2012-07-04 11:59:16 +03:00
Summary: A DLNA/UPnP-AV compliant media server
Name: minidlna
2012-11-13 01:41:15 +04:00
Version: 1.0.25
Release: %mkrel 1
2012-07-04 11:59:16 +03:00
URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/minidlna/
Group: Networking/Other
2012-11-13 01:41:15 +04:00
License: GPLv2
Source0: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/minidlna/minidlna/%{version}/minidlna_%{version}_src.tar.gz
Source2: minidlna-tmpfiles.conf
2012-07-04 11:59:16 +03:00
Source3: minidlna.1
Source4: minidlna.conf.5
Source5: %{name}.service
2012-02-01 19:43:30 +04:00
# Local patches
# Selected patches from development tree
# Selected patches from upstream patch tracker
2012-11-13 01:41:15 +04:00
Patch0: minidlna-1.0.25-ffmpeg10.patch
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(flac)
2012-07-04 11:59:16 +03:00
BuildRequires: libid3tag-devel
BuildRequires: libexif-devel
BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel
2012-11-13 01:41:15 +04:00
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(sqlite3)
2012-07-04 11:59:16 +03:00
BuildRequires: ffmpeg-devel
2012-11-13 01:41:15 +04:00
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(vorbis)
2012-07-04 11:59:16 +03:00
BuildRequires: systemd-units
Requires(post): rpm-helper
Requires(preun): rpm-helper
2012-02-01 19:43:30 +04:00
MiniDLNA (aka ReadyDLNA) is server software with the aim of being fully
compliant with DLNA/UPnP-AV clients. MiniDLNA serves multimedia content
such as music, video and pictures to compatible clients on the network.
See http://www.upnp.org/ for more details on UPnP
and http://www.dlna.org/ for mode details on DLNA.
%setup -q
2012-11-13 01:41:15 +04:00
%patch0 -p1
2012-02-01 19:43:30 +04:00
sed -i -e 's!^\(#define OS_NAME\).*!\1 "%{product_vendor}"!
s!^\(#define OS_VERSION\).*!\1 "%{product_version}"!
s!^\(#define OS_URL\).*!\1 "http://www.mandriva.com/"!
s!^\(#define DEFAULT_DB_PATH\).*!\1 "/var/cache/%{name}"!
s!^\(#define DEFAULT_LOG_PATH\).*!\1 "/var/log"!' config.h
2012-07-04 11:59:16 +03:00
2012-02-01 19:43:30 +04:00
2012-07-04 11:59:16 +03:00
#(tpg) obey %optflags
sed -i 's/CFLAGS = -Wall -g -O3/CFLAGS +=/' Makefile
#(tpg) verbose make
sed -i 's/@$(CC)/$(CC)/' Makefile
2012-02-01 19:43:30 +04:00
2012-07-04 11:59:16 +03:00
install -D -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE5} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/%{name}.service
install -m 644 -D minidlna.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/minidlna.conf
install -m 644 -D %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/minidlna.1
install -m 644 -D %{SOURCE4} %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man5/minidlna.conf.5
2012-11-13 01:41:15 +04:00
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/tmpfiles.d
install -m 0644 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/tmpfiles.d/%{name}.conf
2012-02-01 19:43:30 +04:00
%_post_service minidlna
%_preun_service minidlna
%attr(755,-,-) %{_sbindir}/minidlna
2012-07-04 11:59:16 +03:00
2012-02-01 19:43:30 +04:00
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/minidlna.conf
2012-11-13 01:41:15 +04:00
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/tmpfiles.d/%{name}.conf
2012-02-01 19:43:30 +04:00