFile(None, 'rb', None, os.fdopen(fdno, 'rb', bufsize))
while 1:
tmp = f.read(bufsize)
if tmp == "": break
def formatRequire (name, version, flags):
Return a human readable requirement string (ex. foobar >= 2.0)
@param name: requirement name (ex. foobar)
@param version: requirent version (ex. 2.0)
@param flags: binary flags ( 0010 = equal, 0100 = greater than, 1000 = less than )
s = name
if flags and (type(flags) == type(0) or type(flags) == type(0L)): # Flag must be set and a int (or a long, now)
if flags & (rpm.RPMSENSE_LESS | rpm.RPMSENSE_GREATER |
s = s + " "
if flags & rpm.RPMSENSE_LESS:
s = s + "<"
if flags & rpm.RPMSENSE_GREATER:
s = s + ">"
if flags & rpm.RPMSENSE_EQUAL:
s = s + "="
if version:
s = "%s %s" %(s, version)
return s
def flagToString(flags):
flags = flags & 0xf
if flags == 0: return None
elif flags == 2: return 'LT'
elif flags == 4: return 'GT'
elif flags == 8: return 'EQ'
elif flags == 10: return 'LE'
elif flags == 12: return 'GE'
return flags
def stringToVersion(verstring):
if verstring in [None, '']:
return (None, None, None)
i = verstring.find(':')
if i != -1:
epoch = str(long(verstring[i:]))
except ValueError:
# look, garbage in the epoch field, how fun, kill it
epoch = '0' # this is our fallback, deal
epoch = '0'
j = verstring.find('-')
if j != -1:
if verstring[i + 1:j] == '':
version = None
version = verstring[i + 1:j]
release = verstring[j + 1:]
if verstring[i + 1:] == '':
version = None
version = verstring[i + 1:]
release = None
return (epoch, version, release)
def hdrFromPackage(ts, package):
"""hand back the rpm header or raise an Error if the pkg is fubar"""
fdno = os.open(package, os.O_RDONLY)
except OSError, e:
raise rpm5utils.Rpm5UtilsError, 'Unable to open file'
# XXX: We should start a readonly ts here, so we don't get the options
# from the other one (sig checking, etc)
hdr = ts.hdrFromFdno(fdno)
except rpm.error, e:
raise rpm5utils.Rpm5UtilsError, "RPM Error opening Package"
if type(hdr) != rpm.hdr:
raise rpm5utils.Rpm5UtilsError, "RPM Error opening Package (type)"
return hdr
def checkSignals():
if hasattr(rpm, "checkSignals") and hasattr(rpm, 'signalsCaught'):
if rpm.signalsCaught([signal.SIGINT,