Anton Kirilenko 0f7786cb39 Unification
2012-10-26 13:21:25 +04:00

189 lines
7.2 KiB

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import cookielib
from datetime import datetime
import mechanize
import re
class AbfHtml(object):
# Mechanize "Browser" object. Contains state about login information.
br = None
def __init__(self,abf_url,login,password):
self.abf_url = re.compile('/+$').sub('',abf_url)
# Log in to ABF
# FIXME: there's no way to understand if the login/password were not OK for now
# Browser
br = mechanize.Browser()
# Cookie Jar
cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
# Browser options
# Follows refresh 0 but not hangs on refresh > 0
br.set_handle_refresh(mechanize._http.HTTPRefreshProcessor(), max_time=1)
# User-Agent (this is cheating, ok?)
br.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'FBA Backend (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008071615 Fedora/3.0.1-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.1')]
# The site we will navigate into, handling it's session
self.opener = mechanize.build_opener()
br.open('%s/users/sign_in' % self.abf_url)
# Select the first (index zero) form
# User credentials
br.form['user[login]'] = login
br.form['user[password]'] = password
br.form.find_control('user[remember_me]','checkbox').value = ['1']
# Login
self.br = br
def get_page_parser(self, uri):
''' Get the actual HTML and prepare the parser '''
return BeautifulSoup(self.br.response().read())
# NOTE! Build list id is a STRING rather than an INTEGER!
def latest_build_lists(self, platform_id, page_n = 1):
# Open the page
uri = '%s/build_lists?filter[ownership]=everything&filter[platform_id]=%d&page=%d' % (self.abf_url, platform_id, page_n)
d = self.get_page_parser(uri)
bt = d.findAll('table', attrs={'class': 'tablesorter'})[0]
bl_tags = bt.findAll(attrs={'href': re.compile('/build_lists/')})
bl_ids = [ x.text for x in bl_tags ]
return bl_ids
def list_user_groups(self):
d = self.get_page_parser( self.abf_url + '/groups')
table = d.find('table', id='myTable')
res = table.findAll('tr', id='Row1')
output = []
for gr in res:
name = gr.find('a').contents[0]
descr = gr.find('td', **{'class':'td2'}).contents
if len(descr) == 0:
descr = ''
descr = descr[0]
leave = gr.find('td', **{'class':'td5'}).contents
if len(leave) == 0:
leave = ''
leave = leave[0]
output.append(dict(name=name, description=descr, leave_url=leave))
return output
def list_user_platforms(self):
d = self.get_page_parser( self.abf_url + '/platforms')
tbody = d.find('table', id='myTable').find('tbody')
trs = tbody.findAll('tr')
output = []
for tr in trs:
fields = tr.findAll('td')
name = fields[0].contents[0].contents[0]
ID = dict(fields[0].contents[0].attrs)['href'][len('/platforms/'):]
source_type = fields[1].contents[0]
output.append(dict(name=name, ID=ID, source_type=source_type))
return output
def get_user_by_name(self, name):
output = {}
d = self.get_page_parser('%s/%s' %
(self.abf_url, name))
tmp = d.findAll('h3', text=name)[1].parent.parent
output['full_name'] = tmp.contents[2].strip()
output['name'] = name
#project list can be obtained here
return output
def get_project_repositories(self, user_name, project_name):
d = self.get_page_parser( self.abf_url + '/%s/%s/build_lists/new' %(user_name, project_name))
output = {
platforms = d.find('div', {'class':'all_platforms'}).findAll('div', recursive=False, **{'class':'both'})
for platform in platforms:
plat_out = {}
r = platform.find('div', {'class':'build_for_pl'})
plat_out['id'] = dict(r.attrs)['id']
plat_out['name'] = r.contents[0]
repos = platform.div.nextSibling.nextSibling.findAll('div')
plat_out['repositories'] = {}
for repo in repos:
repo_out = {}
inp = repo.find('input')
label = repo.find('label')
attrs = dict(inp.attrs)
repo_out['input_name'] = attrs['name']
repo_out['value'] = attrs['value']
if 'disabled' in attrs:
repo_out['disabled'] = attrs['disabled']
repo_out['disabled'] = 'enabled'
repo_out['name'] = attrs['rep_name']
plat_out['repositories'][repo_out['name']] = repo_out
output['platforms'][plat_out['name']] = plat_out
dst_plats = d.find('select', {'id':'build_list_save_to_repository_id'})
#select_name = dict(dst_plats.attrs)[name]
opts = dst_plats.findAll('option')
for opt in opts:
opt_out = {}
opt_out['name'] = opt.contents[0]
opt_out['value'] = dict(opt.attrs)['value']
output['target_platforms'][opt_out['name']] = opt_out
versions = d.find('select', {'id':'build_list_project_version'}).findAll('optgroup')
branches = versions[0]
tags = versions[1]
for opt in branches.findAll('option'):
opt_out = {}
opt_out['name'] = opt.contents[0]
opt_out['value'] = dict(opt.attrs)['value']
output['versions']['branches'][opt_out['name']] = opt_out
for opt in tags.findAll('option'):
opt_out = {}
opt_out['name'] = opt.contents[0]
opt_out['value'] = dict(opt.attrs)['value']
output['versions']['tags'][opt_out['name']] = opt_out
arches = d.findAll('input', {'name':'arches[]'})
for arch in arches:
arch_out = {}
arch_out['name'] = arch.parent.label.contents[0]
attrs = dict(arch.attrs)
arch_out['checked'] = attrs['checked']
arch_out['value'] = attrs['value']
output['arches'][arch_out['name']] = arch_out
upd_types = d.find('select', {'id':'build_list_update_type'})
for opt in upd_types.findAll('option'):
opt_out = {}
opt_out['name'] = opt.contents[0]
opt_out['value'] = dict(opt.attrs)['value']
output['update_types'][opt_out['name']] = opt_out
meta = d.find('meta', {'content':'authenticity_token', 'name':'csrf-param'}).nextSibling.nextSibling
seq_token = dict(meta.attrs)['content']
output['authenticity_token'] = seq_token
return output