2019-11-17 15:12:03 +03:00

1163 lines
35 KiB

# _get_email() in %%build contains bashisms for regexping
%define _buildshell /bin/bash
# Prevent RPM scripts from stripping signatures,
# we strip binaries manually in %%build
%define __strip %(which true)
%define kernelversion 5
%define patchlevel 3
# sublevel is used for stable-based kernels
%define sublevel 10
# Release number. Increase this before a rebuild.
%define rpmrel 5
%define fullrpmrel %{rpmrel}
%define rpmtag %{disttag}
# fakerel and fakever never change, they are used to fool
# rpm/urpmi/smart and ensure the kernels are installed,
# not upgraded so old kernel is not overwritten or removed
%define fakever 1
%define fakerel %mkrel 1
# version defines
%define kversion %{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}.%{sublevel}
%define kverrel %{kversion}-%{fullrpmrel}
%define tar_ver %{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}
%ifarch %{ix86}
# Use a standard suffix for 32-bit x86
%define arch_suffix i586
%define arch_suffix %{_arch}
%define buildrpmrel %{fullrpmrel}%{rpmtag}-%{arch_suffix}
%define buildrel %{kversion}-%{buildrpmrel}
# %%build_selinux may be defined in branding-configs
%{?build_selinux}%{?!build_selinux:%bcond_with selinux}
%if %{with selinux}
%global enhanced_security 1
%global enhanced_security 0
# Allow "rpmbuild --with enhanced_security <...>"
%{?_with_enhanced_security:%global enhanced_security 1}
# Kernel flavour
%if %{enhanced_security}
%define flavour nickel
%define flavour nrj-desktop
# The full kernel version
%define kver_full %{kversion}-%{flavour}-%{buildrpmrel}
%define top_dir_name kernel-%{_arch}
%define build_dir ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{top_dir_name}
%define src_dir %{build_dir}/linux-%{tar_ver}
# Common target directories
%define _bootdir /boot
%define _modulesdir /lib/modules
%define devel_root /usr/src/linux-%{kver_full}
# Directories needed for building
%define temp_root %{build_dir}/temp-root
%define temp_boot %{temp_root}%{_bootdir}
%define temp_modules %{temp_root}%{_modulesdir}
%define temp_devel_root %{temp_root}%{devel_root}
# Directories definition needed for installing
%define target_boot %{buildroot}%{_bootdir}
%define target_modules %{buildroot}%{_modulesdir}
# Manual control of creating and deleting keys
# "rnd" is "random" and means that a key pair is generated at build time
# and is not saved anywhere.
%define certs_dir_rnd %{src_dir}/certs_%{vendor}_rnd
%define certs_signing_key_rnd %{certs_dir_rnd}/signing_key.pem
%define certs_key_config_rnd %{certs_dir_rnd}/x509.genkey
%define certs_verify_tmp %{certs_dir_rnd}/verify.tmp
# Build defines
%define build_doc 0
%define build_devel 1
%define build_debug 1
# Build kernel-headers package
%define build_headers 1
# build perf and cpupower tools
%define build_perf 1
%define build_cpupower 1
# compress modules with xz
%define build_modxz 1
# End of user definitions
# buildtime flags
%{?_without_doc: %global build_doc 0}
%{?_without_devel: %global build_devel 0}
%{?_without_debug: %global build_debug 0}
%{?_without_perf: %global build_perf 0}
%{?_without_cpupower: %global build_cpupower 0}
%{?_without_modxz: %global build_modxz 0}
%{?_with_doc: %global build_doc 1}
%{?_with_devel: %global build_devel 1}
%{?_with_debug: %global build_debug 1}
%{?_with_perf: %global build_perf 1}
%{?_with_cpupower: %global build_cpupower 1}
%{?_with_modxz: %global build_modxz 1}
%if !%{build_debug}
# Disable debug rpms.
%define _enable_debug_packages %{nil}
%define debug_package %{nil}
%if %(if [ -z "$CC" ] ; then echo 0; else echo 1; fi)
%define kmake %make CC="$CC"
%define kmake %make
# there are places where parallel make don't work
%define smake make
# Parallelize xargs invocations on smp machines
%define kxargs xargs %([ -z "$RPM_BUILD_NCPUS" ] \\\
&& RPM_BUILD_NCPUS="`/usr/bin/getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`"; \\\
[ "$RPM_BUILD_NCPUS" -gt 1 ] && echo "-P $RPM_BUILD_NCPUS")
# SRC RPM description
Summary: The Linux kernel
Name: kernel
Version: %{kversion}
Release: %{fullrpmrel}
License: GPLv2
Group: System/Kernel and hardware
ExclusiveArch: %{ix86} x86_64
# Sources
# This is for disabling *config, mrproper, prepare, scripts on -devel rpms
# Needed, because otherwise the -devel won't build correctly.
Source2: disable-mrproper-prepare-scripts-configs-in-devel-rpms.patch
# Kernel configuration files.
Source110: kernel-%{arch_suffix}.config
# Cpupower: the service, the config, etc.
Source50: cpupower.service
Source51: cpupower.config
Source53: cpupower.path
Source80: kernel.rpmlintrc
# Patches
# The patch to make kernel x.y.z from x.y.0.
# Patches from mainline
# none
# ROSA-specific patches
# Perf docs are built after all the kernels. To validate the xml files
# generated during that process, xmlto tries to get DTD files from the Net.
# If it fails, the whole build fails, which is unfortunate. Let us avoid
# this.
Patch101: perf-xmlto-skip-validation.patch
Patch102: audit-make-it-less-verbose.patch
# May help when building with GCC 8+.
Patch105: perf-silence-format-warnings-gcc8.patch
# AUFS from
Patch109: fs-aufs.patch
Autoreqprov: no
BuildRequires(pre): bash
BuildRequires: bc
BuildRequires: binutils
BuildRequires: gcc
# For power tools
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(ncurses)
BuildRequires: kmod-devel kmod-compat
BuildRequires: bison
BuildRequires: flex
BuildRequires: bzip2
BuildRequires: rsync
%ifarch x86_64
BuildRequires: numa-devel
# for perf, cpufreq and all other tools
# for cpupower
%if %{build_cpupower}
BuildRequires: pciutils-devel
# for perf
%if %{build_perf}
BuildRequires: asciidoc
BuildRequires: audit-devel
BuildRequires: binutils-devel
BuildRequires: elfutils-devel
BuildRequires: libunwind-devel
BuildRequires: newt-devel
BuildRequires: perl-devel
BuildRequires: python-devel
BuildRequires: xmlto
BuildRequires: zlib-devel
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libcrypto)
%if %{enhanced_security}
# To generate keys
BuildRequires: openssl
# To verify signatures (find, xargs, hexdump)
BuildRequires: findutils util-linux
# might be useful too:
Suggests: microcode
The kernel package contains the Linux kernel (vmlinuz), the core of your
operating system. The kernel handles the basic functions
of the operating system: memory allocation, process allocation, device
input and output, etc.
%package -n kernel-%{flavour}-%{buildrel}
Version: %{fakever}
Release: %{fakerel}
Provides: kernel = %{kverrel}
Provides: kernel = %{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}
Provides: kernel-%{flavour} = %{kverrel}
Provides: alsa = 1.0.27
Provides: should-restart = system
Requires(pre): grub2
Requires(pre): dracut >= 046
Requires(pre): kmod >= 20-1
Requires(pre): sysfsutils >= 2.1.0-12
Requires: dracut >= 046
Requires: linux-firmware >= 20181026
Requires: wireless-regdb
Suggests: crda
%if %build_devel
Requires: kernel-%{flavour}-devel-%{buildrel}
Requires(post): kernel-%{flavour}-devel-%{buildrel}
%ifarch %{ix86}
Conflicts: arch(x86_64)
Summary: A general-purpose Linux Kernel
Group: System/Kernel and hardware
%description -n kernel-%{flavour}-%{buildrel}
The kernel package contains the Linux kernel (vmlinuz), the core of your
operating system. The kernel handles the basic functions
of the operating system: memory allocation, process allocation, device
input and output, etc. This is a general-purpose kernel.
%post -n kernel-%{flavour}-%{buildrel}
# We always regenerate initrd here, even if it already exists. This may
# happen if kernel-<...>-devel is installed first, triggers rebuild of
# DKMS modules and some of these request remaking of initrd. The initrd
# that is created then will be non-functional. But when the user installs
# kernel-<...> package, that defunct initrd will be replaced with a working
# one here.
# depmod is also needed, because some DKMS-modules might have been installed
# when the devel package was installed but that was before the main modules
# were installed.
# This is also the reason the devel package is in Requires(post) for this
# package now: it must be installed completely before we call depmod here.
/sbin/depmod -a %{kver_full}
/sbin/dracut -f /boot/initrd-%{kver_full}.img %{kver_full}
# File triggers from grub packages will handle this.
pushd /boot > /dev/null
if [ -L vmlinuz-%{flavour} ]; then
rm -f vmlinuz-%{flavour}
if [ -L initrd-%{flavour}.img ]; then
rm -f initrd-%{flavour}.img
popd > /dev/null
exit 0
%preun -n kernel-%{flavour}-%{buildrel}
pushd /boot > /dev/null
if [ -L vmlinuz-%{flavour} ]; then
if [ "$(readlink vmlinuz-%{flavour})" = "vmlinuz-%{kver_full}" ]; then
rm -f vmlinuz-%{flavour}
if [ -L initrd-%{flavour}.img ]; then
if [ "$(readlink initrd-%{flavour}.img)" = "initrd-%{kver_full}.img" ]; then
rm -f initrd-%{flavour}.img
# File triggers from grub packages will handle this.
popd > /dev/null
exit 0
%postun -n kernel-%{flavour}-%{buildrel}
rm -f /boot/initrd-%{kver_full}.img
rm -f /boot/initrd-%{kver_full}_old.img
rm -f /boot/initrd-%{kver_full}kdump.img
rm -f /boot/initramfs-%{kver_full}kdump.img
# Third-party modules might have left something in /lib/modules/.../kernel/.
rm -rf /lib/modules/%{kver_full}/kernel/
rm -rf /lib/modules/%{kver_full}/modules*
# Remove /lib/modules/<...>/ if it is empty (-devel uses it too).
find /lib/modules/%{kver_full} -maxdepth 0 -empty -exec rm -rf {} \; || true
%files -n kernel-%{flavour}-%{buildrel} -f kernel_files.%{flavour}
%if %build_devel
%package -n kernel-%{flavour}-devel-%{buildrel}
Version: %{fakever}
Release: %{fakerel}
Summary: Development files for kernel-%{flavour}-%{buildrel}
Group: Development/Kernel
Requires: glibc-devel
Requires: ncurses-devel
Requires: make
Requires: gcc
Requires: perl
# Loading kernel modules without valid signature is prohobibited
# when building with enhanced_security
%if ! %{enhanced_security}
Requires(post): dkms
Requires(preun): dkms
Provides: kernel-devel = %{kverrel}
Provides: kernel-%{flavour}-devel = %{kverrel}
%ifarch %{ix86}
Conflicts: arch(x86_64)
%description -n kernel-%{flavour}-devel-%{buildrel}
This package contains the kernel files (headers and build tools)
that should be enough to build additional drivers for
use with kernel-%{flavour}-%{buildrel}.
%if ! %{enhanced_security}
%post -n kernel-%{flavour}-devel-%{buildrel}
/usr/sbin/dkms_autoinstaller start %{kver_full}
%preun -n kernel-%{flavour}-devel-%{buildrel}
%if ! %{enhanced_security}
for ii in $(/usr/sbin/dkms status -k %{kver_full} | awk '{ print $1 $2; }'); do
mod=$(echo $ii | awk -v FS=',' '{ print $1; }')
ver=$(echo $ii | awk -v FS=',' '{ print $2; }')
/usr/sbin/dkms --rpm_safe_upgrade uninstall -m $mod -v $ver -k %{kver_full} || true
# If any DKMS modules with REMAKE_INITRD=yes in their configs have been
# uninstalled, initrd has been regenerated for the given kernel. However,
# the kernel itself might have been uninstalled before, so that (defunct)
# initrd image files would be left behind. Remove them if the kernel itself
# is no longer installed. Should work if they are uninstalled in parallel
# too.
if ! test -f /boot/vmlinuz-%{kver_full}; then
rm -f /boot/initrd-%{kver_full}.img
rm -f /boot/initrd-%{kver_full}_old.img
%postun -n kernel-%{flavour}-devel-%{buildrel}
rm -rf /usr/src/linux-%{kver_full} >/dev/null
# depmod (called when removing DKMS modules) might have created files in
# /lib/modules/.../. Remove these first.
rm -rf /lib/modules/%{kver_full}/modules*
# Remove the dir if it is already empty.
find /lib/modules/%{kver_full} -maxdepth 0 -empty -exec rm -rf {} \; || true
%files -n kernel-%{flavour}-devel-%{buildrel}
%dir %{devel_root}
%dir %{devel_root}/arch
%dir %{devel_root}/include
%if %build_debug
%package -n kernel-%{flavour}-%{buildrel}-debuginfo
Version: %{fakever}
Release: %{fakerel}
Summary: Debuginfo for kernel-%{flavour}-%{buildrel}
Group: Development/Debug
Provides: kernel-debug = %{kverrel}
%ifarch %{ix86}
Conflicts: arch(x86_64)
%description -n kernel-%{flavour}-%{buildrel}-debuginfo
This package contains the files with debuginfo for kernel-%{flavour}-%{buildrel}.
%files -n kernel-%{flavour}-%{buildrel}-debuginfo -f kernel_debug_files.%{flavour}
%package -n kernel-%{flavour}-%{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}-latest
Version: %{kversion}
Release: %{fullrpmrel}
Summary: Meta package for the latest kernel-%{flavour} in %{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel} series
Group: System/Kernel and hardware
Requires: kernel-%{flavour}-%{buildrel}
%ifarch %{ix86}
Conflicts: arch(x86_64)
%description -n kernel-%{flavour}-%{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}-latest
This meta package aims to make sure you always have the
latest kernel-%{flavour} %{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}.x installed.
%files -n kernel-%{flavour}-%{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}-latest
# no files
%if %build_devel
%package -n kernel-%{flavour}-%{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}-devel-latest
Version: %{kversion}
Release: %{fullrpmrel}
Summary: Meta package for the latest kernel-%{flavour}-devel in %{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel} series
Group: Development/Kernel
Requires: kernel-%{flavour}-devel-%{buildrel}
%ifarch %{ix86}
Conflicts: arch(x86_64)
Provides: kernel-devel-latest
%description -n kernel-%{flavour}-%{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}-devel-latest
This meta package aims to make sure you always have the
latest kernel-%{flavour}-devel %{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}.x installed.
%files -n kernel-%{flavour}-%{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}-devel-latest
# no files
%if %build_doc
%package -n kernel-doc
Version: %{kversion}
Release: %{fullrpmrel}
Summary: Various documentation bits found in the kernel source
Group: Documentation
Buildarch: noarch
%description -n kernel-doc
This package contains documentation files from the kernel source.
%files -n kernel-doc
%doc linux-%{tar_ver}/Documentation/*
%if %{build_perf}
%package -n perf
Version: %{kversion}
Release: %{fullrpmrel}
Summary: perf tool and the supporting documentation
Group: System/Kernel and hardware
%description -n perf
The package contains perf tool and the supporting documentation.
%files -n perf
%ifarch x86_64
%dir %{_prefix}/libexec/perf-core
%dir %{_libdir}/traceevent
%dir %{_libdir}/traceevent/plugins
%if %{build_cpupower}
%package -n cpupower
Version: %{kversion}
Release: %{fullrpmrel}
Summary: The cpupower tools
Group: System/Kernel and hardware
Requires(post): rpm-helper >= 0.24.0-3
Requires(preun): rpm-helper >= 0.24.0-3
Obsoletes: cpufreq < 3.0
Obsoletes: cpufrequtils < 10.0
%description -n cpupower
The cpupower tools.
%post -n cpupower
if [ $1 -ge 0 ]; then
# Do not enable/disable cpupower.service directly, because it should start
# when cpupower.path triggers it.
/bin/systemctl enable cpupower.path >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
/bin/systemctl start cpupower.path >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
%preun -n cpupower
if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
/bin/systemctl --no-reload disable cpupower.path > /dev/null 2>&1 || :
/bin/systemctl stop cpupower.path > /dev/null 2>&1 || :
%files -n cpupower -f cpupower.lang
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/cpupower
%package -n cpupower-devel
Version: %{kversion}
Release: %{fullrpmrel}
Summary: Development files for cpupower
Group: Development/Kernel
Requires: cpupower = %{kversion}-%{fullrpmrel}
Conflicts: %{_lib}cpufreq-devel
%description -n cpupower-devel
This package contains the development files for cpupower.
%files -n cpupower-devel
%if %{build_headers}
%package headers
Version: %kversion
Release: %fullrpmrel
Summary: Linux kernel header files mostly used by your C library
Group: System/Kernel and hardware
Epoch: 1
%rename linux-userspace-headers
%description headers
C header files from the Linux kernel. The header files define
structures and constants that are needed for building most
standard programs, notably the C library.
This package is not suitable for building kernel modules, you
should use the 'kernel-devel' package instead.
%files headers
# Don't conflict with cpupower-devel
%if %{build_cpupower}
%exclude %_includedir/cpufreq.h
%setup -q -n %top_dir_name -c
cd %src_dir
# Setup Begin
# Kernel configuration
echo "Creating the kernel configuration file."
# Configs
cp %{SOURCE110} .config
# Disable ASLR for 32-bit systems because it does not play well with
# hibernate.
%ifarch %{ix86}
sed -i 's/CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=y/# CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE is not set/' .config
# Disable checking for W+X memory mappings for 32-bit systems. The warnings
# may confuse the users and noone is eager to fix the underlying problem,
# it seems.
%ifarch %{ix86}
sed -i 's/CONFIG_DEBUG_WX=y/# CONFIG_DEBUG_WX is not set/' .config
# GCC 5.5 may not support -fstack-protector-* on 32-bit systems.
# Let us disable the stack protector in the config explicitly.
%ifarch %{ix86}
# Enable debug info if requested.
%if %build_debug
%if %{enhanced_security}
### SELinux enablement
# seems to be needed to boot system in enforcing selinux mode
# note: cpio fpormat of initramfs does not support xattrs without patches
# see also:
# enable selinux in kernel by default if not disabled explicitly
### Signing kernel modules
sed -i '/CONFIG_MODULE_SIG/d' .config
echo CONFIG_MODULE_SIG=y >> .config
# Disallow loading not signed modules
echo CONFIG_MODULE_SIG_FORCE=y >> .config
# Do not sign all built modules automatically because we strip
# and sign them later, otherwise signatures wil be stripped
echo CONFIG_MODULE_SIG_ALL=n >> .config
# Use SHA-512 algo
echo CONFIG_MODULE_SIG_SHA512=y >> .config
# Set path to the key that will be generated later by openssl
echo CONFIG_MODULE_SIG_KEY="%{certs_signing_key_rnd}" >> .config
# Memory wiping
# Introduced in kernel 5.3 by commit 6471384af2a6530696fc0203bafe4de41a23c9ef
# Estimated performance impact is described in the commit
# "Fill newly allocated pages and heap objects with zeroes."
# To enable, add to cmdline: init_on_alloc=1
#sed -i '/CONFIG_INIT_ON_ALLOC_DEFAULT_ON/d' .config
# "Fill freed pages and heap objects with zeroes"
# To disable, add to cmdline: init_on_free=0
sed -i '/CONFIG_INIT_ON_FREE_DEFAULT_O/d' .config
# Here enabling only either only init_on_free or only init_on_alloc
# makes sense; init_on_alloc is not about protecting information.
# Store the config file in the appropriate directory.
mkdir -p "${CONFIG_DIR}"
make ARCH=%{_arch} oldconfig && \
mv .config ${cfg_file}
# Looks like 'make oldconfig' removes '# CONFIG_64BIT is not set' for some
# reason. For now, let us restore it.
%ifarch %{ix86}
sed -i 's/CONFIG_64BIT=y//' ${cfg_file}
echo '# CONFIG_64BIT is not set' >> ${cfg_file}
echo "Created ${cfg_file}."
# make sure the kernel has the sublevel we know it has...
LC_ALL=C sed -ri "s/^SUBLEVEL.*/SUBLEVEL = %{sublevel}/" Makefile
# get rid of unwanted files
find . -name '*~' -o -name '*.orig' -o -name '*.append' | %kxargs rm -f
find . -name '.get_maintainer.ignore' | %kxargs rm -f
# Ensure that build time generated private keys don't get published
# as e.g. "RPM build root" on ABF!
# Note that ABF sends SIGKILL to when the build is terminated;
# in this case trap will not work, but RPM build root also will not be
# saved because saves it, but it is SIGKILLed.
# For best security we could store private keys in RAM (not reachable from
# filesystem, so not in /tmp!) and override sth like fopen() by LD_PRELOAD
# to give the content of keys from RAM when a virtual address of a key file
# is accessed, but currently I don't know how to implement this (TODO: ).
rm -fvr "%{certs_dir_rnd}"
# Make a trap to delete keys even if %%build fails in the middle
trap "_cleanup" EXIT
rm -rf %{temp_root}
install -d %{temp_root}
cd %src_dir
### Keys for signing kernel modules
# Keys can be generated both manually and automatically,
# let's generate them by ourselves to take full control of the process
%if %{enhanced_security}
mkdir -p "%{certs_dir_rnd}"
# On ABF, %%packager == $username <$email>
# Try to extract email from %%packager if it is set
# Check that macro %%packager was set and is not empty
if echo '%{packager}' | grep -q 'packager}$' || [ -z "%{packager}" ]
# If was not set or is empty, use default email
then echo 'rpmbuild@rosa.unknown' && return
# Otherwise try to extract email from 'name <email>' or sth else
else temp="$(echo '%{packager}' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr ' ' '\n' | tr -d '<>' | grep -E '@.*\..*' | head -n 1)"
# Validate that what we have now is a valid email
# Note that we set %%_buildshell to /bin/bash to guarantee the work of this bashism
if [[ "$temp" =~ ${regex_email} ]]
# If it is, use it
then echo "$temp" && return
# Otherwise use default email
else echo 'rpmbuild@rosa.unknown' && return
# If script above has not return'ed for any reason,
# e.g. because of non-bash shell being not able to
# process regexp, use default email
echo 'rpmbuild@rosa.unknown'
cat <<EOF > "%{certs_key_config_rnd}"
[ req ]
prompt = no
default_bits = 4096
default_md = sha512
days = 109500
default_keyfile = %{certs_signing_key_rnd}
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
[ req_distinguished_name ]
organizationName = %{vendor} rpmbuild
commonName = Build time autogenerated kernel key
emailAddress = ${email}
cat "%{certs_key_config_rnd}"
openssl req -new -nodes -utf8 -batch -x509 \
-config "%{certs_key_config_rnd}" \
-outform PEM \
-out "%{certs_signing_key_rnd}" \
-keyout "%{certs_signing_key_rnd}"
# .config
%smake -s mrproper
cp arch/x86/configs/%{arch_suffix}_defconfig-%{flavour} .config
# make sure EXTRAVERSION says what we want it to say
LC_ALL=C sed -ri "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = -%{flavour}-%{buildrpmrel}/" Makefile
# build the kernel
echo "Building kernel %{kver_full}"
%kmake -s all
# Start installing stuff
install -d %{temp_boot}
install -m 644 %{temp_boot}/{kver_full}
install -m 644 .config %{temp_boot}/config-%{kver_full}
xz -c Module.symvers > %{temp_boot}/symvers-%{kver_full}.xz
cp -f arch/x86/boot/bzImage %{temp_boot}/vmlinuz-%{kver_full}
# modules
install -d %{temp_modules}/%{kver_full}
%smake INSTALL_MOD_PATH=%{temp_root} KERNELRELEASE=%{kver_full} modules_install
# headers
%if %{build_headers}
%make INSTALL_HDR_PATH=%{temp_root}%{_prefix} KERNELRELEASE=%{kver_full} headers_install
find %{temp_root}%{_prefix} -name .install -or -name ..install.cmd | %kxargs rm -f
# remove /lib/firmware, we use a separate linux-firmware package
rm -rf %{temp_root}/lib/firmware
# Prepare the files for kernel*-devel
%if %build_devel
mkdir -p %{temp_devel_root}
for i in $(find . -name 'Makefile*'); do cp -R --parents $i %{temp_devel_root}; done
for i in $(find . -name 'Kconfig*' -o -name 'Kbuild*'); do cp -R --parents $i %{temp_devel_root}; done
cp -fR include %{temp_devel_root}
cp -fR scripts %{temp_devel_root}
cp -fR kernel/bounds.c %{temp_devel_root}/kernel
cp -fR kernel/time/timeconst.bc %{temp_devel_root}/kernel/time
cp -fR tools %{temp_devel_root}/
cp -fR arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.{c,s} %{temp_devel_root}/arch/x86/kernel/
cp -fR arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets_{32,64}.c %{temp_devel_root}/arch/x86/kernel/
cp -fR arch/x86/purgatory/* %{temp_devel_root}/arch/x86/purgatory/
cp -fR arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall* %{temp_devel_root}/arch/x86/entry/syscalls/
cp -fR arch/x86/include %{temp_devel_root}/arch/x86/
cp -fR arch/x86/tools %{temp_devel_root}/arch/x86/
cp -fR .config Module.symvers %{temp_devel_root}
# Needed for truecrypt build (Danny)
cp -fR drivers/md/dm.h %{temp_devel_root}/drivers/md/
# Needed for lirc_gpio (#39004)
cp -fR drivers/media/pci/bt8xx/bttv{,p}.h %{temp_devel_root}/drivers/media/pci/bt8xx/
cp -fR drivers/media/pci/bt8xx/bt848.h %{temp_devel_root}/drivers/media/pci/bt8xx/
cp -fR drivers/media/common/btcx-risc.h %{temp_devel_root}/drivers/media/common/
# add acpica header files, needed for fglrx build
cp -fR drivers/acpi/acpica/*.h %{temp_devel_root}/drivers/acpi/acpica/
# aufs2 has a special file needed
cp -fR fs/aufs/ %{temp_devel_root}/fs/aufs
# SELinux needs security/selinux/include
cp -fR security/selinux/include %{temp_devel_root}/security/selinux
# needed for kexec
cp -fR arch/x86/boot/*.h %{temp_devel_root}/arch/x86/boot/
cp -fR arch/x86/boot/*.c %{temp_devel_root}/arch/x86/boot/
# needed for arch/x86/purgatory
cp -fR lib/*.h lib/*.c %{temp_devel_root}/lib/
for i in alpha arc avr32 blackfin c6x cris csky frv h8300 hexagon ia64 m32r m68k m68knommu metag microblaze \
mips mn10300 nds32 nios2 openrisc parisc powerpc riscv s390 score sh sparc tile unicore32 xtensa; do
rm -rf %{temp_devel_root}/arch/$i
rm -rf %{temp_devel_root}/arch/arm*
rm -rf %{temp_devel_root}/include/kvm/arm*
rm -rf %{temp_devel_root}/include/soc
# Clean the scripts tree, and make sure everything is ok (sanity check)
# running prepare+scripts (tree was already "prepared" in build)
pushd %{temp_devel_root} >/dev/null
%smake -s prepare scripts
%smake -s clean
popd >/dev/null
rm -f %{temp_devel_root}/.config.old
# fix permissions
chmod -R a+rX %{temp_devel_root}
# disable mrproper in -devel rpms
patch -p1 --fuzz=0 -d %{temp_devel_root} -i %{SOURCE2}
# Create the symlinks needed by DKMS
mkdir -p %{temp_modules}/%{kver_full}
# endif build_devel
# Manage the files with debug info, provide the debug links in the
# kernel modules.
%if %build_debug
install -m 644 vmlinux %{temp_boot}/vmlinux-%{kver_full}
echo "%{_bootdir}/vmlinux-%{kver_full}" >> $kernel_debug_files
find %{temp_modules}/%{kver_full}/kernel \
-name "*.ko" | \
%kxargs -I '{}' objcopy --only-keep-debug '{}' '{}'.debug
find %{temp_modules}/%{kver_full}/kernel \
-name "*.ko" | %kxargs -I '{}' \
sh -c 'cd `dirname {}`; \
objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=`basename {}`.debug \
--strip-debug `basename {}`'
pushd %{temp_modules}
find %{kver_full}/kernel -name "*.ko.debug" > debug_module_list
cat %{temp_modules}/debug_module_list | \
sed 's|\(.*\)|%{_modulesdir}/\1|' >> $kernel_debug_files
cat %{temp_modules}/debug_module_list | \
sed 's|\(.*\)|%exclude %{_modulesdir}/\1|' \
>> ../kernel_exclude_debug_files.%{flavour}
rm -f %{temp_modules}/debug_module_list
# endif build_debug
%if %{enhanced_security}
# Sign modules (after stripping)
# scripts/sign-file [-dp] <hash algo> <key> <x509> <module> [<dest>]
find %{temp_modules}/%{kver_full}/kernel -name '*.ko' | sort -u | \
%kxargs -I '{}' \
%{src_dir}/scripts/sign-file \
sha512 \
%{certs_signing_key_rnd} \
%{certs_signing_key_rnd} \
# Create the list of files for the kernel.
cat > $kernel_files <<EOF
%if %build_debug
cat ../kernel_exclude_debug_files.%{flavour} >> $kernel_files
# set extraversion to match srpm to get nice version reported by the tools
LC_ALL=C sed -ri "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = -%{fullrpmrel}/" Makefile
%if %{build_perf}
%ifarch x86_64
%define perf_is_x64 1
%define perf_is_x64 0
%smake -C tools/perf -s IS_X86_64=%{perf_is_x64} HAVE_CPLUS_DEMANGLE=1 prefix=%{_prefix} NO_GTK2=1 all
%smake -C tools/perf -s prefix=%{_prefix} NO_GTK2=1 man
%if %{build_cpupower}
# make sure is executable.
chmod +x tools/power/cpupower/utils/
%make -C tools/power/cpupower CPUFREQ_BENCH=false
cd %src_dir
# We want to be able to test several times the install part
rm -rf %{buildroot}
cp -a %{temp_root} %{buildroot}
%if %{enhanced_security}
# Multithreaded verification that every kernel module
# has a signature attached to it
mkdir -p "%{certs_dir_rnd}"
touch %{certs_verify_tmp}
if [ -z "$1" ] || [ ! -f "$1" ]; then return; fi
if hexdump -C "$1" | rev | cut -f 2 -d '|' | rev | tr -d '\n' | \
grep -q '~Module signature appended~'
if [ -f %{certs_verify_tmp} ]; then
rm -f %{certs_verify_tmp}
echo "ERROR: Module $1 has no signature attached to it!"
exit 1
export -f _verify_signature
find %{target_modules} -name '*.ko' -print0 | sort -u | \
xargs --null -P "$(nproc)" -I {} "$SHELL" -c '_verify_signature "{}"'
if [ -f %{certs_verify_tmp} ]; then
echo "ERROR: seems that signatures of none modules were verified!"
exit 1
rm -f %{certs_verify_tmp}
# compressing modules
%if %{build_modxz}
find %{target_modules} -name "*.ko" | %kxargs xz -6e
find %{target_modules} -name "*.ko" | %kxargs gzip -9
pushd %{target_modules}
for i in *; do
rm -f $i/build $i/source
ln -sf /usr/src/linux-$i $i/build
ln -sf /usr/src/linux-$i $i/source
# sniff, if we compressed all the modules, we change the stamp :(
# we really need the depmod -ae here
for i in *; do
/sbin/depmod -ae -b %{buildroot} -F %{target_boot}/$i $i
echo $?
# We used to create modules.description files which contained the
# description strings for the modules as shown by modinfo. These files
# are unlikely to be used right now, so create them (in case some old tool
# checks for their existence) but keep them empty.
for i in *; do
touch $i/modules.description
# need to set extraversion to match srpm again to avoid rebuild
LC_ALL=C sed -ri "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = -%{fullrpmrel}/" Makefile
%if %{build_perf}
# perf tool binary and supporting scripts/binaries
make -C tools/perf -s V=1 DESTDIR=%{buildroot} IS_X86_64=%{perf_is_x64} HAVE_CPLUS_DEMANGLE=1 prefix=%{_prefix} install
# perf man pages (note: implicit rpm magic compresses them later)
make -C tools/perf -s V=1 DESTDIR=%{buildroot} IS_X86_64=%{perf_is_x64} HAVE_CPLUS_DEMANGLE=1 prefix=%{_prefix} install-man
%if %{build_cpupower}
make -C tools/power/cpupower DESTDIR=%{buildroot} libdir=%{_libdir} mandir=%{_mandir} CPUFREQ_BENCH=false install
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*.{a,la}
%find_lang cpupower
mv cpupower.lang ../
chmod 0755 %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_unitdir} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig
install -m644 %{SOURCE50} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/cpupower.service
install -m644 %{SOURCE53} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/cpupower.path
install -m644 %{SOURCE51} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/cpupower
install -m755 %{SOURCE52} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/