mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 21:42:47 +00:00
1966 lines
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1966 lines
62 KiB
# -*- mode: rpm-spec; coding: utf-8 -*-
%define libname %mklibname postgrespro
%define develname %mklibname postgrespro -d
%if "%edition" == "sdm"
Requires: pkgconfig(libev)
%global prog_name postgrespro
%global short_prog_name pgpro
%global edition 1c
%global edition_suffix -1c
%global edition_label 1c
%global pgsql_major 15
%global certification 0
%if %pgsql_major == 10
%global docformat xml
%global docformat sgml
%global _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1
%global pgsql_version %{version}
%if "%edition" == "1c"
%global tarname postgresql-%{version}
%global tarname %{prog_name}%{edition_suffix}-%{version}
%global pgbaseinstdir /opt/%short_prog_name/%edition-%{pgsql_major}
%global bindir %pgbaseinstdir/bin
%global libdir %pgbaseinstdir/lib
%global unitdir %{_unitdir}
%global initddir %_initddir
%global datadir %pgbaseinstdir/share
%global mandir %datadir/man
%global docdir %pgbaseinstdir/doc
%global sysconfdir %pgbaseinstdir/etc
%global includedir %pgbaseinstdir/include
%global pgdir /var/lib/%{short_prog_name}/%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}
%global pgdatadir %{pgdir}/data
# compatibility layer
%global packageversion %{pgsql_major}
%global prevmajorversion 10
%if 0%{?rosa_ver}
%global rosa_rel %(sed -e 's/^.*[^.]\\([0-9]\\.[0-9]\\+\\).*$/\\1/' /etc/rosa-release)
%if "%{rosa_rel}" == "7.3"
%global rosa73 1
%if 0%{?redos}
%global redos_rel %(sed -e 's/^.*[^.]\\([0-9]\\.[0-9]\\+\\).*$/\\1/' /etc/redos-release)
%if "%{redos_rel}" >= "7.3"
%global redos73 1
%if "%{_vendor}" == "suse"
%if "%{sle_version}" >= "120000" && "%{sle_version}" < "149999"
%global suse12 1
%if "%{_vendor}" == "suse"
%global suse 1
%if 0%{?sle_version} == 0
%global sle_version 110000
%define dist .sles%(expr %{sle_version} / 10000)
%if "%{sle_version}" < "120000"
%global suse11 1
%global suse11 0
%if "%{sle_version}" > "149999"
%global suse15 1
%global suse15 0
%global jit 0
%global suse 0
%global suse11 0
%global suse15 0
%{!?kerbdir:%global kerbdir "/usr"}
%{!?test:%global test 1}
%if ! 0%{?el9} && %{pgsql_major} < 15
# No python 2 in RHEL 9
%if 0%{?el9} || %{pgsql_major} > 14
%global plpython2 0
%global plpython2 1
%{!?plpython:%global plpython 1}
%{!?pltcl:%global pltcl 1}
%{!?plperl:%global plperl 1}
%{!?ssl:%global ssl 1}
%{!?intdatetimes:%global intdatetimes 1}
%{!?kerberos:%global kerberos 1}
%{!?nls:%global nls 1}
%{!?xml:%global xml 1}
%{!?pam:%global pam 1}
%{!?disablepgfts:%global disablepgfts 0}
%{!?runselftest:%global runselftest 0}
%{!?uuid:%global uuid 1}
%{!?ldap:%global ldap 1}
%if "%{edition}" == "ent"
%{!?zstd:%global zstd 1}
%{!?rsocket:%global rsocket 1}
%if %{pgsql_major} > 14 || "%{edition}" == "sdm"
%{!?zstd:%global zstd 1}
%{!?zstd:%global zstd 0}
%{!?rsocket:%global rsocket 0}
%if "%{edition}" == "ent" && %{pgsql_major} > 12
%{!?lz4:%global lz4 1}
%if %{pgsql_major} > 13
%{!?lz4:%global lz4 1}
%{!?lz4:%global lz4 0}
%if "%{?jit}" == ""
%if %{pgsql_major} > 10
%global jit 0
%global jit 0
%global systemd %(if [ -d /run/systemd ] || [ -d "%{unitdir}" ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi)
%global python3 python3
Summary: Postgres Pro %{edition_label} programs and libraries
Name: %{prog_name}-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}
Version: 15.2
%if %certification
Release: 1cert1%{?dist}
Release: 1%{?dist}
License: Postgres Pro %{edition_label}
Group: Databases
Vendor: Postgres Professional
Url: http://www.postgrespro.ru
%if "%_vendor" == "suse"
BuildArch: %_arch
%if 0%{?suse12} || ( 0%{?el7} && ! 0%{?redos73} )
%define __debug_install_post \
%{_rpmconfigdir}/find-debuginfo.sh %{?_missing_build_ids_terminate_build:--strict-build-id} %{?_find_debuginfo_opts} "%{_builddir}/%{?buildsubdir}";\
rm -rf "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/src/debug/%{prog_name}%{edition_suffix}-%{version}"; \
mkdir -p "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/src/debug/%{prog_name}%{edition_suffix}-%{version}"; \
Source0: http://repo.postgrespro.ru/pgpro-%{pgsql_major}/src/%{tarname}.tar.bz2
Source1: pg-wrapper.in
Source3: postgrespro.init.in
Source4: Makefile.regress
Source5: pg_config.h
Source7: ecpg_config.h
Source14: postgrespro.pam
Source17: postgrespro-setup.in
Source18: postgrespro.service.in
Source19: postgrespro-check-db-dir.in
# Example conf files
Source20: small.conf.sample
Source21: medium.conf.sample
Source22: big.conf.sample
# List of pg-probackup files
%if "%{edition}" != "1c"
Source23: backup-src.list
Source24: buildinfo.txt
Source25: 1c.tune
%if "%{edition}" != "1c"
Source26: std.tune
%if "%{edition}" == "ent"
Source27: ent.tune
BuildRequires: gcc perl glibc-devel bison flex
Requires: /sbin/ldconfig
%if %systemd
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libsystemd)
%if "%{edition}" == "sdm"
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libev)
%if %plperl
%if %suse
BuildRequires: perl
BuildRequires: perl-ExtUtils-Embed
BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)
%if %{plpython}
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(python2)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(python3)
%if %pltcl
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(readline)
BuildRequires: zlib-devel >= 1.0.4
%if %ssl
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libssl)
%if %kerberos
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(krb5)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(uuid)
%if %nls
BuildRequires: gettext >= 0.10.35
%if %xml
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libxml-2.0) pkgconfig(libxslt)
%if %pam
BuildRequires: pam-devel
%if %uuid
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(uuid)
%if %ldap
BuildRequires: openldap2-devel
%if %zstd
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libzstd)
%if %lz4
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(liblz4)
%if %jit
# install centos-release-scl-rh to get this package on centos7
BuildRequires: clang, llvm-devel, gcc-c++
# These are required for -docs subpackage:
#BuildRequires: docbook-dtds
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libxslt)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(icu-i18n)
Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name}-server = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name}-contrib = %{version}-%{release}
Requires(post): %{_sbindir}/update-alternatives
Requires(postun): %{_sbindir}/update-alternatives
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
Provides: postgrespro
Provides: postgrespro%{packageversion}
Conflicts: postgresql94, postgresql94-server
Conflicts: postgresql, postgresql-server
Conflicts: postgresql10, postgresql10-server
Conflicts: postgresql11, postgresql11-server
Postgres Pro %{edition_label} is an advanced Object-Relational database
management system (DBMS) that supports almost all SQL constructs
(including transactions, subselects and user-defined types and
functions). The postgrespro package includes the client, server and
contrib programs and libraries.
%if %suse
%package -n %{libname}
Summary: The shared libraries required for any Postgres Pro %{edition_label} clients
Group: Databases
Provides: postgrespro-libs
%description -n %{libname}
The %{name}-libs package provides the essential shared libraries for
any Postgres Pro %{edition_label} client program or interface.
You will need to install this package to use any other Postgres Pro
%{edition_label} package or any clients that need to connect to a
Postgres Pro %{edition_label} server.
%package client
Summary: Postgres Pro %{edition_label} client programs and libraries
Group: Databases
Requires: /usr/sbin/useradd
Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: postgrespro-client
%description client
The %{name}-client package includes the client programs and
libraries that you will need to access a Postgres Pro %{edition_label}
DBMS server. These Postgres Pro %{edition_label} client programs are
programs that directly manipulate the internal structure of Postgres Pro
%{edition_label} databases on a Postgres Pro %{edition_label} server.
These client programs can be located on the same machine with the
Postgres Pro %{edition_label} server, or may be on a remote machine which
accesses a Postgres Pro %{edition_label} server over a network connection.
This package contains the command-line utilities for managing Postgres Pro
%{edition_label} databases on a Postgres Pro %{edition_label} server.
If you want to manipulate a Postgres Pro %{edition_label} database on a
local or remote Postgres Pro %{edition_label} server, you need this package.
You also need to install this package if you are installing the
%{name}-server package.
%package server
Summary: The programs needed to create and run a Postgres Pro %{edition_label} server
Group: Databases
Requires: /usr/sbin/useradd /sbin/chkconfig
Requires: bash
Requires: coreutils
Requires: %{name}-client = %{version}-%{release}
%if "%{edition}" == "1c"
Requires: %{name}-contrib = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: postgrespro-server
%description server
The %{name}-server package includes the programs needed to create and run
a Postgres Pro %{edition_label} server, which will in turn allow you
to create and maintain Postgres Pro %{edition_label} databases.
Postgres Pro %{edition_label} is an advanced Object-Relational database
management system (DBMS) that supports almost all SQL constructs
(including transactions, subselects and user-defined types and functions).
You should install %{name}-server if you want to create and
maintain your own Postgres Pro %{edition_label} databases and/or your
own Postgres Pro %{edition_label} server. You also need to install the
%{name}-client package.
%package docs
Summary: Extra documentation for Postgres Pro %{edition_label}
Group: Databases
BuildArch: noarch
Provides: %{prog_name}-docs
%description docs
The %{name}-docs package includes the XML source for the documentation
as well as the documentation in PDF format and some extra documentation.
Install this package if you want to help with the Postgres Pro %{edition_label}
documentation project, or if you want to generate printed documentation.
This package also includes HTML version of the documentation.
%package docs-ru
Summary: Russian documentation for Postgres Pro %{edition_label}
Group: Databases
BuildArch: noarch
Provides: %{prog_name}-docs-ru
%description docs-ru
The %{name}-docs-ru package includes the XML source for the documentation
as well as the documentation in HTML format and some extra documentation.
This package also includes HTML version of the documentation.
This package includes russion translation of the documentation
%package contrib
Summary: Contributed source and binaries distributed with Postgres Pro %{edition_label}
Group: Databases
Requires: %{name}-client = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name}-server = %{version}-%{release}
%if "%edition" == "sdm"
Requires: pkgconfig(libev)
Provides: %{prog_name}-contrib
%description contrib
The %{name}-contrib package contains contributed packages that are
included in the Postgres Pro %{edition_label} distribution.
This package extends functionality of %{name}-server package.
%package -n %{develname}
Summary: Postgres Pro %{edition_label} development header files and libraries
Group: Development/Libraries
Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: zlib-devel, pkgconfig(readline), pkgconfig(icu-i18n)
%if %xml
Requires: pkgconfig(libxslt), pkgconfig(libxml-2.0),
%if %ssl
Requires: pkgconfig(libssl)
%if %kerberos
Requires: pkgconfig(krb5)
%if %pam
Requires: pam-devel
Requires: pkgconfig(readline)
%if %lz4
Requires: pkgconfig(liblz4)
%if %zstd
Requires: pkgconfig(libzstd)
%if "%edition" == "sdm"
Requires: pkgconfig(libev)
Provides: %{prog_name}-devel
%description -n %{develname}
The %{name}-devel package contains the header files and libraries
needed to compile C or C++ applications which will directly interact
with a Postgres Pro %{edition_label} database management server and the
ecpg Embedded C Postgres preprocessor. You need to install this package
if you want to develop applications which will interact with a Postgres Pro
%{edition_label} server.
%if %plperl
%package plperl
Summary: The Perl procedural language for Postgres Pro %{edition_label}
Group: Development/Perl
Requires: %{name}-server = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name}-contrib = %{version}-%{release}
%if %suse || 0%{?el8} || 0%{?el9}
Requires: perl
Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo $version))
%ifarch ppc ppc64
BuildRequires: perl-devel
Provides: %{prog_name}-plperl
Provides: %{prog_name}%{packageversion}-plperl
%description plperl
Postgres Pro %{edition_label} is an advanced Object-Relational database management system. %{name}-plperl package contains the PL/Perl
language for the backend.
%if %plpython
%if %{plpython2}
%package plpython
Summary: The Python procedural language for Postgres Pro %{edition_label}
Group: Development/Python
Requires: %{name}-server = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name}-contrib = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: %{prog_name}-plpython
Provides: %{prog_name}%{packageversion}-plpython
%description plpython
Postgres Pro %{edition_label} is an advanced Object-Relational database
management system. The %{name}-plpython package contains the
PL/Python language for the backend compiled with version 2 interpreter.
%package plpython3
Summary: The Python3 procedural language for Postgres Pro %{edition_label}
Group: Development/Python
Requires: %{name}-server = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name}-contrib = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: %{prog_name}-plpython3
Provides: %{prog_name}%{packageversion}-plpython3
%description plpython3
Postgres Pro %{edition_label} is an advanced Object-Relational database
management system. The %{name}-plpython3 package contains the
PL/Python language for the backend compiled with Python version 3 interpreter.
%if %pltcl
%package pltcl
Summary: The Tcl procedural language for Postgres Pro %{edition_label}
Group: Development/Other
Requires: %{name}-server = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: %{prog_name}-pltcl
Provides: %{prog_name}%{packageversion}-pltcl
%description pltcl
Postgres Pro %{edition_label} is an advanced Object-Relational database
management system. The %{name}-pltcl package contains the PL/Tcl
language for the backend.
%if %test
%package test
Summary: The test suite distributed with Postgres Pro %{edition_label}
Group: Databases
Requires: %{name}-server = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: %{prog_name}-test
Provides: %{prog_name}%{packageversion}-test
%description test
Postgres Pro %{edition_label} is an advanced Object-Relational database
management system. The %{name}-test package includes the sources and
pre-built binaries of various tests for the Postgres Pro %{edition_label}
database management system, including regression tests and benchmarks.
%if "%{edition}" != "1c"
%package backup-src
Summary: Source files from Postgres Pro %{edition_label} to build pg_probackup
Group: Databases
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release}
%description backup-src
pg_probackup is a backup and recovery manager for Postgres Pro %{edition_label}
servers able to do differential and full backup as well as restore a cluster
to a state defined by a given recovery target. It is designed to perform
periodic backups of an existing Postgres Pro %{edition_label} server, combined
with WAL archives to provide a way to recover a server in case of failure of
server because of a reason or another. Its differential backup
facility reduces the amount of data necessary to be taken between
two consecutive backups.
This package contains few files from PostgresPro source tree which
are required to build pg_probackup.
Binary of pg_probackup is provided in the pg-probackup-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}
%if ("%pgsql_major" == "10" && "%edition" != "1c") || ( "%edition" == "std" && "%pgsql_major" == "11" )
%package pgprobackup
BuildArch: noarch
Group: Databases
Requires: pg-probackup-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}
Summary: Transient package to upgrade pg_probackup from previous version
%description pgprobackup
pg_probackup is a backup and recovery manager for Postgres Pro
%{edition_label} servers able to do.
This is empty transient package with same name as pg_probackup package
has in previous versions of Postgres Pro %{edition_label}.
You can remove it as soon as it was installed, because its only pupose
is to require real pg_probackup-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major} package.
%if %jit
%package jit
Summary: Just-in-time compiler for PostgesPro queries
Group: Development/Java
Requires: %{name}-server = %{version}-%{release}
%description jit
PostgresPro %{edition_label} JIT compiles WHERE conditions of SQL statement
into native machine code using LLVM framework. It might speed up queries
%if %pgsql_major < 12
It is experimental feature with extra dependiences.
%setup -q -n %{tarname}
CFLAGS="${CFLAGS:-%optflags}" ; export CFLAGS
CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS:-%optflags}" ; export CXXFLAGS
%if %kerberos
CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I%{_includedir}/et" ; export CPPFLAGS
CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -I%{_includedir}/et" ; export CFLAGS
# Strip out -ffast-math from CFLAGS....
CFLAGS=`echo $CFLAGS|xargs -n 1|grep -v ffast-math|xargs -n 100`
%if %jit
%if "%{edition}" == "ent" && %{pgsql_major} >= 12
BITCODE_CFLAGS=-I$(echo %{_lib}/gcc/*/*/include|awk '{print $1}')
%if 0%{?el8}
if [ ! -x /usr/bin/llvm-config ] && [ -x /usr/bin/llvm-config-64 ]; then
%if 0%{?el7}
. /opt/rh/llvm-toolset-9.0/enable
export CLANG
%if 0%{?redos}
echo "Redos %{redos_rel} detected redos73 set to %{redos73}"
%if 0%{?el8} || 0%{?redos73}
export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2
[ -z "$USE_PGXS" ] || unset USE_PGXS
export LIBNAME=%{_lib}
%if 0%{?debug}
export CFLAGS=-O0
PYTHON=/usr/bin/%{python3} ./configure \
--prefix=%{pgbaseinstdir} \
--bindir=%bindir \
--includedir=%includedir \
--libdir=%libdir \
--with-libs=%_libdir \
--sysconfdir=%sysconfdir \
--datadir=%datadir \
--enable-nls \
--enable-thread-safety \
--mandir=%mandir \
--docdir=%docdir \
--htmldir=%docdir \
--enable-debug \
%if 0%{?debug}
--enable-cassert \
%if %certification
--enable-svt5 \
%if %systemd
--with-systemd \
%if %plperl
--with-perl \
%if %plpython
--with-python \
%if %pltcl
--with-tcl \
--with-tclconfig=%{_libdir} \
%if %ssl
--with-openssl \
%if %pam
--with-pam \
%if %kerberos
--with-gssapi \
--with-includes=%{kerbdir}/include \
--with-libraries=%{kerbdir}/%{_lib} \
%if %nls
--enable-nls \
%if !%intdatetimes
--disable-integer-datetimes \
%if %disablepgfts
--disable-thread-safety \
%if %uuid
--with-uuid=e2fs \
%if %xml
--with-libxml \
--with-libxslt \
%if %ldap
--with-ldap \
%if %zstd
--with-zstd \
%if %lz4
--with-lz4 \
%if %rsocket
--with-rsocket \
%if %jit
--with-llvm \
--with-system-tzdata=%{_datadir}/zoneinfo \
--with-readline \
%if %{plpython2}
mkdir py2
(cd py2
PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2 ../configure \
--prefix=%{pgbaseinstdir} \
--bindir=%bindir \
--includedir=%includedir \
--libdir=%libdir \
--with-libs=%_libdir \
--sysconfdir=%sysconfdir \
--datadir=%datadir \
--enable-nls \
--enable-thread-safety \
--mandir=%mandir \
--docdir=%docdir \
--htmldir=%docdir \
%if %certification
--enable-svt5 \
%if %systemd
--with-systemd \
%if %plperl
--with-perl \
--with-python \
%if %pltcl
--with-tcl \
--with-tclconfig=%{_libdir} \
%if %ssl
--with-openssl \
%if %pam
--with-pam \
%if %kerberos
--with-gssapi \
--with-includes=%{kerbdir}/include \
--with-libraries=%{kerbdir}/%{_lib} \
%if %nls
--enable-nls \
%if !%intdatetimes
--disable-integer-datetimes \
%if %disablepgfts
--disable-thread-safety \
%if %uuid
--with-uuid=e2fs \
%if %xml
--with-libxml \
--with-libxslt \
%if %ldap
--with-ldap \
%if %zstd
--with-zstd \
%if %lz4
--with-lz4 \
%if %rsocket
--with-rsocket \
%if %jit
--with-llvm \
--with-system-tzdata=%{_datadir}/zoneinfo \
make %{?_smp_mflags} -C src/pl/plpython all
for ext in contrib/*_plpython; do
make %{?_smp_mflags} -C $ext all
make %{?_smp_mflags} all
make %{?_smp_mflags} -C contrib all
%if %uuid
make %{?_smp_mflags} -C contrib/uuid-ossp all
# Have to hack makefile to put correct path into tutorial scripts
sed "s|C=\`pwd\`;|C=%{pgbaseinstdir}/lib/tutorial;|" < src/tutorial/Makefile > src/tutorial/GNUmakefile
make %{?_smp_mflags} -C src/tutorial NO_PGXS=1 all
rm -f src/tutorial/GNUmakefile src/tutorial/.gitignore
%if %runselftest
pushd src/test/regress
make all
cp ../../../contrib/spi/refint.so .
cp ../../../contrib/spi/autoinc.so .
make MAX_CONNECTIONS=5 check
make clean
pushd src/pl
make MAX_CONNECTIONS=5 check
pushd contrib
make MAX_CONNECTIONS=5 check
%if %test
pushd src/test/regress
make all
[ -z "$USE_PGXS" ] || unset USE_PGXS
rm -rf %{buildroot}
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
%if %{plpython2}
for dir in py2/src/pl/plpython py2/contrib/*_plpython; do
make -C $dir DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
install -c -m 755 %SOURCE25 %{buildroot}%{datadir}
%if "%{edition}" != "1c"
install -c -m 755 %SOURCE26 %{buildroot}%{datadir}
%if "%{edition}" == "ent"
install -c -m 755 %SOURCE27 %{buildroot}%{datadir}
%if "%{pgsql_major}" == "10"
sed -i '/max_parallel_maintenance_workers/d' %{buildroot}%{datadir}/*.tune
%if %certification
# Reset security confs
sed -i -e '/bin\/ecpg/d' \
-e '/plperl\.so/d' \
-e '/pltcl\.so/d' \
-e '/plpython.\.so/d' \
for conf in user catalog system; do
cp %{buildroot}%{datadir}/security/${conf}.conf.sample %{buildroot}%{datadir}/security/${conf}.conf
sleep 1
touch contrib-flag
sleep 2 # otherwise we have installed files that are not newer than flag
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/share/extension/
make -C contrib DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
%if %uuid
make -C contrib/uuid-ossp DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
%if ! %{plpython2}
# removing plpython3 extensions
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{datadir}/extension/hstore_plpython2*
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{datadir}/extension/ltree_plpython2*
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{datadir}/extension/jsonb_plpython2*
# Exclude from contrib filelist everything related to the pg_probackup
# because it is packaged separately from contrib and all header files,
# because they belongs to -devel
find %buildroot -type f -cnewer contrib-flag -printf "/%%P\n" |grep -v -e '/doc/' |grep -v -e 'pg_probackup'|grep -v -e '\.bc$' |grep -v -e '\.h$' > contrib.lst
# man pages for contrib utils:
sed -n 's!/bin/\(.*\)$!/share/man/man1/\1.1.gz!p' < contrib.lst >contrib.man.lst
sed -n 's!/bin/\(.*\)$!/share/man/ru/man1/\1.1.gz!p' < contrib.lst >>contrib.man.lst
cat contrib.man.lst >>contrib.lst
# Split plperl and plpython-based extensions into appoprate packages
grep plperl contrib.lst > pg_plperl.lst
sed -i '/plperl/d' contrib.lst
%if %plpython2
grep plpython contrib.lst |grep -v python3 > pg_plpython.lst ||true
rm -f %{buildroot}%{datadir}/extension/*plpython2u*
rm -f %{buildroot}%{datadir}/extension/*plpythonu*
sed -i '/plpython/d' contrib.lst
# rm contrib-flag
#make -C doc/src/xml DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
# multilib header hack; note pg_config.h is installed in two places!
# we only apply this to known Red Hat multilib arches, per bug #177564
case `uname -i` in
i386 | x86_64 | ppc | ppc64 | s390 | s390x)
mv %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/include/pg_config.h %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/include/pg_config_`uname -i`.h
install -m 644 %{SOURCE5} %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/include/
mv %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/include/server/pg_config.h %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/include/server/pg_config_`uname -i`.h
install -m 644 %{SOURCE5} %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/include/server/
mv %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/include/ecpg_config.h %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/include/ecpg_config_`uname -i`.h
install -m 644 %{SOURCE7} %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/include/
%if %jit
# Remove with_llvm from PGXS Makefile global to allow to built
# extensions without LLVM/CLANG installed if you don't need JIT
sed -i -e 's/^with_llvm[ ]*=.*$/with_llvm ?= no/' \
install -m 755 %{SOURCE1} %buildroot%bindir/pg-wrapper
sed -i 's,@BINDIR@,%bindir,' %buildroot%bindir/pg-wrapper
sed -i 's,@MANDIR@,%mandir,' %buildroot%bindir/pg-wrapper
sed -i 's,@VERSION@,%pgsql_major,' %buildroot%bindir/pg-wrapper
install -m 755 %{SOURCE17} %buildroot%bindir/pg-setup
sed -i 's,@PROGNAME@,%prog_name,' %buildroot%bindir/pg-setup
sed -i 's,@BINDIR@,%bindir,g' %buildroot%bindir/pg-setup
sed -i 's,@MANDIR@,%mandir,' %buildroot%bindir/pg-setup
sed -i 's,@VERSION@,%pgsql_major,' %buildroot%bindir/pg-setup
sed -i 's,@EDITION@,%edition,' %buildroot%bindir/pg-setup
sed -i 's,@PREFIX@,%pgbaseinstdir,' %buildroot%bindir/pg-setup
install -m 755 %{SOURCE19} %buildroot%bindir/check-db-dir
sed -i 's,@BINDIR@,%bindir,' %buildroot%bindir/check-db-dir
sed -i 's,@VERSION@,%pgsql_major,' %buildroot%bindir/check-db-dir
sed -i 's,@EDITION@,%edition,' %buildroot%bindir/check-db-dir
%if %systemd
install -d %buildroot%unitdir
install -m 644 %{SOURCE18} %buildroot%unitdir/%{prog_name}-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}.service
sed -i 's,@ARCH@,%_arch,g' %buildroot%unitdir/%{prog_name}-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}.service
sed -i 's,@BINDIR@,%bindir,g' %buildroot%unitdir/%{prog_name}-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}.service
sed -i 's,@LIBDIR@,%libdir,' %buildroot%unitdir/%{prog_name}-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}.service
sed -i 's,@VERSION@,%pgsql_major,' %buildroot%unitdir/%{prog_name}-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}.service
sed -i 's,@EDITION@,%edition,' %buildroot%unitdir/%{prog_name}-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}.service
%if 0%{?debug}
sed -i '/Type=notify/a \
LimitCORE=infinity' %buildroot%unitdir/%{prog_name}-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}.service
install -p -m755 -D %{SOURCE3} %buildroot%initddir/%{prog_name}-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}
sed -i 's,@ARCH@,%_arch,g' %buildroot%initddir/%{prog_name}-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}
sed -i 's,@BINDIR@,%bindir,g' %buildroot%initddir/%{prog_name}-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}
sed -i 's,@LIBDIR@,%libdir,' %buildroot%initddir/%{prog_name}-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}
sed -i 's,@VERSION@,%pgsql_major,' %buildroot%initddir/%{prog_name}-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}
sed -i 's,@EDITION@,%edition,' %buildroot%initddir/%{prog_name}-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}
echo %{pgbaseinstdir}/lib/ > %{prog_name}-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}-libs.conf
%if %pam
install -d %{buildroot}/etc/pam.d
install -m 644 %{SOURCE14} %{buildroot}/etc/pam.d/%{prog_name}%{packageversion}
# PGDATA needs removal of group and world permissions due to pg_pwd hole.
install -d -m 700 %{buildroot}%{pgdir}/data
# backups of data go here...
install -d -m 700 %{buildroot}%{pgdir}/backups
# Create the multiple postmaster startup directory
install -d -m 700 %{buildroot}/etc/sysconfig/%{short_prog_name}/%{pgsql_major}
# Install linker conf file under postgrespro installation directory.
# We will install the latest version via alternatives.
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/share/
install -m 700 %{prog_name}-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}-libs.conf %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/share/
%if %test
# tests. There are many files included here that are unnecessary,
# but include them anyway for completeness. We replace the original
# Makefiles, however.
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/lib/test
cp -a src/test/regress %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/lib/test
install -m 0755 contrib/spi/refint.so %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/lib/test/regress
install -m 0755 contrib/spi/autoinc.so %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/lib/test/regress
pushd %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/lib/test/regress
strip *.so
rm -f GNUmakefile Makefile *.o
chmod 0755 pg_regress regress.so
cp %{SOURCE4} %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/lib/test/regress/Makefile
chmod 0644 %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/lib/test/regress/Makefile
# Fix some more documentation
#cp %{SOURCE6} README.rpm-dist
# make datadir
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{datadir}
cp %{SOURCE20} %{SOURCE21} %{SOURCE22} %{buildroot}%{datadir}/ # conf examples
cp COPYRIGHT %{buildroot}%{docdir}/
%if "%{edition}" != "1c"
cp COPYRIGHT.ru %{buildroot}%{docdir}/
#cp doc/bug.template %{buildroot}%{docdir}/
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{docdir}
cp doc/buildinfo.txt %{buildroot}%{docdir}/
cat %{SOURCE24} >> %{buildroot}%{docdir}/buildinfo.txt
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{docdir}/contrib
# html en
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{docdir}/html
cp doc/src/%{docformat}/html/*.html %{buildroot}%{docdir}/html/
cp doc/src/%{docformat}/html/*.css %{buildroot}%{docdir}/html/
PICTURES="$(ls doc/src/%{docformat}/html/*.png doc/src/%{docformat}/html/*.svg 2>/dev/null||:)"
if [ -n "$PICTURES" ]; then
cp $PICTURES %{buildroot}%{docdir}/html/
# html ru
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{docdir}/html-ru
cp doc/src/%{docformat}/ru/html/* %{buildroot}%{docdir}/html-ru/
%if "%{edition}" == "sdm"
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{docdir}/shardman/html/
cp contrib/shardman/doc/html/* %{buildroot}%{docdir}/shardman/html/
# man 1 3 7
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/share/man/
cp -r doc/src/%{docformat}/man1 %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/share/man/
cp -r doc/src/%{docformat}/man3 %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/share/man/
cp -r doc/src/%{docformat}/man7 %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/share/man/
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/share/man/ru/
cp -r doc/src/%{docformat}/ru/man1 %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/share/man/ru/
cp -r doc/src/%{docformat}/ru/man3 %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/share/man/ru/
cp -r doc/src/%{docformat}/ru/man7 %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/share/man/ru/
%if %certification
touch %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/share/man/ru/man1/pg_integrity_check.1
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/pgsql
# manuals for utilities which are packaged separately
for i in pg_filedump pg_repack pg_probackup pgbadger mamonsu pgpro_controldata; do
rm -f %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/share/man/man1/$i.1*
rm -f %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/share/man/ru/man1/$i.1*
%if ! 0%{?certification}
rm -f %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/share/man/man1/pg_integrity_check.1*
rm -f %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/share/man/ru/man1/pg_integrity_check.1*
# pg_probackup - remove it whille it present in source tree
rm -f %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/bin/pg_probackup
# Compressing man pages
for n in 1 3 7; do
gzip %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/share/man/man${n}/*.${n}
gzip %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/share/man/ru/man${n}/*.${n}
# clear 1C readme
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/doc/contrib/README.online_analyze
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/doc/contrib/README.plantuner
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/doc/extension/README.fasttrun
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/doc/extension/README.fulleq
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/doc/extension/README.mchar
cp -r src/tutorial %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/doc
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/doc/tutorial/*.so %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/doc/tutorial/*.o
# initialize file lists
cp /dev/null main.lst
cp /dev/null libs.lst
cp /dev/null server.lst
cp /dev/null devel.lst
# At this stage plperl.lst and plpython.lst already filled with useful files
#cp /dev/null plperl.lst
#cp /dev/null plpython.lst
cp /dev/null pltcl.lst
%if "%{edition}" != "1c"
cp /dev/null backup-src.lst
#generate filelist for backup-src package and install its files by the way
grep -v '^#' %{SOURCE23} | while read NAME; do
NAME=$(echo ${NAME}|sed 's#/sgml/#/%{docformat}/#')
if [ -e ${NAME} ]; then
echo %{pgbaseinstdir}/src/backup/${NAME} >> backup-src.lst
DEST="%{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/src/backup/`dirname $NAME`"
install -d -m 755 ${DEST}
install -c -m 644 ${NAME} ${DEST}
# Postgresql 10 make install doesn't install errcodes.txt. We do it ourselves
# for compatibility with newer major versions
%if %{pgsql_major} == 10
install -c -m 644 src/backend/utils/errcodes.txt %{buildroot}%{pgbaseinstdir}/share
%if %nls
%find_lang ecpg-%{pgsql_major}
%find_lang ecpglib6-%{pgsql_major}
%find_lang initdb-%{pgsql_major}
%find_lang libpq5-%{pgsql_major}
%find_lang pg_basebackup-%{pgsql_major}
%if %{pgsql_major} >= 13
%find_lang pg_verifybackup-%{pgsql_major}
%if %{pgsql_major} >= 14
%find_lang pg_amcheck-%{pgsql_major}
%find_lang pg_config-%{pgsql_major}
%find_lang pg_controldata-%{pgsql_major}
%find_lang pg_ctl-%{pgsql_major}
%find_lang pg_dump-%{pgsql_major}
%find_lang pg_resetwal-%{pgsql_major}
%find_lang pg_rewind-%{pgsql_major}
%find_lang pgscripts-%{pgsql_major}
%find_lang pg_waldump-%{pgsql_major}
%find_lang pg_upgrade-%{pgsql_major}
%find_lang pg_archivecleanup-%{pgsql_major}
%find_lang pg_test_fsync-%{pgsql_major}
%find_lang pg_test_timing-%{pgsql_major}
%if %pgsql_major == 11
%find_lang pg_verify_checksums-%{pgsql_major}
%if %pgsql_major >= 12
%find_lang pg_checksums-%{pgsql_major}
%if %plperl
%find_lang plperl-%{pgsql_major}
cat plperl-%{pgsql_major}.lang >> pg_plperl.lst
%find_lang plpgsql-%{pgsql_major}
%if %plpython
%find_lang plpython-%{pgsql_major}
cat plpython-%{pgsql_major}.lang >> pg_plpython.lst
%if %pltcl
%find_lang pltcl-%{pgsql_major}
cat pltcl-%{pgsql_major}.lang > pg_pltcl.lst
%find_lang postgres-%{pgsql_major}
%find_lang psql-%{pgsql_major}
cat libpq5-%{pgsql_major}.lang ecpglib6-%{pgsql_major}.lang> pg_libpq5.lst
cat pg_config-%{pgsql_major}.lang ecpg-%{pgsql_major}.lang > pg_devel.lst
cat psql-%{pgsql_major}.lang pg_dump-%{pgsql_major}.lang pg_basebackup-%{pgsql_major}.lang pgscripts-%{pgsql_major}.lang > pg_client.lst
cat postgres-%{pgsql_major}.lang initdb-%{pgsql_major}.lang pg_ctl-%{pgsql_major}.lang pg_resetwal-%{pgsql_major}.lang pg_rewind-%{pgsql_major}.lang pg_waldump-%{pgsql_major}.lang pg_upgrade-%{pgsql_major}.lang pg_controldata-%{pgsql_major}.lang plpgsql-%{pgsql_major}.lang pg_archivecleanup-%{pgsql_major}.lang pg_test_fsync-%{pgsql_major}.lang pg_test_timing-%{pgsql_major}.lang > pg_server.lst
%if %pgsql_major == 11
cat pg_verify_checksums-%{pgsql_major}.lang >> pg_server.lst
%if %pgsql_major >= 12
cat pg_checksums-%{pgsql_major}.lang >> pg_server.lst
%if %pgsql_major >= 13
cat pg_verifybackup-%{pgsql_major}.lang >> pg_client.lst
%if %pgsql_major >= 14
cat pg_amcheck-%{pgsql_major}.lang >> pg_client.lst
%pre server
groupadd -g 26 -o -r postgres >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
useradd -M -g postgres -o -r -d /var/lib/pgsql -s /bin/bash \
-c "Postgres Pro Server" -u 26 postgres >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
[ -d /var/lib/pgsql ] || mkdir -p /var/lib/pgsql
chown postgres:postgres /var/lib/pgsql
chmod 700 /var/lib/pgsql
%post server
# Prepare home
[ -d ~postgres ] || mkdir -p ~postgres
chown postgres:postgres ~postgres
chmod 700 ~postgres
# Create /etc/default/postgrespro-@EDITION@-@VERSION@
# If we are upgrading from previous minor release where this file
# didn't exist and we have database under default PATH
if [ -f %{pgdatadir}/PG_VERSION -a ! -f "/etc/default/%{name}" ]; then
echo "PGDATA=%{pgdatadir}" > /etc/default/%{name}
%if %certification
%{pgbaseinstdir}/bin/pg_integrity_check -o -s
if [ -f /etc/default/%{name} ]; then
if [ -x $SCTL ] && $SCTL 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
$SCTL daemon-reload
. /etc/default/%{name}
if [ ! "$ENABLE_ONLINE_UPGRADE" = "1" ]; then
%{pgbaseinstdir}/bin/pg-setup service condrestart
%preun server
if [ $1 = 0 ] ; then # Uninstall
%{pgbaseinstdir}/bin/pg-setup service stop 2>/dev/null || true
%{pgbaseinstdir}/bin/pg-setup service disable 2>/dev/null || true
%postun server
%if %plperl
%post -p /sbin/ldconfig plperl
%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig plperl
%if %plpython2
%post -p /sbin/ldconfig plpython
%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig plpython
%if %pltcl
%post -p /sbin/ldconfig pltcl
%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig pltcl
%if %test
%post test
chown -R postgres:postgres %{datadir}/pgsql/test >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
if [ "$1" -eq 1 ]; then
# Do all this things only on first install. Skip them on upgrade
# Create alternatives entries for common binaries and man files
%{pgbaseinstdir}/bin/pg-wrapper links update
if [ ! -f %{pgdatadir}/PG_VERSION ]; then
free_port=`%{pgbaseinstdir}/bin/pg-setup find-free-port`
%{pgbaseinstdir}/bin/pg-setup initdb
if [ $free_port != 5432 ]; then
echo "Set %{edition}-%{pgsql_major} PGPORT to $free_port"
%{pgbaseinstdir}/bin/pg-setup set-server-port $free_port
elif [ ! -f /etc/default/postgrespro-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major} ]; then
echo "PGDATA=%{pgdatadir}" >/etc/default/postgrespro-%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}
%{pgbaseinstdir}/bin/pg-setup service enable
%{pgbaseinstdir}/bin/pg-setup service start
if [ "$1" -eq 0 ] # Un-installation
%{pgbaseinstdir}/bin/pg-wrapper links remove
rm -rf %{buildroot}
# FILES section.
%dir %pgbaseinstdir
%dir %bindir
%files client -f pg_client.lst
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}
%dir %bindir
%dir %{datadir}
%dir %datadir/locale
%dir %datadir/locale/*
%dir %datadir/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES
%dir %mandir
%dir %mandir/man1
%dir %mandir/man7
%dir %mandir/ru
%dir %mandir/ru/man1
%dir %mandir/ru/man7
%dir %docdir
%if "%{edition}" != "1c"
%if %{pgsql_major} >= 13
%if %{pgsql_major} >= 14
%if %{pgsql_major} >= 13
%if %{pgsql_major} >= 14
%if %{pgsql_major} >= 13
%if %{pgsql_major} >= 14
%files docs
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}
%dir %{docdir}
%dir %{docdir}/html
%dir %{docdir}/tutorial
%dir %{docdir}/extension
%if "%{edition}" == "sdm"
%dir %{docdir}/shardman
%dir %{docdir}/shardman/html
%files docs-ru
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}
%dir %{docdir}
%dir %{docdir}/html-ru
%files contrib -f contrib.lst
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}
%dir %{datadir}
%dir %{datadir}/extension
%dir %{datadir}/tsearch_data
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/lib
%files -n %{libname}
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}
%dir %{datadir}
%dir %datadir/locale
%dir %datadir/locale/*
%dir %datadir/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/lib
%files server -f pg_server.lst
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}
%dir %{datadir}
%dir %datadir/locale
%dir %datadir/locale/*
%dir %datadir/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES
%dir %mandir
%dir %mandir/man1
%dir %mandir/ru
%dir %mandir/ru/man1
%dir %bindir
%dir %datadir/timezonesets
%dir %datadir/tsearch_data
%if %systemd
%if %pam
%config(noreplace) /etc/pam.d/%{prog_name}%{packageversion}
%attr (755,root,root) %dir /etc/sysconfig/%{short_prog_name}
%if %pgsql_major == 11
%if %pgsql_major >= 12
%if %pgsql_major == 11
%if %pgsql_major >= 12
%if %pgsql_major == 11
%if %pgsql_major >= 12
%if %{pgsql_major} < 13
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/share/extension
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/lib
%attr(700,postgres,postgres) %dir /var/lib/%{short_prog_name}
%attr(700,postgres,postgres) %dir /var/lib/%{short_prog_name}/%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}
%attr(700,postgres,postgres) %dir /var/lib/%{short_prog_name}/%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}/data
%attr(700,postgres,postgres) %dir /var/lib/%{short_prog_name}/%{edition}-%{pgsql_major}/backups
%if %pgsql_major <= 11
%if %certification
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/share/security
%files -n %{develname}
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/include
%dir %bindir
%dir %libdir
%dir %libdir/pgxs
%dir %libdir/pkgconfig
%dir %datadir
%dir %mandir
%dir %mandir/ru
%dir %mandir/man1
%dir %mandir/man3
%dir %mandir/ru/man1
%dir %mandir/ru/man3
%if %{pgsql_major} >= 12
%if %plperl
%files plperl -f pg_plperl.lst
%if %pltcl
%files pltcl -f pg_pltcl.lst
%if %{plpython2}
%files plpython
%if %plpython
%files plpython3
%if ! %{plpython2}
%if %test
%files test
%attr(-,postgres,postgres) %{pgbaseinstdir}/lib/test/*
%attr(-,postgres,postgres) %dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/lib/test
%if "%{edition}" != "1c"
%files backup-src -f backup-src.lst
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/src
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/src/backup
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/src/backup/src
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/src/backup/src/backend
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/src/backup/src/backend/access
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/src/backup/src/backend/access/transam
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/src/backup/src/backend/utils
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/src/backup/src/backend/utils/hash
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/src/backup/src/bin
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/src/backup/src/bin/pg_rewind
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/src/backup/src/bin/pg_basebackup
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/src/backup/doc
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/src/backup/doc/src
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/src/backup/doc/src/%docformat
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/src/backup/doc/src/%docformat/ru
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/src/backup/doc/src/%docformat/ru/man1
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/src/backup/doc/src/%docformat/man1
%if ( "%pgsql_major" == "10" && "%edition" != "1c" ) || ( "%edition" == "std" && "%pgsql_major" == "11" )
%files pgprobackup
%if %jit
%files jit
%dir %{pgbaseinstdir}/lib
* Wed Nov 06 2019 Victor Wagner <v.wagner@postgrespro.ru> 10.11.1-1
- Remove generation of backup-src package for edition 1c
* Mon Oct 07 2019 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru> 11.5.4-1
- Change to PostgresPro Enterprise 11.5.4-1 version
* Fri Sep 13 2019 Victor Wagner <vitus@wagner.pp.ru> 11.5.3-1
- Change to PostgresPro Enterprise 11.5.3-1 version
* Thu Aug 22 2019 Victor Wagner <vitus@wagner.pp.ru> 11.5.2-1
- Change to PostgresPro Enterprise 11.5.2-1 version
* Wed Aug 07 2019 Victor Wagner <vitus@wagner.pp.ru> 11.5.1-1
- Change to PostgresPro Enterprise 11.5.1-1 version
* Fri Jul 19 2019 Victor Wagner <vitus@wagner.pp.ru> 11.4.2-1
- Change to PostgresPro Enterprise 11.4.2-1 version
* Tue Jun 18 2019 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru> 11.4.1-1
- Change to PostgresPro Enterprise 11.4.1-1 version
* Wed May 08 2019 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru> 11.3.1-1
- Change to PostgresPro Enterprise 11.3.1-1 version
* Fri Feb 15 2019 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru> 11.2.1-1
- Change to PostgresPro Enterprise 11.2.1-1 version
* Wed Feb 13 2019 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru> 11.2.1-1
- Change to PostgresPro 11.2.1-1 version
* Wed Feb 06 2019 Victor Wagner <v.wagner@postgrespro.ru>
- remove pgprobackup package and make backup-src instead.
* Tue Nov 06 2018 Victor Wagner <vitus@wagner.pp.ru> 11.1.1-1
- Change to PostgresPro 11.1.1-1 version
* Thu Oct 18 2018 Victor Wagner <v.wagner@postgrespro.ru> 11.0.1-1
- Change to PostgresPro 11
- Support for two versions of python
* Fri Aug 10 2018 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru> 10.5.1-1
- Change to PostgresPro 10.5.1-1 version
* Tue May 08 2018 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru> 10.4.1-1
- Change to PostgresPro 10.4.1-1 version
* Thu Mar 15 2018 Victor Wagner <v.wagner@ostgrespro.ru> 10.3.2-1
- Change to PostgresPro Standard 10.3.2 version
* Tue Feb 27 2018 Victor Wagner <v.wagner@ostgrespro.ru> 10.3.1-1
- Change to PostgresPro Standard 10.3.1 version
* Tue Feb 06 2018 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru> 10.2.1-1
- Change to PostgresPro Standard 10.2.1-1 version
* Thu Nov 09 2017 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru> 10.1.1-1
- Change to PostgresPro 10.1.1-1 version
* Tue Oct 03 2017 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru> 10.0.1-1
- Change to Postgres Pro Standard 10.0.1-1 version
* Mon Sep 04 2017 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru>
- Change to PostgresPro version
* Mon Aug 28 2017 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru>
- Change to PostgresPro version
* Fri Aug 18 2017 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru>
- Change to PostgresPro version
* Thu Aug 17 2017 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru>
- Change to PostgresPro version
* Tue Aug 08 2017 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru>
- Change to PostgresPro version
* Fri Jul 07 2017 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru>
- Change to PostgresPro version
- Fixed potential data corruption during freeze
* Wed May 10 2017 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru>
- Change to PostgresPro version
* Fri Mar 24 2017 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru>
- Change to PostgresPro version
* Wed Jan 25 2017 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru>
- Change to PostgresPro version
* Fri Dec 02 2016 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru>
- Change to PostgresPro version
* Wed Nov 09 2016 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru>
- Change to PostgresPro version
* Fri Oct 28 2016 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru>
- Change to PostgresPro version
* Tue Sep 27 2016 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru>
- Change to PostgresPro version
* Mon Sep 19 2016 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru> 9.6.rc1.1-1
- Change to PostgresPro 9.6.rc1.1-1 version
* Mon Sep 19 2016 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru> 9.6.rc.1.1-1
- Change to PostgresPro 9.6.rc.1.1-1 version
* Fri Sep 02 2016 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru> 9.6.rc.1-1
- Change to PostgresPro 9.6.rc.1-1 version
* Wed Aug 24 2016 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru> 9.6.beta.4-1
- Change to PostgresPro 9.6.beta.4-1 version
* Thu Jul 21 2016 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru> 9.6beta3-1
- Change to PostgresPro 9.6beta3-1 version
* Tue Jun 28 2016 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru>
- Change to PostgresPro version
* Fri Jun 24 2016 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru>
- Change to PostgresPro version
- PGPRO pg_dump backward compatibility with PostgreSQL
- Update pg_arman with ptrack
- PGPRO pathman stability fixes
- Documentation fixes
- Do checks before pgpro_upgrade calling
- Fix assorted missing infrastructure for ON CONFLICT
- Fix broken error handling in parallel pg_dump/pg_restore
- Fix PageAddItem BRIN bug
- And other upstream fixes
* Wed May 18 2016 Victor Wagner <v.wagner@postgrespro.ru>
- Fixes of pgpro_update call
- Changed numbering scheme to conform with other distributives
* Tue May 10 2016 Victor Wagner <v.wagner@postgrespro.ru>
- Updated to PostgresPro
* Mon Apr 18 2016 Dmitry Maslyuk <d.masluk@postgrespro.ru>
- Updated to PostgresPro
- Added russian docs
- Added pgpro upgrade system
* Mon Mar 28 2016 Victor Wagner <v.wagner@postgrespro.ru>
- Updated to PostgresPro
* Mon Feb 29 2016 Alexey Slaykovsky <a.slaykovsky@postgrespro.ru>
- Updated to
* Tue Feb 9 2016 Dmitry Vasilyev <d.vasilyev@postgrespro.ru>
- Merge with upstream 9.5.1
* Tue Jan 12 2016 Alexey Slaykovsky <a.slaykovsky@postgrespro.ru> - 9.5.0.pro
- Update to 9.5.beta1.pro certified
* Fri Nov 13 2015 Alexey Slaykovsky <a.slaykovsky@postgrespro.ru> - 9.5.beta1.pro
- Update to 9.5.beta1.pro certified
* Tue Nov 10 2015 Devrim Gündüz <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.5beta2-1PGDG
- Update to 9.5beta2
* Tue Nov 3 2015 Devrim Gündüz <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.5beta1-2PGDG
- Specify/fix --docdir and --htmldir in configure line.
* Tue Oct 6 2015 Jeff Frost <jeff@pgexperts.com> - 9.5.beta1-1PGDG
- Update to 9.5beta1
* Tue Sep 1 2015 Devrim Gündüz <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.5alpha2-1PGDG
- Initial cut for 9.5 alpha2
- Move pg_archivecleanup, pg_test_fsync, pg_test_timing, pg_xlogdump,
pgbench, and pg_upgrade to main package.
- Remove dummy_seclabel, test_shm_mq, test_parser, and worker_spi.
* Thu Jun 11 2015 Devrim Gündüz <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.4.4-1PGDG
- Update to 9.4.4, per changes described at:
* Thu Jun 4 2015 Devrim Gündüz <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.4.3-1PGDG
- Update to 9.4.3, per changes described at:
* Wed May 20 2015 Devrim Gündüz <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.4.2-1PGDG
- Update to 9.4.2, per changes described at:
* Tue Feb 3 2015 Devrim Gündüz <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.4.1-1PGDG
- Update to 9.4.1, per changes described at:
- Improve .bash_profile, and let users specify their own
environmental settings by sourcing an external file, called
~/.pgsql_profile. Per request from various users, and final
suggestion from Martin Gudmundsson.
* Mon Jan 19 2015 Devrim Gündüz <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.4.0-2PGDG
- Fix PREVMAJORVERSION in init script, per Tomonari Katsumata.
* Wed Dec 17 2014 Devrim Gündüz <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.4.0-1PGDG
- Update to 9.4.0
* Tue Nov 18 2014 Devrim Gündüz <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.4rc1-1PGDG
- Update to 9.4 rc1
* Wed Oct 8 2014 Devrim Gündüz <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.4beta3-1PGDG
- Update to 9.4 beta 3
* Mon Sep 01 2014 Craig Ringer <craig@2ndquadrant.com> - 9.4beta2-2PGDG
- Use libuuid from e2fsprogs instead of ossp-uuid to remove EPEL dependency
- Remove obsolete /var/log/pgsql
- Remove Provides: entry for libpq.so (RPM generates one)
* Tue Jul 22 2014 Devrim Gündüz <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.4beta2-1PGDG
- Update to 9.4 beta 2
* Thu May 15 2014 Jeff Frost <jeff@pgexperts.com> - 9.4beta1-1PGDG
- Update to 9.4 beta 1
- Fix permissions of postgresql-94-libs.conf, per Christoph Berg.
* Tue Mar 18 2014 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.3.4-1PGDG
- Update to 9.3.4, per changes described at:
* Tue Feb 18 2014 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.3.3-1PGDG
- Update to 9.3.3, per changes described at:
* Thu Dec 12 2013 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.3.2-2PGDG
- Fix builds when uuid support is disabled, by adding missing conditional.
- Add process name to the status() call in init script.
Patch from Darrin Smart
* Wed Dec 04 2013 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.3.2-1PGDG
- Update to 9.3.2, per changes described at:
* Tue Oct 8 2013 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.3.1-1PGDG
- Update to 9.3.1, per changes described at:
- Fix issues with init script, per http://wiki.pgrpms.org/ticket/136.
* Tue Sep 3 2013 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.3.0-1PGDG
- Update to 9.3.0
* Tue Aug 20 2013 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.3rc1-1PGDG
- Update to 9.3 RC1
* Wed Jun 26 2013 Jeff Frost <jeff@pgexperts.com> - 9.3beta2-1PGDG
- Update to 9.3 beta 2
* Tue May 14 2013 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.3beta1-4PGDG
- Revert #90. Per a report in pgsql-bugs mailing list.
* Mon May 13 2013 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.3beta1-3PGDG
- Fix paths in init script. Per repor from Vibhor Kumar.
* Sun May 12 2013 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.3beta1-2PGDG
- Support separated xlog directory at initdb. Per suggestion from
Magnus Hagander. Fixes #90.
- Remove hardcoded script names in init script. Fixes #102.
- Add support for pg_ctl promote. Per suggestion from Magnus Hagander.
Fixes #93.
- Set log_line_prefix in default config file to %m. Per suggestion
from Magnus. Fixes #91.
* Tue May 07 2013 Jeff Frost <jeff@pgexperts.com> - 9.3beta1-1PGDG
- Initial cut for 9.3 beta 1
* Wed Apr 17 2013 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.2.4-3PGDG
- Fix pid file name in init script, so that it is more suitable for multiple
postmasters. Per suggestion from Andrew Dunstan. Fixes #92.
* Thu Apr 11 2013 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.2.4-2PGDG
- Add pg_basebackup to $PATH, per #75.
* Tue Apr 02 2013 Jeff Frost <jeff@pgexperts.com> - 9.2.4-1PGDG
- Update to 9.2.4, per changes described at:
which also includes fixes for CVE-2013-1899, CVE-2013-1900, and
* Fri Feb 8 2013 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.2.3-2PGDG
- Fix bug in new installations, that prevents ld.so.conf.d file
to be installed.
* Wed Feb 6 2013 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.2.3-1PGDG
- Update to 9.2.3, per changes described at:
- Fix -libs issue while installing 9.1+ in parallel. Per various
bug reports. Install ld.so.conf.d file with -libs subpackage.
- Move $pidfile and $lockfile definitions before sysconfig call,
so that they can be included in sysconfig file.
* Thu Dec 6 2012 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.2.2-1PGDG
- Update to 9.2.2, per changes described at:
* Thu Sep 20 2012 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.2.1-1PGDG
- Update to 9.2.1, per changes described at:
- Add new functionality: Upgrade from previous version.
Usage: service postgresql-9.2 upgrade
- Fix version number in initdb warning message, per Jose Pedro Oliveira.
* Thu Sep 6 2012 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.2.0-1PGDG
- Update to 9.2.0
- Split .control files in appropriate packages. This is a late port
from 9.1 branch. With this patch, pls can be created w/o installing
-contrib subpackage.
- Re-enable -test subpackage, removed accidentally.
* Tue Aug 28 2012 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.2rc1-2
- Install linker conf file with alternatives, so that the latest
version will always be used. Fixes #77.
* Fri Aug 24 2012 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.2rc1-1
- Update to 9.2 RC1
* Thu Aug 16 2012 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.2beta4-1
- Update to 9.2 beta4, which also includes fixes for CVE-2012-3489
and CVE-2012-3488.
* Mon Aug 6 2012 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.2beta3-1
- Update to 9.2 beta3
* Wed Jun 6 2012 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.2beta2-1
- Update to 9.2 beta2, which also includes fixes for CVE-2012-2143,
* Fri May 18 2012 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim@gunduz.org> - 9.2beta1-1
- Initial cut for 9.2 Beta 1