2018-12-17 17:54:48 +03:00

440 lines
17 KiB

import urllib2, urllib
import re
import json
import os
import base64
import pdb
import uuid
import tempfile
import httplib
import mimetypes
import base64
import hashlib
import shutil
from abf.api.exceptions import *
from beaker.cache import Cache
from beaker.util import parse_cache_config_options
cache_data = Cache('abf_etag_data', expire = 86400, type='file', data_dir='/tmp/abf_cache/etag_data', lock_dir='/tmp/abf_cache/etag_data')
cache_etags = Cache('abf_etags', expire = 86400, type='file', data_dir='/tmp/abf_cache/etags', lock_dir='/tmp/abf_cache/etags')
'basic' : ('b', 'k', 'm', 'g', 't'),
'basic_long' : ('byte', 'kilo', 'mega', 'giga', 'tera'),
'iec' : ('bi', 'ki', 'mi', 'gi', 'ti'),
'iec_long' : ('byte', 'kibi', 'mebi', 'gibi', 'tebi'),
def bytes2human(n, format='%(value).1f%(symbol)s', symbols='basic'):
n = int(n)
if n < 0:
raise ValueError("n < 0 (%s)" % str(n))
title = not symbols.endswith('_long')
symbols = SYMBOLS[symbols]
prefix = {}
for i, s in enumerate(symbols[1:]):
prefix[s] = 1 << (i+1)*10
for symbol in reversed(symbols[1:]):
if n >= prefix[symbol]:
value = float(n) / prefix[symbol]
symbol = (title and symbol.title()) or symbol
return format % locals()
return format % dict(symbol=(title and symbols[0].title()) or symbols[0], value=n)
class AbfJson(object):
def __init__(self, abf_url, file_store_url, login, password, log):
self.login = login
self.password = password
self.abf_url = re.compile('/+$').sub('', abf_url)
self.file_store_url = re.compile('/+$').sub('', file_store_url)
if not self.file_store_url.startswith('http://'):
log.error(_('File-store url have to start with "http://"'))
self.file_store_domain = self.file_store_url[7:]
#does not work sometimes
'''self.password_manager = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
self.password_manager.add_password(None, abf_url, login, password)
self.auth = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(self.password_manager)
self.opener = urllib2.build_opener(self.auth)
# but it works!
self.base64_auth_string = base64.standard_b64encode('%s:%s' % (login, password)).replace('\n', '')
self.log = log
errors = {
"Invalid email or password.": AuthError,
"403 Forbidden | Rate Limit Exceeded": RateLimitError,
"Page not found": PageNotFoundError,
"Project has not been forked. Name has already been taken": NameTakenError,
"Error 404. Resource not found!": PageNotFoundError,
"Something went wrong. We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly.": InternalServerError,
"We update the site, it will take some time. We are really trying to do it fast. We apologize for any inconvenience..": ServerWorksError,
"Requires authentication": AuthError,
"Forbidden. Sorry, you don't have enough rights for this action!": ForbiddenError,
"Access violation to this page!": ForbiddenError,
"Bad Request": BadRequestError,}
good_messages = ['Errors during build publishing!', 'Build is queued for publishing']
# in case of this error, get_url_contents will print the error message and exit
fatal_errors = [AuthError, RateLimitError, InternalServerError, ServerWorksError]
def process_response(self, response_string):
res = json.loads(response_string)
except ValueError as ex:
self.log.error(_("Internal server error: it has returned non-json data. "))
m = None
if 'message' in res and res['message'] not in AbfJson.good_messages:
m = res['message']
elif 'repository' in res:
# Unfortunately ABF doesn't recognize that the project is not in repo
# when trying to remove it, so on project remove we always return success.
# But we can still catch an error when trying to add a project to repo
# when this project is already assigned to some repo of the same platform
if 'message' in res['repository'] and 'error' in res['repository']['message']:
m = res['repository']['message']
elif 'project' in res:
if 'message' in res['project'] and ('error' in res['project']['message'] or 'has not been' in res['project']['message']):
m = res['project']['message']
if 'error' in res:
m = res['error']
if 'Error' in res:
m = res['Error']
if m:
if m in AbfJson.errors:
exception = AbfJson.errors[m]
self.log.error(_("Unknown server error: ") + m)
exception = AbfApiException
if exception == BadRequestError:
log.error(_('Sorry, but something went wrong and request I\'ve sent to ABF is bad. Please, '
'notify developers, send them a set of command-line arguments and the request data:\n%(url)s\n%(json)s') % {'url': URL, 'json': post_json or "No POST DATA"} )
if exception in AbfJson.fatal_errors:
raise exception(m)
return res
def get_url_contents(self, path, GET=None, POST=None, file_store=False, PUT=None, DELETE=None):
url = ((file_store and self.file_store_url) or self.abf_url) + path
if GET:
get_string = urllib.urlencode(GET)
if '?' in url:
url = url + '&' + get_string
url = url + '?' + get_string
self.log.debug(_('Fetching url %s') % url)
etag = None
if POST:
post_json = json.dumps(POST).encode('utf-8')
request = urllib2.Request(url, post_json, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
elif PUT:
put_json = json.dumps(PUT).encode('utf-8')
request = urllib2.Request(url, put_json, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
request.get_method = lambda: 'PUT'
elif DELETE:
data_json = json.dumps(DELETE).encode('utf-8')
request = urllib2.Request(url, data_json, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
request.get_method = lambda: 'DELETE'
request = urllib2.Request(url)
if cache_etags.has_key(url):
etag = cache_etags.get(url)
if cache_data.has_key(etag):
self.log.debug(_("It was cached! ETag: ") + etag)
request.add_header("If-None-Match", etag)
request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % self.base64_auth_string)
etag_new = None
result = urllib2.urlopen(request)
res = result.read()
etag_new = result.headers.getheaders('ETag')[0]
except urllib2.HTTPError as ex:
if ex.code == 304: # data was not modified
res = cache_data.get(etag)
self.log.debug(_('Getting cached result (cache was validated)'))
self.log.debug(_('Return code: ') + str(ex.code))
if ex.code == 401: # auth failed
self.log.error(_("Authorization failed. Incorrect username or password"))
#remove cached data if exists
if etag:
res = ex.fp.read()
if etag_new:
self.log.debug(_("Caching the new value for %(url)s. ETag is %(etag)s") % {'url': url, 'etag': etag_new})
cache_etags.put(url, etag_new)
cache_data.put(etag_new, res)
res = self.process_response(res)
# print('RAW OUTPUT', res)
return res
MAX_SIZE = 32 * 1024 * 1024
BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024
def __encode_multipart_formdata(body, boundary, fields = [], files = []):
for key, value in fields:
body.write('--%s\r\n' % boundary)
body.write('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"\r\n' % key)
body.write('Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n')
for key, value in files:
content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(value)[0] or 'application/octet-stream'
body.write('--%s\r\n' % boundary)
body.write('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"\r\n' % (key, value))
body.write('Content-Type: %s\r\n\r\n' % content_type)
fobj = open(value, 'rb')
datablock = 1
while datablock:
datablock = fobj.read(AbfJson.BLOCK_SIZE)
if datablock:
body.write('--%s--\r\n' % boundary)
def compute_sha1(self, file_name):
fd = open(file_name, 'rb')
datablock = 1
s = hashlib.sha1()
while datablock:
datablock = fd.read(AbfJson.BLOCK_SIZE)
if datablock:
hex_sha = s.hexdigest()
return hex_sha
def upload_file(self, file_name, silent=False):
self.log.debug(_('Looking for "%s" in file-store...') % file_name)
sha_hash = self.compute_sha1(file_name)
self.log.debug(_('File hash is %s') % sha_hash)
res = self.get_file_info_by_hash(sha_hash)
if res:
fn = res[0]['file_name']
sha_hash_new = res[0]['sha1_hash']
if sha_hash_new != sha_hash:
self.log.critical(_('File-Store returned file for sha1 %(new)s instead of %(old)s!') % {'new': sha_hash_new, 'old': sha_hash})
new_fn = os.path.basename(file_name)
if fn != new_fn and not silent:
self.log.warning(_('The name of the file in file-store is %(old)s, but you are trying to upload file %(new)s') % {'old': fn, 'new': new_fn})
return sha_hash
tempfile.tempdir = '/tmp'
boundary = uuid.uuid4().hex
body = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size = AbfJson.MAX_SIZE)
self.__encode_multipart_formdata(body, boundary,[], [('file_store[file]', file_name)])
length = body.tell()
if not silent:
self.log.info(_('Uploading %(file)s (%(size)s)') % {'file': file_name, 'size': bytes2human(os.stat(file_name).st_size)})
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.file_store_domain, 80)
content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundary
headers = {'Content-Type' : content_type, 'Content-Length' : length, "Authorization": "Basic %s" % self.base64_auth_string}
conn.request('POST', '/api/v1/upload', body, headers)
resp = conn.getresponse()
output = resp.read()
if resp.status < 200 or resp.status > 299:
self.log.error(_("Could not upload file. HTTP error %(status)s %(reason)s") % {'status': resp.status, 'reason': resp.reason})
output = json.loads(output)
return output['sha1_hash'] or None
def fetch_file(self, sha_hash, path):
URL = self.file_store_url + '/api/v1/file_stores/' + sha_hash
response = urllib2.urlopen(URL)
except urllib2.HTTPError as ex:
if ex.code == 404: # data was not modified
raise PageNotFoundError(_('File with hash %s can not be downloaded from File-Store.') % sha_hash)
raise AbfApiException(_('Error while downloading file by hash %(hash)s: %(exception)s') % {'hash': sha_hash, 'exception': str(ex)})
fd = open(path, 'wb')
shutil.copyfileobj(response, fd)
def get_file_info_by_hash(self, sha_hash):
URL = "/api/v1/file_stores.json"
GET = {'hash': sha_hash}
return self.get_url_contents(URL, GET=GET, file_store=True)
def get_architectures(self):
URL = "/api/v1/arches.json"
return self.get_url_contents(URL)
def get_platforms(self, typ=None):
URL = "/api/v1/platforms.json"
GET = {}
if typ:
GET['type'] = typ
return self.get_url_contents(URL, GET)
def get_platform_by_id(self, pl_id):
pl_id = int(pl_id)
URL = "/api/v1/platforms/%d.json" % pl_id
return self.get_url_contents(URL)
def get_user_id(self, username):
URL = "/api/v1/users/%s.json" % username
return self.get_url_contents(URL)
def get_build_platforms(self):
URL = "/api/v1/platforms/platforms_for_build.json"
return self.get_url_contents(URL)
def get_repository_by_id(self, rep_id):
rep_id = int(rep_id)
URL = "/api/v1/repositories/%d.json" % rep_id
return self.get_url_contents(URL)
def get_buildlist_by_id(self, bl_id):
bl_id = int(bl_id)
URL = "/api/v1/build_lists/%d.json" % bl_id
return self.get_url_contents(URL)
def get_list_buildlists(self, prj_id, filter_query, page):
prj_id = int(prj_id)
URL = "/api/v1/build_lists.json"
GET = {'page': page, 'per_page': 10}
return self.get_url_contents(URL, GET=GET)
def get_project_buildlists(self, prj_id, filter_query, page):
prj_id = int(prj_id)
URL = "/api/v1/projects/%d/build_lists.json" % prj_id
GET = {'page': page, 'per_page': 10}
return self.get_url_contents(URL, GET=GET)
def get_project_by_id(self, p_id):
p_id = int(p_id)
URL = "/api/v1/projects/%d.json" % p_id
return self.get_url_contents(URL)
def get_project_id_by_name(self, key):
proj_owner, proj_name = key
URL = "/api/v1/projects/get_id.json"
GET = {'name': proj_name, 'owner':proj_owner}
return self.get_url_contents(URL, GET)
def new_build_task(self, data):
URL = "/api/v1/build_lists.json"
return self.get_url_contents(URL, GET=None, POST=data)
def publish(self, task_id):
task_id = int(task_id)
URL = "/api/v1/build_lists/%d/publish.json" % task_id
return self.get_url_contents(URL)
def new_pull_request(self, data, p_id):
URL = "/api/v1/projects/%d/pull_requests.json" % p_id
return self.get_url_contents(URL, GET=None, POST=data)
def update_project(self, data, p_id):
URL = "/api/v1/projects/%d.json" % p_id
return self.get_url_contents(URL, GET=None, PUT=data)
def remove_project_from_repo(self, data, repo_id):
URL = "/api/v1/repositories/%d/remove_project.json" % repo_id
return self.get_url_contents(URL, GET=None, DELETE=data)
def fork_project(self, data, proj_id):
URL = "/api/v1/projects/%d/fork.json" % proj_id
return self.get_url_contents(URL, GET=None, POST=data)
def alias_project(self, data, proj_id):
URL = "/api/v1/projects/%d/alias.json" % proj_id
return self.get_url_contents(URL, GET=None, POST=data)
def destroy_project(self, data, proj_id):
URL = "/api/v1/projects/%d.json" % proj_id
return self.get_url_contents(URL, GET=None, POST=None, DELETE=data)
def add_project_to_repo(self, data, repo_id):
URL = "/api/v1/repositories/%d/add_project.json" % repo_id
return self.get_url_contents(URL, GET=None, POST=None, PUT=data)
def new_project(self, data):
URL = "/api/v1/projects.json"
return self.get_url_contents(URL, POST=data)
def get_git_refs_list(self, proj_id):
proj_id = int(proj_id)
URL = "/api/v1/projects/%d/refs_list.json" % proj_id
return self.get_url_contents(URL)
def get_user_by_id(self, user_id):
user_id = int(user_id)
URL = "/api/v1/users/%d.json" % user_id
return self.get_url_contents(URL)
def get_group_by_id(self, group_id):
group_id = int(group_id)
URL = "/api/v1/groups/%d.json" % group_id
return self.get_url_contents(URL)
def get_search_results(self, search_type, query):
URL = "/api/v1/search.json"
GET = {'type': search_type, 'query': query, 'per_page': 100}
return self.get_url_contents(URL, GET=GET)
def get_list(self, list_type, page):
URL = "/api/v1/" + list_type +".json"
GET = {'page': page, 'per_page': 100 }
return self.get_url_contents(URL, GET=GET)
def get_projects_single(self, repo_id, page):
URL = "/api/v1/repositories/%d/projects.json" % repo_id
GET = {'page': page, 'per_page': 100 }
return self.get_url_contents(URL, GET=GET)