2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
Created on Jan 11 , 2012
@author : flid
import rpm
import argparse
import sys
import subprocess
import re
import os
2012-10-30 16:34:49 +04:00
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
import zlib
import glob
import shutil
import platform
import copy
import unittest
import gettext
gettext . install ( ' urpm-tools ' )
2012-10-30 16:34:49 +04:00
from rpm5utils . synthesis import *
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
ARCH = platform . machine ( )
downloaded_rpms_dir = ' /tmp/urpm-reposync.rpms '
VERSION = " urpm-reposync 2.1 "
def vprint ( text ) :
''' Print the message only if verbose mode is on '''
if ( command_line . verbose ) :
print ( text )
def qprint ( text ) :
''' Print the message only if quiet mode is off and ' printonly ' is off '''
if command_line . printonly :
if ( not command_line . quiet ) :
print ( text )
def eprint ( text , fatal = False , code = 1 ) :
''' Print the message to stderr. Exit if fatal '''
print >> sys . stderr , text
if ( fatal ) :
exit ( code )
def oprint ( text ) :
''' Print the message only if quiet mode is off '''
if ( not command_line . quiet ) :
print ( text )
2012-10-30 16:34:49 +04:00
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
def parse_command_line ( ) :
global command_line
arg_parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = _ ( ' reposync is used to synchronize a set of packages on the local computer with the remote repository. ' ) )
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' --include-media ' , ' --media ' , action = ' append ' , nargs = ' + ' , help = _ ( " Use only selected URPM media " ) )
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' --exclude-media ' , action = ' append ' , nargs = ' + ' , help = _ ( " Do not use selected URPM media " ) )
#arg_parser.add_argument('-x', '--exclude-packages', action='store',nargs = '+', help="Exclude package(s) by regex")
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' -v ' , ' --verbose ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = _ ( " Verbose (print additional info) " ) )
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' -q ' , ' --quiet ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = _ ( " Quiet operation. Senseless without --auto. " ) )
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' -a ' , ' --auto ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = _ ( " Do not ask questions, just do it! " ) )
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' -p ' , ' --printonly ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = _ ( " Only print the list of actions to be done and do nothing more! " ) )
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' -d ' , ' --download ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = _ ( " Only download the rpm files, but install or remove nothing. " ) )
#arg_parser.add_argument('-n', '--noremove', action='store_true', help=_("Do not remove packages at all. If some installed package prevent another package from beeing updated - do not update it."))
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' -r ' , ' --remove ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = _ ( " Remove all the packages which do not present in repository. By default, only some of them would be removed. " ) )
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' -c ' , ' --check ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = _ ( " Download packages and check wether they can be installed to your system, but do not install them. " ) )
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' -k ' , ' --nokernel ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = _ ( " Do nothing with kernels. " ) )
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' --runselftests ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = _ ( " Run self-tests end exit. " ) )
arg_parser . add_argument ( ' --detailed ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = _ ( " Show detailed information about packages are going to be removed or installed (why does it have to be done) " ) )
command_line = arg_parser . parse_args ( sys . argv [ 1 : ] )
if ( command_line . quiet and not command_line . auto ) :
eprint ( _ ( " It ' s senseless to use --quiet without --auto! " ) , fatal = True , code = 2 )
if command_line . verbose :
command_line . detailed = True
cmd = [ ' urpmq ' ]
to_update = [ ]
to_downgrade = [ ]
to_remove = [ ]
to_remove_pre = [ ]
to_append = [ ]
unresolved = { }
to_append_bysource = { }
to_remove_problems = { }
to_remove_saved = [ ]
files_to_download = [ ]
#If one of package deps matches this regexp and this package is
#not in the repository - don't try to save this package.
to_remove_force_list = [
NEVR . from_depstring ( " plymouth(system-theme) " ) ,
NEVR . from_depstring ( " mandriva-theme-screensaver " ) ,
rpmtsCallback_fd = None
file_id = 0
current_file = " NotSet "
def runCallback ( reason , amount , total , key , client_data ) :
global i , file_id , rpmtsCallback_fd , current_file
if reason in flags :
fl = flags [ reason ]
#if not fl.endswith('PROGRESS'):
vprint ( " rpm_callback was called: %s , %s , %s , %s , %s " % ( fl , str ( amount ) , str ( total ) ,
str ( key ) , str ( client_data ) ) )
if reason == rpm . RPMCALLBACK_INST_OPEN_FILE :
vprint ( " Opening file: " + key )
current_file = key
file_id + = 1
qprint ( " [ %d / %d ] %s " % ( file_id , len ( files_to_download ) , os . path . basename ( key ) ) )
rpmtsCallback_fd = os . open ( key , os . O_RDONLY )
return rpmtsCallback_fd
if reason == rpm . RPMCALLBACK_UNINST_START :
qprint ( _ ( " Removing %s " ) % os . path . basename ( key ) )
elif reason == rpm . RPMCALLBACK_INST_START :
vprint ( " Closing file " )
os . close ( rpmtsCallback_fd )
elif reason == rpm . RPMCALLBACK_UNPACK_ERROR or \
reason == rpm . RPMCALLBACK_CPIO_ERROR or \
eprint ( _ ( ' urpm-reposync: error in package %s . Data: %(data)s ' ) % { ' cur_file ' : current_file , ' data ' : " %s ; %s , %s , %s , %s " % ( flags [ reason ] , str ( amount ) ,
str ( total ) , str ( key ) , str ( client_data ) ) } )
def get_problem_dependencies ( pkg ) :
''' Get all the packages to satisfy dependencies not provided by some installed package or by some action '''
global actions
output = [ ]
for req in repository . packages [ pkg ] [ ' requires ' ] : # for every package requirement
pkgs_inst = installed . whatprovides ( req )
if pkgs_inst :
continue #dependency is satisfied by one of installed packages
#look for dependency in 'actions'
pkgs_rep = repository . whatprovides ( req )
for p in pkgs_rep [ : ] :
if p not in actions :
pkgs_rep . remove ( p )
if not pkgs_rep :
output . append ( req )
vprint ( " Problem deps for %s : %s " % ( pkg , str ( output ) ) )
return output
def resolve_dependency ( dep , pkg ) :
res = repository . whatprovides ( dep )
if command_line . nokernel :
for p in res [ : ] :
if p . startswith ( ' kernel ' ) :
res . remove ( ' kernel ' )
if not res :
if pkg not in unresolved :
unresolved [ pkg ] = [ ]
if str ( dep ) not in unresolved [ pkg ] :
unresolved [ pkg ] . append ( str ( dep ) )
return None
res = sorted ( res )
vprint ( " Resolved dependencies: " + str ( res ) )
if not pkg in to_append_bysource :
to_append_bysource [ pkg ] = [ ]
to_append_bysource [ pkg ] . append ( res [ 0 ] )
return res [ 0 ]
def resolve_dep_while_emulation ( requirement , package ) :
#try to resolve the dep in repository
pkgs = repository . whatprovides ( requirement )
found = False
for p in pkgs :
if p in actions :
found = True
if not found and pkgs :
vprint ( ' NEW ACTION: ' + pkgs [ 0 ] )
actions . append ( pkgs [ 0 ] )
if not package in to_append_bysource :
to_append_bysource [ package ] = [ ]
to_append_bysource [ package ] . append ( pkgs [ 0 ] )
def emulate_install ( pkg ) :
2012-10-30 18:24:44 +04:00
''' Reurns True if something was done, False - if package was not installed '''
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
global actions , not_provided_packages , conflicting_packages
vprint ( ' Emulating package installation: ' + pkg )
conflicts = False
for confl in repository . packages [ pkg ] [ ' conflicts ' ] :
res = installed . whatprovides ( confl )
2012-10-30 18:24:44 +04:00
for item in res [ : ] :
if item in to_remove_pre :
res . remove ( item )
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
if res :
conflicts = True
conflicting_packages . append ( ( pkg , res ) )
vprint ( " New conflict: %s , %s " % ( str ( pkg ) , str ( res ) ) )
for prov in repository . packages [ pkg ] [ ' provides ' ] :
res = installed . whatconflicts ( prov )
2012-10-30 18:24:44 +04:00
for item in res [ : ] :
if item in to_remove_pre :
res . remove ( item )
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
if res :
conflicts = True
conflicting_packages . append ( ( res , pkg ) )
vprint ( " New conflict: %s , %s " % ( str ( res ) , str ( pkg ) ) )
if conflicts :
2012-10-30 18:24:44 +04:00
return False
# remove the previosly added conflicts for this package
for item in conflicting_packages [ : ] :
pkg1 , pkgs2 = item
if pkg1 == pkg :
conflicting_packages . remove ( item )
vprint ( " Conflict %s have been resolved " % str ( item ) )
if pkg in pkgs2 :
pkgs2 . remove ( pkg )
if not pkgs2 :
conflicting_packages . remove ( item )
vprint ( " Conflict %s have been resolved " % str ( ( pkg1 , pkg ) ) )
emptied = [ ]
for p in not_provided_packages :
for req in not_provided_packages [ p ] [ : ] :
for prov in repository . packages [ pkg ] [ ' provides ' ] :
if prov . satisfies ( req ) :
vprint ( " Missing dep satisfied: %s -- %s " % ( p , req ) )
not_provided_packages [ p ] . remove ( req )
if not not_provided_packages [ p ] :
emptied . append ( p )
for p in emptied :
not_provided_packages . pop ( p )
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
url = ms . media [ repository . packages [ pkg ] [ ' medium ' ] ]
url + = ' / ' + repository . packages [ pkg ] [ ' filename ' ] + ' .rpm '
files_to_download . append ( url )
if pkg not in to_update and pkg not in to_downgrade and pkg not in to_append :
to_append . append ( pkg )
if pkg not in installed . packages :
installed . packages [ pkg ] = { }
for tag in PackageSet . alltags :
installed . packages [ pkg ] [ tag ] = repository . packages [ pkg ] [ tag ]
for tag in PackageSet . tags :
deps = installed . packages [ pkg ] [ tag ]
for dep in deps :
if dep . N not in installed . what [ tag ] :
installed . what [ tag ] [ dep . N ] = [ ]
installed . what [ tag ] [ dep . N ] . append ( ( pkg , dep ) )
actions . remove ( pkg )
for req in repository . packages [ pkg ] [ ' requires ' ] :
provs = installed . whatprovides ( req )
if not provs : # nothing provides it
if pkg not in not_provided_packages :
not_provided_packages [ pkg ] = [ ]
vprint ( " New missing dep: %s -- %s " % ( pkg , req ) )
not_provided_packages [ pkg ] . append ( req )
2012-10-30 18:24:44 +04:00
resolve_dep_while_emulation ( req , pkg )
return True
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
def emulate_remove ( pkg , updating = False ) :
2012-10-30 18:24:44 +04:00
''' Reurns True if something was done, False - if package was not removed '''
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
global not_provided_packages
vprint ( " Emulating package removing: " + pkg )
2012-10-30 18:24:44 +04:00
if pkg not in installed . packages or ' nevr ' not in installed . packages [ pkg ] :
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
vprint ( " Nothing to remove " )
2012-10-30 18:24:44 +04:00
return False
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
if pkg in not_provided_packages :
not_provided_packages . pop ( pkg )
for tag in PackageSet . tags :
deps = installed . packages [ pkg ] [ tag ]
for dep in deps :
installed . what [ tag ] [ dep . N ] . remove ( ( pkg , dep ) )
P = copy . deepcopy ( installed . packages [ pkg ] )
installed . packages [ pkg ] = { }
installed . packages [ pkg ] [ ' old_package ' ] = P
if not actions : #do nothing while initial packages removing
2012-10-30 18:24:44 +04:00
return True
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
for dep in installed . packages [ pkg ] [ ' old_package ' ] [ ' provides ' ] :
if dep . N not in installed . what [ ' requires ' ] :
for ( package , requirement ) in installed . what [ ' requires ' ] [ dep . N ] :
if dep . satisfies ( requirement ) and not installed . whatprovides ( requirement ) :
if package not in not_provided_packages :
not_provided_packages [ package ] = [ ]
vprint ( " New missing dep: %s -- %s " % ( package , requirement ) )
not_provided_packages [ package ] . append ( requirement )
resolve_dep_while_emulation ( requirement , package )
2012-10-30 18:24:44 +04:00
return True
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
def have_to_be_removed ( pkg ) :
to_remove_problems [ pkg ] = [ ]
for dep in installed . packages [ pkg ] [ ' requires ' ] :
res = installed . whatprovides ( dep )
2012-10-30 18:24:44 +04:00
act_resolved = False
for act_pkg in actions :
for atc_dep in repository . packages [ act_pkg ] [ ' provides ' ] :
if atc_dep . satisfies ( dep ) :
act_resolved = True
if act_resolved :
if not res and not act_resolved :
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
to_remove_problems [ pkg ] . append ( _ ( " \t Requires %s , which will not be installed. " ) % ( str ( dep ) ) )
2012-10-30 18:24:44 +04:00
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
for dep in installed . packages [ pkg ] [ ' provides ' ] :
res = installed . whatconflicts ( dep )
if res :
to_remove_problems [ pkg ] . append ( _ ( " \t %s conflicts with it " % ( ' , ' . join ( res ) ) ) )
for dep in installed . packages [ pkg ] [ ' conflicts ' ] :
res = installed . whatprovides ( dep )
if res :
to_remove_problems [ pkg ] . append ( _ ( " \t It conflicts with %s " % ( ' , ' . join ( res ) ) ) )
return to_remove_problems [ pkg ]
def process_packages ( ) :
global actions , to_remove , not_provided_packages , conflicting_packages
qprint ( " Computing actions list... " )
if command_line . remove :
for pkg in to_remove_pre :
emulate_remove ( pkg )
to_remove . append ( pkg )
actions = to_update + to_downgrade
actions_backup = actions [ : ]
conflicting_packages = [ ]
problems = { }
changed = True
while changed :
i = 0
l = len ( actions )
changed = False
for act in actions [ : ] :
i = i + 1
vprint ( ' [ %d / %d ] %s ' % ( i , l , act ) )
prob = get_problem_dependencies ( act )
problems [ act ] = [ ]
for p in prob :
problems [ act ] . append ( ( p , resolve_dependency ( p , act ) ) )
if problems [ act ] :
vprint ( " \n PROBLEM: %s : %s " % ( act , problems [ act ] ) )
if not problems [ act ] :
2012-10-30 18:24:44 +04:00
removed = emulate_remove ( act , updating = True )
installed = emulate_install ( act )
if removed or installed :
changed = True
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
for pr in problems :
if len ( problems [ pr ] ) > 0 :
for prob , resolved in problems [ pr ] :
if resolved :
vprint ( " Package ' %s ' requires ' %s ' via dependency ' %s ' " % ( pr , resolved , prob ) )
changed = True
if resolved not in actions :
actions . append ( resolved )
if not command_line . remove :
for pkg in to_remove_pre [ : ] :
vprint ( " Checking wether to remove " + pkg )
res = have_to_be_removed ( pkg )
if res :
vprint ( " %s have to be removed because: " % ( pkg ) )
for item in res :
vprint ( str ( item ) )
emulate_remove ( pkg )
if not pkg in to_remove :
to_remove . append ( pkg )
if pkg in to_remove_saved :
to_remove_saved . remove ( pkg )
changed = True
to_remove_pre . remove ( pkg )
else :
if pkg not in to_remove_saved :
to_remove_saved . append ( pkg )
have_to_exit = False
if not_provided_packages :
for p_name in not_provided_packages :
eprint ( ' >>>ERROR: Package %s has unsatisfied dependencies: %s ' %
( p_name , str ( not_provided_packages [ p_name ] ) ) )
have_to_exit = True
vprint ( ' Actions left: ' + str ( actions ) )
if actions :
for pkg in unresolved :
eprint ( " >>>ERROR: %s requires %s " % ( pkg , ' , ' . join ( unresolved [ pkg ] ) ) )
have_to_exit = True
if conflicting_packages :
def format_conflicts ( a ) :
if type ( a ) is list :
return ' [ %s ] ' % ' , ' . join ( a )
else :
return str ( a )
for ( a , b ) in conflicting_packages :
a_text = format_conflicts ( a )
b_text = format_conflicts ( b )
eprint ( " >>>ERROR: %s conflicts with %s " % ( a_text , b_text ) )
have_to_exit = True
if have_to_exit :
eprint ( _ ( " >>> Contact repository maintaiers and send them this information, please. " ) , fatal = True , code = 4 )
def download_packages ( ) :
if not files_to_download :
qprint ( _ ( ' Downloading files... ' ) )
l = len ( files_to_download )
i = 0
for url in files_to_download :
i + = 1
qprint ( " [ %d / %d ] %s " % ( i , l , os . path . basename ( url ) ) )
path = os . path . join ( downloaded_rpms_dir , os . path . basename ( url ) )
if os . path . isfile ( path ) :
try :
if ( url . startswith ( ' / ' ) ) : # local file
shutil . copyfile ( url , path )
else :
fd = urlopen ( url )
file = open ( path , ' w ' )
file . write ( fd . read ( ) )
file . close ( )
fd . close ( )
except IOError , e :
eprint ( " Can not download file %s : %s " % ( url , str ( e ) ) , fatal = True , code = 5 )
def install_packages ( ) :
def readRpmHeader ( ts , filename ) :
vprint ( " Reading header of " + filename )
fd = os . open ( filename , os . O_RDONLY )
h = ts . hdrFromFdno ( fd )
os . close ( fd )
return h
qprint ( _ ( " Generating transaction... " ) )
ts = rpm . TransactionSet ( )
# turn all the checks off. They can cause segfault in RPM for now.
2012-10-30 18:24:44 +04:00
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
ts . setProbFilter ( rpm . RPMPROB_FILTER_OLDPACKAGE )
#flags for ts.run execution. We need it to speed the process up
ts . setFlags ( rpm . RPMTRANS_FLAG_NOFDIGESTS )
for file in files_to_download :
f = os . path . join ( downloaded_rpms_dir , os . path . basename ( file ) )
h = readRpmHeader ( ts , f )
ts . addInstall ( h , f , ' u ' )
for pkg in to_remove :
ts . addErase ( pkg )
qprint ( _ ( " Checking dependencies... " ) )
def format_dep ( dep ) :
( ( name , ver , rel ) , ( namereq , verreq ) , needsFlags , suggestedPackage , sense ) = dep
vprint ( dep )
t = _ ( ' requires ' )
if sense & 1 :
t = _ ( ' conflicts with ' )
s = ' '
if needsFlags & rpm . RPMSENSE_LESS : #2
s = ' < '
if needsFlags & rpm . RPMSENSE_EQUAL : #8
s = ' = '
if needsFlags & rpm . RPMSENSE_GREATER : #4
s = ' > '
if needsFlags & rpm . RPMSENSE_NOTEQUAL : #6
s = ' != '
if ( verreq ) :
verreq = ' [ %s %s ] ' % ( s , verreq )
else :
verreq = ' '
return _ ( " Package %(name)s - %(ver)s - %(rel)s %(t)s %(namereq)s %(verreq)s " ) % \
{ ' name ' : name , ' ver ' : ver , ' rel ' : rel , ' namereq ' : namereq , ' verreq ' : verreq , ' t ' : t }
unresolved_dependencies = ts . check ( )
if ( unresolved_dependencies ) :
eprint ( _ ( " There are some unresolved dependencies: " ) )
for dep in unresolved_dependencies :
eprint ( " \t " + format_dep ( dep ) )
eprint ( _ ( " Packages can not be installed. Please, contact urpm-tools developers and provide this output. " ) , fatal = True , code = 3 )
else :
qprint ( _ ( " No errors found in transaction " ) )
ts . order ( )
if command_line . check :
qprint ( _ ( " Running transaction... " ) )
ts . run ( runCallback , 1 )
def check_media_set ( ) :
def try_solve_lib_arch ( pkgname ) :
''' if you have lib64A installed, but there is only libA in repository, it have not to be removed. And vice versa '''
if not pkgname . startswith ( ' lib ' ) :
return None
if pkgname in repository . packages :
return None
is64 = ( pkgname [ 3 : 5 ] == ' 64 ' )
is32 = not is64
if is32 :
l32 = pkgname
l64 = ' lib64 ' + pkgname [ 3 : ]
else :
l32 = ' lib ' + pkgname [ 5 : ]
l64 = pkgname
e32 = ( l32 in repository . packages )
e64 = ( l64 in repository . packages )
if ( is32 and e64 ) : # you have 32bit version installed, but there is only 64 bit version in repository
if ( ARCH == " x86_64 " ) :
return l64
else :
return # 64bit library can not work in 32bit system
if ( is64 and e32 ) :
return l32
found = [ ]
for pkg in to_remove :
res = try_solve_lib_arch ( pkg )
if res :
found . append ( ( pkg , res ) )
vprint ( " The list of libs with incorrect arch in repository: " + str ( found ) )
if found :
qprint ( _ ( " WARNING: Some libraries are going to be removed because there are only the packages with the other architecture in the repository. Maybe you missed media with the correct architecture? " ) )
def print_actions ( ) :
if ( command_line . quiet ) :
def count_total_size ( ) :
sum = 0
for pkg in to_append + to_update + to_downgrade :
sum + = repository . packages [ pkg ] [ ' size ' ]
return sum
def bytes_to_human_readable ( bytes ) :
bytes = float ( bytes )
if bytes > = 1099511627776 :
terabytes = bytes / 1099511627776
size = ' %.2f T ' % terabytes
elif bytes > = 1073741824 :
gigabytes = bytes / 1073741824
size = ' %.2f G ' % gigabytes
elif bytes > = 1048576 :
megabytes = bytes / 1048576
size = ' %.2f M ' % megabytes
elif bytes > = 1024 :
kilobytes = bytes / 1024
size = ' %.2f K ' % kilobytes
else :
size = ' %.2f b ' % bytes
return size
media = ms . media . keys ( )
def print_pkg_list ( pkglist , tag ) :
media_contents = { }
for medium in media :
for pkg in pkglist :
if ( repository . packages [ pkg ] [ ' medium ' ] == medium ) :
if ( medium not in media_contents ) :
media_contents [ medium ] = [ ]
media_contents [ medium ] . append ( pkg )
qprint ( " %-30s %-15s %-15s %-10s " % ( _ ( ' Package Name ' ) , _ ( ' Current Version ' ) , _ ( ' New Version ' ) , _ ( ' Arch ' ) ) )
for medium in media_contents :
qprint ( " ( %s %s ) " % ( _ ( " medium " ) , medium ) )
for pkg in sorted ( media_contents [ medium ] ) :
nevri = installed . packages [ pkg ] [ ' nevr ' ]
nevrr = repository . packages [ pkg ] [ ' nevr ' ]
if ( nevri . E == nevrr . E ) :
veri = nevri . VR
verr = nevrr . VR
else :
veri = nevri . EVR
verr = nevrr . EVR
if nevri . DE and nevrr . DE and nevri . DE != nevrr . DE :
veri + = ' ( %s %s ) ' % ( nevri . DT , nevri . DE )
verr + = ' ( %s %s ) ' % ( nevrr . DT , nevrr . DE )
oprint ( " %s %-30s %-15s %-15s %-10s " % ( prefix , pkg , veri , verr , installed . packages [ pkg ] [ ' arch ' ] ) )
qprint ( ' ' )
prefix = ' '
if to_update :
qprint ( _ ( " The following packages are going to be upgraded: " ) )
if command_line . printonly :
prefix = ' U '
print_pkg_list ( to_update , ' U ' )
if to_downgrade :
qprint ( _ ( " The following packages are going to be downgraded: " ) )
if command_line . printonly :
prefix = ' D '
print_pkg_list ( to_downgrade , ' D ' )
if to_append :
qprint ( _ ( " Additional packages are going to be installed: " ) )
qprint ( " %-30s %-15s %-10s " % ( _ ( ' Package Name ' ) , _ ( ' Version ' ) , _ ( ' Arch ' ) ) )
if command_line . printonly :
prefix = ' A '
def get_append_sources ( pkg ) :
out = [ ]
for item in to_append_bysource :
if pkg in to_append_bysource [ item ] :
out . append ( item )
return out
for pkg in to_append :
nevr = repository . packages [ pkg ] [ ' nevr ' ]
oprint ( " %s %-30s %-15s %-10s " % ( prefix , pkg , nevr . VR , repository . packages [ pkg ] [ ' arch ' ] ) )
if command_line . detailed :
qprint ( _ ( " \t Required by %s " ) % ( " , " . join ( get_append_sources ( pkg ) ) ) )
qprint ( ' ' )
if to_remove :
qprint ( _ ( " The following packages are going to be removed: " ) )
qprint ( " %-30s %-15s %-10s " % ( _ ( ' Package Name ' ) , _ ( ' Current Version ' ) , _ ( ' Arch ' ) ) )
if command_line . printonly :
prefix = ' R '
for pkg in sorted ( to_remove ) :
nevr = installed . packages [ pkg ] [ ' nevr ' ]
oprint ( " %s %-30s %-15s %-10s " % ( prefix , pkg , nevr . VR , installed . packages [ pkg ] [ ' arch ' ] ) )
if command_line . detailed and not command_line . remove :
for problem in sorted ( to_remove_problems [ pkg ] ) :
qprint ( problem )
qprint ( ' ' )
if to_remove_saved and command_line . detailed :
qprint ( _ ( " Packages which do not present in repositories, but do not have to be removed (will be saved): " ) )
qprint ( " %-30s %-15s %-10s " % ( _ ( ' Package Name ' ) , _ ( ' Current Version ' ) , _ ( ' Arch ' ) ) )
if command_line . printonly :
prefix = ' S '
for pkg in sorted ( to_remove_saved ) :
oprint ( " %s %-30s %-15s %-10s " % ( prefix , pkg , installed . packages [ pkg ] [ ' nevr ' ] . VR , installed . packages [ pkg ] [ ' arch ' ] ) )
qprint ( _ ( " %d packages are going to be downloaded and installed. " ) % len ( files_to_download ) )
qprint ( _ ( " %d packages are going to be removed. " ) % len ( to_remove ) )
qprint ( _ ( " %s will be downloaded. " ) % bytes_to_human_readable ( count_total_size ( ) ) )
def have_to_be_forced ( pkg ) :
for dep in installed . packages [ pkg ] [ ' provides ' ] :
for f in to_remove_force_list :
if dep . satisfies ( f ) :
vprint ( " Package %s have been forced to removal. " % pkg )
return f
return None
def Main ( ) :
global cmd , resolve_source , installed , repository , include_media , exclude_media
global not_provided_packages , installed_backup , ms , actions
resolve_source = False # variable that makes download_rpm to download resolved build-deps
cmd = [ ' urpmq ' ]
include_media = [ ]
actions = [ ]
if ( command_line . include_media != None ) :
media = ' '
for i in command_line . include_media :
media = " , " . join ( [ media ] + i )
for ii in i :
include_media . append ( ii )
cmd = cmd + [ ' --media ' , media [ 1 : ] ]
exclude_media = [ ]
if ( command_line . exclude_media != None ) :
media = ' '
for i in command_line . exclude_media :
media = " , " . join ( [ media ] + i )
for ii in i :
exclude_media . append ( ii )
cmd = cmd + [ ' --excludemedia ' , media [ 1 : ] ]
2012-10-30 16:34:49 +04:00
ms = MediaSet . from_system ( cmd )
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
installed = PackageSet ( )
installed . load_from_system ( )
repository = PackageSet ( )
2012-10-30 16:34:49 +04:00
repository . load_from_repository ( ms )
2012-10-30 18:24:44 +04:00
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
installed_backup = copy . deepcopy ( installed )
not_provided_packages = { }
for inst in installed . packages :
if command_line . nokernel and inst . startswith ( ' kernel ' ) :
if inst not in repository . packages :
if command_line . remove :
to_remove_pre . append ( inst )
else :
res = have_to_be_forced ( inst )
if res :
emulate_remove ( inst )
to_remove . append ( inst )
to_remove_problems [ inst ] = [ _ ( ' \t Forced to be removed dew to " %s " policy. ' ) % str ( res ) ]
else :
to_remove_pre . append ( inst )
#compare distepochs first
if installed . packages [ inst ] [ " nevr " ] . DE == None or repository . packages [ inst ] [ " nevr " ] . DE == None :
res_epoch = 0
else :
res_epoch = rpm . evrCompare ( installed . packages [ inst ] [ " nevr " ] . DE , repository . packages [ inst ] [ " nevr " ] . DE )
if res_epoch == - 1 :
to_update . append ( inst )
elif res_epoch == 1 :
to_downgrade . append ( inst )
else : # disteposhs are the same
#now versions can be compared
res = rpm . evrCompare ( installed . packages [ inst ] [ " nevr " ] . EVR , repository . packages [ inst ] [ " nevr " ] . EVR )
if ( res == - 1 ) :
to_update . append ( inst )
elif res == 1 :
to_downgrade . append ( inst )
else : # res == 0
pass # do nothing
process_packages ( )
2012-10-30 16:34:49 +04:00
2012-09-05 15:45:44 +04:00
if len ( to_update + to_downgrade + to_remove ) == 0 :
qprint ( _ ( " Nothing to do " ) )
installed = installed_backup
print_actions ( )
if command_line . printonly :
vprint ( " Installed packages: " + str ( len ( installed . packages ) ) )
vprint ( " Repository packages: " + str ( len ( repository . packages ) ) )
vprint ( " Packages that need some actions: " + str ( len ( to_update ) + len ( to_downgrade ) + len ( to_remove ) + len ( to_append ) ) )
check_media_set ( )
if ( not command_line . auto ) :
sys . stdout . write ( _ ( " Do you want to proceed? (y/n): " ) )
sys . stdout . flush ( )
while ( True ) :
res = sys . stdin . readline ( )
res = res . strip ( )
if res in [ _ ( ' y ' ) , _ ( ' yes ' ) , ' y ' , ' yes ' ] :
if res in [ _ ( ' n ' ) , _ ( ' no ' ) , ' n ' , ' no ' ] :
exit ( 0 )
download_packages ( )
if command_line . download :
install_packages ( )
if not os . path . exists ( downloaded_rpms_dir ) :
os . makedirs ( downloaded_rpms_dir )
class Tests ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
self . p1 = NEVR . from_depstring ( ' a[== 1.0] ' )
self . p2 = NEVR . from_depstring ( ' a[> 1.0] ' )
self . p3 = NEVR . from_depstring ( ' a[< 1.0] ' )
self . p4 = NEVR . from_depstring ( ' a[>= 1.0] ' )
self . p5 = NEVR . from_depstring ( ' b[== 1.0] ' )
self . r1 = NEVR . from_depstring ( ' a[== 1.0] ' )
self . r2 = NEVR . from_depstring ( ' a[== 1.1] ' )
self . r3 = NEVR . from_depstring ( ' a[<= 1.1] ' )
self . r4 = NEVR . from_depstring ( ' a[>= 1.1] ' )
self . r5 = NEVR . from_depstring ( ' a[< 0.9] ' )
self . r6 = NEVR . from_depstring ( ' a[> 0.9] ' )
self . r7 = NEVR . from_depstring ( ' a[< 1.0] ' )
self . r8 = NEVR . from_depstring ( ' b[== 1.0] ' )
self . pkg1 = NEVR . from_filename ( " s-c-t-0.0.1-0.20091218.2-rosa.lts2012.0.x86_64 " )
def test_nevr_parse ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( self . p1 . N , ' a ' )
self . assertEqual ( self . p1 . VR , ' 1.0 ' )
self . assertEqual ( self . p1 . EVR , ' 1.0 ' )
self . assertEqual ( self . p1 . FL , NEVR . EQUAL )
self . assertEqual ( self . p2 . FL , NEVR . GREATER )
self . assertEqual ( self . p3 . FL , NEVR . LESS )
self . assertEqual ( self . p4 . FL , NEVR . EQUAL | NEVR . GREATER )
self . assertEqual ( self . pkg1 . N , ' s-c-t ' )
self . assertEqual ( self . pkg1 . EVR , ' 0.0.1-0.20091218.2 ' )
self . assertEqual ( self . pkg1 . FL , NEVR . EQUAL )
def test_version_compare ( self ) :
self . assertTrue ( self . p1 . satisfies ( self . r1 ) )
self . assertTrue ( self . p1 . satisfies ( self . r3 ) )
self . assertTrue ( self . p1 . satisfies ( self . r6 ) )
self . assertFalse ( self . p1 . satisfies ( self . r4 ) )
self . assertFalse ( self . p1 . satisfies ( self . r5 ) )
self . assertFalse ( self . p1 . satisfies ( self . r7 ) )
self . assertFalse ( self . p1 . satisfies ( self . r8 ) )
self . assertTrue ( self . p2 . satisfies ( self . r2 ) )
self . assertTrue ( self . p2 . satisfies ( self . r2 ) )
self . assertTrue ( self . p2 . satisfies ( self . r4 ) )
self . assertTrue ( self . p2 . satisfies ( self . r6 ) )
self . assertFalse ( self . p2 . satisfies ( self . r1 ) )
self . assertFalse ( self . p2 . satisfies ( self . r5 ) )
self . assertFalse ( self . p2 . satisfies ( self . r7 ) )
self . assertTrue ( self . p3 . satisfies ( self . r3 ) )
self . assertTrue ( self . p3 . satisfies ( self . r5 ) )
self . assertTrue ( self . p3 . satisfies ( self . r6 ) )
self . assertTrue ( self . p3 . satisfies ( self . r7 ) )
self . assertFalse ( self . p3 . satisfies ( self . r1 ) )
self . assertFalse ( self . p3 . satisfies ( self . r2 ) )
self . assertFalse ( self . p3 . satisfies ( self . r4 ) )
self . assertTrue ( self . p4 . satisfies ( self . r1 ) )
self . assertTrue ( self . p4 . satisfies ( self . r6 ) )
self . assertFalse ( self . p4 . satisfies ( self . r5 ) )
self . assertFalse ( self . p4 . satisfies ( self . r7 ) )
self . assertTrue ( self . p5 . satisfies ( self . r8 ) )
self . assertEqual ( self . p1 , self . r1 )
self . assertNotEqual ( self . p1 , self . r2 )
self . assertRaises ( Exception , NEVR . from_depstring , " a [== 1.0] " )
self . assertRaises ( Exception , NEVR . from_depstring , " a [== 1.0 ] " )
self . assertRaises ( Exception , NEVR . from_depstring , " a[! 1.0] " )
self . assertRaises ( Exception , NEVR . from_depstring , " a == 1.0 " )
self . assertRaises ( Exception , self . p1 . __eq__ , " a [== 1.0] " )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
parse_command_line ( )
if command_line . runselftests :
suite = unittest . TestLoader ( ) . loadTestsFromTestCase ( Tests )
unittest . TextTestRunner ( verbosity = 2 ) . run ( suite )
else :
Main ( )