be verbose - say which packages are decided to be old
and why (this info is dumped to STDERR)
.IP"0 \- Suceess. The tool has run without any errors and old packages were not found."
.IP"1 \- No packages were found"
.IP"2 \- Illegal option or missing argument"
.IP"3 \- The tool has run successfully and detected old packages"
.IP"Scan local directory with packages and for every package name print only file with the latest version:"
\fBurpm-repomanage /tmp/repo\fP
.IP"Scan local directory with packages, for every package detect two latest versions and print older versions. For every old package, print names of newer packages:"
\fBurpm-repomanage --old -V -k 2 /tmp/repo\fP
.IP"Remove older packages in a local directory without printing anything to terminal:"