import os import sys import time import select import subprocess import fcntl from glob import glob import shutil import re import yaml import tempfile import magic import sha import urllib2 from abf.console.log import Log from abf.api.exceptions import * log = Log('models') def mkdirs(path): ''' the equivalent of mkdir -p path''' if os.path.exists(path): return path = os.path.normpath(path) items = path.split('/') p = '' for item in items: p += '/' + item if not os.path.isdir(p): os.mkdir(p) class CommandTimeoutExpired(Exception): pass class ReturnCodeNotZero(Exception): def __init__(self, message, code): super(ReturnCodeNotZero, self).__init__(message) self.code = code def get_project_name(path=None): try: # TODO: Force C locale? output, ret_code = execute_command(['git', 'remote', 'show', 'origin', '-n'], cwd=path) for line in output.split('\n'): if line.startswith(' Fetch URL:') and 'abf' in line: project_name = line.split('/')[-1][:-4] owner_name = line.split('/')[-2] return (owner_name, project_name) return (None, None) except ReturnCodeNotZero: return (None, None) def parse_spec_silently(ts, spec_path): #'ts.parseSpec' writes error: cannot create %_sourcedir /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES stderr = 1001 stdout = 1000 try: os.dup2(sys.stderr.fileno(), stderr) os.dup2(sys.stdout.fileno(), stdout) se = file('/dev/null', 'w') os.dup2(se.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno()) os.dup2(se.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) rpm_spec = ts.parseSpec(spec_path) finally: os.dup2(stderr, sys.stderr.fileno()) os.dup2(stdout, sys.stdout.fileno()) #se.close() return rpm_spec def get_project_name_version(spec_path): try: rpm = __import__('rpm') # it's initialization is too long to place it to the top of the file ts = rpm.TransactionSet() rpm_spec = parse_spec_silently(ts, spec_path) name = rpm.expandMacro("%{name}") version = rpm.expandMacro("%{version}") return (name, version) except: return None def get_project_data(spec_path): rpm = __import__('rpm') # it's initialization is too long to place it to the top of the file ts = rpm.TransactionSet() rpm_spec = parse_spec_silently(ts, spec_path) name = rpm.expandMacro("%{name}") version = rpm.expandMacro("%{version}") if type(rpm_spec.sources) is list: # rpm4 sources_all = rpm_spec.sources src_flag = 1 patch_fkag = 2 else: sources_all = rpm_spec.sources() # rpm5 src_flag = 65536 patch_fkag = 131072 sources = [] patches = [] for src in sources_all: name, number, flag = src if flag & src_flag: # source file sources.append((name, number)) elif flag & patch_fkag: patches.append((name, number)) return {'name': name, 'version': version, 'sources': sources, 'patches': patches} def get_branch_name(path=None): try: output, ret_code = execute_command(['git', 'branch'], cwd=path) for line in output.split('\n'): if not line.startswith('*'): continue if line == '* (no branch)': return '(no branch)' return line.split()[1] except ReturnCodeNotZero: return None def get_current_commit_hash(path=None): try: output, ret_code = execute_command(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=path) return output.strip() except ReturnCodeNotZero: return None def get_remote_branch_hash(branch, cwd=None): ''' Get the hash of the remote branch top commit. If not in git repository directory - exception will be reised. If hash can not be found - return None''' re_ref = re.compile('^([0-9a-f]+) refs/remotes/\w+/%s$' % branch) output, ret_code = execute_command(['git', 'show-ref'], cwd=cwd) for line in output.split('\n'): res = re_ref.match(line) if res: h = return h return None def get_tag_hash(tag, cwd=None): ''' Get the hash of the tag. If not in git repository directory - exception will be reised. If hash can not be found - return None''' re_ref = re.compile('^([0-9a-f]+) refs/tags/%s$' % tag) output, ret_code = execute_command(['git', 'show-ref', '--tags'], cwd=cwd) for line in output.split('\n'): res = re_ref.match(line) if res: h = return h return None def clone_git_repo_tmp(uri, depth=None):'Cloning git repository (temporary workaround)')) tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tmp_abf_')"Temporary directory is ") + tmp_dir) cmd = ['git', 'clone', uri, tmp_dir] execute_command(cmd, print_to_stdout=True, exit_on_error=True) return tmp_dir def get_root_git_dir(path=None): ''' Get the root directory of the git project ''' if path: p = path else: p = os.getcwd() while '.git' not in os.listdir(p) and p != '/': p = os.path.dirname(p) if p == '/': return None else: return p def get_spec_file(root_path): specs = glob(os.path.join(root_path, '*.spec')) log.debug(_("Spec files found: ") + str(specs)) if len(specs) == 1: spec = specs[0] return spec else: raise Excpetion(_("Could not find single spec file")) def find_spec(path=None): path = path or get_root_git_dir() if not path: log.error(_('No path specified and you are not in a git repository')) exit(1) files = os.listdir(path) specs_present = [] for fl in files: if fl.endswith('.spec'): specs_present.append(fl) if len(specs_present) == 0: raise Exception(_("No spec files found!")) elif len(specs_present) > 1: raise Exception(_("More than one spec file found!")) return specs_present[0] def find_spec_problems(exit_on_error=True, strict=False, auto_remove=False): path = get_root_git_dir() files = os.listdir(path) files_present = [] dirs_present = [] yaml_files = [] for fl in files: if fl.startswith('.'): continue if os.path.isdir(fl): dirs_present.append(fl) continue if fl.endswith('.spec'): continue files_present.append(fl) yaml_path = os.path.join(path, '.abf.yml') yaml_data = {'sources': {}} if os.path.isfile(yaml_path): with open(yaml_path, 'r') as fd: try: yaml_data = yaml.load(fd) except yaml.scanner.ScannerError, ex: log.error(_('Invalid yml file %(file)s!\nProblem in line %(line)d column %(col)d: %(exception)s') % (yaml_path, ex.problem_mark.line, ex.problem_mark.column, ex.problem)) except yaml.composer.ComposerError, ex: log.error(_('Invalid yml file %(file)s!\n%(exception)s') % (yaml_path, ex)) if not 'sources' in yaml_data: log.error(_("Incorrect .abf.yml file: no 'sources' key")) exit(1) for fl in yaml_data['sources']: yaml_files.append(fl) spec_path = find_spec(path) for d in dirs_present:"warning: directory '%s' was found") % d) if auto_remove: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(path,d) ) res = get_project_data(spec_path) errors = False warnings = False files_required = [] for fl in res['sources'] + res['patches']: fname, n = fl fname_base = os.path.basename(fname) files_required.append(fname_base) is_url = fname.startswith('http://') or fname.startswith('https://') or fname.startswith('ftp://') abf_url = fname.startswith('http://abf.') or fname.startswith('https://abf.') or fname.startswith('ftp://abf.') presents = fname_base in files_present in_yaml = fname_base in yaml_files # if is_url and in_yaml: # warnings = True #'warning: file "%s" presents in spec (url) and in .abf.yml' % fname_base) if is_url and not abf_url and not presents and not in_yaml: warnings = True'warning: file "%s" is listed in spec as a URL, but does not present in the current directory or in .abf.yml file') % fname_base) if presents and in_yaml: warnings = True'warning: file "%s" presents in the git directory and in .abf.yml') % fname_base) if not presents and not in_yaml and not is_url: errors = True"error: missing file %s") % fname) remove_from_yaml = [] for fl in set(files_present + yaml_files): if fl in files_required: continue # file have already been processed presents = fl in files_present in_yaml = fl in yaml_files if presents: warnings = True'warning: unnecessary file "%s"') % fl) if auto_remove: os.remove( os.path.join(path, fl) ) if in_yaml: warnings = True'warning: unnecessary file "%s" in .abf.yml') % fl) remove_from_yaml.append(fl) if auto_remove: for fl in remove_from_yaml: yaml_data['sources'].pop(fl) with open(yaml_path, 'w') as fd: yaml.dump(yaml_data, fd, default_flow_style=False)'.abf.yml file was rewritten')) if exit_on_error and (errors or (strict and warnings)): exit(1) def pack_project(root_path): # look for a spec file spec = get_spec_file(root_path) if spec: name, version = get_project_name_version(spec) else: log.error(_("Could not resolve project name and version from the spec file")) return log.debug(_("Project name is ") + str(name)) log.debug(_("Project version is ") + str(version)) tardir = '%s-%s' % (name, version) tarball = tardir + ".tar.gz" log.debug(_("Writing %(path)s/%(tarball)s ...") % (root_path, tarball)) full_tarball_path = '%s/%s' % (root_path, tarball) if os.path.exists(full_tarball_path): os.unlink(full_tarball_path) #open(full_tarball_path, 'w').close() cmd = ['tar', 'czf', full_tarball_path, '--exclude-vcs', os.path.basename(root_path)] try: execute_command(cmd, cwd=os.path.dirname(root_path), exit_on_error=False) except ReturnCodeNotZero, ex: if ex.code != 1: raise #remove other files files = os.listdir(root_path) do_not_remove = ['.git', tarball, os.path.basename(spec)] log.debug(_("Removing files except ") + str(do_not_remove)) for f in files: if f in do_not_remove: continue f = os.path.join(root_path, f) log.debug('Removing ' + f) if os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) else: shutil.rmtree(f) def execute_command(command, shell=False, cwd=None, timeout=0, raiseExc=True, print_to_stdout=False, exit_on_error=False): output = "" start = time.time() try: child = None log.debug(_("Executing command: %s") % command) child = subprocess.Popen( command, shell=shell, bufsize=0, close_fds=True, stdin=open("/dev/null", "r"), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd ) # use select() to poll for output so we dont block output = logOutput([child.stdout, child.stderr], start, timeout, print_to_stdout=print_to_stdout) except Exception, ex: # kill children if they arent done if type(ex) == IOError and ex.errno==4: print(_('Process execution has been terminated')) exit() try: if child is not None and child.returncode is None: os.killpg(, 9) if child is not None: os.waitpid(, 0) except: pass raise ex # wait until child is done, kill it if it passes timeout niceExit=1 while child.poll() is None: if (time.time() - start)>timeout and timeout!=0: niceExit=0 os.killpg(, 15) if (time.time() - start)>(timeout+1) and timeout!=0: niceExit=0 os.killpg(, 9) if not niceExit and raiseExc: raise CommandTimeoutExpired(_("Timeout(%(timeout)s) expired for command:\n # %(cmd)s\n%(output)s") % (timeout, command, output)) log.debug(_("Child returncode was: %s") % str(child.returncode)) if child.returncode: if exit_on_error: exit(1) if raiseExc: raise ReturnCodeNotZero(_("Command failed.\nReturn code: %(ret_code)s\nOutput: %(output)s") % (child.returncode, output), child.returncode) return (output, child.returncode) def logOutput(fds, start=0, timeout=0, print_to_stdout=False): done = 0 output = '' #print 'NEW CALL epoll', fds[0].fileno(), fds[1].fileno() # set all fds to nonblocking for fd in fds: flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) if not fd.closed: fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags| os.O_NONBLOCK) epoll = select.epoll() epoll.register(fds[0].fileno(), select.EPOLLIN) epoll.register(fds[1].fileno(), select.EPOLLIN) reg_num = 2 try: done = False while not done: events = epoll.poll(1) for fileno, event in events: if event & select.EPOLLIN: #print (fileno, event) if fileno == fds[0].fileno(): r = fds[0].read() #print r output += r if print_to_stdout: sys.stdout.write(r) else: r = fds[1].read() #print r output += r if print_to_stdout: sys.stdout.write(r) elif event & select.EPOLLHUP: epoll.unregister(fileno) reg_num -= 1 if not reg_num: done = True finally: epoll.close() return output def is_text_file(path): m = m.load() r = m.file(path) log.debug(_("Magic type of file %(path)s is %(type)s") % (path, r)) if r.startswith('text'): return True return False def fetch_files(models, yaml_path, file_names=None): with open(yaml_path, 'r') as fd: yaml_data = yaml.load(fd) if not 'sources' in yaml_data: log.error(_("Incorrect .abf.yml file: no 'sources' key.")) exit(1) yaml_files = yaml_data['sources'] if file_names: to_fetch = dict([(x, yaml_files[x]) for x in file_names]) else: to_fetch = yaml_files dest_dir = os.path.dirname(yaml_path) for file_name in to_fetch:'Fetching file %s') % file_name) path = os.path.join(dest_dir, file_name) if os.path.isfile(path): sha_hash_current = to_fetch[file_name] sha_hash_new = models.jsn.compute_sha1(path) if sha_hash_current == sha_hash_new: log.debug(_('The file %s already presents and has a correct hash') % file_name) continue else:'The file %s already presents but its hash is not the same as in .abf.yml, so it will be rewritten.') % file_name) try: models.jsn.fetch_file(to_fetch[file_name], path) except AbfApiException, ex: print(_('error: ') + str(ex)) def upload_files(models, min_size, path=None, remove_files=True): log.debug('Uploading files for directory ' + str(path)) spec_path = find_spec(path) dir_path = os.path.dirname(spec_path) errors_count = 0 yaml_path = os.path.join(dir_path, '.abf.yml') yaml_file_changed = False yaml_files = {} yaml_data = {'sources':{}} if os.path.isfile(yaml_path): with open(yaml_path, 'r') as fd: try: yaml_data = yaml.load(fd) except (yaml.composer.ComposerError, yaml.scanner.ScannerError) : log.error(_('Could not parse .abf.yml file. It seems to be corrupted and will be rewritten.')) yaml_file_changed = True yaml_data['sources'] = {} if not 'sources' in yaml_data: log.error(_("Incorrect .abf.yml file: no 'sources' key. The file will be rewritten.")) yaml_file_changed = True yaml_data['sources'] = {} yaml_files = yaml_data['sources'] try: sources = get_project_data(spec_path)['sources'] except Exception, ex: log.error(ex) return 1 for src, num in sources: is_url = False if '://' in src: src = os.path.basename(src) is_url = True do_not_upload = False source = os.path.join(dir_path, src) if not os.path.exists(source): if is_url:'File %s not found, URL will be used instead. Skipping.') % src) continue if src not in yaml_files: log.error(_("error: Source%(num)d file %(source)s does not exist, skipping!") % (num, source)) errors_count += 1; else:'File %s not found, but it\'s listed in .abf.yml. Skipping.') % src) continue filesize = os.stat(source).st_size if filesize == 0: log.debug(_('Size of %s is 0, skipping') % src) do_not_upload = True if filesize < min_size: log.debug(_('Size of %s less then minimal, skipping') % src) do_not_upload = True if is_text_file(source): log.debug(_('File %s is textual, skipping') % src) do_not_upload = True if do_not_upload: # remove file from .abf.yml if src in yaml_files: yaml_files.pop(src) yaml_file_changed = True continue sha_hash = models.jsn.upload_file(source) if src not in yaml_files or sha_hash != yaml_files[src]: log.debug(_('Hash for file %s has been updated') % src) # try to remove previous versions re_src = re.compile('^([\w\d\-\.]+)-([\d\.]+)\.(tar\.gz|tar.xz|tgz|zip|tar\.bz2)$') res = re_src.match(src) if res: src_gr = res.groups() to_remove = [] for item in yaml_files: res = re_src.match(item) if res: gr = res.groups() if gr[0] == src_gr[0]: to_remove.append(item) for item in to_remove: h = yaml_files.pop(item) if 'removed_sources' not in yaml_data: yaml_data['removed_sources'] = {} yaml_data['removed_sources'][item] = h'Removing %(item)s:%(hash)s from .abf.yml') % (item, h )) yaml_files[src] = sha_hash.encode() yaml_file_changed = True else: log.debug(_('Hash for file %s is already correct') % src)'File %s has been processed') % src) if remove_files: log.debug(_('Removing file %s') % source) os.remove(source) if yaml_file_changed: log.debug(_('Writing the new .abf.yml file...')) yaml_data['sources'] = yaml_files with open(yaml_path, 'w') as fd: yaml.dump(yaml_data, fd, default_flow_style=False) return errors_count SYMBOLS = { 'basic' : ('b', 'k', 'm', 'g', 't'), 'basic_long' : ('byte', 'kilo', 'mega', 'giga', 'tera'), 'iec' : ('bi', 'ki', 'mi', 'gi', 'ti'), 'iec_long' : ('byte', 'kibi', 'mebi', 'gibi', 'tebi'), } def human2bytes(s): if s.strip() == '0': return 0 init = s num = "" while s and s[0:1].isdigit() or s[0:1] == '.': num += s[0] s = s[1:] num = float(num) letter = s.strip().lower() ss = None for name, sset in SYMBOLS.items(): if letter in sset: ss = sset break if not ss: raise ValueError(_("can't interpret %r") % init) prefix = {ss[0]:1} for i, s in enumerate(sset[1:]): prefix[s] = 1 << (i+1)*10 return int(num * prefix[letter])