mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 10:23:04 +00:00
245 lines
8.6 KiB
245 lines
8.6 KiB
--- rpm-5.4.9/macros/mandriva.in.php_deps~ 2012-06-28 04:25:18.070035644 +0200
+++ rpm-5.4.9/macros/mandriva.in 2012-06-28 04:25:21.883987963 +0200
@@ -275,8 +275,6 @@ Group: %{group}\
# TODO: merge relevant changes into rpm version rather than using our own
%__perl_provides @USRLIBRPM@/@RPMCANONVENDOR@/perl.prov
%__perl_requires @USRLIBRPM@/@RPMCANONVENDOR@/perl.req
-%__php_provides @USRLIBRPM@/@RPMCANONVENDOR@/php.prov
-%__php_requires @USRLIBRPM@/@RPMCANONVENDOR@/php.req
%__find_provides @USRLIBRPM@/@RPMCANONVENDOR@/filter.sh '%{?_provides_exceptions:%{_provides_exceptions}}%{!?_provides_exceptions: }' '%{?_exclude_files_from_autoprov:%{_exclude_files_from_autoprov}}%{!?_exclude_files_from_autoprov: }' '%{buildroot}' @USRLIBRPM@/@RPMCANONVENDOR@/find-provides
%__find_requires @USRLIBRPM@/@RPMCANONVENDOR@/filter.sh '%{?_requires_exceptions:%{_requires_exceptions}}%{!?_requires_exceptions: }' '%{?_exclude_files_from_autoreq:%{_exclude_files_from_autoreq}}%{!?_exclude_files_from_autoreq: }' '%{buildroot}' @USRLIBRPM@/@RPMCANONVENDOR@/find-requires %{?buildroot:%{buildroot}} %{?_target_cpu:%{_target_cpu}}
--- rpm-5.4.9/scripts/php.prov.php_deps~ 2012-06-28 04:22:17.980287076 +0200
+++ rpm-5.4.9/scripts/php.prov 2012-06-28 04:22:33.725090237 +0200
@@ -1,17 +1,44 @@
# #
-# Small script to generate provides for php-pear/php-pecl #
+# Check system dependences between php-pear modules #
# #
-# Adam Go³êbiowski <adamg@pld-linux.org> #
-# #
-# Somehow based on previous work by: #
-# Pawe³ Go³aszewski <blues@pld-linux.org> #
+# Pawe³ Go³aszewski <blues@ds.pg.gda.pl> #
# Micha³ Moskal <malekith@pld-linux.org> #
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------#
+# TODO: #
-# Contest: shrink this one to oneliner
-# Bonus : and fit in 80 columns ;)
+$pear = "/usr/share/pear";
+@files = ();
+if ("@ARGV") {
+ foreach (@ARGV) {
+ process_file($_);
+ }
+} else {
+ # notice we are passed a list of filenames NOT as common in unix the
+ # contents of the file.
+ foreach (<>) {
+ chomp $_;
+ process_file($_);
+ }
+f: for $f (sort keys %req) {
+ print "pear($f)\n";
+sub process_file() {
+ my ($f) = @_;
+ return unless ($f =~ /$pear.*\.php$/);
-/package.xml/ and open(F, $_) foreach (@ARGV ? @ARGV : <> );
-/^\s+\<name\>([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)\<\/name\>$/ and print "php-pear-$1" while (<F>);
+ $f =~ s/.*$pear\///;
+ push @files, $f;
+ $req{$f} = 1;
--- rpm-5.4.9/scripts/php.req.php_deps~ 2012-06-28 04:22:21.478243346 +0200
+++ rpm-5.4.9/scripts/php.req 2012-06-28 04:22:33.986086975 +0200
@@ -1,78 +1,108 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -W
# #
-# Check system dependencies between php-pear/php-pecl modules #
+# Check system dependences between php-pear modules #
# #
-# Adam Go³êbiowski <adamg@pld-linux.org> #
-# #
-# based on previous work by: #
# Pawe³ Go³aszewski <blues@ds.pg.gda.pl> #
-# Micha³ Moskal <malekith@pld-linux.org> #
-# #
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# ChangeLog: #
-# 20031201: complete rewrite to use PEAR's package.xml, now handles #
-# all dependencies, including PHP modules (like php-gmp), #
-# and PECL extensions (adamg) #
+# Micha³ Moskal <malekith@pld-linux.org> #
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------#
+# TODO: #
+# - extension_loaded - dependencies. #
+# - some clean-up... #
-@req_arr = ();
-$fname = '/dev/null';
-foreach ( @ARGV ? $ARGV : <> )
- $fname = $_ if (/package.xml/)
+$pear = "/usr/share/pear";
+@files = ();
+%req = ();
+if ("@ARGV") {
+ foreach (@ARGV) {
+ process_file($_);
+ }
+} else {
+ # notice we are passed a list of filenames NOT as common in unix the
+ # contents of the file.
+ foreach (<>) {
+ chomp $_;
+ process_file($_);
+ }
-open F, $fname;
+f: for $f (keys %req) {
+ for $g (@files) { next f if ($g =~ /\Q$f\E$/); }
+ print "pear($f)\n";
+sub process_file() {
+ my ($f) = @_;
+ push @files, $f;
+ # skip non-php files
+ next unless ($f =~ /\.php$/);
+ if (!open(F, $f)) {
+ warn("$0: Warning: Could not open file '$f' for reading: $!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($f =~ /$pear/) {
+ $file_dir = $f;
+ $file_dir =~ s|.*$pear/||;
+ $file_dir =~ s|/[^/]*$||;
+ } else {
+ $file_dir = undef;
+ }
+ while (<F>) {
+ # skip comments
+ next if (/^\s*(#|\/\/|\*|\/\*)/);
+ while (/(\W|^)(require|include)(_once)?
+ \s* \(? \s* ("([^"]*)"|'([^']*)')
+ \s* \)? \s* ;/xg) {
+ if ($5 ne "") {
+ $x = $5;
+ } elsif ($6 ne "") {
+ $x = $6;
+ } else {
+ next;
+ }
+ $x =~ s/\/\.?\//\//g while $x =~ /\/\.?\//;
+ $x =~ s/(\/|^)[^\/]*[^.]\/\.\.\//\1/g while $x =~ /(\/|^)[^\/]*[^.]\/\.\.\//;
+ next if ($x =~ m|^\.\.?/| or $x =~ /\$/);
+ next unless ($x =~ /\.php$/);
+ $req{$x} = 1;
+ }
+ next unless (defined $file_dir);
+ while (/(\W|^)(require|include)(_once)?
+ \s* \(? \s* dirname \s* \( \s* __FILE__ \s* \) \s* \. \s*
+ ("([^"]*)"|'([^']*)')
+ \s* \)? \s* ;/xg) {
+ if ($5 ne "") {
+ $x = $5;
+ } elsif ($6 ne "") {
+ $x = $6;
+ } else {
+ next;
+ }
+ next unless ($x =~ /\.php$/);
+ $x = "$file_dir/$x";
+ $x =~ s/\/\.?\//\//g while $x =~ /\/\.?\//;
+ $x =~ s/(\/|^)[^\/]*[^.]\/\.\.\//\1/g while $x =~ /(\/|^)[^\/]*[^.]\/\.\.\//;
+ $req{$x} = 1;
+ }
+ }
-while (<F>) {
- if ( /\s+\<dep\s+type\=\"([a-zA-z]*)\"/ ) {
- $type = $1;
- die ("ERROR: Unsupported type: $type\n") if ( $type !~ /^(pkg|ext|php|prog|os|sapi|zend)$/i);
- # Default relation (as suggested by PEAR manual) is has
- $rel = "has";
- $rel = $1 if ( /rel="([a-zA-Z]*)"/ );
- die ("ERROR: Unsupported relation: $rel\n") if ( $rel !~ /^(has|eq|lt|le|gt|ge)$/ );
- # Check if we don't have some unsupported connection betweend relation and type
- die ("ERROR: Cannot use lt/le/gt/ge relation with prog/os/sapi type!\n") if ( $rel =~ /^(lt|le|gt|ge)$/ && $type =~ /^(prog|os|sapi)$/ );
- # do we have version?
- $version = "";
- $version = $1 if ( /version="([a-zA-z0-9\.\+]*)"/ );
- # optional - actually this one is optional ;)
- # NOTE:
- # even though this attribute marks dependency as optional,
- # we will add it to Requires:
- $optional = "no";
- $optional = $1 if ( /optional="([a-zA-Z]*)"/ );
- die ("ERROR: Ambigous value of optional attribute: $optional\n") if ( $optional !~ /(yes|no)/i );
- # now, check if we need to pull out package/extension/whatever name
- $name = "";
- $name = "php" if ( $type =~ /php/ );
- $name = "$1" if ( $type !~ /php/ && /\>([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]*)\</ );
- $relation = "";
- $relation = "<" if ( $rel eq "lt");
- $relation = "<=" if ( $rel eq "le");
- $relation = "=" if ( $rel eq "eq");
- $relation = ">=" if ( $rel eq "ge");
- $relation = ">" if ( $rel eq "gt");
- $relation = "=" if ( $rel eq "has");
- # die if we were unable to substitute relations
- die "ERROR: Unexpected relation! ($rel)\n" if ( $relation eq "");
- $req = "";
- $relver = "";
- $relver = "$relation $version" if ( $version !~ /^$/ );
- $req = "$name $relver" if ( $type =~ /(php|prog)/ );
- $req = "php-$name $relver" if ( $type =~ /ext/ );
- $req = "php-pear-$name" if ( $type =~ /pkg/ );
- push @req_arr, $req
+ close(F) ||
+ die("$0: Could not close file: '$f' : $!\n");
- }
-for $r (@req_arr) { print "$r\n"; }