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# $Id: harbour.spec 13372 2009-12-22 21:00:36Z vszakats $
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2003 Przemyslaw Czerpak <druzus@polbox.com>,
# Dave Pearson <davep@davep.org>
# Harbour RPM spec file
# See COPYING for licensing terms.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
## Definitions.
# please add your distro suffix if it not belong to the one recognized below
# and remember that order checking can be important
%define platform %(release=$(rpm -q --queryformat='%{VERSION}' mandriva-release-common 2>/dev/null) && echo "mdv.$release"|tr -d ".")
%if "%{platform}" == ""
%define platform %(release=$(rpm -q --queryformat='%{VERSION}' mandrake-release 2>/dev/null) && echo "mdk$release"|tr -d ".")
%if "%{platform}" == ""
%define platform %(release=$(rpm -q --queryformat='%{VERSION}' redhat-release 2>/dev/null) && echo "rh$release"|tr -d ".")
%if "%{platform}" == ""
%define platform %(release=$(rpm -q --queryformat='%{VERSION}' fedora-release 2>/dev/null) && echo "fc$release"|tr -d ".")
%if "%{platform}" == ""
%define platform %(release=$(rpm -q --queryformat='%{VERSION}' suse-release 2>/dev/null) && echo "sus$release"|tr -d ".")
%if "%{platform}" == ""
%define platform %(release=$(rpm -q --queryformat='%{VERSION}' openSUSE-release 2>/dev/null) && echo "sus$release"|tr -d ".")
%if "%{platform}" == ""
%define platform %(release=$(rpm -q --queryformat='%{VERSION}' conectiva-release 2>/dev/null) && echo "cl$release"|tr -d ".")
%if "%{platform}" == ""
%define platform %(release=$(rpm -q --queryformat='%{VERSION}' aurox-release 2>/dev/null) && echo "aur$release"|tr -d ".")
%if "%{platform}" == ""
%define platform %([ -f /etc/pld-release ] && cat /etc/pld-release|sed -e '/1/ !d' -e 's/[^0-9]//g' -e 's/^/pld/')
%define name harbour
%define dname Harbour
%define version 2.0.0
%define releasen 0
%define hb_pref hb
%define hb_etcdir /etc/%{name}
%define hb_plat export HB_PLATFORM=linux
%define hb_cc export HB_COMPILER=gcc
%define hb_cflag export HB_USER_CFLAGS=
%define hb_lflag export HB_USER_LDFLAGS="${CC_HB_USER_LDFLAGS} %{?_with_static:-static}"
%define hb_gpm export HB_WITH_GPM=%{!?_without_gpm:yes}%{?_without_gpm:no}
%define hb_crs export HB_WITH_CURSES=%{!?_without_curses:yes}%{?_without_curses:no}
%define hb_sln export HB_WITH_SLANG=%{!?_without_slang:yes}%{?_without_slang:no}
%define hb_x11 export HB_WITH_X11=%{!?_without_x11:yes}%{?_without_x11:no}
%define hb_local export HB_WITH_ZLIB=%{?_with_localzlib:local} ; export HB_WITH_PCRE=%{?_with_localpcre:local}
%define hb_bdir export HB_BIN_INSTALL=%{_bindir}
%define hb_idir export HB_INC_INSTALL=%{_includedir}/%{name}
%define hb_ldir export HB_LIB_INSTALL=%{_libdir}/%{name}
%define hb_edir export HB_ETC_INSTALL=%{hb_etcdir}
%define hb_cmrc export HB_BUILD_NOGPLLIB=%{?_without_gpllib:yes}
%define hb_ctrb export HB_CONTRIBLIBS="hbbmcdx hbbtree hbclipsm hbct hbgt hbmisc hbmzip hbnetio hbtip hbtpathy hbhpdf hbsms hbziparc xhb rddsql hbnf %{?_with_odbc:hbodbc} %{?_with_curl:hbcurl} %{?_with_ads:rddads} %{?_with_gd:hbgd} %{?_with_pgsql:hbpgsql} %{?_with_mysql:hbmysql} %{?_with_firebird:hbfbird} %{?_with_allegro:gtalleg} %{?_with_qt:hbqt hbxbp}"
%define hb_env %{hb_plat} ; %{hb_cc} ; %{hb_cflag} ; %{hb_lflag} ; %{hb_gpm} ; %{hb_crs} ; %{hb_sln} ; %{hb_x11} ; %{hb_local} ; %{hb_bdir} ; %{hb_idir} ; %{hb_ldir} ; %{hb_edir} ; %{hb_ctrb} ; %{hb_cmrc}
%define hb_host www.harbour-project.org
%define readme README.RPM
## Preamble.
Summary: Free software Clipper compatible compiler
Summary(pl): Darmowy kompilator kompatybilny z jЙzykiem Clipper.
Summary(pt_BR): Um compilador Clipper compativel Gratis
Summary(ru): Свободный компилятор, совместимый с языком Clipper.
Summary(hu): Szabad szoftver Clipper kompatibilis fordМtС
Name: %{name}
Version: %{version}
Release: %{releasen}%{platform}
License: GPL (plus exception)
Group: Development/Languages
Vendor: %{hb_host}
URL: http://%{hb_host}/
Source: %{name}-%{version}.src.tar.gz
Packager: PrzemysЁaw Czerpak <druzus@polbox.com> Luiz Rafael Culik Guimaraes <culikr@uol.com.br>
BuildPrereq: gcc binutils bash %{!?_without_curses: ncurses-devel} %{!?_without_gpm: gpm-devel}
Requires: gcc binutils bash sh-utils %{name}-lib = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}
Provides: %{name} harbour
BuildRoot: /tmp/%{name}-%{version}-root
%define _noautoreq 'libharbour.*'
%{dname} is a CA-Cl*pper compatible compiler for multiple platforms. This
package includes a compiler, pre-processor, header files, virtual machine
and documentation.
See README.RPM in the documentation directory for information specific to
this RPM distribution.
%description -l pl
%{dname} to kompatybilny z jЙzykiem CA-Cl*pper kompilator rozwijany na
wielu rС©nych platformach. Ten pakiet zawiera kompilator, preprocesor,
zbiory nagЁСwkowe, wirtualn+ maszynЙ oraz dokumentacjЙ.
%description -l pt_BR
%{dname} И um compilador Clipper compativel para multiplas plataformas.
Esse pacote contem um compilador, um prИ-processador, arquivos de cabeГalho
uma maquina virtual e documentaГЦo.
%description -l ru
%{dname} - многоплатформенный компилятор, совместимый с языком CA-Cl*pper.
Этот пакет содержит компилятор, препроцессор, файлы заголовков, виртуальную
машину и документацию.
%description -l hu
%{dname} egy tЖbb platformon is mШkЖdУ CA-Cl*pper kompatibilis
fordМtСprogram. A csomag rИsze a fordМtС maga, az elУfordМtС, fejlИc
АllomАnyok, a virtuАlis gИp Иs fЭggvИnykЖnyvtАrak, valamint a dokumentАciС.
## main shared lib
%package lib
Summary: Shared runtime libaries for %{dname} compiler
Summary(pl): Dzielone bilioteki dla kompilatora %{dname}
Summary(ru): Совместно используемые библиотеки для компилятора %{dname}
Summary(hu): Megosztott kЖnyvtАrak a(z) %{dname} fordМtСhoz
Group: Development/Languages
Provides: lib%{name}.so lib%{name}mt.so
%description lib
%{dname} is a Clipper compatible compiler.
This package provides %{dname} runtime shared libraries for programs
linked dynamically.
%description -l pl lib
%{dname} to kompatybilny z jЙzykiem CA-Cl*pper kompilator.
Ten pakiet udostЙpnia dzielone bilioteki kompilatora %{dname}
dla programСw konsolidowanych dynamicznie.
%description -l pt_BR lib
%{dname} И um compilador compativel com o Clipper.
Esse pacote %{dname} provem as bibliotecas compartilhadas para programas
linkados dinamicamente.
%description -l ru lib
%{dname} - компилятор, совместимый с языком CA-Cl*pper.
Этот пакет содержит совместно используемые библиотеки %{dname},
необходимые для работы динамически скомпонованных программ.
%description -l hu lib
A(z) %{dname} egy Clipper kompatibilis fordМtСprogram.
Ez a csomag biztosМtja a dinamikusan szerkesztett %{dname}
programokhoz szЭksИges megosztott (dinamikus) futtatСkЖnyvtАrakat.
## static libs
%package static
Summary: Static runtime libaries for %{dname} compiler
Summary(pl): Statyczne bilioteki dla kompilatora %{dname}
Summary(ru): Статические библиотеки для компилятора %{dname}
Summary(hu): Statikus kЖnyvtАrak a(z) %{dname} fordМtСhoz
Group: Development/Languages
Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}
%description static
%{dname} is a Clipper compatible compiler.
This package provides %{dname} static runtime libraries for static
program linking.
%description -l pl static
%{dname} to kompatybilny z jЙzykiem CA-Cl*pper kompilator.
Ten pakiet udostЙpnia statyczne bilioteki dla kompilatora %{dname}
niezbЙdne do statycznej konsolidacji programСw.
%description -l pt_BR static
%{dname} И um compilador compativel com o clippe.
Esse pacote %{dname} provem as bibliotecas de run time staticas para linkagem
dos os programas
%description -l ru static
%{dname} - компилятор, совместимый с языком CA-Cl*pper.
Этот пакет содержит статические библиотеки компилятора %{dname},
необходимые для статической компоновки программ.
%description -l hu lib
A(z) %{dname} egy Clipper kompatibilis fordМtСprogram.
Ez a csomag biztosМtja a statikusan szerkesztett %{dname}
programokhoz szЭksИges statikus futtatСkЖnyvtАrakat.
%package contrib
Summary: Contrib runtime libaries for %{dname} compiler
Summary(pl): Bilioteki z drzewa contrib dla kompilatora %{dname}
Summary(pt_BR): Libs contrib para %{dname}
Summary(ru): Библиотеки из дерева contrib для компилятора %{dname}
Summary(hu): KiegИszМtУ kЖnyvtАrak a(z) %{dname} fordМtСhoz
Group: Development/Languages
Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}
%description contrib
%{dname} is a Clipper compatible compiler.
This package provides %{dname} contrib libraries for program linking.
%description -l pl contrib
%{dname} to kompatybilny z jЙzykiem CA-Cl*pper kompilator.
Ten pakiet udostЙpnia statyczne bilioteki z drzewa contrib dla
kompilatora %{dname}.
%description -l pt_BR contrib
%{dname} И um compilador compativel com o clippe.
Esse pacote %{dname} provem as bibliotecas contrib para linkagem
dos programas.
%description -l ru contrib
%{dname} - компилятор, совместимый с языком CA-Cl*pper.
Этот пакет содержит статические библиотеки %{dname} из дерева contrib.
%description -l hu lib
A(z) %{dname} egy Clipper kompatibilis fordМtСprogram.
Ez a csomag kiegИszМtУ (contrib) kЖnyvtАrakat biztosМt
statikus szerkesztИshez.
## odbc library
%{?_with_odbc:%package odbc}
%{?_with_odbc:Summary: ODBC libarary for %{dname} compiler}
%{?_with_odbc:Summary(pl): Bilioteka ODBC dla kompilatora %{dname}}
%{?_with_odbc:Group: Development/Languages}
%{?_with_odbc:Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}}
%{?_with_odbc:%description odbc}
%{?_with_odbc:%{dname} is a Clipper compatible compiler.}
%{?_with_odbc:This package provides %{dname} ODBC library for program linking.}
%{?_with_odbc:%description -l pl odbc}
%{?_with_odbc:%{dname} to kompatybilny z jЙzykiem CA-Cl*pper kompilator.}
%{?_with_odbc:Ten pakiet udostЙpnia statyczn+ biliotekЙ ODBC dla kompilatora %{dname}.}
## CURL library
%{?_with_curl:%package curl}
%{?_with_curl:Summary: CURL libarary for %{dname} compiler}
%{?_with_curl:Summary(pl): Bilioteka CURL dla kompilatora %{dname}}
%{?_with_curl:Group: Development/Languages}
%{?_with_curl:Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}}
%{?_with_curl:%description curl}
%{?_with_curl:%{dname} is a Clipper compatible compiler.}
%{?_with_curl:This package provides %{dname} CURL library for program linking.}
%{?_with_curl:%description -l pl curl}
%{?_with_curl:%{dname} to kompatybilny z jЙzykiem CA-Cl*pper kompilator.}
%{?_with_curl:Ten pakiet udostЙpnia statyczn+ biliotekЙ CURL dla kompilatora %{dname}.}
%{?_with_ads:%package ads}
%{?_with_ads:Summary: ADS RDDs for %{dname} compiler}
%{?_with_ads:Summary(pl): Bilioteka sterownikСw (RDDs) ADS dla kompilatora %{dname}}
%{?_with_ads:Group: Development/Languages}
%{?_with_ads:Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}}
%{?_with_ads:%description ads}
%{?_with_ads:%{dname} is a Clipper compatible compiler.}
%{?_with_ads:This package provides %{dname} ADS RDDs for program linking.}
%{?_with_ads:%description -l pl ads}
%{?_with_ads:%{dname} to kompatybilny z jЙzykiem CA-Cl*pper kompilator.}
%{?_with_ads:Ten pakiet udostЙpnia sterowniki (RDD) ADS dla kompilatora %{dname}.}
## mysql library
%{?_with_mysql:%package mysql}
%{?_with_mysql:Summary: MYSQL libarary for %{dname} compiler}
%{?_with_mysql:Summary(pl): Bilioteka MYSQL dla kompilatora %{dname}}
%{?_with_mysql:Group: Development/Languages}
%{?_with_mysql:Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}}
%{?_with_mysql:%description mysql}
%{?_with_mysql:%{dname} is a Clipper compatible compiler.}
%{?_with_mysql:This package provides %{dname} MYSQL library for program linking.}
%{?_with_mysql:%description -l pl mysql}
%{?_with_mysql:%{dname} to kompatybilny z jЙzykiem CA-Cl*pper kompilator.}
%{?_with_mysql:Ten pakiet udostЙpnia statyczn+ biliotekЙ MYSQL dla kompilatora %{dname}.}
## pgsql library
%{?_with_pgsql:%package pgsql}
%{?_with_pgsql:Summary: PGSQL libarary for %{dname} compiler}
%{?_with_pgsql:Summary(pl): Bilioteka PGSQL dla kompilatora %{dname}}
%{?_with_pgsql:Group: Development/Languages}
%{?_with_pgsql:Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}}
%{?_with_pgsql:%description pgsql}
%{?_with_pgsql:%{dname} is a Clipper compatible compiler.}
%{?_with_pgsql:This package provides %{dname} PGSQL library for program linking.}
%{?_with_pgsql:%description -l pl pgsql}
%{?_with_pgsql:%{dname} to kompatybilny z jЙzykiem CA-Cl*pper kompilator.}
%{?_with_pgsql:Ten pakiet udostЙpnia statyczn+ biliotekЙ PGSQL dla kompilatora %{dname}.}
## firebird library
%{?_with_firebird:%package firebird}
%{?_with_firebird:Summary: FireBird libarary for %{dname} compiler}
%{?_with_firebird:Summary(pl): Bilioteka FireBird dla kompilatora %{dname}}
%{?_with_firebird:Group: Development/Languages}
%{?_with_firebird:Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}}
%{?_with_firebird:%description firebird}
%{?_with_firebird:%{dname} is a Clipper compatible compiler.}
%{?_with_firebird:This package provides %{dname} FireBird library for program linking.}
%{?_with_firebird:%description -l pl firebird}
%{?_with_firebird:%{dname} to kompatybilny z jЙzykiem CA-Cl*pper kompilator.}
%{?_with_firebird:Ten pakiet udostЙpnia statyczn+ biliotekЙ FireBird dla kompilatora %{dname}.}
## gd library
%{?_with_gd:%package gd}
%{?_with_gd:Summary: GD libarary for %{dname} compiler}
%{?_with_gd:Summary(pl): Bilioteka GD dla kompilatora %{dname}}
%{?_with_gd:Group: Development/Languages}
%{?_with_gd:Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}}
%{?_with_gd:%description gd}
%{?_with_gd:%{dname} is a Clipper compatible compiler.}
%{?_with_gd:This package provides %{dname} GD library for program linking.}
%{?_with_gd:%description -l pl gd}
%{?_with_gd:%{dname} to kompatybilny z jЙzykiem CA-Cl*pper kompilator.}
%{?_with_gd:Ten pakiet udostЙpnia statyczn+ biliotekЙ GD dla kompilatora %{dname}.}
## qt library
%{?_with_qt:%package qt}
%{?_with_qt:Summary: QT library bindings for %{dname} compiler}
%{?_with_qt:Group: Development/Languages}
%{?_with_qt:Requires: libqt4-devel %{name} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}}
%{?_with_qt:%description qt}
%{?_with_qt:%{dname} is a Clipper compatible compiler.}
%{?_with_qt:This package provides %{dname} QT libraries for program linking.}
## Preperation.
%setup -c %{name}
## Build.
export HB_BUILD_STRIP=all
export HB_BUILD_SHARED=%{!?_with_static:yes}
make %{?_smp_mflags}
## Install.
# Install harbour itself.
export HB_BUILD_STRIP=all
export HB_BUILD_SHARED=%{!?_with_static:yes}
# necessary for shared linked hbrun used to execute postinst.prg
make install %{?_smp_mflags}
[ "%{?_with_allegro:1}" ] || rm -f $HB_INST_PKGPREF$HB_LIB_INSTALL/libgtalleg.a
[ "%{?_without_curses:1}" ] && rm -f $HB_INST_PKGPREF$HB_LIB_INSTALL/libgtcrs.a
[ "%{?_without_slang:1}" ] && rm -f $HB_INST_PKGPREF$HB_LIB_INSTALL/libgtsln.a
rm -f $HB_INST_PKGPREF$HB_LIB_INSTALL/liblibhpdf.a
rm -f $HB_INST_PKGPREF$HB_LIB_INSTALL/libsqlite3.a
mkdir -p $HB_INST_PKGPREF%{_mandir}/man1
install -m644 doc/man/*.1* $HB_INST_PKGPREF%{_mandir}/man1/
install -m644 src/rtl/gtcrs/hb-charmap.def $HB_INST_PKGPREF$HB_ETC_INSTALL/hb-charmap.def
# remove unused files
# Create a README file for people using this RPM.
cat > doc/%{readme} <<EOF
This RPM distribution of %{dname} includes extra commands to make compiling
and linking with %{dname} a little easier. There are compiler and linker
wrappers called "%{hb_pref}cc", "%{hb_pref}cmp", "%{hb_pref}lnk" and "%{hb_pref}mk".
"%{hb_pref}cc" is a wrapper to the C compiler only. It sets all flags
and paths necessary to compile .c files which include %{dname} header
files. The result of its work is an object file.
Use "%{hb_pref}cmp" exactly as you would use the harbour compiler itself.
The main difference with %{hb_pref}cmp is that it results in an object file,
not a C file that needs compiling down to an object. %{hb_pref}cmp also
ensures that the harbour include directory is seen by the harbour compiler.
"%{hb_pref}lnk" simply takes a list of object files and links them together
with the harbour virtual machine and run-time library to produce an
executable. The executable will be given the basename of the first object
file if not directly set by the "-o" command line switch.
"%{hb_pref}mk" tries to produce an executable from your .prg file. It's a simple
equivalent of cl.bat from the CA-Cl*pper distribution.
All these scripts accept command line switches:
-o<outputfilename> # output file name
-static # link with static %{dname} libs
-fullstatic # link with all static libs
-shared # link with shared libs (default)
-mt # link with multi-thread libs
-gt<hbgt> # link with <hbgt> GT driver, can be repeated to
# link with more GTs. The first one will be
# the default at runtime
-xbgtk # link with xbgtk library (xBase GTK+ interface)
-hwgui # link with HWGUI library (GTK+ interface)
-l<libname> # link with <libname> library
-L<libpath> # additional path to search for libraries
-[no]strip # strip (no strip) binaries
-main=<main_func> # set the name of main program function/procedure.
# if not set then 'MAIN' is used or if it doesn't
# exist the name of first public function/procedure
# in first linked object module (link)
Link options work only with "%{hb_pref}lnk" and "%{hb_pref}mk" and have no effect
in "%{hb_pref}cc" and "%{hb_pref}cmp".
Other options are passed to %{dname}/C compiler/linker.
An example compile/link session looks like:
druzus@uran:~/tmp$ cat foo.prg
function main()
? "Hello, World!"
return nil
druzus@uran:~/tmp$ %{hb_pref}cmp foo
Harbour 1.0.0 Intl. (Rev. 9099)
Copyright (c) 1999-2008, http://www.harbour-project.org/
Compiling 'foo.prg'...
Lines 5, Functions/Procedures 2
Generating C source output to 'foo.c'... Done.
druzus@uran:~/tmp$ %{hb_pref}lnk foo.o
druzus@uran:~/tmp$ strip foo
druzus@uran:~/tmp$ ls -l foo
-rwxrwxr-x 1 druzus druzus 3824 maj 17 02:46 foo
or using %{hb_pref}mk only:
druzus@uran:~/tmp$ cat foo.prg
function main()
? "Hello, World!"
return nil
druzus@uran:~/tmp$ %{hb_pref}mk foo
Harbour 1.0.0 Intl. (Rev. 9099)
Copyright (c) 1999-2008, http://www.harbour-project.org/
Compiling 'foo.prg'...
Lines 5, Functions/Procedures 2
Generating C source output to 'foo.c'... Done.
druzus@uran:~/tmp$ ls -l foo
-rwxrwxr-x 1 druzus druzus 3824 maj 17 02:46 foo
In this RPM you will find additional wonderful tools: /usr/bin/hbrun
You can run clipper/xbase compatible source files with it if you only
put in their first line:
For example:
druzus@uran:~/tmp$ cat foo.prg
function main()
? "Hello, World!, This is a script !!! :-)"
return nil
druzus@uran:~/tmp$ chmod +x foo.prg
druzus@uran:~/tmp$ ./foo.prg
Hello, World!, This is a script !!! :-)
I hope this RPM is useful. Have fun with %{dname}.
Many thanks to Dave Pearson <davep@davep.org>
Przemyslaw Czerpak <druzus@polbox.com>
## Post install
#%post lib
## Post uninstall
#%postun lib
## Clean.
## File list.
%doc ChangeLog*
%doc doc/*.txt
%doc doc/%{readme}
%doc doc/en-EN/
%dir %{hb_etcdir}
%verify(not md5 mtime) %config %{hb_etcdir}/hb-charmap.def
%verify(not md5 mtime) %config %{_bindir}/hbmk.cfg
%dir %{_includedir}/%{name}
%attr(644,root,root) %{_includedir}/%{name}/*
%files static
%dir %{_libdir}/%{name}
%files contrib
%dir %{_libdir}/%{name}
%files lib
%dir %{_libdir}/%{name}
%{?_with_curl:%files curl}
%{?_with_curl:%dir %{_libdir}/%{name}}
%{?_with_ads:%files ads}
%{?_with_ads:%dir %{_libdir}/%{name}}
%{?_with_odbc:%files odbc}
%{?_with_odbc:%dir %{_libdir}/%{name}}
%{?_with_mysql:%files mysql}
%{?_with_mysql:%dir %{_libdir}/%{name}}
%{?_with_pgsql:%files pgsql}
%{?_with_pgsql:%dir %{_libdir}/%{name}}
%{?_with_firebird:%files firebird}
%{?_with_firebird:%dir %{_libdir}/%{name}}
%{?_with_gd:%files gd}
%{?_with_gd:%dir %{_libdir}/%{name}}
%{?_with_qt:%files qt}
%{?_with_qt:%dir %{_libdir}/%{name}}
## Spec file Changelog.